4. altii
--- ----- ---- -
VOL. XL, NO. 31
P RESIDENT SPEAKS. Rthven Gives Talk
on Entrance Ruli
War-Time Minister Succeeds in
Task, Following Confused
Ministerial Crisis.
New Body Will be Based on Old
C bi tiWhich Was
Italian Play Begins
Comedy' ClubSeason
Opening its season on the cam-
pus, Comedy club will present "Th
Jest," by Sam Benelli, Nov. 19 to 24
at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
This is the first of three or four
plays which will bc given during
the year by the organization, ac-
cording to Robert K. Adams, pres-
ident of Comedy club, and by re-
ducing the number of productions
each show may be put on in a more
lavish style.
"The Jest" is a translation fron-
the original Italian. Four scenes
will be used in the production and
Ruthven in Favor of More RigidI
System of Selection for
McMurray to Take Post
Hopkins After Serving
Until End of Year.
Review of League of Nations
Meeting at Geneva ,uiaUiL4wIcPwa little curtailment of expense is
Is Given. Used by Poincare. planned for the show.
Tryouts for parts in te produc-
(By Asociated Press) tion will be held this morning and
Declaring that state tax payers PARIS, Nov. 2-Andre Tardieu, sha du
should not, because they help sup- war-time high commissioner o this afternoon in the Play Produc-
port the University, take it for France in the United States, to- tion laboratory, and only members
granted that their children should night succeeded in forming a cabi- of the club will be allowed to cor-pvs
be unreservedly admitted to the net after one of the longest and pete for parts.
University,' President Alexander G. motcnue iitra rss It was announced yesterday by C
Ruthven last night discussed ways . most confused ministerial crises in Adams that Bertha Creighton, for-
Aniversity, President AlexanddrnG
and means for raising the standard', exander G. Rutthe history of the third republic. merly Richard Mansfield's leading
of scholarship and character at nThe radical socialists who failed lady, had been secured as a direc- a
state institutions of higher learn- President of the University, who in attempts to build ministrys tor for "The Jest." Mis Creighton, m
ing. last night delivered his first radio around Eduard Daladier and Etien- besides her Mansfield connection. p
His talk, "The Selection of Stu- speech since his appointment to the ne Clementel, chief figures of the has had leads with Charles Colburn"
dents," was first on the fifth I presidency, parties, left. and right wing respec-. and for many years played Shakes-
Michigan Night radio program ___s___ncy.tively, refused to collaborate iin the pearan repertoire in New York. c
broadcast from the Morris hall'stu- new government. This obliged M. Paul Stevenson, who worked with
dio through station WJR, Detroit. Tardieuto recruit his ininisters the organization last year in the
"The argument of tax payers," from the center and right center.J production of"rnt''s expect-
President Rut+ven said, "although Briand, CheronURemain. ed to return this year for one or t
apparently logical, is reduced to Briand, Cheron two more shows. Several other r
appasrenty logica, iredced to g[ With Aridtide Briand remaining widely known directors are also be- i
an absurdity wien credence is giv- I at the Quai-D'Orsay, Henri Cheron gin considered by the organization
en tothe citicim tha our radu-at the ministry of ffiiances, and I ai their future poutos
ates are untrained for life and in Tm sya sthe f hproductns.s
other ways fail to justify the cost Mr. Tardieu at the ministry oft
of their education." Campus Publication Opens Year interior, the cabinet presents a
President Ruthven asserted that With SixtyfPage Number fairly strong o ane as fartas .
the end-product of any manufSac- Art Work Included, s rthe re. htrtcapabilitiesoftsproai .
tu1ng process depends to a con- isl co ser. Whrit mjit e
siderable extent upon the quality in the Chamber of Deputies seem s
of the materials used and that the NEW STAFF EDITS SHEETi dute. Cr
truism applies to educational pro-do!
cesses as well as to industrial op- Issuing its first publication of The giap whose representativesA F bl Cot
erations. The selection of students, the year, the staff of the Inlander are included in the cabinet numbeIIumdes osty for Sothern t
he said, should be left in the hands placed on sale, yesterday what cit about 200 deputiesout of a total Invaders, Shaken With
plcd~nsae yseda ha ri-!of 612. \i. Tardieu must depend onSadmFrg.
of experts who would exclude the consider one of the best issues the support of these groups despite Stadium Fright.
indolent, irresponsible, and socially ieded
unadjusted youth as well as those in its history as a starter for the his affirmation that he intended C MFH E
who are stupid, immoral and psy- 1929-30 series. The November mag to ignore them. He must drawCRIMSONS FORM HIDDEN
chopathic. azine, which is the first of five to bout 100 votes from parties who
1have no share in the governmert. I ([h- Xlsoiaed Pr~s ,)l
Want Only Qualified Students be printed during the coining year,;"Irpes .for Support.I. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 2-A
'The claim that the University is ore thah shtty pages in length.I He hopes that most of the 100 reorganized Harvard football team.
hould admit y but we qual and includes a greater number of members of the republican union depending mainly on line plays,
fld s tdetsiin tas un sund-as po!ams, short stories, and reviews on the right will support him for battered out a 14-0 intersectiona,8
would be the opinion that the state- , t ptitcraos u h nl- eeo - nescinl
:upported jail should incarcerate than ever before. The art work is patriotic reasons. But the inclu- victory over the Florida elevenf
any citizen upon his request," he more complete this year, the pros- much strength to the government i dee today in a bruisingcontest
stated. ent issue contining two special on the left side of the chamber before 35,000 spectators.s
sketches which were done in Eu- may alienate the sympathies of!The invaders, aparentiy suffer-
E ppamy aiente he ympthis orT
The full text of President rope, as well as a cover design. this group which was largely in- ing from the same case of stadium
Ruthven's speech as broadcast Attempting to improve and ex- strumental in overthrowing theI
from the Morris hall studio will pand over any previous year, the Briand cabinet on Oct. 22, e seven years
be found on page 3. Inlander staff, including Paul L. His other hope is that the r ago on their first trip north, made
Adams, Jean A. Gilman, Merle Els- cal socialist party will split and only one bid for a touchdown dur-.
Innate endowments and previous worth, Frences Jennings, Elizabeth the right wing, headed by M. Cle- ing the entire game. This try wast
training that would enable the stu- Gerhard, 'Hildegarde Schueren, mented, will give him from forty to launched in the fourth period, but f
dent to take advantage of the op- Frances Sackett, and Harold Court- fifty votes. In any case, the ma the Southern ball carriers fumbled
portunities of, a university should lander have spent every effort in gin of safety is expected to be very at a very vital moment.
be taken in consideration, Presi. securing the best of campus liter- narrow. There is no clear majority Barry Wood, starting his first
dent Ruthven declared, when w ary talent for the issues. It will be or any party or any group of par- game as a Harvard quarterback,.
student applies for admission. He the policy of the magazine to con- ties, with the possible exception of was always on the scene when
said that the University should hr tinue to uncover new talent , he Carteltgroup of the left in the these misplays occurred and he
not e mantaned or favredthrough the aid of contests in poet- chamber, the general election of felo!he oseblsi smn
not be maintained for a favored i fell an three loose balls in as many ;
few but that if an attempt were iy, short stories and other compe- - 923 having been indecisive.wth beiminutes during the final quarter.
made to raise the general standard titions which usualily bring out un- The new Tardeau cabinet will be Harvard, with Fielding Yost,
of culture by admitting the maxi- known quality in many Michigan largely based on the old Poincare Michigan's coach, in the stands,
mum number of high school stu- writers, combinationhI played under wraps. That expert
dents, the result would be a lower- Special features of the Nnovembee At 9 roclock tonight, the m linisry, saw but little of the Crimson real'
fing of standards to the dll level issue have been contributed by ! f the interior announced that M.( attack which was confined to
of mediocrity. Bennett Weaver, of the English de- Tardieu would take the ministry staigh li pu s between te
The doclsion epartment, Maude Sargent. Clark of the interior, M. Briand the min- tackles, two tries with the about-
The conclusion he reached was Stillman, Catherine Pierce, and istry of foreign affairs. M. Cheron to-be discarded lateral pass, a -few
that the University should admit!' .i.hta-d disraree.lFtorrlbosssahave
only those whoare able to main- Richard Hurley. Four books have the ministry of finances, M. Geor- of Wood's long forwards and
beenreviewed in this issue, includ- ges, the ministry of marine M. pent f o dn r
tain a high standard of scholar- in "The Farewell o Arms." by riculture, M. Louis Loucheur, the ey o or inary punting by this
ship in a system that would be de--;Er"e Frewy, of he, J i Heness, teis try of ag- hero of the Army tie.
signed for those who show the spe- rnest popular at the one of the Jean Hennessy, theiistry of ag- He did see, however, Wally
cial habitudes and aptitudes for most popular at the present time. inistry of labor,p. Germain Mar- Harper, Harvard's best ground
hihrlearning. Five short stories, nine poems. and 6in, the ministry of posts, and M.1 gain-er rip the 'Gators"' line to
higher learning. editorial comment complete the is - Laurent-Eynac, the ministry of gr rin the seond pio
Professor Peterson Speaks. sue. air. shreds. During the second period,
Second on the speaker's list was____ _Harper's drives battered down the
Prof. Frederick W. Peterson, of the;opposmg wall and softened it for
rhetoric department, who tallied Buzzers, Lights, Telephones, And Five Eddie May's dashes inside the
on "The Icelander and His Litera- a tackles. Mays starte from Flor-
ature." He said that the Icelandicc ida's 35-yard mark and knifed his
people apparently have not been Buzzers, red and green lights,!WJR in Detroit. Twice during the way over the goal line in six plays.
interested in spreading a know-nhour
ledge of their literature. voltmeters, cards bearing the ur program the latter indi; GARG Y
i v idual checks up on his watch so' 0RG YLE PLANS
"Even today," he stated, "many words "Slower" and "Louder," that there may not be a second's HUDDLE NUMBER
Icejanders, largely peasants, are whispered shushings and accurate difference in time between Detroit
quite willing to maintain their watches are all necessities in a ra- and Ann Arbor.
thousand year silence. In spite of The alertne f at l f In an attempt to draw away froni
this, however, thdio broadcasting station, and all of T nessotleaste men the time-worn custom of issuing
coming more and more to light. them are found at the Morris halli responsible for the smoothnessregular football number that
Calderwood On Program. studio. ith wih o calways makes its appearance about
Howard B. Calderwood, Jr., of the Aone-hour program, such as is listener. In his small room Profes- thistime of the year, Gargoyle will
political science department, next broadcastheveryxSaturday nihsrAbt auice helectofissue a"Huddle" number this
spoke on the atmosphere and set- from the campus, is a nerve-rack- musica secion, and month which will be on sale all day
ting in which the activities of the ing experience as Prof. Waldo Ab- presses a buzzer; in the large room Tuesday. All coupon holderswill
League ofwhte Nations wereeso carried on e1ibot of the rhetoric department will I the leader snaps the musicians to! have the opportunity of getting
at sm i n . A frequent tell you. Al though calm and col- attention and watches for the red their Gargoyles at a desk in Mason
visitor to the assembly Mr. Calder- cted n the surface, Professor light which informs him that the!hall
wod cribe the senely, with viidr Abbot must feel apprehensive when introduction is over; in the back An annual cover has been de-
hspeakers do not arrive on time, room the technical men switch the signed for this issue by Jerome E.
ae a 3 speeches are briefer than planned, current
s ,fro Prfessor Abbot's Ellison, '30, managing editor. The
or telephone lines show signs of "mike" to the two which receive patriotic colors of Maize and Blue
Probation Threatens , disonnecting. the music-and no break is heard R are the motif, while the green
Freshman Students f The Morris hall stt'dio is divid- by listeners. Over all this havers background of a football field
ed into one large room for orches- Sylvan Simon, '31, Professor A- lends contrast to the drawing.
Had Been Mentioned for Office
of Chinese Ambassador;
Others in Line.
(Pv Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 2.-I
The resignation of John Van Ant-
werp McMurray, for more than
our years American minister to
China, was announced today by
Secretary Stimson.
It is expected to take effect in
about two months, and he will re-
main at his post in Peiping tem-
orarily. McMurray has accepted
a responsible position at Johns
Hopkins University," said the State
In Service For 2) Years.
Secretary Stimson pointed out
hat Mr. McMurray, vy 1io "is a ca-
eer diplomat, has been in service
both in the field and in the State
department for more than 20 years,
pecializing in far-Eastern ques-
ions. He served in China, Japanj
and Siam, as well as in Russia.
",I have seen him at work," Mr
Stimson said, "and what -I say is
not only a department statement
but my own personal statement.
He has had a very thorough knowl-
edge and understanding, a symn.-
pathetic understanding, of the in:
ternational needs and desires of ti:.
people with whom he has served
during those twenty years. At cne'
time, during Mr. Hughes' term of
office, Mr. McMurray served as as-
sistant secretary of State. In all
respectshe has been a trained dip-
lomnat in the particular fields where
he has been serving. In my opin-
ion, his services have been of great
value to the United States."
McMurray, whose home . is -in
Princeton, New Jersey, entered the
foreign service March 15, 1907, ris-
ing rapidly through the foreigh
service ranks until his appoint-
ment as assistant secretary Nov.
18, 1924. He was appointed to the
Chinese post April 9, 1925.
Worked Without Vacation.
Sometime ago, the minister
asked for a leave of absence to re-
turn to the United States for per-
sonal reasons, but was forced tc
forego the trip on account of rapid
developments in the Chinese-Soviet:
difficulties over the Chinese East-
ern Railway in Manchuria. Secre-
tary Stinson said today it could be
assuined that -problem had quietec
suf iciently for the minister to feel
free to relinquish his post.
The resignation brought surprise
among foreign service officers sinc
McMurray has been mentioned
prominently in connection with the
ambassadorship to Tokio made va.
cant by the recent resignation o:
Charles McVeagh.
Lecturer Will Discuss
Australian Government
Yale Defeats Green n
in Exciting Contest OPIC
(ByAssocatedPress)OF n r
NEW ,HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 2.-
Yale defeated Dartmouth, 16 to 12,
this afternoon, thanks to a will-oi-
the-wisp back, "Hoot" Ellis, &f DesSCHH,01 [H
Moines, Iowa, who leaped up into
the gathering dusk and drizzling Young Minister to Give Speech
rain to steal the thunder of Albie, Bf CoG
Booth and Al Marsters of Dart- BeoreConvocationGroup
mouth. at 11 O'Clock Today.
With Dartmouth leading 12 to 10,
late inthe final period, Ellis who. SPOKE HERE LAST YEAR
runs the hundred and 220 in im- ____
pressive style, when he swaps his
football uniform for a trackssuit,?Saginaw Clergyman Preached
intercepted a Dartmouth pass on; at Andover, Harvard, Smith
his own 25-yard line and out- and Wellesley.
distanced the field in a wild dash to
the touchdown Yale needed. Youthful vitality will be the in-
Dartmouth never has won a'
Ds I spiring note of the 'religious ad-
game from Yale, one tie being its dress which the Rev. John Schroe-
sole. credit in 12 games. Late this Ider, Saginaw minister, will deliver
afternoon a great majority of 77,- at 11 o'clock this morning .in Hill
000 people had decided that today Auditorium. The speaker is one of
was the day of days for the lads the outstanding young ministers in
from the Hanover hills of the the country and his lecture will be
White Mountains. I the second of the fall series of stu-
Off in front, thanks to a fieldI dent convocations.
goal by Booth and a touchdown by' The t aton".
Beane, a. substitute, the Blue had "The Vitality of Religion" will be
seen its lead shot away when the; the Rev. Dr. Schroeder's subject
visitors scored two touchdowns in this morning. He will bring a mes-
quick succession in the third pe- sage that is inspiring, and en-
rinod. The big Green team appar- lightening, and will be delivered in
ently had found a way to reduce a charming and energetic manner,
Booth's early long gaining runs information received from his col-
and the two points seemed a bit too leagues says.
much and .then came Ellis and Has Wide Experiences.
will him the ball game. . The Rev. Dr. Schroeder is but 32
Booth leaped into the fray early years of age. However he pos-
in the first period with the Ely's sesses a wide experience in re-
and the ball on Dartmouth's 20- ligious work. He likewise has an
yard line. The little fellow could adequate scholastic and theologi-
not go over for a touchdown but he caltraining to fit him to be one of
kicked a field goal from the 15- the country's best spokesmen of
yard line and then started to run modern religion.
as only Booth can run in this foot- His youth combined wtih his
bal lsetting. wealth of information and experi-
Production WillI
Prize-Wiining Plays
Last Contest.
"City Haul," by WilliamThurnau,
'29, will be the first offering of the
Division of English, presenting
Play Production in its productioni
of the winners of the student-writ -
ten play contest which was held
last year. The three act play will be
given Friday and Saturday nights
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
IThe Division of English, whicb
sponsored the contest, is presenting
Play Production in the two win-
ning plays as laboratory perform-
ances. "Lelia," by Dorothy Acker-
man, '29, will be given November
29 and 30, in the same theatre.
"City Hall" and "Lelia" were tied
for first place in the contest and
will be presented on as equal basis
as is possible, according to Valen-
time B. Windt, director, so that the,
public may judge the relative
merits of each play.
A cast of approximately 60 will
be used in the production of "City
Haul" and a number of the princi-
pals will make their first appear -
ance in a campus dramatic pro-
duction. -
ence makes the Itev. Dr. Schroeder
well fitted to address college
groups. He has always been inter-
ested in college groups, being him-
self but a few years removed frim
his college life. He has preached
upon invitation at Exeter, Andover,
arvard, Smith and Wellesley. He
fpoke at a University convocation
in Mareh, 1928, and was en-
thuriastically received by the stu-
dents on that occasion.
Representing, as his colleagues
say, the clergyman of the best
.nodern type, the Rev. Mr. Schroe-
der is personally acquainted with
many of the country's outstanding
theologians. Harry Emerson fos-
dick and the Rev. William Sperry,
who left the ministry of the Cen-
tral Congregational church of
Boston to become dean of the Hr-
vard theological seminary, regard
him as a warm friend. The late
Dr. Charles Eliot, once president of
Harvard regarded him highly and
sought his companionshi p.
Attended Many Schools. -
The Rev. Mr. Schroeder spnt
his undergraduate days a the New
York university and later took post
graduate work at Columbia univer-
sity, and at the same time was
enrolled in the Union Theological
Completing his scholastic train-
Ing, the Rev. Dr. Schroeder became
assistant to the Rev. Dr. Sperry at
the Boston church. When the
latter took over the Harvard semi-
nary post the Rev. Dr. Schroeder
became pastor. Seeking to serve
his congregation in eloser nianner
he left the Boston church ministry
and became pastor of a church in
a small community on the out-
"The Constitution of the Aus- i FAVORED TROJANS!
tralian Commonwealth," is theI BEATEN BY BEARS
sub.ject of the lecture to be deliv-1I
ered by Mr. F. A. Brand next ('[: .associated Press)
Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 2.-In
in room 1025 Angell Hall. Mr. I the greatest, most spectacular, up-'
Brand holds the position of 1cc- set that this stadium has . even
turer on administrative law at the trembled to, California's underrat-
University of Sydney, Australia. He ed Bears smashed their way to the
has served in the Australian Civil leadership of the Pacific coast con-
service, and is recognized as an au- ference today with a nerve ting-
thority on the subject of adminis- ling 15 to 7 victory over the strong-
trative law. est eleven ever assembled under
Mr. Brand is spending this year the color of Southern California.
in the United States., He will be thsome 7.0 lpeonsamed itbe-
in Ann Arbor for one week, and ethis huge bowl, could scarcely be-
while here will deliver the one pub- lieve their eyes as the favored Tro-
lie lecture on Administrative Law. jan squa wa ate t pieces
He will also take part in various by a California team of smashing
class lectures - of the political sci- power and unrivaled defensive play.
enceThe eleven that poided and
n passed its way to brilliant victoryI
j~ today turned back time four years
OTHER SCORES to remind "old grads" of theu
beaten machine created by the late
Andy Smith.
Pittsburgh 18, Ohio State.2. - -
Chicago 15, Princeton 7. I1
~northwstern 7 Illinois 0. 1-
skirts of New York.
Pittsburgh Beats,
Uansa is Star in
(By Associated Press)
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 2.-
Splashing through the mud, the
rain, and Ohio State's defense, with
all the recklessness of an acrobt
on a holiday,tumbling Tony Uansa
led Pittsburgh to victory today over
the Buckeyes. The final count was
18 to 2, with all of thew best known
methods of scoring utilized in a
battle that was fought throughout
in a steady downpour.
Despite the bad weather, more
than 55,000 fans turned out to see
Uansa perform sensationally and
watched Pittsburgh toward its goal
of of a national championship. It
!was the sixth successive triumph for
the powerful Panther, coached by
Dr. Jock Sutherland, as well as Ohio
State's first set back of the season.
i~~ tW a~t , 111 .~i
Minnesota 19, Indiana 7.
Purdue 13, Winconsin 0.'
Army 33, South Dakota 6.
Penn 7, Navy 2.
W T. 'V Pe'~t.
1 ?
rrgm W