t PP MTO141C N 1 ) A TU." SAT rRDUAV, NOVEIMBER 2, 1919 AI F L. 1AA* -1i. t7..3' P A "L 4 A . . . wi SATURDAY'S GRID TILTS HOLD COUNTRY'S INTEREST POE STANDS OUT AS A PILLAR CONTESTS CARDEDH QOF STRENGTH IN MICHIGAN .LINE 101 -(Editor's note-T his is 'the third i'activities on the track and cong- E1 ofaE series of short articles con- fined the possibilities of his 5 feet Ohio Meets Pitt and Princeton1 cerning the Michigan football play- 11 inches and 190 pounds, entirely i ePlas Host to Chico ners. Another will appear in an to the gridiron. Pays ost to Chicago early issue.) While a sophomore he played in in Other names.Oe2 most of the games on the Maize One of the four men on the 192.9and Blue schedule and was award- TWO TEAMS ARE IDLE Mchiga otba sad hoe as an "M". Last yearhe held down _ years' experience, Howard Poe has the right guard berth during the MHARVARD, FLORID) rlaaCIC N3TOIN ONE OF EA L RBU__Ah1IE Ten Men Make Trip in Attempt 'to Gain Revenge for. I 1928 Defeat.I BROWN PICKED TO WIN Steve Fa.rrell's harriers are tak- ing .a trek to East Lansing today in an endeavor to win their first victory of the season. Their ch nce seen soinewhat slim but there is ,a-ways a chance for an up- set, 'especia'ly as the Wolverine team *has improved vastly since SSouthern football will endeavor to steal another leaf from the book of Eastern gridiron fame this afternoon when a powerful Florida University team meets a battered Harvard eleven in the Cambridgel .stadium. Still recovering from lastI week's trouncing at the handsaof Dartmouth, the Crimson combina- tion is not at all confident of turn- ing in a very impressive exhibition against the conquerors of Georgia. A disrupted backfield and a line which has withstood considerable plugging will take the field against the southerners this afternoon. The Alligators, on the other hand appear primed for the southern laurels and appear to be ready., I A WILL CLASH ST'S HEADLINERS' are a pair of capable flankers with I l El IN FEATURE O'Connor, a veteran, on the injured___ list. Captain Barrett; and KuchnTo omdbl atrn em have evidently cinched the tackle Two Formidable Eastern Teams posts with Trainer and W. Ticknor to Vie for Supremacy at guards. Ben Ticknor is favor- in Yale Bowl. ed to start at the piyot post. Harvard, beforehmeeting Dart- TROJANS, BEARS CLASH mouth last week, had bowled over,___ all their opponents with ease. As . When football representatives this is to be the last game in which o eet in combat this afternoon it the Crimson participates before eeafi ,Tichitparnicipuh interest! is assured that the main interest 5 .; t With two teams basking in easy idleness and two fighting against odds in intersectional games, the remaining six Big Ten elevens are scheduled to engage in contests, which, according to all showings made by these teams so far will not have much bearing -on their pres- cnt standings in the Conference.j The pair of idle elevens are the Wolverines, unmistakably in need of a rest cure, and the Hiawkeyes who have had the unique experi- ence this season of defeating Wis- consin, taking a licking from Ohio State, and tieing the formidable Illini. Because the games within the, Big Ten seem to be destined to have. little or no effect on the ratings of the teams involved, the major por- tion of interest is centered around the intersectional contests placing Ohio State against Pittsburgh and Chicago against Princeton. Fear Outsiders. Records of the two invading Western Conference elevens when compared to those of their rivals' of the day seem to indicate that1 the Big Ten prestige is likely to drop a few points at the conclu- sion of'today's games. Yet dope is one of the most deceitful factors in the sporting world and is especially riskytin these two cases inasmuch as all four teams have either been very erratictor have not had first class competition.' /Ohio State won two flukes in de- feating Iowa and Michigan and then fought to a tie withIndiana. Their first two encounters were not impressive in the sense that in both contests they were outgained by their rivals. The game today will probably be a test as to whether' they actually possess a punch that was not apparent in any of their games so far this year. On the otkner hand Pittsburghhas' won five games this season but only one of them, the Nebraska fray, is of any importance in drawing a comparison with competition of Big Ten calibre. Even Nebraska does not have the rating that wou4d en- able anyone to draw any sure fire conclusions on the game at Pitts- burgh this afternoon. Both Teams Unknown. 'thus, both of the teams remain somewhat unknown quantities and a tough battle will ensue if both of them are as good as they are sup-' posed to be. Ohio State has at, least one unit which is far from un- known however, in the person of Fesler, end, who can be looked to -for a possible answer to today's rid- dle. As to the game between Chicago' and Princeton all critics are con-' ceding the victory to Princeton with no questions asked. The Tigers are; supposed to possess a fast shifty quality which should run circles around the lumbering Maroons., Or putting it the other way, Chi- cago has a big, husky line which is too slow to cope with the speed of; the Tigers. nni UIIuuea cla~U 'imi on one I whole season to win his second let- of the Varsity guard positions, + ter. This is Poe's third and last sea- throughout this season. At the be- son as a Varsity football player -and ginning of the year this was one he will be graduated from the of the few, positions of the Wolver-I School of Education in *June. ine line about which Coach Kipke ____E___nnJn. had no worries. t' -Fast Year Poe's fAI'L0D0-AP '*[ in the contest will be apparent in Ann Arbor. FRESHMEN HOLD PRACTICE RACE k t (i t {{ b 1 { performance a t Sguard gained hire mcrna t dIIIVLtd [IhUIlhL- ni nnhiiui Infl!i srin ii onsict e rame I their first defeat at the hands 4 Memories of past defeats at the Despite the inclement *eather UnIticeMichigandDespitfthe inclementoreathe ntc i o n g i r c d e Michigan SLate Teachers' College. hands of the sons of John Harvard and the muddy track, 35 freshmen throughout the Ten men will be taken along, will add an additional incentive to i harriers reported to Coach Horn- courtry. Always Michigan Junior Varsity Works Captain "Red" Benson, Austin their efforts. berger yesterday afternoon for their fIan aggressive and o udmnasDrn With the invasion of the Florida weekly cross-country trials. Sever- Y a plyer e Indoor Dr Fitzgibbons; Wolfe, Hayes, Lom- outfit thoughts of the stinging 6-0 al creditable runs were made in as bee a Indoor Practice.master, Peustel, Kennedy, Aubrey. defeat administered by another spite of the poor conditions. ortant cog in and D'Anna. Of these ten men, Southern outfit, Center, are recall- Braden, with the time of 15:35. t h e Wolverine More rain forced Coach Court- :nly tro who counted in the first ed. An excellent field general, Eliot reached the tape before the other; forward wall and right to drill the Junior Varsity in- j for Mjhga It are in- Putnam is slated to direct the des- 34 contestants, with a margin to I last season he r doors -again yesterday. Because of fiveftinies of the Crimson eleven. Har-- spare of four seconds. Hill pressed Poe. made serious bids the absence of a game this after- cluded. These are Austin and Ben- per, Aughley, and Mason will i him closely throughout but finish-; for All Conference recognition. noon the major portion "of the son, who finished seventh and probably complete the backfield ed with a time of 15:39. Hley He was born on August 18, 1907, practice session was spent in pl- eighth, respectively. Four of the with Wood and Mays held in re- brought up third place with 16:09, at Wenatchee, Washington, but at- ishing up the fundamentals of of the inning State rve. Leader fourth with 16:12 and Ai-- tended Libbey high school in To- charging and blocking. Individual membersInthe line Douglas and Hardingh kins wound up the procession with edo. At Libbey hie was a two-sport linemen were singled out and in- team are back. These are, Brown ------ the time of 16:39. man, winning three letters in foot tensively drilled in the essentials who finished first, Willmarth third EASTERN SCHOOLS These time trials are neld every ball and two in track. As a Wol- of line play in an effort to correct Roosien, fourth, an Dowd- fifth-. SEVER RELATIONS Friday afternoon, starting from verine athlete he discontinued his some of the weaknesses which State won the meet, 23-32. Monroe Waterman gymnasium. ] showed up in the game last Sat- took second for Michigan with (y Associated Press) , .t The point seems to be that nei- urday on Ferry field against the Wuerful sixth and Jessen ninth. MORGANTOWN, W. Va., Nov. 1- ther team has set the world on fire Illinois "B" team.I The other State men to run this H. A. Stansbury, director of athletics 'M with outstanding performances. The inclement weather has ham- year are Chamberlain, Fullerton, at West Virginia university, an- TODY' GAMES I For the first time in some years pered the work of the coaches con- Steimle, OConnor, Kalbfleisch, and nounced today that Davis and El- Chicago gave promise of offering a siderably during the past week by Reid. kins college had severed football - serious threat in the Conference by forcing them to forgo regular Michigan's team is probably not relations for 1930 with the univer- Dartmouth vs. Yale. defeating Indiana but then took a scrimmage outside, but a substi- as strong as it was last year while sity. He announced receiptof a tel M. S. C. vs. Case. most disheartening beating at the tute to some extent was employed state is just as strong if not strong-I egram from Jennings Randolph, Pitt vs. Ohio State. hands of the Boilermakers. And m the form of a long dummy er. If the weather man has poured athletic director at Davis and El- Penn vs. Navy. f Indiana has looked even worse since scrimmage. the rain down as hard there as it kins, stating that "after careful Min'iesota vs. Indiana.i they played the Maroons. Wills and Berkowitz alternated has here, the race will probably be consideration, athletic officials Purdue vs. Wisconsin. Divided 'in Three Groups. in toting the pigskin, running a farce, for the Spartan course is here do not care to negotiate fur- So. California vs. California. This morning the Big Ten teams through a variety of formations none too good and leads throughI ther for football game with West Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech. are divided nicely into three class- around the ends and through the bogs. Given a good day the Wol- Virginia, university for 1930." U. of . vs. Marquette. es, namely, those with one thdesand line. Charging and blocking out verine harriers should put up a Stansbury said "the chief point Princeton vs. Chicago. per cent averages, those with five the defensive linemen showed t .good race. Lauren Brown should out of which has developed the Illinois vs. Northwestern. hundred, and those with a goosenoticeable improvement due to the win the race by a large margin, present severence of football rela- Harvard vs. Florida. eg tahd oigtteert tion appears to be the objection ofI Vanderbilt HradVnebl vs s l. Alabama. egg attached. Tonight these rat- attention directed to that depart- with Captain Ted Willmarths and; the Mountaineers to the playing I Tulane vs. Georgia. ings are likely to be the same as mient of the game. Opening big. Dowd placing close, while Austin, iteMutier otepaig Tln s eri. far as percentages are concerned holesin the line and boxing,thee- Fitzgibbons and Benson should be, of their seventh year of college Army vs. Soth Dakota. although somebody is bound to sindatry defense was rehearsed re- up in the runnin sefootball in the proposed 1930 game Utah vs. Brigham Young. lhave a stronger hold on whatever peatedly in an effort to give the on the part of Elijah Smith., Simon' Cornell vs. Columbia. T havestronghern hold.onwhatever pentey i k an ee thge Nothing much can be gained by Gurneau and Albert Hawley," three Williams vs. Union. To son thew hold. d iofsie backs a anceto g the early meets of the harriers for outstanding members of the Davis- Nebraska vs. Kansas.-C Purdue and Minnesota, willhmeet'' a Michigan cross-country squads are Elkins team. N. Y. U. vs. Georgetown. Pu rd e and uMintsota, will The adaion or several men proverbally brought along slowly, "This trio," Stansbury said, "has Holy Cross vs. Brown. Wisconsin and Indiana. Anothe from the "A" squad and the addi- and reach the peak of their form admitted already they played four Penn State vs. Syracuse. leader, Illinois, will invade ractice of ather week be- along mid-season. If State 'should years of football with the Haskell Kentucky vs. Clemson. stronghold of the half and half fore the Junior Varsity will meet win nothing is lost while if the Indian team at Lawrence, Kas., be- Wildcats, the only Conference team Ypsilanti State Normal college has Wolverines stage an upset, much fore entering Davis-Elkins in 1928. l bound to have its average changed materially strengthened the chan- can be looked for in the way of The superintendent of Haskell has=DownsTown today, win or lose. ces of chalking up a victory to cross-country this season. They go confirmed this officially in corre- "Thee SDowntown o Purdue Meets Wisconsin. avenge the defeat administered by into the race with everything to I spondence with West Virginia au- - The Badger fans whose team has Ypsilanti last year. However the gain and not much to lose. 4thorities. bowed to both Northwestern and success which the Ypsi team .has -- Iowa have by no means given up h-ad thus far this season should * - hope but hope plays such a big part bring a bitter fought contest. A Good D eroit in the game today that they are .ET Diotel centering most of their attention BiG TEN STANDING oh the homecoming phase of the ..Team W L T . Pct. Right downtown close to all affair. Wisconsin is not given an Purdue..........2 0 0 1.000 of Detroit's activities with a outside chance against the Boiler- Ohio State .......2 0 1 1.000 du- atosphere Bet makers due to the fact that they Mintpesota........1 0 0.1.000 o all-the rates are lo. rate lust one position above Michi- Illinois ..........1 0 1 1.0001 -.caeto3Miintd gan in the standings because they Iowa.............1 1 1 .500 d have not as yet lost enough games. Northwestern . .. 1 1 0 .500 FA I RB AIR N H O TE L Purdue's backfield combination' Chicago .......... 1 1 0 .500 Roger . MaParin (1922 Law) 1 of Harmeson, Welch, and Yunevich Indiana . ........0.0 1 1 .000 Wiliam G. Lee, Manager (Continued on Page Seven) Wisconsin . .0 2 0 .000 Columbia at John r MICHIGAN . .....03 0 .000 Your Home Away From Hom " I I ot sporting enthusiasts over the country will be focused on the ac- tions of two flashing meteors of the gridiron on the Yale Bowl when the men of Dartmouth meet old Eli. Advance predictions assure a 'battle between two great teams; but what is more attractive to the fan is the promised duel between twb individuals whose .perform- ances to date have been of a most sensational calibre. Al Marsters, the leading scorer of the country, will be expected to do yeoman ball carrying service for the Green while the Eli will attempt to counter ef- fectively with- little Albie Booth oC three touchdown fame against Army, last Saturday. Marsters Leads Country. The ability of Marsters is most surely of a known quantity. The Dtrtmouth star is far and away the leading college scorer in the country and has found little diffi- culty in piercing opposing defenses over the entire '29 grid campaign. On the other hand Booth has yet to establish himself as con- sistently spectacular. Entering the Army game in the second half the. 140-pound sophomore back was un- stoppable. In out-Cagling Cagle the midget ball carrier dodged and speed through the Army defense with regularity. This tiny back- field artist did not stop with his scoring proclivities until he had safely established the Yale count over the 13 points which the Army had amassed in the first half, counting three touchdowns and as many points after touchdowns. Disregarding the abilities of these, brilliant ball carriers the Greer! may be said to be 'a favorite. The Eli have dropped one game to Georgia and.all but lost last Sat- urday's test. On the other hand. Dartmouth has leveled all op- ponents with surprising ease, the sons of John Harvard collapsing last week after a strong first half fight, 34-7. ' (Continued 'on Page Seven) I11#f tifilll f11H ilf111111f iiliilt1t11111tti~r re for Michigan Men" - 4Y4- pla 'o A '9 L0wok for the Name MAZDA on Esvery Lamp Bulb You" BUy! The trade-mark Mazda on an incandescent lamp is more than a name-it is a mark of research service. It signifies that behind the lamp are years of pains- taking effort by the great organizations of the lamp manufacturers; to obtain the most light for the least current. There are cheaper i-mported lamps-but illumination :ith these is more expensive because they consume more current for the same amount of light. The trade-mark Mazda is your assurance that the lamp bulb is a product of the latest and best methods of incandescent lamp making. When better materials and newer manufacturing processes are , discovered or developed, they will be used. The Mazda standard of quality is constantly maintained, and a trained research staff is endlessly searching (for ways to improve lamp efficiency. The Detroit Edison Company carries Mazda lamps only-available in fourteen types, ample for all ordinary services. Most sizes and styles are renewed without charge at any Detroit Edison office. '[' u F s 1 j 1 i ' 1 i f Stock Redu SAMLE a n IT'S A FACT-We have been forced to have a sa incoming shipments. You'll see at a glance that we I than we know what to do with. IT'S A FACT-There's no better furniture ' right here on our floors. Don't, for a minute, think t sell it cheaper that it's inferior style, construction or qu IT'S A FACT-You can bring down less money quality furniture than you could ever dream of. operate on close cash profits, besides EVERY PIECE IN THE STORE IS ATTRACTIVE REDUCED I We thought you might need a few pieces for y anent and would appreciate an opportunity to buy at in mind anyway we may be able to save you money be a bad idea to glance at our advertisement Friday tines make a special buy and pass it on without penalty 1=unusualzhit ic ion .. nr Offerings WHITE WHITE goo . OXFORD CLOTH BROADCLOTH m a This is an excellent Shirt These Shirts signify quality made for those with dis; and style. A broadcloth. le to make room for N criminating taste, an Arrow d s have more furniture Shirt. Shirt with perfect fit made than you see K hat just because we iality. and take back more Why? because we White Imported uroadeloth OF FURNITURE FOR THIS SALE! For those man who want a finer Shirt. They embody all the qualifications of, our room or apart a perfect Shirt. a saving. Keep us later. It wouldn't ' Morning, we often-i y.- fi