ZATURtDAYNVtI ,12 m I c R-11C A Nrl 41 AA L 'y *AMP. WIMO -.-. . . .. aa M Vaa Ti a 4 '1-1VM fl'r V / £t 1 La 1 V., .snLI V-1 VE PkWAMW SPLAY DAY PAR TICIPANTS WIL MET ;Captais. Draw at Dinner For ied the visitors. She was followei Opponents And Time of by Dr. Margaret Bell, who in turi P1 called upon Miss Halsey, who spok aying. on "Social Aspect of Sports." Fran ces Sackett. '30, acted as Masters o COLORS MARK COLLEGES Ceremonies, and introduced, first 'I Dora Vandenberg, '30, male lead o sLast Year's Junior Girls' Play last year's Junior .Girls' Play, wh Provs Sorce orang "Right Out'of Heaven." Provs Surce ForSeniots Present Two Guests. E t e Ir T r , .°.. + _ f q I y VA a liiim r f AVIATION GROUP WOMEN SELECT PHARMACY IS FAVORED VOCATION TO HAVE DINNER STUDENT LEADER OF FILIPINO WOMEN, STUDENT SAYSUUI LU Growp to le Meibmer of National Women's Aeronautical Association.: Michigan women interested in; d forming a society having as its aim! the promotion of aviation for wom- en met Thursday night and signed; .a petition .asking permission from' f the Board of Regents to organize' such a society. Since the ultimate aim of the: society is to become formally affi- liated with the national Women's Aeronautical Association, Bertha i b r.AncrraILIRIL. A duet, from the same source, "Yodel for Me," was sung by Claire p ain or shine, Play Day will startI Sims, '30, and Helen Harter, '30, ± at .9 o'clock this morning. If thei who were "Oswald" and the Swiss weather is fair the participants I cookrespectively. will meet at Palmer Field House, Hera, Grabowsky, '30 Ed., and regardless of the' sport in which Fra Saktky, pred ad they are participating. If there is rances Sackett, '30, presented a ±r aheavy rain, only the golfers will tap dance arranged for "Paris meet there, while tennis and hock-Bound, also from the Play. The ey players will come to Barbour program was concluded by Irma gymnasium. Kroft, '31, who sang two Negro spirituals. At the Cabaret dinner, which! At the luncheon today, a repre- took place last night, the various, sentative of each college will speak. s captains drew for opponents and swit thy of e actigaspak,- t~im ofplayng.Accrdin tothewith Dorothy Tlou1ff acting as toast- time of playing. According to the mistress. The seating arrange- results ,at nine this morning thei ments for the luncheon have been University of Michigan juniors will so planned that every woman will play the Battle Creek School of come in with her opponent of the I'Physical Education, while on ans- morning's games. other field the Michigan State pun- -_g;me_- _ a fors will oppose the Michigan State I Normal College seniors. At the Dancing Classes to Y same time, on the tennis courts, I1Prpre Women for ¢t the Battle Creek contestants will play the University of Michigan JuniorPlay Tryouts! women, and the Michigan State, Normal tennis players will meeko For the purpose of giving a pre- the Michigan State entrants. i linminary workout to those women h} Two hockey ,games will also be who are intending to try out for conducted in the afternoon, when this year's Junior Girls' Play, anc- 7 the Michigan State seniors will th se sJwi r Ghld'evey, danes- play the Michigan State .,Normal 1ng classes will be held every Tues- ""0p0hoMores,: and the Battle Creek 'day and Thursday beginning this "B" team will oppose the Univer- iwee~k. This system has been used - ilty of Michigan' freshman team. for the past two years in order that The archery tournament will, be stretching exercises need, not be 1 run off beginning at 2:30 o'clock a part of the chorus work when also.. the cast. has been chosen, and to 'Golf Schedule Incomplete. make it easier for women to be T'he golf matches which will take at their best when they try out.' E place at Barton Hills Counry Club This year the classes will be in in the morning will be played be- charge of Clara Parkinson, '31. tween Battle Creek and Michigan There will be two classes on each State while the University of Mich- of the two days, one from 4:15 toI ai will play Michigan State, Nor-5 o'clock and one from 5 to 5:45, mal college.. Because - one of the o'clock. The classes will be held in. 3colleges brought' only one golf the Barbour gymnasium, and all player, the afternoon schedule has women who .enter' them are re- not yet been decided upon. quested to wear bathing suits. Besides these official games, In order to enter the classes itk there is .-entertainment planned is necessary to sign up at the tables for the participants, in the form in University hall any day next t of a campus tour, after luncheon, week between the hours of 9 and; which is at 1 o'clock, a tour of the 12 and 1 and 3 o'clock. Dues will League from 11 to 12 o'clock, and also be collected at this table. It is" bowling for those women not tak- necessary to have a receipt fort ing part in an activity in the morn- these dues when trying out for theu ing from 10:30 to 11:30 o'clock, and play, but not for the preliminary i frohi 3:30 to 5:30' o'clock in the af- I classes. Dues are one dollar, ternoon. - Women. Identifled by Tags. The graduate student body of [ Upon arriving at the Field House 'Radcliffe College has representa- for the Cabaret dinner last night, tives from 83 colleges and univer-' every woman was given a - square sities of the United States. Those4 pasteboard upon 'which to write sending the most students are Red- her name and college. Green squayes were. given to Michigancliffe itself, Wellesley, Smith, yas- 1 State Normal representatives, red sar, Mt. Holyoke, Boston Unver-t to women from Battle Creek, yel- sity, Pembroke, Jackson, Oberlin, low to Michigan State, and white I'State University of Iowa, Trinity to the University of Michigan. Pro-, grams, whih'h were placed on -the college, University of California, tables, were colored to match the and Wooster College in Ohio.t pasteboards, and in order to keep the" dance floor from being over- crowded, a' colored light was used". to denpte which people were to \ dance. N\ *;Dorothy Touff, '30, 'president of \ N 0 W W. A. A., as toastmistress, welcom- " Flo, 31, acting chairman, read J from the national by-laws and year book. It was moved and car- ried that a committee be appoint- ed to draw up a modified version o ,the constitution which will be more suitable for a university society; and yet which will be in strict ac- cordance with the national rulings when the group here is attached to the Women's Aeronautical Asso- I ciation as the Universtiy of Michi- ,an unit. It was further decided that asso- ciate memberships be given to Ann Arbor women who, though interest- ed in aviation, are not students in the University. These member- ships wouldientail no payment of jiues and give no vote in the or- ganization. Officers for the present will be limited to the president, vice-president, secretary, and treas- urerfi these four acting as the board of directors.I A letter from Mrs. Orra Heald Blackmore, president of the De- troit unit, wished the organization success and added that the mem- bers will- be extended invitations .o the Aeronautical Ball in Detroit Jan. 4. Although the original intention was to keep the meeting bi-weekly it was thought advisable until the grolp becomes better acquainted to have the business carried on at a dinner, the members meeting in the cafeteria of the League Build- ing next Wednesday night at 5:30, Women who wish to make reserva- tions and who were not at the iI st meeting are requested to call Emily Grimes at 9502. Seven Colleges Aceept Mortarboard Invitation Acceptances have been received by Mortarboard from the univer- sities and colleges to which invita- tions were sent for the sectional conference of that organization, which is taking place Friday, Sat- urday, and Sunday, Nov. 15, 16,1 and 17 ,at the University of Michi-I gan.-Chapters which are sending, r epresentatives to the conference are those at Ohio State, Ohio Wes- leyan, Miami University, Carnegie Tech, Pittsburgh University, and' the: University of West Virginia. Invitations which have been sent to alumnae of the Michigan chap- ter of Mortarboard are being en- I swered with a great deal of. en- thusiasm, according to Margaret Ohlson, '30, who is general chair- man. Members from other chapters of _\Iortarboard. who live in Anne Arbor are also being invited to at- tend the conference. 1: "Pharmacy, or pharmaceutical chemistry, is the favorite profes- sion among Filipino women," stated Maria Pastrana, Grad., a rjharma- ^ist herself, ad a Fellow from the University of Phillipine. "It seems that pharmacy appeals to the Fili- pino woman's home-loving propen- sities, for it can be practised in her home or near it." she continued. "It is quite common to find only one or two men in the graduating class in pharmacy, and there are more women than men in the pro- fession. Although a woman phar- macist starts her business by work- ing for someone else, she eventu- ally establishes her own drug store business.. Medicine, nursing, and teaching'are their other favorite professions Miss Pastrana is a Barbour scholar from the Philippines and is working for a Ph.D. In speaking of the Phillipine schools, in which she expects to teach, she said, "The Mrs. Vander Velde is not charac- terized by the conventional femi- nine touch and would rarely be recognized as the work of a woman. The paintings have been placed in the corridor of the third floor. the Kalamazoo, and Alumni rooms respectively. "Purple and Gold" was awarded the Arts Club prize for the best painting in 1926. Foundatizrn Committee Position Given Morrow Pastrana believes. This deprives There is a check room on the flr t them of holding elective offices in floor which is for the use of. men, the government, but some of them -although women may use it at any succeed in becoming judges, clerks, other time than on nights of secretaries and treasurers, and dances. The check room on the sec- there are many indications that be- ond floor is reserved for the women fare long they will have the right on dance nights, but will not be open of suffrage also. Due to the co-edu- at other times unless for special cational training, Filipino women occasions. Men are not permitted have entered all of the professions, to use the second floor check room ' and in the state university, the col- at any time. lege of engineeringbis the only one In many cases, advantage has not whic nobeen taken of the check room priv- .we.'ileges during the day, and as a Organized athletics is of recent I result there -has been considera- introduction, being less than 30 ble damage done to the rugs and years old in the affairs of the Fil-Erniture of the building from wet iiogirls. However, basket-ball fwrnituredofmthebldins om. and indoor baseball are becoming n papular, and "whereas formerly the greatest ambition of the Fill- Sigma Alpha Iota Gives 'pinio women was to be a Rnlgil, a term used to denote aCgirl who Foreign Music Program goes to private school and is trained-- to be a 'lady,' to study music, em, Sigma Alpha Iota, national musi- broidery, and the household arts, cal sorority, entertained at a de the modern Filipino woman wants Il ghrfrte tedned ate- to.nter a profession, to travel i a r; r S 3 study in English from the kinder- garten up to the time they go to college. Spanish is taught in the high schools and colleges with other foreign languages, but in the private schools Spanish takes a large part in the curriculum and is usually the 'campus' language." The fact that women do not have the right of suffrage is due to the fact that the great majority of them are contented without it, hiss Men Use Check Rooms on First Floor, Women on Second Floor, Dance Nights. Use of the check rooms in the League; especially during periods of bad weather, by everyone who is to remain in the building for any great length of time, is a point stressed + by the recently created House Con- mfittee of the building. majoity of t e P inlbnerchoo, H Un Um U t r are co-eductional, anUthe student Alice Love Armstrong 0f Ashland, Va., is president of; the student body at fandolph-Ma- con Women's college at Lynch- burg. ianny Vander Velde, i > . 1 i I . L I 1I LLr s IjIWn , MEXICO CITY, Nov. 1.-Ambas- abroad and to e Paintings t o League sador Dwight W. Morrow has ac- tivities in which cepted an invitation to be a mem- ters are intereste Mrs. Hanny Vander Velde, an1 ber of'the Mexican selection com- concluded. artist of Detroit, has loaned three mittee of the Guggenheim Memor-! of her paintings, "Purple and; ial foundation, which will pass on Gold", "Grey Day" and, "Flowers in appications of Mexican students NOT Blue Bowl", all of which have re- for Guggenheim fellowships for Freshiman1, an ceived first prizes in ar contests, study in the United States. In addi- i ClaSS hockey to to the League building o1' an it-ion 1.0oAmbassador Morrow, the uled to participt definite length of time. committee will include Secretary of activities this .Ie l p s g Communications Sanchez Mejorada, teams should be one of her paintings to ,'the Lcague ecretary of Education Moises 9 o'clock. All tea mrnembership there. She al Saenz, G. P. G. Conway, president in Play Day are i forherof the Mexican Power Light Co., eon at the Field hopes to later exhibit miore of her and Carlos Contreras, architect. pictures in the foyer of the Lydia - Mendelssohn theatre. Mrs. Vander Velde, a 'native of the Netherlands, is a member of the Detroit Society :;df Women Painters and a member of the Na- tional Association of'!Women TAKE AD) Painters and Sculptorswith ex-a hibiting rights of her own. Shy - graduated from the Rotterdam , Academy of Fine Art after an I eight year course in both fine and - decorative art. '-' In the years that flowed she ' worked and studied alone,y culti- vating a personal 'i aste and - - technique which are evident in the - striking individuality otlher work. According to critics, the work: of , t o e n t e r a u roV V n v l 4 I ogage in the ac- noon at the League in honor of Aer western sis- their patronesses and founders. :d," Miss Pastrana Miss Odina Olson, teacher of music RCE. ,e id junior inter- ans are shed- ate in Play Day morning. The on the field at ams taking part nvited to lunch- house. in the University high school, en- tertained the group with several !Swedish songs and was dressed in Swedish costume. Miss Fldrence Boycheff, holder of th6 Ouillard scholarship and a pupil of Prof. Theodore Harrison pf the School of Music, also' enter, tained the group with a repertoire of Russian folk songs and native artatsie::. ii...-..- ir wow."nius - i.- -'- - .. .. -. _, . -i 4 VANTAGE of this DRESS SP ECIAL. Reduced to a, Accordng-tocritis Moderne Modes R MV $795 .4 ' N \ \ N N"'" Ni "Drizzle, drizzle . .8 . ' IT'S bound to rain sometimes, even in the best regulated cli- mates. 'But don't let that make any party of yours a fizzle.. A Fish Brand Slicker is a comfortable, chummy sort of garment> that makes good times possible regardless of storms and showers. You care buy a genuine Fish Brand Slrcker al'nost any- where for the price of a couple of theatre tickets. A. J. Tower Company, Boston, Mass. OMNI ..,:'': . LIKE THESE MADE OF -" DAINTY MOIRE RUBBER 5 \ Paris created N these infntely rmar t 5Iende' fine boots to accomodare the_ widths and heel k lengths of the new 1 1 G - n fil shoes . made- 1'nlghw iht\(u E I I { f l E i s r A ; I a i I 100 of marked dawn to $7.95 for a special selling. Th ey in- elude silk crepes in black, brown, wine, red, and many more 1 esirable winter our higher dresses I * -2 1. . . . shades, silks in tweed designs, satins, georgettes. If Its Fashionable to be Economical Then Choose at $16.50 Dresses with the new, fuller, longer skirts, the higher nipped in waist lines, the intricate Conies in early tdo' ing the princess line and the soft outlines. Colors, too, se e m VI obtain the widest possible selection from these extra- ordinary values. more especially than ever designed to flat- ter feminine charm. 1i IL I I