SATURDAY, NOVEMBER -2, _ 1926 / x MTCH -AN- PAGE THRELI 8A'1~URfl~V', NOV~M~R Z. 1Q~ PAGE T1RE~ ~THE MICHIQA?4 T~A IL V riruaanr CRIE PRESENTED $50,00 TlT E NwCar 8"FOER 'WORKINDSOENGRDU GIVEN NEW VISAS YTMUKNTOiL, Stand 1,482 Pounds GIVES OPPORTU NI TY .TOHSUES . in Pressure Tests FORPI Wl Ades PrctTeccsEngineering Mechanics Class 'TI.lY AROADAssociation in Second Give MetSet Lecture Trip. Juniors in American Schools Are Offered Year 1 . in France. TALAMON BACKS PLAN Foreign Courses Give Students Full Credit in Homne Institutions. 4 Continuing a program of out-of- town lecturing and instruction on the phonetics of language, Prof. J. H. Mluyskens, of the department of general linguistics, will speak be- fore students of Heidelburg College next Wednesdiay, Nov. +G, on "The Changing View-point in Study of Language," revere I. real. It would take seven of the cam- pus' largest students to break the folding metal chairs which are being tested in the engineering me- chanics testing laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Ferdinand Menefee, of the engineering me- e ha nics department. The 200,000 pound universal tepting machine which is used in carrying on the experiments distributes the, pres- "The foreign study plan of the University of Delaware," is accord -' ing to Prof. Rene Talamon, of the romance laigguage department, "an item which should not escape stu- dents who are interested in having some educational work abroad." This "foreign study plan" which hMs been worked out by the 'Dela- ware institution co-operates with Michigan and other universities l throughout the country in sending " abroad each year a number of jun- - or students. The courses which will be in the Universite de Nancy! and at the Sorbonne will" give stu- dents credit in their home univcr- city for junior requirements. Inauguration of the under grad- uate study plan took place in 1923 when Prof. Raymond W. Kirkbride, c 'lc j C h 1l S1 10 . F - j suar ..yuwaavona llwa F-ariaoWitV- On the evernt; of the s 3amcelahte,i chair, and tests have proven it will Professor Muyskcns will address wvithstand 1,482 pounds of. pressure., -he parent-teachers as soci,,? ion ofI These tests are of. great value. to I l~ifiinOhio whee th colege s inuiperofhs manufacturers through-I }inn Oiwer hlolee~out the courtry who are sen ding o)catccl. The second lectare, how-}- !their goods to the laboratory to be; ver, wvill have a. much wide~r scope, tested. Pictures are taken following raving as its subject, "The Duty Of - the tests, and are sent to the man- Parents in ~ducation." ufacturers to demonstrate' the Accodin toProessr Myskns.I Large belts such as are, used in e0 w :II give lHcidelbourg students the oil fields and on large motorst riotf but co nplel e history of "lin-' arc also tested in the laboratory to- evolution." Four major rd>gether with various forms of leather' steps in the development of lingul- and rubber goods. stics will be Stressed, including the _____. ;ixnple grammar trecatment, then. Associated Press PhLoto %I inese Generaiisslimo' She more complex milestones of l RLI .etaphysics, psychology, and bi- wo t n Leads Honan1 Off eniveYt Coun andCountess Karolyl have , alogy. The biological concept is 01be gatdvsaooetrfh INOW o.1Chagji pvial interest due to the fact thatI ANOov1-hagKi, Prof. C. L. Meader, also of the de- United States on the basis of a new Shek, head of the Nationalist; gov- :artrent of linguistics, was the application made through the .erment and generalissimo of itsi frst man in the country to enurnci-I American consulate in Paris. military forces, left Hankow today to the bio-Uinguistic theory. This i__ aboard an armored train for a. 'henry, states Prof. Muyskens, FodBusOdoub r dlthern destination. Shows that "Language is a purely CodB gsOdLi br' Chiang presumably will hake ?hysical process of chewing, suck- Camp for His M seum command of the Nationalist forces .g, and swallowing; interest in -" at Chengchow, important railway (B As.tics as threfor shrfed, ycenter in Honan province, where Frnmgtics ehasthereftore hftd JOHANNESBURG. NoIv. Ecivil war is in pors.Tefa ro rme oaaoy. The entire equipmen**> of an old-timeprgesThfa lumber campscrsfrse n tionalist leader is expected. to di- I . uha luihdi earest Star Cluster , Michigan during the seveities has rect personally an offensive against! been purchased by Henry Ford for .the Kuominchun, or. "People's 118,000 .Years Distanlt hsF l mrenmiI~mI army," which is in revolt. I i 1 1 t s i , 5 I N I I H I P 9NSC E T 9SP OTPr o f e s s o r B . F . B a il e y O u t l in e s Organization of, Club Founded in 1885,; 20,000 NOW ENROLLED Prof. Benjamin F. Bailey, of the Electrical engineering department, today outlined the organization of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The ,national organiza- tion was founded in the year. 1885, and has grown~fromn its com- paratively small beginning to a group comprising approximately 20,000 members. The student branch, at the University of Michi- gan numbers over 40, aiiy stuident of electrical engineering above the rank of a freshman, who is inter- ested, being eligible. The membership in the n~ational organization. is divided into four classes, or branches. The :first of these and the lowest in rank is the student branch, to which any elec- trical engineering student in good standing is eligible. The next high- {est division is associate rnermber- ship. Anyone who is an electrical engineer is eligible to this branch. Active membership, which in- clides the largest number, of members, ,is open only to those electrical engineers who have had five years of practical experience in the profession. The last, . and molt exclusive division of the Instituite comprises those men who have done over ten years of ,active work in the field of electrical engineer- ing. Conferences are held .i t sche- duled intervals during each year. Thyre will be a meeting of the In- stitute at Ann Arbor on March 15, 1930, at which a prominent speak- or will be present. This arrange- ment of conferences serves to maintain the integrity of the group, and in addition to provide an opportunity for topics of inter- est to be discussed. of .zthe University of Delaware, re- F :::: . celved the support of American I J..:: PI* and French universities to Is idea p for placing foreign strudy within' the reach of the regular four year at student. l Number Has Increased. 7l__ ___ The first year,_ eight students Il Were sent abroad. Since that timeI Madame Curie co-discovere of radium was, presented with a r there has been an amazing yearly bank draft for $50,000 by President Hoover at the National Academy I increase, until at the present there of Science in Washington as a, gift frorn the American people to carry i are more than seventy students en- on researches in the Curie Polish cancer hospital at Warsaw, Poland. rolled in the foreign progranm. Uni- _ __ versity of Michigan in the six year UNIVERSITY OFFERS NEW WORK of the existence of the work has TE H I U F re dle ric a H a rrim a n in 192 6 -27 ,1 n d L a r C ip a ,_92 - 9 . T h s U n er t e-ir c i o .- and aur Chiman 198-29 Ths th diecton o Prf.~One scheme, portrays a' group year the University is rdpresen(.ed Underoi o heegt sanso by Agnes Johnston who is -attend- Avard Fairbanks, the University issmoi o h ihtilnsof ing y mansof schlarhipwonoffering two new courses: one, the Hawaii with a portrait statue of theory and technique of sculpture, JdeDl nfot hspa al frtapups.and the other, creative studies in Ifr the group to1 paedi The Delaware system does not supue natural setting. in 'any direA9 way necessitate win-'n el-ihe The other design Professor Fair- l nling. a scholarship. The student rom ntefut lo fUi banks has submitted is a more for- pyhitutointesm ma-vrsity hall have been considerably mlteteto h subject, li ner that he would at his home Uni -'remodeled to serve as workshops for' showing Judge Dole as a statesman, l Nversi y, however, the scholarship the new courses. The old floor of 'the leader of United Hawaii in itst t of the individual must stand while the rooms is spotted with bits of endeavor to be annexed as a ter-(e in college amnong, the upper third of clay. All around are new easels,I ritory of the United Sttes. c his class, and he must receive cer- revolving stands, cupboards, stoves,I_ tain recommendations regards sin I sinks, lead pipes and many therI Densmore Will Give ~eriy of purpos_, from his college useful objects. racuity-.Atviis Here work is done in clay model-, Speech Course Over Intauresinlaongtevftresirig, armature building, and plaster 1C " .ntresin amngth~ fatuescasting. Students are also taught Detroit Station WJ offered by the year study abroad the various methods of casting, the is :the schedule of "extra-curricular, waste mold, piece mold, and~ glueI Q activities" which allows for ecur- mold processes. The more advanced Will Answeruestons on oic ions, operas, and plays. The vaca- students will later in the year do of Pubic Speking. tion periods are given over to ex- work in marble carving. cursions which includa many of The project on which students' the industrial, scenic, and iistori- are now working is a tympanum, Prof. Gail E. Densmore, of the cal points of interest in France. An a form of relief sculpture over a speech department, announced intinerary at Easter tim provides doorway,. for a portal represnting, yesterday that he would give a travel through the famous old pro- some school or college in a pro-i series of ten talkA over radio sta- vince and along the Rivera coast, posed university. L tion WJR next semester on "Pa- The northern part of theecuntry n tdn}swokn natm tical Public Speaking" a course is visited at intervals dring the panum for a school of music. It which he taught in the same mn-I eight months of study that are consists of a central figure which nier last year. These talks Wrill fol- spent at the University of Paris.reesnsMicsuondd b low a series of five given this s- "Study abroad is," according to other figures, one playing a harp mester to stimulate interest in the Professor Talamon, "intended for another a reed instrument, and an-' Michigan Debate League on the those who are especially interested other playing the pipes. Tuesdays before ther debates oI I' in France and the French langu- In these preliminary clay sketch- Fridays. Professor Densmore is di-I age, whether for business, profes-{ es a general effet ,rather than at- rector of the League. sional, or purely cultural purposes. tention to detail is aimed at. These "Last year," staed professor The opportunity it offers snouid clay sketches constitute the work- Densmore, "I offered to aswe be of greatest value to the student ing models from which the Miished quetions referring to) y irad io specializing in French, but may al- relief is made. course. I was surprised at te so be of interest to the student of In one'of the rooms are two clay I number of them I received from history, political science, English, models which attract attention.,j Wisconsin, ,Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, economics, or philosophy. The im- One is a clay model of a monument; Pennsyvaia and Canada. he mediate goal of the year's. work is and the other is a detail of a group course interested Jagey uine1ss to give the student as great a fa- on the monument, which are the, eXecutives who thought, public miliarity with the French langu- work of Professor Fairbanks. speaking a part of their otlieal ra- age, literature, and history of the They are designs for a proposed'' paciies and only had tie to larn, civiliation as -is possible in the monument to Sanford B. Dole, first 1 it in this way." time available. The larger aim is to president of the Republic of Ha- ___ give him a broader outlook and the f wai and first governor of the t- Twice in as many months a bur- wider interest that come from mas- ritory of Hawaii after it had been filar entered the Omega Sigma Phli' tery of a foreign language and con- annexed to the United States. Pro- house at Marquette University ie tact with foreign environment" fessor Fairbanks has submitted two I The foreign study plan is. open designs for this proposed monu- Milwaukee, taking $60 the fist to bothmean woe. adi ment. time and $125 the second tie, dates me for admission must have a) thorough preparation in French.{ Preparation for this course shouldI begin early in a college career, and ! I". W 1.rL LC A for this reason Professor Talamon GORINVV'L C AL COKEB iparticular interested ii meeting freshmen and sophomores who feel that they might like to examine the bulletin and further infor na- Scranton, fPo ahontas tion about the plan. .~..~....A I r-A %! 's _ E [ . Associated1Press), CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 1. - rhe immensity of that small cornerI )f the visible universe of which the arth is one small fragment is in- Gcated in some distances an- .ounced in a current Harvard Col-] :gc Observatory bulletin. These are the distances to 93, Globular clusters of stars. The light from the nearest travels more han 18,400 years before reaching earth, while that from the farthest takes 185,000 years. .... rJIi ~ Lta(llr.canmusumall Dearborn. iOrlow The equipment is that which has' ton Colle operated in this Otsego county mill ing his for the past 28 years and includes bcue bunks, blankets, ox yokes, big 'beuse, wheels, chains, spike skids, draws, an old la sleighs, saws, axes, markers, gruby hooks, loader crotch, comealongs, - skidding tongs, wheel hugs, follies and other pieces of equipment whose usefulness has long since passed away. Even the kitchen sink, towel rollers, dinner horns and water jugs will be transported1 to Dearborn to be set up there, Smith, a student at. Kank- g, South Dakota, is hay- way paid through school: when he was driving is summer, he was nice to Wdy. rm being rushed. All Books of All Publishers May Be Secured Promply ,t THE PRINT and BOOK SHOP- 521 E. JEFFERSONv ST. One Block West of State 1 , i jj i :j : i i _. I z :a. ---- - Bob Ca rson''s Orchuestra at MICHIGAN LEAGUE BUILDING EVERY WEEK END HAWKS AND HIS ORCHESTRA CUTLERI AND HIS ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE FOR~ HOUSE PARTIES p: f _. Inquire at the Parrot O~t rDays Mr 01rtIIN SALE P RICES 100 P S. $10.0 FL. -S*HEIII4S AT $7.90 ad $8090 tiigh~t Laic Style.s (Broklcn in Sizes) Arc In This Lot-We Can fir You. OTHERS AT $5.99 - $6.90 - $7.90 , Coma in oa- Don't Wait Air mail, and, passenger, service has just been inaugurated between Batavia and Palambang, Neth er- land East Indies. DANCING at the Armory Every I&ntuCK y and vWest Virginia Coal Solvay and Gay Coke This busine --ts has been gowi~g eret, since it was egtablished. "the secret - "igiving Absolut' satisf action to oUr customers." We bdiseve it pay s to do Cbusinesq in a friendly way, if you think so too, let's get together. 0 ArO4 I