ESTABLISHED 1890 Ar AL =ZAmmmiz-- 4LA6 4tIt 4 &Ii1 IASSOCIATED I PRESS VOL. XL, NO. 30 ANN ARBOR, MIOHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS S E EMoscow Plane Lands at New York Field After 12,500 Mile Jaunt Around Globe' BY ONEILL CLEARS i;wzi o : atd go olast leg of the flight, a hop from TO JAIL FOR YEAR ON CURTISS-WVRIGHT FIELD, N. Y, Detroit, had been completed. ! Nov. L-A new air courier of good As the wheel of the craft struck will came to earth today in a ithle earth, 6,000 wildly cheeringm n spectacular ending of, a flight from settr tmee vrgad Moscow to New York. The courier ropes and swept policemen off their Speech Professor's Attitude Is w the giant monoplane, Land of feet in a rush for the plane, all un- Fine of $100,000 Also Imposed the Soviet, which reached its goal mindful of the two whirling pro-;A Approved by Committee after an adventure of 70 days in pellers and a huge craft still trav- on Former Secretary on Campus Plays. which its crew of four braved the eling at a fast landing speed. as Trial Ends. snow, typhoons and other dangers A call was sent out for all avail- SUPPORTS WINDT ACTION ofna 12,500 mile journey across two able ambulances in Nassau county CASE WILL BE APPEALED continents and the North Pacific whcteaipris iutd - ocen. i which the airport is situated --- ocean. after many were knocked down in Students of Play Production The thrill and threats of disaster, the rush, but only three were hurt Sixty-Eight Year Old Invalid Are Epecte to Asist ever-present during the journey , ~ uh u nytrewr utISxyEgtYa l nai Are Expected to Assistree i the ne and none of them were seriously Issues First Statement remained with the ship even when injured. A young man and a girl Department Head. the goal was attained after the were taken into custody by the po- Following Trial. lice for refusing to heed requestsi Retracting in part the attitude when the officers attempted to (By Associated Press) taken by Valentine B. Windt, di- stem the tide of persons headed for WASHING.TON, D. C., Nov. 1.- rector of Play Produc iativi- ENTS TO OMIT he plane and its occupants. Albert B. Fall was sentenced to a ties, in regard to the participation Col. Charles A. Lindbergh was year in jail and fined $100,000 to- in other dramatic organization byCprominent in the picture of confu- day for accepting a bribe of $100,- students in his courses, Prof. James sion. At a moment when the ex- 000 as Secretary of the Interior for M. O'Neill, head of the speech de- citement and danger were running awarding a lease of the Elk Hills partment, yesterday issued a state- Ieaves of Absence Granted to greatest, the Colonel landed his naval oil reserve to his California ment which was approved by the own ship from Wilmington, Dela- friend, Edward L. Doheny. dramatic committee of the univer- Professors Berry and ware and on a shout: "Here comes The sentence was tempted with sitar at their meeting Thursday Jackson. Lindy," two thousand persons Imercy as had been recommended afternoon.____ headed for him. by the jury. Justice William Hitz The statement as signed by Pro- FHACpermitted Fall his freedom on fessor O'Neill follows in full: I FELLOWSHIPS ACCEPTED' ~ , $5,000 bond pending appeal, and "Quite obviously the world 'per- C ----;Lannounced that if the jail sentence mission' was unfortunately used in No formal inauguration ceremo- were to be carried out at this time the recent announcement in regard ries will mark the ascendency of '( g R he would have it suspended because to Play Production. Alexander Grant Ruthven to the iLof Fall's ill health. "Students in Play Production are, presidency of the University, it was -II ' Issues Statement. Fraternity Men Free From Michigan Law Concerning Pins, Says Senator C. A. Sink Fraternity men are in no "dan- the United States, or shall claim to ger of finding themselves involved be a member thereof." in the toils of the low should they This law is aimed, not at college attempt to pin their badges over students, but at the promiscuous the hearts of fair coeds", it was wearers of badges of any of the or- ascertained, in spite of an article ganizations above specified. This which ran in the current issue of is a considerable protection to fra- Banta's "Greek Exchange" saying ternities, Senator Sink demonstrat- that the Michigan legislature had ed, when a person claims to be a passed a law prohibiting this. The member of a certain organization impression received by many who from some other university and read the article was that a bill had asks tle hospitality of the house. been enacted which would perma- If the members become suspicious, nently blight college engagements. they can take out an injunction A law concerning the wearing of against him, and, if he is definitely fraternal badges with the intent to discovered to be an impostor, can defraud actually was passed at the prosecute him. The penalty for last session of the legislature, but this is not more than $100 fine, or it in no way affects "giving the not more than 90 days in jail, or girl a pin", it was pointed out by both. The legislature feels that this Senator Charles A. Sink, director of might discourage such an obnoxi- the School of Music. ous practice. The act (No. 269, Sec. 2 of the 1929 Michigan Public Acts) reads in part as follows: "No person shah fraudulently wear or exhibit theR badge, button, emblem, decoration, insiginia, or charm, or shall as- sume the name of any benevolent; O l.0 010 i 111 humane, fraternal, or charitable 3orporation incorporated under the- laws of this state or any state of Fifth- of WJR Series Schedules President as Initial Lecturer Tonight. SIX STILL MISSINGe oit III I A 1ItF r n C1 TEDPETERSON ALSO LISTED UNBEATEN ELEVEN FACE HARD GAME IN BIG TEN TODAY . r t . i t I ) M' 3 Illinois, Purdue Will Foreign Gridirons Conference Tilts. Invade in GOPHEkS PLAY AT HOME Indians and Boilermakers Are Favored to Win Battles With Weaker Foes. (By Charles Dunkley, A. P. Sports Writer) CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 1.-Three of the undefeated teams scrambling for the Western Conference grid- iron championship, Illinois, Minne- sota and Purdue, will attempt to remain in the running tomorrow in important combats, with the chamn- pionship Illinois eleven facing the greatest danger. While Illinois is engaging North- western at Evanston, Purdue will transfer its speed to Madison for a battle with Wisconsin, and the powerful Minnesota outfit will take the field against Indiana at Minne- apolis. Two Intersectional Struggles. woonrunnernc anns I -w-, of course, as free to enter outside decided at a meeting oi the Board,1LUU 1 r r v i i i3i3i i * }Lr ii ~n rLi i- activities of all sorts as are stu- of Regents held yesterday. In 1_A short while later, at his hotel,.i President Shusi the 63-year old invalid issued his Peiet Aexander Grant Ohi dents in any other courses in the reaching this decision, the Regents Master Association Shuts Itsatn th i it a o university. The instructor in Play Ried with the personal wishes IFthe ihit roi Production does not attempt in any of President Ruthven the mat- oors to Rebel Workmen his part in the oil lease. He sked ederal Coucil Begins Action oram to be broadcast tonight eri er antefresidenticn eolenoRtu"e-venown iinnofLtheroramaobeb-adas tnihtI oe way to dictate to students in re- ter. in Windy City. the American people not to "be- f Following Sinking of Lake *at even o'clock through station ton. gard to outside activities. He tries Routine business occupied most __lieve me guilty of the damnable Freighter in Fog. WJR, Detroit, according to Prf. feat to carry out conventional, depart- -of the time of the Regents. Receipt j . crime Of which I am innocent." ___ Waldo Abbot, director of the Morris bloti mental policies for the protection of a number of gifts- was acknowl- SITUATION IS INVOLVED The lengthy statement said he hall studio. President hen burg of the courses and laboratory work edged, and a number of previously was moved to break his "longsi- TWENTY -wONE RESCUED hill speak on "The Seection of ers with which the university engages announced appointments were con- (1v Associated Press) lence" by a deep desire to"vindi- .i.--Students." tion him to conduct. firmed. CHICAGO, Nov. 1.-ApproximateCate the faith of those who loved, Associated Press) "The Icelaner and His Litera- io Leaves of absence for the second 1y 3,000 members of the Cleaners,' honored or trusted me.Te MILWAUKEE, Nov. 1.-Six p ure" will be the topic of the sec- coi Have Definite assigPouction semester of the present school year Dyers' and Pressers' union were Sentencing of the former cabinetsie kethpofeec W.yl .aeoo t la y awere granted to Prof. Charles S. notified today to sever their union officer required only a few minutes probably drowned, an the body Petrson of the rhetoric dec rt- victe have to work out laboratory assign- Berry and Prof. George L. Jackson, affiliations or be locked out by the Frank J. Hogan, his chief counsel, f drwned an teod Peterson hr epat- p ments of the instheuctrank joganshis chiefa seventh had been recoveredme.PrfPtrsnhspntwoIae s nof the instructor, just as do both of the School of Education. Master Cleaners' and Dyers' asso- presented the argument on two mo- today as officials inquired into the sum etn.Irof Ptes has n elev students i other courses which Degrees of B.S. in pharmaceuti- ciation. The lockout will be effective tions, one for arrest of judgment most recent of Lake Michigan's h tularl beed the lit- ud have laboratory work. But labora- cal chemistry were granted to Mary tonight until the employes are and, one to 'set aside the conviction. tagedies - the sinking of the eraturt tat intereststhem, so his tory' work in Play' Production isaBwnGrtueHrc elni h y m a rou t E. Bowen, Gertrude Horsch, Helen willing to return on a non-uonl He based his argument on th reighter Senator talk will be authentic and culled T pseand iuch less an grndividul Rutherford, Sara Shomer, Freder- basis, officers of the association court's releasing a woman juror, Feeling her way through thick from first-hand information. prise, and mh less andividual lick H. Weinmann, and H. Toroyan. said. !after the jury had been accepted by fogf the Senator wvas rammed ThIt f unerainthn aortrywok; o, teSntrwsrme The musical minutes of the onel ofa undertaking, than laboratory work The Regents accepted an invita- The lockout order was in reply both sides.. The introduction of anidships Thursday by the ore car- hou rm ill feature the Nor .-many other courses. It follows tion extended by the Ann Arbor to a recent announcement that the 1 testimony concerning payments of ier Marquette and sank 30 miles School of Mausc syphony orches- that a great deal of it has to be Chamber of Commerce to attend a union would soon open its own $1,- $259,500 to Fall Cattle company byier MPrtangtn W 0s miTesMS-hoolnof Musicm onyorchessora uno yoff Port Washington, Wis. The Mar- taudrheuetoofCrlsof done in late Afternoon and evening dinner to be given Monday, Nov. 1000,000 cleaning and dyeing plant Harry F. Sinclair after Sinclairs -quette herself was' saved from D Matter The wil open ith ea e t hours. It is substantially impossi - 18 in honor of President Ruthven, to compete with the city's $35,000,- company had been granted a leasef d g rg dtter n.ahiPopend on ble, therefore, for a student to beatthMsoitep. - foundering by rescue tugs and was the coronnation march, "Pomp and p0i working oe n aci iat the Masoettemple. 000 annual cleaning business. to the Teapot Dome naval oil re- towed here Thursday night. Circumstance," which will be fol- No working on an exacting task in, Two offers to establish fellow- The Masters' association is com- serve in Wyoming and up1on the Cicmtac, wihwilbdfi Play Productinada h aesiswr cetd h ia TeMses soitioniscn-erenWymg and upo the sm Twenty-one persons were saved lowed by "Prelude to the Deluge, tain ad large pa shipsa were accepted. The Ciba posed of community tailors and in- judges charge to the jury in whichs fromte Senatr.on Amn the Aid yde t her Oer-," time to be taking a largeIpartin company of New York city, a drug dependent operators who send their he told the jury that their duty was missing was her captain, George tuire,and eronOver-"" arr a production by a student organi- company, is to establish a $2,000 I cleaning and dyeing work to alto determine the facts in the case. iure.nhIea zation. But there is not, and has ; research fellowship in pharmacolo- central plant not to dispense mercyFinch. Owing to the large amount of Nor not been, anything whatever in theI g. Study under this fellowship J L Friedman, president of the Health is Poor The missing woman was Mrs. space required for the orchestra in .Il policy of the department to prevent will be under Prof. C. W. Edmunds, association, said it was the first Minnie Gormley, wife of the stew- the studio Professor Abbot says vice a student working, during one part o-f the department of materia me- imein his knowledge that a union Justice Hitz, in imposing the sen- ard. Several survivors reported that visitors can not be admitted qua of the course, on important labora- dica and therapeutics. A fellow- hadentered an industry on a coi- tence, said that had Fall been in seeing her slip from a liferaft. Her .to observe tonight's broadcast, but toe, tory projects for Play Production, ship in the study of ventilation pro- petitive basis with firms employing good health, he would have im- husband was rescued that next week the studio willIpla and during another part of the j cesses is to be established by the members of the union. He asserted posed the full penalty of $300,000 Capt. Walter F. Amsbary of the again be thrown open to the pub- the courses to be engaged in the work Detroit steel products company, at Ben A Abrams president of and three years in jail. The Justice Marquette was relutant to discuss lic offe of a student club. Such a system, with a $750 stipend attached. the Cleaners' Dyers' and Pressers': ordered it entered in the record the collision until after testifying. ,_ __out however, obviously necessitates ad- Funds accruing from a previous union, was the actual power of thel that if he we r on the bench and IMembers of his crew, howeverI - W in vance arrangements if the work of donation of the Carnegie corpora- new plant and had raised the Fall later appeared for a resen- volunteered the opinion that Capt. MacDonald Returns the courses and the undertakings tion for the establishment of a den- I necessary money by assessments on yence, he would suspend the jail Amsbary had done all that was H of the club are to be carried on tal library are to be expended over non members sentence because of the defend- - humanly possible under the cir- Home to Engagein poir smoothly. ~~a four year program in a demon-, It was stated recently that the atssaeo elh usacs u Windt Asks Notification. stration of library service in den- union was under suspension by the "Words cannot expres my as- ,The two freighters loomed sud-; Legislative Skirmish ot "Mr. Windt has made many ad- tal education, it was decided. ;Amrican Federation of Labor for tonishment at the recent verdict deny out of the sticky fog and I 1COW justments to allow his students to Among the gifts accepted were an -p ment of duesulinhisuytatgme guIlkywsIi h re hstelosedfwthe (By Associated Press) an take part in outside dramatic ac-i list of those given during the past I o-amnB-fde.oehejrlodnlmiuly"sadIhrl adtm osud an n takepar in utsde damaic a- lst f thse ivendurng te pst nn py .Fall in his statement. "I know I ing before the steel nose of the -LONDON. England, Nov. 1- TheBi tivities. He expects to make many year to the architectural school, in- aamgnocent and that the record ore boat rammed broadside into Laga in the future. All he asks is that ddFLYING PREACHER clearly proves it. It seems that one the steel freighter, laded with auto- Labor government of England, aga Playng Productionton s fnotify+ c, re students in Play Production notify old Vanderbilt home on Fifth SI., TO SPEAK SUNDAY strong man on the jury was able in mobiles, ripping it open with such inforced by the return of Prime onl: him in advance of plans of this New York city, decorative panels, ,T SP A SU D Y the secrecy of the jury room to turn a gap that it went down before the Minister Ramsay MacDonald from will sort and that all students in Play a plaster bust, a water color, and Rev. George Braden, of PalestineI the jury against me by arguments crew could reach the lifeboats. his American trip tonight made Production be prepared, at some other artistic objects. will speak to Student Volunteers that were unjust amd unfair ready for his first major parliamen- ; A time during the course, to perform at 9:15 o'clock Sunday mornngi Whether e intended it or not, the PLANS ANNOUNCED tary battle wlich will begin next the normal amount of laboratoryWARD GAINS LEAD the libraryatLaneIHall.RevB-r j yi trialttILASRNOCA t ay attle ichwllb work required of students seeking WA GAINSetjurhy hiy atlLane tll. Rev.hBra-. judge inNmanywaysNconveyed. credit in these courses. ON HOWARD,5 UP den is now taking ftlyig lessonms,u be convicted and\ this argument Three chiefs of the Conservative 'itshold e brnein indtha ON HOW RDanUd ~it is expected that 1-ic willus j to tdi-i jryhsbefuthatomihl AFrnCOmNVar oCAlTI oNr usdy "It should be borne in mind thatta ip as an aid to his - was used in the jury room with Arrangements are complete for party including former Prime Min- the arrangements in these courses I Dave Ward, star of the Varsity taeissa nary activities. ruinous effect against me." the student convocations at 11 Ister Stanley. Baldwin, announced apply only to students who elect golf team, had a lead of 5 up over irem on rhy other distinctions, - o'clock tomorrow morning in Hill tonight they would move a vote of the courses and have nothing his opponent, Johnny Howard, yes- Amng hdA is o the e iHECS whatever to do with any other stu- terday after the first 18 holes of a I Rev. Braden is one of the few white SOPHOMORECLASSatin Schroeder of Saginaw, will deliver government on the manner in dents" 36 hole match being played for the misonaies Mhocas been TO MEET TUESDAY I the sermon, Stanton Todd, '30, which Labor is working for resump- Fall Varsity Golf Championship at 10 miles of Mecca, seat of the Moselected chairman of the Convocation com- tion of relations with Soviet Rus- p ConcertBarton Hills. - le religious s n. H All guerrulous, blood-thirsty, and mittee stated late yesterday. Rev. sia. Pderewsk C eWard scored an 80 while Howard Snday morning because of an en- I flag-waving sophomores will meet Schroeder's subject will be "The Mr. MacDonald, who held a cab- tn P pa 8 took an 84. If weather conditions gag'ement to speak isDetoitat in the Ballroom of the Union at 8 Vitality of Religion." inet meeting immediately after hisIJa toJan. 8 'permit further play tomorrow, the in the day. The public is cordially ;o'clock Tuesday night to organize Responsive reading and three arrival in London today, hardly had dis B a e flfinal 18 holes of the match will be imvited to attend this talk. their campaign against the fresh- I songs to be sung in unison have settled into No. 10 Downing street Oi BecaUSe of Ilness played. Both of the men are mem- men, which will be staged Satur- been included in the program ac- when the Conservatives fired theO" bers of the Varsity team, Ward RUTHVEN SPEAKS day morning, November 9. ; cording to the plan innovated last first gun in the political campaign.the Second Change of Date Made I being one of the finest young golf-' AT HIGH SCHOOL Election of a captain will be made I Sunday ,at the first of the fall Mr. Baldwin, Sir Austen Chamber- In ' ecessarg ers in the Middle West. on Tuesday night, thus giving the series of covocations. The series lain, former Conservative foreignita Necessary by Condition esclass time to plan their attack on will continue for two more Sun- secretary, and Mr. Locker-Lamp-;. Welcoming the new students and the freshmen for Black Friday, and days after the one tomorrow morn- son, one of the Conservative lead- i s Fraternities Are Asked i expressing the hope that they the following day. After the selec- ing.. ers in the House, gave notice that Owing to an operation early this to Decorate on Nov. 9 would recognize their identity as a tion of the captain, the class will Rev. Schroeder is one of the out- they would move the followingad summerIgnace Jan Paderewski, dis- . part of the Oniversity itself, Presi- choose the men who will act as standing youthful ministers in the amendment in the House of Com- J tinguished Polish pianist, has post- Fraternity houses of the Uni- t Ruthven ad- lieutenants in the various contests. I United States. He is but 32 years mons next Tuesday: "That this J poned his recital for the second versity will break forth into Crim- dentsAlexander Granu u the n_-of age, and is actively in touch I House deplores the failure of His qui time here until Tuesday night, Jan- son and White and Maize and Bluedrsety h asm lo yteda __ with the younger generation and Majesty's government totmaintain epL uay8 h etporm wla week from today in observance of {versiy High School yeserdyUurvaIir a its problems. the condition which the Prm L therefore, be that of the English Homecoming day which has been morning for the first time his_ ______ther__ Minister and the Foreign Secretary Ki Snersco ed of Fhr Enn, deced he Student council for official capacity.. U io Bei Swi laid down for the resumption of ha- SiNellie Carson, Lillian Berger, Cuth- the day of the Harvard game. For President Ruthven further point- - ,.g( diplomatic relations arid condemns ex bert Kelly, Norman Stone, and Nor- the best decorated house a lare;c ed out that they, as members of I. Lessons for Children the resumption of such relationsing man Notley. loving cup will be presented. the University, should feel them- -istrctin wll e-v-until such preliminary condition be Hnotley.otcesaeObservance of this one of the selves responsible for its good name, I'-Swimmingistruction will be giv- has been satisfied." I quested, for this reason, to detach University's traditions by all the adding that he hoped they would en every Saturday morning to chil- Labor thus will meet its first bigite stdrth r t d .is +h nann-iz i hinp I feel as free to come to him for con- *.. r dren of members of the Union, ac- test on a measure of foreign poli- til No other Conference machines, State and Chitago will engage ntersectional tussles. The crip- Maroons renew their eoorful s with Princeton at Prince- While Ohio State still unde- ed but with a tie with Indiana ing its record, invades Pitts- h for a battle with the Panth- who have aspirations for a na- al championship. wa will have a day free from petition and worry. The Hawk- cocky over their Wisconsin ry, welcomed a day off to pre- for the battering Minnesota en, which will be met next Sat- ly. Illinois Facer Test. here is a grownig suspicion that ois will have the toughest kind battle on its hands to upset thwestern. The Wildcaits have otten about the defeat Minne- handed them and have decid- o toss Illinois out of the cham- ship situation if possible. thwestern passing game from- to give Illinois somve interes- moments and the Ilini ball iers will find the big, heavy thwestern line no pu'sh-over. linois will be without the ser- s of Frosty Peters, regular rter back and his invaluable but the team will include ten rers, all of whom took part in 1927 and 1928 championship nsive. The game will be a sell- attraction with an attendance excess of 50,000. isconsin, defeated three times a row without scoring a single at, has a slim chance of holding clue and apparently faces an- er lacing. Purdue expects to tinue its championship march 1 if the hard running, speedy lermaker backfield, performs inst the Badgers as they did inst Michigan and Chicago, the y question is how large the score be. rchitects Listen to Professor Jack at Initial Smoker etoric Head Gives Address from New Standpoint. Ipeaking at the first smoker of Architectural society, held last ht at the Union, Prof. Peter M. k, of the rhetoric department, cussed "Architecture from an tsider's Point of View." All art," Professor Jack said, "is communication of experience. literature we don't stand for im- tion, nor in music, either, is itation considered the best form. t in architecture imitation seems mirable." In every form of art, Professor k continued, there are two re- isites: first, form, and second erience. The refectory of the wyers' club, an imitation of ng's College chapel, in England, s the form, but it lacks the Prue perience. It has none of the feel- that King's college chapel has, cause it is not original in style. Professor Jack states that arch- ctural form should vary from ne to time. In his opinion, Amer-