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November 01, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-11-01

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__. __

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday)

I Professor Shirley Jackson Case, of the University of hiag , Mac
l lectnire at 8:060l). m., Natral Science Audit.orivu i, ,. will

Polonia Literary Circle meets at 7:30 p. m. in Lange Ball. All old,
as well as new members, are urgently requested t~o be present.s
University Club Night: The program will begin about 3:20. Mem-;r
bers should make a special effort to bring gest~s who may be interest-{
edi in Club memberhip.c

DRonald's Trip Foremost Among Recent rIFIA ~lI
International Moves, Affirms Prof. Cross U IILflL UIILJ.
,tinedas o te mst ig-between the two great English- P 9 S M L I


niflcant international move in re-
cent months, Prof. Arthur L. Cross,


No. 30)

IN 5Iil.!
Committee on Student Affairs: At a meeting of the Committee on

of the Department of History, yes-
P'resb3yterian Students: There will Ise a HIallowe.'en Party aim lt erday sate, "Prime Mvinister Mac-
Hard Time Party" at. the Churc h 1fLooSe, 1432 WJ > lteziv wAve , a'17:30 Donald's trip to this country last
p. in mont may unhesitatingly be call-,

speaking nations." Y__---___
The probability that an attempt# Dr. Rodebush and Dr. Matthews
at complete disarmament might~ Will Address Meetings
grow out of the Hoover-MacDonald' in November
con ference, was characterized by
Prof essor Cro5s s"little horit of 'r wo speakers iprominen~t i thit*u


on probation for failure co conduct their recent dances in aecordanei COMING EVNTIS ed the most important step to- impossible." Ile believes, however, filsh
with :niversity regulations: Alpha Chi Rho, Delta Chi and Phi K~appa English 45: The as ignrent for Saturday in Mr. Casady's se- wrd an Anglo-American under- I that the conference to be held next cal sect:
untl March 1, 1930; Phi Beta Pi and Phi Chi until the end of the tion is "The Artist of the Beautiful and Kappaccini'sDugt r tanding wine Wilson's voyage to kcal oi
colleeayer.terthone.England ten years ago."I January in Lonon. at which Amer-. in Nove
peet H. A. Keunyon, Secretary Committee on Student Affairs I Not including the fact that an Ica, wGrheat rtaintFanve, wande:f Dr. W
I conomtics 5: The sections are assigned to the following room:,' Engish Prime Minister speaking at Iay ilhv ersnaiewl est
Loi xamiatio, ivonuy, ±overuer he ~ rt A: ashigtonseta ne conresson-take definite action to limit arm- lclS
helt SrvceTeehoe:Stdetsplae ak ntie ha ur Mr. nge', r Egl'san M.Homner's Sections-N. S. And a prceden stProessorCosspint- i mnl n il iaieteH over-lte n
fel phone number L1305 has been changed to 23248. All calls outs:ide' Mr. Lindai's, Mr. Bradbury's and Mr. Luiken's sections-348 W. Eng~edto three major inferences to be Manl hor f"ai~ chemist
of egla cas hur 4oua e mdeontiL umeronman In Mr. Yntema's, Mr. Robinson's, and Mr. Caverly's sections--1.01 drawn from MacDonald's visit: "The new Anglo-American un- 11[2
ofrgconomics. ,oudb md o hs ubr nminln "Such personal contact between theV derstanding," Professor Cross con- i Dr. A
and not through campus exchang;e. I__conomics United States and England, when! eluded, "is clearly shown in Prem- Solvers
Wasought.byoEnglandDsymbolize- our
Therenen'sFEducthen Creb o1r11hmeet, Monday, NovemberNb , at 7:15 suh yEgadjsmoie u er MacDonald's statement that on "So
University of 'Michigar Oftleial Publiction: The Editorial Office 'o'clock in Roomn 304 of the Michigan Union. Profesor Keeler will Iel-andpemnnei ol Teewsntigi yms r-tece
r ,an speak on: Ilouw Does One :lee What Hle Sees. All wren interested are' affairs, indicates naval and general i vate discussion with President Hoo- impulse
announces the issuea of Organ Y rogrors, ~easons 0o' 19 7-1928 a n ited.; limitation of armaments, and pro-j vern that I Would not gladly have:' his lect
1928-1929, which i> 11. 2$ of Vofl. X5 I 01'the University Offi~aial:?ub-I nted phecies a stronger bond of sympa- repeated to every citizen of AmericaI vember
lrcchigan Dare v et ody o.4 t :0p .i h thy than has ever before existed1 or Great Britain.'" yet kno
_r .~ti~ Cave Room of the League Buluding. -.---------- -
Sorting d . dTabluatitig Station: The university las etablshed Al wives of students are cor" dially I
a Sorting and Tabulating Station in Room 212 Angell Hall. it Min invited to attend his meeting. OMRYP'S R
1 iargeof rof laMr.ahaAlah wilMeaondhamfrm who nd 1illBet eaponho dutymetfromh Ne8-ok.2steandREV LLOY0- OUNew-ORYork Li ON P ed RCIURCy5 REV. o SLLrdYDafeC.onDOUGLAS-tmntsaTecoriAly ivitd SU~k
to make use of these electrical and mnechanical sorting, tabulating and home of Miss Gillette, 1319 Forest,I"' AN F CT (ES
accounting machines for carrying out statistical investigations. Mr. !Ave., Sunday, Nov. 2, at 8:15 p. Securities bought or gold on "MGI I ETa~L
lkeachani will give in formation and instruction in their use to rnembo rs Im. New members may meet in the ' Private Wire Connectonsl A Novel of Strongv Color and Varied Intersts-dealiii'wit,
of the !'auity, who desire to avail thernselve~s of the facilities afforded.± lobby of the League Building arndwihllMktsIif
S hiVey W .S m ith , S ecretary an d ' B usiness M an ager w ill be escorted to the party . tra nsfo r min g S r i g a d a u a i g t t oo A y o e h vi g t b l ti g c r s1er r h r . M t e , n y s n ofc m i s on b ss.
on file in the Sorting and Tabulating Station, Room 212 Angell Hall, is the late rTfhomas E. M itten, has e-' e u se og ti o c ih m ,a l ad ca li e e o e N . o n e i i h o h s f t e' eeh n 29
vpeinbel" 12 will be destroyed. millions because his father's will I
left the bulk of his estate to the lBrown-Cress Co. --I
I-louse Presidents: All sip ailsitgot :i: from the beginning of, cause of cooperation, between cap- 1rpoae UNIX
school uip to rr~nibcz' flrst muslt be ihanded into the President of the'Ital and labor. Legally, the money ; esmntSeuir'
Women 's League GfiVce by N'ov.ember first. $ should go to the younger Mitten inInetntecrisWARS
Elisabeth Dle Vol, Chahaira of the Board of Representatives spite of the will because under the i rnst F loor Ann Arbor Trust Bldg.
A ---- ---;Pennsylvania state law, no bequestI
EVENTS TOD)AY I1to charitable institutions made +.--- -- ~- - l -
University Lecture 4:1a p. mn., Natural Science Building, Mr. Tas- within 30 days of a man's death is-- _____
silo Adam4 "Four ears at the Court of the Sultans of Java". legal. ,

eve been engag<<ed bythe 10-
ion of the Amecrica nCh-
ety to address its meetin g
T. H. Rodebush. of the Uni-1
of Illinois will address the~
ction on "Significance of
w quantuim mechanics in
ry," on Tuesday, November
klb rr P. Matthews of the
>ity of Cincinnati will spe-ak
me recent developments in
mistry and physics of nerve
."Dr. Mathews will give
;ure some time later in No-
though the exact day is nlot
Ji strange,




-. £.



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all ~3.00 shirts $2.25; three for $6.50
all ~3.50 shirts $2.Q&; three for $7.50
all $4.00 shirts $3.00; three for $8.50
remember the days; thursday, Friday, saturday
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-'v-w-~w-~----- -









p hq fnAl h

s. - IF - . - -

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