119 ~TWO THE FMICH-lTCAN DAILY I1"TnAV V .ATS'Pt 1029. w u . A . " i pe r-- . " 1 11 a u X u,LlAJA... 1-4V VJ Y A:J..#jl-u .k} 1'5761 1 y Tablt to]Forythe lectures at. another. ~BE OFME~LS abettoForyte~ LOS FO LVE Ientification Cards May Soon be Made Another abuse wih the identi- G nowder Inenltor ,cto ad r Necessary Equipment for All Students i~~~~cs ' toutd as ca Unveledin L ndo , -- , l ns SUhatof cngetedmedical -_ridr this system of cata- _______ l ! M {Id n i i at o ar s e ri g h s B e t co o ., oging . one m ust produce his visa, 1 0 1 T U U S OS i t r , s g a u e a d " t e n h s p o o e e u a i n h c , s o s e k e o e h a i n s ( Hv Asuciatd PTres)1I formatien showing their right to it has been pointed out, will place ' SE BUM ~ ~ ~~~ LONDON, Oct 31 -Coincident Teclso akdtetu est rvlgs ilb ato cbdies ee edr o h with he wrld tend owarddis Contnued Prorn Page 1) attend classes -nd have other uni- students on the same status as tax- Serum is Studied in Laboratory veiled in the Tower of London to;. ship tragedy on Lake Michigan, every student's academic equipment gas company, and policemen, is de- of alfoni Uivrsty Rev. Alexander John Forsyth, a within the last week with a total after next yea, if a regulation to, signed to preclude those who arc parish priest of Baihelvit, in Aber-los' 9lie.hseffect announced by Dr. Frank not students from obtaining univer- Meia col deenshire, Scotland, who in 1800 ;Ls odytesemrWs E. Roubbies. assistant to the Presi-! sity privileges, to keep persons from invented a detonating powder and Lat onythstaeWi detismdoprtv.NwcrsIotnnglbryoksuerf- DICOE MASEGEMthe first percussion lock for small i onsin sank in a severe storm c ! willbeissed every year, and each ttious namesnand to prev et su-' ______arms. His finding laid the founda-s Kenosha, Wis.. with a loss of 16 'school will be designted by a dif- dents of one school from attending, ~emToo Smnall to be Observed to o h oenrfecrrde lives. The Wisconsin carried three ' ___ WithM crsco Tess inBefore this inivention the powder WtMi Rosoe Tss i the old 'muzzle-loading muskets' passengers, all of whom were saved bade on Mice. was fired by mnatch locks or flint! and a crew of 61. Many of them B o bC a s o ____locks. Besides being slow, this Were injured. ' eh d wsucertainU as thespow- I(By Associated Tress) mto asu ia tepw A few days prcvious the car.f SAN,. FRANCISCO, Oct. 31,.-Pre~- der would not ignite if it became' i'u--sn nte ventioni and cure of measles may re-damp "Keep your powder dry" ferry Mlakes niante sit from the discovery of a serum had more than a figurative mean- storm with a crew of 48. All were; being studied today in the Hooper ing in those days. lost. resa foundation laboratories of the Uni- Forsyth's invention encountered____________ versity of California medical the usual opposition accorded to - F__ schlool. military innovationsreouinrbuitwsfalyapedy.h1 Derot T eatesat Prof. Giuseppe Caronia, eminent btiwafnlyadpeby.heIi .e r. j Itla cets bogthr rmBritish army and was first used in __________________ taincitstbfrnaction by British troops at AmoyMIH G N L A U B IDNG Rome-.as the A. P. iannini re- i 81A Ya~ searchm professor at the university, "ILITTL E ACCIDENT" IVR EE N was announced Wednesday as the, . with T homias MtitcellEER EE N discoverer of a germ which is said Ar1chictuRra Scty I A Laugh Riot to cuese measles, as wll as a serum t odIiilS oe aies a.5x20 fl prevetion~and cure of the dis= oHl nta mkrI Mtne a 0 20 base.! Prof. Peter MI. Jack, of theNghs5,$20 HAWKS AND HIS ORCHESTRA So tiny is the germ, university rhetoric department, and R. W. - doctors said, that it 'cannot be seenm Hubei, chief designer for the archi- y CUTLER AND HIS ORCHESTRA even through a microscope. By troit, will be the speakers at the' CA S studying certain peculiarities of the tectural firm of Albert Kahn, De- GEO. SIDNEY AVAILABLE FOR HOUSE PARTIES disease and its after-effects, often first smoker of the Architectural "KIBITZER" serious and permanent, Prof. Caro- society to be held at 8 o'cvlock to atns:WdadSt.7cALOInquire at thce Parrot nia is said, to have discovered its night in room 316 of the Union. 1 aies e.an a.7c 13 cause and developed the serum1 Music, smokes, cider and dough-j Nights: $1.00, $2.50I which he expects to prevent it, or nuts will be furnished, a member ______ - -- ------ - -__________ at-lasteffcta neev cre. f te emmite'e-Anonnrd vt__ a surgical operation; thus a situ- uation wlhichz is rumored to have occurred recently when a medical professor refused to begin hiis clinic unt~il the gallery has been cleared of engineering students would' be prevented. * 1 Guinea pigs, mice, pigs and rab- I bits have been inoculated with the measles germ and then treated with the ser'um. Thie results were de-1I scribed as "highly satisfactory" by Dean '-Langley Porter of hc med- ical school. Beyond that statement Dr. Porter would not discuss de-! tails of the research. Mine. Curie Gts Gift tof$0,000_foar Service (By Associated Priess). WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 31.-- in the -presence of a distinguished company of American officials and scientists, Madlame Curie' was pare- stinted today with a bank draft for $50,000 by President Hoover to carry on her researches in the Curie Polish Cancer Hospital and Laboratory in Warsaw. The attention of :students of spe- curativec masonry, uniiversal religion, and ,kindredA subjects is called to 'the l1ecturers of MANLY P. HALL in the Masonic Temple, Detroit, at 8 P. M., November 2 to 14. Nov. 2--The lost keys of masonic philos- ophy. Nov. 5-The life and philosophy of the 'greatBuddha. Nov.. 6--Bacon, Shakespeare. and the Rosicrucijans. r'Nov. &--Genghis Khian, emperor of 'the world. Nov. q--Atlantis' and the gods of anti- TZV ui-Putting the ,house of thec mind in 'order. Nov. i a-The musical medicine of Pythagoras. Nov. 14-The invisible, government of the earth. NQ FEE. FREEWILL OFFERING 'terday. ,. WIJERTH, I I WHI*T LVL- Y y L ,, Now Showing ~ MUSICA -VUL, EVER PRESEINTED .m WANT ADS PAY! ALLtAII .tlNGoxb- veon ~iqu~rad AI.AIRM N004I#1-4ALi LA HVA ' CLYDE C0001 AAl4OLD WCJY "FAWFULL MACONALD" 9romea W*l ovs BAASS 6ovv r b, LUIS JOSEPH VANCE- I I LOOT and LOVERS It tivo 1 in a gay mix-upt: didn't take disguises to make then and a girt sentt like somebody ekses. HEAR IT-SEE IT 111 nhs 3 months 3 months CNDNYIN New Yrk, Boston Phi1adeIphia Prices : Orchestra $3.00 Balcony First Four Rows $2.50 Second Four $2:00; Balcony $1.50 MAIL ORDERS NOW WN I :"r v 081LM "' " t l . = r x y WILLIAM FOX presrtts yr -/~ , 'Ii HEA AD SE HEAR BM-NAVY FOOTBRALL HEARTHGRIFITHSEOTHHER-NVYFEOTATURE 2:00-r3:40 TODAY ONLY The Living Scren Presents 7:00-9:00 Arthur T'rain's Newest Story! LEE MORSUE has a tricky way of stepping right off the face of a record and being perfectly charm ing to you--it's something more than singinig. You'll find all the familiar .l orse mnagntiism charging both the song hits on her ncivesl Columbia recobrd. One i8 a lively numbor in dlance temnpo -the oter a crooniwg ilituate ballad crammed with lots o'f "conme-along." Before 'your dealer wralG thi,3 one upA for you, have 'him. play. these steppers, too . Record No. I1972-D,1 Minch, 75c LTv ~ ocuk , ,- .Lee AMorse and Her Slut Gr4ss Days SWEJ-lEAni'V-q HiLI A Reccord iNo. 1 970-), 10-inch, 7 e i :v SEE "BUDDY" play tricks; with feminine hearts in the AND GREAT ADDED -BILL STARTING SATURDAY With Ruth Chattertont and all Star Cast 13!GGtJi ANDBYTT UiTo AN iVLIt (froutli"(:eorge , 'Whites Scandals'') Bloiromis Up (frown "Georgc 1"]1itc'scals" Fox Tots , . ''ed WvAll aad His Camp us Boys Record No. 1973-1), 1 0-inch, 73,c PiccaotoPr HryCOLLEGIATE SA .t'1'r'ois .a s -Tory slser'ss Syncopators :R I ; 4 Y c t Pots "JNEW PBO(IIL5S" IREICORDS) Re.US.Iat . Loff. "Magic Tioresi r LIONEL RARRYTMORE ^T rnr I I Viva-toiwid Recrding -=The Records without Scratch A 1 "g, 11,101 za / T~ YDA'ENEESS HNiTHIA~f l l Friday Meae 215 1111 I liii Ad__ - AN