ESTABLISHED 1890 'it2 Alw Ila Ail VELAWL, 4,i MEMBER I ASSOCIATED PRESS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929. EIGHT PAGES VOL. XL, NO. 29 PRICE FIVE CENTS SHUTER ANNOUNESlAlumni Change Attitude Toward MERILCONOUND'SIHUTDoeAthletics, States Wilfred ShawATE UDoesfootball provide the only once of university and aiumn link whereby interests of alumniwen it wa nniuy de are connected with their colleges? cided that the college or university Itdoes not, in the opinion of Wil- has aa definite responsibility for OPera Will Have Special Chorus fred B. Shaw, director of alumni Continuing education after gradu- Ability to Form Critical Opinions Senator Sinks Before Life BoatsF relations, who has published in the ation With Novelty Dance I November Scribner's magazine con- The most difficult part of the Is Test of Individual's Can be Manned by Crew s by Members. clusions reached after a nation- problem is that alumni are not Cultural Training. of Twenty-Eight., wide survey of alumni organiza- I much interested in college exten- SHOW HAS LARGE CAST tions. The investigation was con- I sions courses. They'do not care for INITIATE CAMPUS FORUM FIFTEEN CLING TO RAFTSs ducted with aid of the Carnegie formal instruction and grant of ___ corporation. university credit, but are more in- Roy Langham, Musical Leader, College graduates are asking for terested in opportunities for pur- Students and Faculty Members Disaster Is Third Major Laket Also Announces Personnel a definite recognition on the part: suing, at their leisure, studies in Discuss Problems of Tragedy Within Last of Orchestra. of their schools of alumni interest which they happen to be interested. Undergraduates. Ten Days. in the intellectual stimulus of un-: Methods whereby this education- Personnel of the cast, choruses! dergraduate days, Mr. Shaw says. 21a service for alumni may be ex-I Declaring that a man in order I(By aociated Press) and orchestra for "Merrie-Go- The alumni do not make this re- tended are being worked outbat a to be educated must have the abi- MILWAUKEE, Wis, POct. 31 - Round" the 1929 Union Opera were quest so much through organized number of institutions throughout ity to form critical judgments and :Ploughing through a heavy fog, twot announced yesterday by E. Morti- bodies as through organized bodies the country. Dartmouth and other the campetency to act on his con- big lake freighters collided twenty mer Shuter, director of the pro- asy t e perceptible colleges are sending out reading clusions, President Aleander G. mites off Port Washington today, deructio , dReoy of he p o- change in their attitude toward the (lists to alumni. These are very Ruthven made his first public ap- ofPr ahntntdy duction, and Roy Langhadi con- fundamental policies and educa- popular, and alumni are willing to ie arance before the student body sending one of them, the Senator,t dor of the ohestra and direc- tional achievements toward the in- pay for the cost of publishing the at the first of a series of All-Camp- down with the probable loss of 7 tosftesnigcou.tttonp lists, it 'has been found,sfrusysera feroni The cast for the show will in- s us forums yesterday afternoon in lives. It was the third major lake elude the following: John White, Indicative of this alumni atti- Thus far, the University is the Alumni Memorial hall tragedy near here within the lastr 'William Browne, '31, Byron Dal-tude toward colleges and universi- only institution to definitely set After a short introductory speech ten days. Heroic rescues kept thec '32 Wilia Boxve, 31 Byon alties was the decision of a confer- up an alumni University ryrnple, '32, Arthur Sutton, '32, _Ies was thY.decision of _ confer-jup an aumni Unvrs jyon the subject "When Is a Man casualty list from including the en- Hugh Claney, '30, Sidney Straight, ~ ~-- -~ Educated," Dr. Ruthven conducted Sp Charles Moyer, '30, George a discussion into which students as tire crew of 28 on the Senator. Johnson, '30, D. B. Hempstead, Jr., f well as faculty members entered. The ore carrier, Marquette, head- '31, George Tremble, Jr., '30, George asking him questions regarding the ed for Indiana Harbor, Indiana, Ransford, '32. 1nconflicts in the life of undergradu-- Iran broad side into the Senator, Special Men's Chorus. ates. crushing open its port side, laden A special men's chorus will be ni ICU I NVLI CIIUW EL UiI ClLU 1 Discusses Varied Attributes. I with a cargo of 241 autos. The used this year and a specialty ;_"it is easy to name a consider- Senator rolled over and sank be- dance will be rgiven by them - ma~m Varied Program to be Presented ISystem of Regitrt yM ablen numberofaattributes which a Ifore its crewnac a chance to man bers. rhe chorus includes: "Arthur I Vre rga t ePeetdI ytmo eitaion by Mvai man should have to be considered the lie boats. Smith, '31, Henry Bacon, '31, Rob- at Annual Press Meeting Adopted by Executive Group educated," stated Dr. Ruthven. For Freighters Rescue Several. ert Wells, '32, Allan Handley, '32A, November 14, 15, 16. of Union. example, few will dispute that he Fifteen of them managed to cling! Tom Cooley, '32, Trusedale Mayers, 'o e1 5should enjoy literature for its to life rafts and were picked up 45 (30 j rederickrafte anw'31,pacdeRobp 1 30, Fedekleene, '31, and Rob- EXPECT 300 DELEGATES PLAN FOOTBALL DINNER auty and moral applications minutes later by the fshing tug ert ieger,'31EXPCT 00 ELEATE PLN FOTBLL INNR (rather than for excitement or am- Delos IH. Smith, of Port Washing- The members of the girls' chorus usement; he should appreciate the ton. Three others were saved by are as follows: Emerson Stiles, '31, Round-table discussions end lec- For the convenience of those men reasons Why in some of its forms. the Marquette which stood by for, William Reynolds, '30, GeorgeI tures by seasoned journalists, ba- students who find it impossible to music is classed with the fine arts a time, although damaged iezf Young, '31, Robert Dixon, '30, quets, dances, and trips of inspec- obtain their Union membership while in others it is not; he should and in grave danger. Three mo::E George Mayer, '29, Elliot Imerman,ILion constitute the program for the card during the regular registra'catch the artist's idea in a beauti- were saved by the Thomas Walters, '32, Jack Harris, '32, Robert Mon- ful statue, seeing beneath the cold another freighter. One body was tague, '32, Raynor Grill, '32E, Ivan I annual convention of the Michigan tion period every afternoon, a sys- marble the living souls of the recovered but the six others on Walness, '31, and Charles Wil- Interscholastic Uress association, tem of registration by mail is now sculptor and the model; he should board have not been accounted for.' lard, '32. which will be held November 14, 15 effective, according to plans made be capable of appreciating drama With its prow split, the Mar- Singing Chorus Personnel. and 16 in Ann Arbor under the by the Executive council of the in higher forms than the bed-room quette quickly began drawing water The members of the singing joint auspices of the association. Union yesterday afternoon. farce; he shauld know enough but was able to keep afloat until Tchorus and their arts are as fol- Sigma Delta Chi, national jour- Thosedesiring cards may obtain about his physical make--up to be tugs, answering SOS calls came to r lows: Firs tenors, Elias Miller, '31 nalistic fraternity, Theta .Sigma themby mailing a self-addressed, able to maintain a healthy body its rescue and towed it into port at I Harley McNeal, 532, Ray Suffron Phi, journalistic sorority, and the stamped envelope, enclosing the aind mind; he should have an in Milwaukee. 1 '32, Joseph Rosbeck, '32, Richard department of journalism. following information: Ann Arbor telligent interest in public affair First SOS at 10:45' Koch, '32, and Kenheth Thonpson, "This year's program will be con- address, telephone number, class, and the social order; and he should The first SOS was picked up byr '31. Second tenors, Miles Beamer, siderably enhanced by a new plan college in which they are enrolled, have the inspiration and power o the Wright Steamship Co. of She- '31Ed, Raymond Gould, '31E, Har- of conducting the instructive home address, and their Treasurer's make a positive coniibution to boygan. It was sent by the Mar-; rison Plum, '32, Kenneth Osborne, groups, whereby faculty men in receipt. civilzation. quette at 10:45 a. m. Five minutes '31 Mus., Covert Robertson, '31E, journalism will co-operate with Tuesday, November 26 was set Can Nevud te uted. i later Sheboygan coast guards left and Russell Van Kovering, '3(1 . the students in leading the va- by the council as the tentatve date for the wreck. Baritones, Milo Griggs, '32E, Robert rious sections," said George E.for the Union's annual football nian is ever /becoming, but never Coast guards under Capt. William Woodroofe, '31, Walter Schmier, Simons, '30, general chairman of banquet. At that banquet, held in can be completely educate ie s Kincaide and four tugs left Mii- '32L, Charles White, '32, Dudley the convention. "Heretofore, it has honor of the team, next year's foot- working toward a goal which he waukee harbor also. Yoedicke, '32, and Melvin Benstock, been customary for student mem- ball captain will be announced. A can never reach. Proper training, Four fishing tugs from Port '32. Bass, Kenneth Ball, '32 Mus., bers to direct their own discussions sports writer of national promi- for life is reflected in the happiness Washington put out to join the res- James Garrard, '30E, Norman Bow- along lines of immediate interest. nence will be. the principal speaker of the individual and in the in- cue fleet. In view of the dense fog, beer, '31D, Victor Shanman, '31, and It is now proposed that the groups at this affair. fluence which he has upon his sur- one of the worst that has enveloped Fred Bostrom, '31B.Ad. be given a specific journalistic roundings, including his human the lake in years, it was thought The personnel of the orchestra field to consider. and we hope that 'raassociations. In other words, the the various boats would have diffi- is as follows: Roy Langham, '30Mus. this consideration will be conduct- rnauS DralaT to trained n should have as re--1culty in locating the Marquette, an conductor; Lowell Love, '30L, assis- ed with greater maturity, concise- Show Four More Times actions a tendency to enjoy life oar carrier. tant conductor; and Romaine ness and efficacy then previously and to exert himself for the better- The steamship J. J. Sullivan, Hamilton, '32Mus., concert master. has been possible." Four more performances of the nment of society and the physical three hours from the scene of the Violins, Romaine Hamilton, '32Mus. Each round-table discussion will motion picture "Dracula" direct- environment." The achievement collision, sent word it was rushing Russell Troutman, '31, Russell Jack, be in charge of a faculty chairman ed by Murnau, will b given at the of these ends eans ttnhemusI to aid the Marquette.s . '3OMus., and Warren Ketcham, '32 1 who will be assisted by a univer- Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Ahaebtntulatimnsan Three Are Rescued. Mus. Cellos, Tom Jones, '31, and st Th1denthsi 1 resultinith performance will 'be given tonight acquired knowledge and labitudej Three members of the crew of Sylvester Missal, '31. String Bass, ent re in tomorrow night, and a matinee will Dr Ruthven ed t the Senator were picked up by the Lyman Fisher, '31E. Clarinet, Phi view toward all subjects under be given this afternoon and Satur- Dr. Ruthven was asked the ques- Marquette, a wireless message said. liew twral sujcsudrwehruiesttriigwsi-,Polley, '32Mus.,' and Nelson Jack, osdrain-thaon o iwday afternoon. wehruiesttann a ni They were Leonard Ross, William( '32. Oboe, Dwight Lewis, '31E. Bas- consideration - the point of view perative for a good education, to Filbeck, and Ralph Ellis, the radio onLy mih'1i.Hrnof the faculty member, of the Uni- The feature is directed by the which he replied that while it was IprtrTeSntrsn o soon, Lyle Smith, '3lMus. Horns,l versity newspaperman, and of the man who was, made famous by wihh ele htwie ias operator. The Senator sank so Phillip Cox, '32, and Ronald Hin- sse not, it could help considerably, de- ' ickly, the message said, that teran, 32E 'Trumpets, Eric Wild, high school editor. "The Last Laugh" and in his in- pending, of course, upon the stu- there was no time to launch life- '3lMus., Lee Freeman, '31, and Wal- Invitations have been sent to th, terpretation of the novel. But dents. 31E Trombone, Ernest editors of the high school publica- Murnau calls his idea of the story, At_:_pmtRa__Cror-boats. ton Schuh, rl.TobnEns At 1:05 p. in. the Radio Corpora-I Jackman, '31E. Tuba, Edward tions represented in the associa- "Nosfertau, the Vampire and does Unior Engineers Name tion of America at Chicago picked Weinman. '31. PercussiOn, Sidney tion and registration will begin at not limit the action to the confines GirEg-ine rs Nei up another i 0 h message from the Jardine, '30. Piano, Allen Callahan. 1:30 o'clock Thursday, November of the plot. martin or ounC Marquette saying it as sinking '31Mu -14. The 300 delegates and their ad- Two short subjects are also in-!M dutantwa s:2ing _us. 1visers expected for the convention cluded on the program. "The Lave Harry Gilmartin, '31E, was elected rapidly. Another S e at 1:26 p. Iwill be housed in the various fra- of X," another cubist production the junior engineering class repre- n.asethtcrfry N.1 Memorial Committees ternity and sorority houses as has "directed by the French artist, sentative to the Engineering coun- pleasestand by. The message said; Are Chosen by Ruthven been customary in past years. Florey, will be shown. A satrical cil, at a meeting of the class held the Marquette was headed due west ._.. iburlesque of all travel programs yesterday. Gilmartin defeated three toI All delegates will be guests of. not expect trecit Two Senate committees have the Athlet t f th U is included in "An Expedition other candidates to win the elec- n been appointed by President Alex- terstyletiasocatignte Uni-e Across the Great Sagrara." tion. (Continued on Page Two) ander G. Ruthven to prepare me-' versity at a football game between ---_____ _____________ ande G. uthen t prpareme-Western State Teachers' college ~~ orialsoThe com ttefac mhichw nd Michigan's Junior Varsity team Reverend John Schroeder, Scheduled to Speak Sunday at Student draft the eulogy on the late Prof. ;audyatron Robert Mark Wenleyhconsists of! A general assembly is planned Convocation, Is An Ardent Enthusiast of Several Kinds of Sports Prof.DeWitt .. Parker of the for Thursday evening when dele- philosophy department, Prof. Wal gates are to be formally welcomed Rev. John Schroeder of Saginaw at Columbia university. His ex- students, as he has spoken before te B Pillsbury of the psychology in an address by Charles S. Monroe, who will be the speaker at the stu- perience as a practical clergyman numerous student assemblies at r department, and Dean Herbert C. '30, president of Sigma Delta Chi, have varied from the ministry of outstanding educational institu- and also by an official of the Uni- dent convocation Sunday is a ar- tions of the country. He has also Prof t EWood of the sociology versity. Later the same evening, dent supporter of athletics andti kept himself well in touch with the delegates will be conducted on of Boston to religious work in a th e l o th department will head the commit- cnutdo other forms of recreation and is o otnt eiiu oki youth and the problems of the tee appointed to draw up the me- a tour through The Daily. h ms ofcetin a I small community in the New York younger generation. His summers ory foraProf.nchCharleseHortonmsf ste p las w s a metropolitan area. He is now pastor are spent in boy camp work and he- CClass rhr .Cos fbanhso sot e ly Itha the First Congregational church has placed himself in close con- the history department and Prof. E full-hearted spirit, characteristic of Saginaw. tact with adolescent youth of the Robert C. Angell of the sociology Discussed by Council of the vitality he displays in his ad- Reverend Schroeder is exception- present day.. department are the other mem- dresses from the pulpit ally fitted to address the University Sunday's convocation, whichwdi bers. Meeting last night in the Union, The Saginaw minister, who is be held at 11 o'clock in Hill audi- _ - the Engineering Council discussed now only 32 years of age plays a " " torium will be conducted on th Fellowshio of Upjohn the handling of the payment of good hand of bridge, is a devotee same generaltscheme as the on E class dues and the holding of com- to tennis and swimming, and is last Sunday. With that convocatio iing elections. strong in support of other types of a policy of more active participa- - tine of th stdnt hbody in the po Rodkey Stock Minimizes Drop Harm 'The recent scare in the business world caused by the fall of stock values on the New York stock ex- change has affected a relatively! small number of persons," said Prof. Robert G. Rodkey, of the school of business administration yesterday. "The stock values mere- ly reflect business conditions in- stead of governing them, and per- haps not over 500,000 persons, less than one half per cent of the population of the United States,! have been affected by late condi- tions." The fall of the market was given great publicity throughout the na- tion in newspapers. Professor Rod- key intimated that it was due per- haps to the present slump of ac- tivity in the largest industries of the country. "Notably the automo- tive manufacturers have been doing practically nothing in the line of production during thepast few months," Professor Rodkey con- cluded. ARMY-NAVY DISPUTEI REVIEIAJED BY GOOD1 SOPHOMORE _CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR, Hardy, Maulbetsch, Todd, and Nichol Chosen to Head Second Year Class. FRESHMEN VOTE IS NEXT School of Music Elections Will be Scrutinized, by Student Council This Year. Ralph A. Hardy became president of the sophomore class of the lit- erary college at the class election yesterday. winning 239 to 203 over Robert D. Townsend. Charlotte Maulbetsch was named vice-presi- dent, Mildred Todd, secretary, and David Nichol, treasurer, each tak- ing office by approximately the same margin as existed in the pres- idential contest. With the sophomore vote, yes- terday, the class election activity which has been at its height for the past two weeks subsided to a prac- tical standstill where it will be un- 'til the freshman literary election, Question of Resuming Annual I now set for December 5. Only two Football Classic Discussed votes of note will be held in the by Officials. !near future. These are the sopho-- more and freshman engineeriig BRITTEN CENSURES ARMY 1relections next Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. (By Associated Press) Three Defeated Candidates. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 31 Unsuccessful candidates for the M-opes may be dim, but attempts three lower offices in the sopho- rll be continued to bring about a more literary vote were Mary resumption of the annual Army- Shield id Barb 'Navy football clash. Wright, secretary, and Hoace Pow- Discussing the failure of the con- ers, treasurer. Miss Maulbetsch won ference between the superintend- the vice-presidency, 241 to 203, Military and Navy Miss Todd became secretary by a ents of the ffetryanda y 238 to 206 vote, and Nichol took academy to effect an athletic the treasurership, 239 to 204. The reconciliation, Secretary Good total number of ballots cast was said today he would continue his 1444. efforts in that direction. Ile did not The Student council supervised know 'whether they would take the the election yesterday as it has all form of conferences with Secretary other votes in the several schools Adams. and colleges of the University. To Meanwhile on Capitol hill, Chair- date it has conducted nearly 25 man Britten of the house naval af- elections. There are a few more fairs committee censured the posi- elections to be held, Three of these tion taken by the West Point au- are for first year students in the thorities of not changing their I literary, law, and architectural col- rules of athletic eligibility of not leges, which will not be condlucted adhering to the three year rule of for a month, I competition, and expressed hope To Supervise Music Erections. that the government officials With the addition of the School "would direct West Point to get to- of Music to the University proper, gether with Annapolis and reach the supervision of elections in that compromise on the regulations school, has now become a power of for the participation of athletes." the council. These totes are to be He added that under the present arranged for immediately, the rules the Naval Academy was "han-- council decided last night and will dicapped" in its athletic contest be in charge of Jerrold Curry, '31, with West Point. junior councilman. The position of Major General 'rho freshman egineering vote Wliam R. Smith, superintendent will be held at 11 o'clock next Wed- of the Military academy, intmain- nesday morninguin room 348 West taining the previous conditions of onoe one will ben a0 o'clock on eligibility was charterized by the Thursday morning in the same House Naval commtttee head as room. Matthew Haddon, '31E, and "showing that West Point is afraid Stan Cochran, '30, of the council, to meet Annapolis unless given a will be in charge. favorable handicap." Britten said that, if West Point maintained its Plans for Fall Games present position, it would mean there would be no winter or spring Announced by Council sport competition between the two ; ri r 3; 3 tl i' s academies. Plans for the annual fall games - e ' i between the freshmen and sopho- Hussey Speaks Before more classes of the University are B fr now being formulated, it was re- Geology Journal Club ported last night to the Student council, by Richard Cole, '30, who Speaking of his summer's work in I will be in charge of the traditional Colorado, Prof. R. S. Hussey, of the affair. The games will be held next geology department, featured the Saturday, the morning of the Har- Geological Journal society's pro- vard game, at south Ferry field. gram last night in the Natural t Captains for the two classes will Science building. Prof. L. B. Keilun, be electedsnext week, according to of the University Museum, followed present arrangements. The second Professor Hussey with an address year students will chose their lead- on "The Geology of Northeast Coa- er at a meeting Tuesday evening, and the freshmen will name theirs hulia, Mexico." Wednesday evening. Both meetgs Professor Hussey gave an illus- Wresdueeditg.bBohetings trated description of his four are scheduled to be held at the Union.1 months in Colorado and other The annual clash of the two low- western states, in which he told of er classes consists of a cane spree, the finding of 5,000 specimens of a pillow fight, and a flag rus>. The fossilic life, going back into the first two events each count one Ordorician age, me:e than 150,000,- point. The last event calls for 000 years ago. Several specimens rushes at three flags, and the seiz- were brought back which have not ur e of each flag within a specified yet been identified with any animal tinme will count one point each for or amphibian known, but which the attacking class, the freshmen. has resemblances to both land and Three points are needed for a class sea life. Professor Hussey was ac- to win the games. companied on his trip by five Mich- An appeal was issued by the io'an students. The survey was con- council to leaders in each class to ducted in an area about one mile obtain a strong representation of