rPTYT CTA'V ^I-I a^IMTVD'-'2i 1494
..s-s a . xT±1I"LiTJJ
SAX, OC IaUA WY j 1, i guy
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members (R rs iefrdo h pnn a o ebr fteGooia or ot
of thei Universityde.liedonCopy pereceived RES by the Assistant Tni 11to1tothee Uivesit- Coy IeeIId societysitawilolhemeeti sthisywieveninghs evnienten it
dent~ until 3:3U p, m. (11:30 a. in. Saturday) I ONIA, Mich., Oct. 30- Pc'oh- tell convention by State ister inrom35_fraotefhigta
tions___________en f rcem enof roome 3056xbfor, an other D rofith e c g tur~
!! VOL. XL. THURSDAY, OCTiOBER 31, 1929 No.ceadigefremn Gor7F9axu~.LctrrDr Charity Chest Vounteers Report "lecture programs which have been alcu
- - ---- - - -_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ l w p oh bti g saeo- - ow -wee denn I ha h Enthusiastic Response at scheduled for the 1929-30 season. .P Fe
NOTICES (gift c igarets to minors were be- farmlers bury tPle hatchet which Cmpig pDnerITe ecuesfo tisweks ono
Unversity Senate: The first meeting of the Senate for the year will in-, prepared today for submission has caused disseninon between the j___ cation are Prof. R. C. Hussey and Bil
bie held In FRoomn G Law Building on Monday, November 11, at 4:15 p. in to the 400 ceeates attending the grange and the £farm bureau; reit-{ Dr. flarley iyne ,peidn fPro .B elun hirtpc i j'F
T'entative dates fPor other mneetints: January 20, March 10, May 12. n ratienl of the farmiers' demandy yspeinto :LB.Klu.Tiroicwllio
J. W. Bradshaw, Secretary, annual convention oi' the SMichigan that nrohibitlon be retained n ;he Community Fund association !be "The Canyon City Embayment,
--- Stage Grange ;nere. enforced; insitence that the lior-!gave the first report of work beingj and "The Geology of Northeast' "Four
To Members of the Faculty, 1b-iy;': Academic annual salaries' The resolutions were Incited by ton law, denying hunters free use .done by more than four hundred Coahuila, Mexico" respectively. Sultans
are paid in nine instalhm:,nts t he ninth being a double installment) o'n onslaught on cigaret smoking of farmers' lands be Err~timued, and' volunteer patcpnsi;h n Professor Hussey returned to lect o
on the last day of each month f'rom O tbr to June. inclusive. At the ~~ab rnelaes oe e-affirmance of cthe belief that the parAroicmunsi Fnd rie Ann Aro1ti fl ftron ft 1 i
option of the f arulty mn rb r arranfg irr t cmay be made with the smokers were censured. Cigaret incomfl5 tax principle must be ap- most interesting field excursions in adtr
IBuiness Office to pay the _arv in wEli ccual ifrvnthly installmnents, .mnfcues ad dsrbtr plied to relieve agriculturists who, Tuesday noon at the Masonic tem-,his career. His topic of lecture will'ametrIi
euding with the ini,.baln.i;iof seoitemi)e r 30, 1930. If' the arrange- mau1trr id ur~~r are overburdened with property 1pie. James Inglis is in charge of concern the area which he covered, metrngn
nient Is not made until a larO U. ,bl=r 1 proportion ace adjustments. were pictured as menaces to s-1 taxes. brirvannhudgievlaledt o gitg
in the arrlaurt aan um aeb .r o i~i , ,c..1;t fll a1°nnt iiinEag Septemnber city. Farm leaders contended Mthtok rge ht ao en drwoenenteestdi te suldse oflgeoloyL.Bellumt
30, 1930, will be made. cigaret smoking by woman pro- is the healthiest training for chil-'work assembled at the Templ F; connected with the University Mu- Apc
PVa('uL,,/ rneb~rs wt ilmng to 'n P t o h. an arrwngemnent for 1929- hibits healthy babies and luirid ad- diren. She recommends that ady ihta a"omuiy Furi emwslcae nth ei A plo
1930 will piease c711 on the pa 'rll ~c k, :Miss Edlith Snli h or the as-' vertisements are inducing boys and stateyrnightreatea Cbemmadetthatnpr seumi wafildforaseveraltheyes anbepforews i
Fi tarir. MissaI'!nma Geiger.i~ in he hUttsi'ws 1Otflee at aa+ ,iinie except igirls to adopt a habit which is un- boy sand i r beraine othey Campaign dinner" and allpeen!oi ils ctivityalMcheans begoe an s rec
dutringa the final four '.":'3 '4 riyV n AI Frptau1~.n oftl p yrodlsi dermining moras and mentality, will be able to earn their own living! were optomistic, In believing that; Both men have previously ad-
dun~~~~~~~ ihei ~fu-da 9~Jr~e 1~ ~o o to u n r umatI-1 Other high lights of the broad- when they reach the age of 138 the goal of $65,279.57 intended to dressed the society, but Professor] Italy1
ry ~Try-outs for the next production will be held in Uf. Ball Aui- 1 word nor dissenting opinions were!led with the Canyon City excur- -
Fauty, Selloff} f l led ciw h e ; i.13'acu) tv t~m>, , will be t orium on Sunday a. m., November ]evidenced but each~ one in a,tten- sion which he took during the 'rIntr4
hell ol the thi 'd 2aai' of 01c li 1ti LVC Lea rue Buidinug on Miday, - dance seemed to be happy for the l summer vacation. On the trip he
Nov(tlb m t , at12:.1 : E .t: 7+. e t O. doafg Of Tlase. I Christian Science Sceymeets at 7:30,Lngtin the U r"r1lii a copaidb evrlsu
C. O. Davis, Secretary 1 of Lane Hal. 'a~1eeo epigi h otydents of geologp.
-cause of "going over the top" for The Geological Journal society'
ITctvrty Wien: Atl h<:Wdils tit !(s'irnter--cla~; hockey report:, House Presidents: The Board of Representatives meets in the Ann Arbor. meets every two weeks during the
';UT ,,day; and 'fiflr5;d'.vs ~ftie -' i !; n.!,,n,- w>PH;OVtr the weather. Board of Representatives Room in the League at 5 oclck. You m iay , --- -- I i
Ido epl r avo rpri,;bring your1'signing 7out slips 'from the beginning of $l3 Y-1i :; &ter 1Iup lCO.
ma neifi r eyhnor >Ii~ab*tth Halsey ;tit COcober 31. MERRILL, L N H O
A lBeplna&ir's (Ckm in Socia,1.wi9.l fl' for fi Ov5l iy ien and Point System Conimttee will not meet. Members
woimn, rbe-ik orgaiiu 'ed i- 'ute-;:t y anrd Thursday eveuiung, 7:30 --i- ew York Stock ExchangeO
to 8:30 p. 71u., Eat111" NWlafme.+';t ril uildilw. There will be rlodi- Members of the Ale's Chorus should report anytinie durin ''t,11-1 Chicago Stock Exchange
vidlual in - au<°t#ion for 1hE+. e lr .,i it,. 1 riivira music. Six lese-- cay at Mimes Theatre to be reasured for cot ie.Tids i:>tthe ,i1' Cleveland Stock Exchanve
sons ~ ~ )a io 3.0 >at, , i1+f.= 15, , 1Xritr dyrn, or .daY 1116-O ineaS111'ement,. will be taken.,)tot tc '
front des-k t-, v 'l r-r 'g A i h-fLir J-tIi Uii u j. 'IIIP ift t a.,s mees DtrizSoc xchange Tl
T"hursdiay, Oct. ','l. COMING EVENTS New York Curb Marke 1Cl
Ethel McI~Cormick University Lecture: November 1, Mr. Tasslo Adam, Curator of 1 Accounts Carried on Conservative MarginT
O---1riental Art in the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Sciences, at 'N l Il hn AY%
House Presidents: All signing-out sijo.-; froma the beginning of 4:15 p. in., Natural Science Auditorium. Subject: "Four Years at the * iws' t'~ lI ank Phone q- ifi14u e
chool up to November fin m rust be handed into the President of th1s Court of the Sultans of Java".l tu
Women's League 'Office by November hs.- ____
year. combim n1.'on -
with the geograph~y depart,"-aalrepofamAmil-
go the combined clubs lid-ar. is
re o h n s h rrguson, of the U n~ited States
gist to Speak on
mr Y'ears in Java'
of Java" will be the u-
a lecture to be g iv n b-
Adam, eminent biologist, t,
iday in th e N atural S ri i , u. T e b ~ ~ y ci ce s e n s
D,Adam to the University to
is speech.
wind' coinpetit ion- to test
rom all parr.., of the world
emtly held at I elgrja e, Yu -
has more than uU0AjOO pco-
of work.
od ucing -
king '.~
)rchestras with
Enter ta;n ers
That cdick!
ePhOlle Jackson 5590
ltro ld Haiudly A. T. 0.
has Neard them---Ask Byrn-.
El~isabeth I~eVol, Chairman of the D'iard of 11epreseztatives Sophom'ore E~ngineers: Class
elections will be held on Novemiber
EVENTS Th'ODA'Y ' t in room 348 West Engineering
At- Oinlus Forum at 4:00 p. ri., Room f) DofAlumni Memnorial Hall. BlAdg., at. Len o'clock,
ylresldpi, AIex-apjder Rilthven will- sp'eal. ovi When is a Man Edtteated t"
IUniversity Club NightL: T1he firs .
l'fess;or Shirley ihsoin Caseof11-w Utiivrity of Chieag-, wd Cub Nf'lgit occursFrd~..V Nvei;
ltci.ut~re t:3i0 l p. m,.,N 'a t~t I if t'me Aui[torium, on 'I~he ideal ;: her I, at 8:00 l). in. T1he program
.)e emts. will begin about 8:20. M'e rnbcr~-
should make a specifal effort _to
Faculty, Collaeges of,- Enl and Architecture mneets at 4:15! bring guests wIho may be interested
p.i. nRoom 343 "West Engnc-ering Building, in Club membership.
Deca's Advisory Coniittee, College orf Literatuire, Science and th , LIQUO R ADVERTISEMENT
Art: tneets at 4 p. m. in Dean Eff'inger's Office. - A r- w - - .. *cv . r*w.rl. -
--- ........
....... . . . . . . . .
:-,- . .
;e . ..
t ,, " Y
E: Eiglish '233 meets at 7:00 p. in. CC-
C eological- Journal Club meets in- Room 3056 N. S. at 8 o'clock. Rt.
S'. Htisey will speak on " The Canyon City Embayment." L. B. Kelhum{
will ta lk on "The -Geology, of Northeast Coahuila, Mexico".
Xotdor Engineers meet at,11 a. mn. in room 343 W. End;.
jota AlphA: -Open, meeting at' 7:45 p. mn., Room 3201 East En-
gineering Building. Professor G. G. Brown will talk on "Motor Fuels".
All graduate engineering students, staff members, and others interested
are invited to attend.-
The Student Journalist ub meets at 0 p. Il. at the women's
League 13uldlng. - After dinner 11ackley Butler will talk on his travels
in Asia.
Do"-T'ON, Oct. 30 - Eiihu D.k
Istone, assistant,- United states at-
torney in charge of liquor cases in
the Federal court here, said no
I prosecutions would result f roml the
publishing of alleged boo' legers'
advertisements in the H-arvardi
and Lampoon, student publications
fat Harvard University. Stone said,
n ro reference to liquor was contain--
ed in the advertisements and
therefore were no grounds for
Shirt Special
Beta Kappa Rho will meet at the 'j Ue oitiiai expJJese~cUt t!C UCbIIC
home of Miss 'Gillette, 1319 Forest 'that the advertisements migh-t have
Ave., Saturday, Nov. 2, at 8:15 p. been printed as a jest but, lie added
m. New members may meet in the "advertisements like this, however,
lobby of the Leagu~e Building and, do not tend to elevate American
will be escorted to the party. youth."
this week end
every colored shirt in stock will be included
in this sale
Tis is thie Bjnd'- you want to:.Ao
IV Party a b*~Si , ktCm~.~
J3-n's Blue Blowers
430Plones 6749 4
Delivery Service that makes it possible to
enjoy Ainn Arbor's finest purest water in your
home, store, or office at surprising low cost.
Telephone 8270
416 W. fluron
neg. collar attached and detached
neg. stiff collar attached and detached
parka; phld. and plain demi bosom, collar attached
and detached
Sleeve lengths 33 and 34--all sizes
special prices
all 2.50 shirts $1.88; three for $5.50
all ~3.00 shirts $2.25; three for $6.50
all 3.50 shirts $2.68; three for $7.50
all $4.00 shirts $3.00; three for $8.50
remember the days; thursday, f riday, saturday
this week
this is your chance to stock up on shirts
Distilled Water
Spring Water
'vd LW ji '*c, IIalafl sI
A4 Novel of Strong Color and Varied Interests - ealing uwith strange,
transforming life forces-
South SMate Street at William Street
Y Ym._ _...