or.14TIP.IMAV, OCTOnEA 31, 1029 IWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY AGE SPEED BA~LL*TEAM9S ENTER SEM'l-FINALS1 i" i 4 { I I. Alpha Kappa Lambda WinsI From Beta Theta Pi Team in Quarter-Finals. SOCCER HOLDS INTEREST Upsetting the dope Alpha Kappa Lambda conquered the highly tout- ed Beta Theta Pi aggregation in the speedball tournament 8 to 4.1 The Beta's had previously eliminat- ed Sigma Alpha Mu, champion for the past two years. As a result of this match Alpha Kappa Lamda{ will meet the winner of the Phi Chi-Theta Chi struggle in the semi- finals. In the other bracket of the! tourney Alpha Delta Phi will take on Delta Upsilon and.Kappa Delta1 Rho will attemipt to overcome Phi Sigma Delta in the other quarter- final. The winners of these matches will then compete to enter the finals of the tournament. Progress in Consolations Rapid The progress of the consolation tourney has been more rapid than! that of the main event. Theta Xi meets Kappa Nu in a semi-final match with Theta Xi the favored team. The winner will eitgage Phi Sigma Kappa in the finals. The dope favors Theta Xi to take the honors.I Interest in soccer has proved con-I siderable on the Michigan campus this year. Fourteen men attended! the meeting at the Intramural Building for the purpose of organ- izing several soccer teams. Some forty men have signed up for the sport and withih a short time it is planned to have teams chosen and play commenced. Regular hours of practice have been set from 4:00 until 6:00 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons on the broad expanse of Ferry field. Burns Park will see the boys playing on Sunday be- tween the hours of 10 and 12. Stu- dents interested in this sport should leave their names at the Intra- mural office at any time in the near future. Volley Ball Competition Spirited. Competition in volleyball, spirited in recent years, has shown itself to be the most popular of the indoor intramural sports to date. Twenty- four fraternity teams have swung into action on both on each of the last two nights. Twenty-four more engage in competition this evening, bringing the total to 72 teams. Last year's winner, Phi Lamda Kappa has en- tered a strong team of veteran per- formers while last year's runner- up, Kappa Nu, has also a strong team and is expected to be present when top laurels are donated. Favorable Comment TRANSFERS STRENGThEN (L A S S I F I Given Coach'Fisher JUNIOR VARSITY'S CHANCE! ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 6, Col. 7){ (Continued from Page 6. col. 2) and Gitmxan and Bergman,tackles. NOTICE the Michigan team gained an en- The addition of this quartet should - --.-- __ viable reputation both on an off aid in making the team tough to NOTICE! the diamond. During the games the t Why let your clothes suffer? Wolverines won note for the keen,beat the Send th to THE MOE LAUNDRY clean type of baseball they played. ; Yesterday's work consisted or a and appreciate the difference At the same time they did not for- long signalrehearsal of several nevi Service includes mending. get their obligation to their coach, plays in preparation for the coming 204 North Main Phone 3916 University, and nation and kept game with Ypsilanti, on November We call for and deliver judiciously within the limits of the 9. The Ypsilanti team is playing C "straight and not too narrow road." good ball this year and are favor- Appreciation by the Japanese of-. ites to cop the gome with the Wol- MACK TUTORING AGENCY. 150 ficials was shown by the presenta- verines. If the new additions put Tutors. All Subjects. Special this tion to the dividual members of the snap and dash into the team week: Aid in Physics & Evolution the team of hand-made awards on(tha sp ecnd teim ho- (Zool. 31). 310 S. State St. Phone ieveral occasions. Coach Fisher was 7927. 123 given, in addition, a large dragon ever, the Jayvees should put up a ------_ decorated screen. good fight. NOTICE -- WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN FOR ROOMS without Keys phone 9200 or see A. Real, key manu- facturer, 440 South State. C WAlriED aI v i) PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776. Victor Allmendinger. The Stein- way concert artist tuner. Office at residence, 1603 Morton Ave. 234C $25.00 f o r any lost Key I can't Replace. A. REAL'S SERVICE CAR "FIXALL" Is the same low rate as work brought to my Repair Shop.. Open 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 134c WANTED-Woman student to wait L Poypas duplex on table three times a day for LOST-K. of E. Polyphase duplex bardPe 8907.tmes y 3 slide in Chemistry Bldg. or be- tween there and 1224 Washtenaw W ANTE D - Stenographer and Tuesday noon. James H. Burke, W D-Seorahrad 1224 Washtenawr. 345 Typest, first class, Saturdays. _224_Washtna _. 3_ Apply Saturday 1825 Geddes Ave. LOST-Pair of glasses in black 23 case. Return to 627 S. Division. Dial 22133. 3 WANTED-Clothing salesman for - - full or part time. Experienced LOST-Gold pin between Law Club only need apply. Fair Store, 200 and Natural Science Lecture North Main. room. Finder call 5162. 34 _____ ____DOG LOST-Boston Bull, small brindle male, very little white on -- face, "Deedee." Suitable reward. Phone 8229. 234 LOST-Black leather purse con- 4T Ytamning over ten dollars, blue. T U P fountain pen withnae Esther Anderson engraved and other articles. Lost on campus October B28. Finder Dial 21566. $25.00 REWARD for any lost key I can't replace. A Real key mane- thesefacturer. 440 South State. Phone 9200. C '25.00 REWARD 0 For any article worth repairing that I can't repair and make as strong or stronger than new. Free repair for any item that I can't name its occupation. I want the reair work that others turn down. One trial will win your everlasting confidence. Keys manufactured from the first one to the last. Reduced rates in quaintities. Get my prices for Faculties, Fraternities and Sororities. .Keys for your auto, your apartment. homes, stores, offices, trunks, mail boxes, suitcases, hand bags, vanity rases, desks drawers, lockers, pad. locks, etc. to hat Society you it, 0 A. REAL, Master Mechanic 440 South State Phone 9200 the ambassador is one of the new models- which may be had in either brown or black scotch grain, -5O SUITS STYLE as smart as ever TAILOR ING- excellent WEAR greater than ever before at this price EXTRA TROUSERS You can't equal that for Value Wadh ams & Com. ~, 109 East Washington Street I 7r %ofwear 'OTlen Ale/ander. Inc. Upstairs ov.er CLJrrINS'-FLECHfZA r It; 'VA ) x1 Suits and Overcoats As You Like Them You are sure to find just the Suit or Overcoat you like in our large stock of KUPPENHEIMER AND BELMONT CLOTHES. Why they will please. The best tailoring and workmanship They are the newest fabrics The latest colorings At prices to please IU Ar1 i1 I