s W-uRSDAY. OCTaSER 31, .1929 -HEKMTCfI-rCGAN,.TWT L Y Archaeological MANY ITEMS FUND I N Prof. Leroy Waterman, Leader Expedition, Is Now in Babylonia. of MUSEUM SPONSORS TRIP More than 1800 items from lastI year's finds of the University's archeoligical expedition in Meso- potamia are being currently ex- hibited in the galleries of the gal- leries of the Toledo Muesum of Art. Prof. Leroy Waterman of the Seme- tics department who is chiefly re- sponsible for the instigation, promo- tion and carrying on of the expedi- tion is now in Babylonia on leave of absence. Two .years ago, Professor Water- man concluded that he has suffi- cient evidence as to the location of the important ancient Baylonian city ;of Opis. Literary references special field of studies led him to which he had encounteher in hist believe that he could definitely lo- cate the site of this city, and inas- much as he was about to go to Bag- dad as annual professor of the American School of Oriental Re-! search, he was in a position to car- ry on 'definite research work in lo- cating Opis, provided funds were available. Xenophon mentions in his writings that this city was an important one on the route of march of his 1,000 Greeks; it was also known to be one of the wealth-? iest cities of Babylonian times, dat- ing from 1800 to 300 B. C. Having secured funds from To- ledo Museum of Art's patrons, Pro- fessor Waterman started out to find his site, and with the aid of the British Air service he succeed-I scovetes Are xh ite ____ Tempting Fall ed. However, he not only brought 1 Howeveh, the excavations had pro- A concession to excavate these Weather home visible evidence of its Loca- gressed very little before it was dis-ithree sites, which are now a ton , L orSandwichesfr tion and existence, but he also covered that the identical sites of was obtained from the governme. u found superimposed upon it an Seleucia, the important Hellenistic of Iraq. "In total area, they cover tteroons equally important site, well known city of from 300 B. C. to 116 A. D.an historically, though equally un- and Opis, the Babylonian cty ofabu80are nhewssdef known as to its exact location-that from 1800 B. C. to 300 B. C., were the Tigris river some 15 miles fromI of the famous city of Seleucia, both superimposed upon the still Bagdad, the presenit capiuai o Iaq. SOUTH HEAR BOB which has long been known as one more ancient city of Akshak, a Su- Many mounds are visible on thisiSTATE of the greatest cities of the Helen- merian city which existed at least plateau-like area, but overtopping ITEE CARSONS MUSI istic world. "Two thousand years I thirty-five hnudred years before them all is a major elevation, typi- o We Deliver Evenings ago it was a Greco-Roman-city Christ was born. Thus oh a single cal of Babylonian cities, whereon oiPHONE 4636ng quite unsrpassed; Strabo, for in- site now known as the Tel Omar was located the main shrine of the0 stance placed it before Alexandra complex, a continuous history of city. This artificial tower, known as in wealth and power with over 600,- human occupation going back at a ziggurat, has commanded the at- o e 000 inhabitants. Under Seleucus least 5500 years from the present tention of the excavator and it is-- Nicator, one of the powerful gen- E time may be read in the light of in its vicinity that the activities erals of Alexander the Great, it was these excavations have been carried on thus far." the capital of one-third of the -_- Greek world, having' sovereignty j/U over the whole of the Near East. - 4Min. li~ePRlOF7 b3 Demonstrau For Your HALLOWE'EN Party What would be better Donuts and Cider? what could be better the new than And than THIS new Fada175 will prove itsi su- periority if you i will give it the chance. All electric- screen grid tubes-super-dynamic speaker --operates without loop, antenna or ground. ,: r s e k 4 i i t I I { I I t 1 t a i I , L x 4 y Llwyd 4V. Piughs a6 r~l An amazing of the discovery of the key to all achievement. Young Merrick found it in an old coded diary. He deciphered it -scoffed at it-tried it-and the golden door of attainment swung open. 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