ESTABUSHEDM 1890 m m V AL'. 4N MEMBER ASSOCIAT"ED PRESS w VOL. XL, NO. 28 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS Tro DATING WILL BE SIMPLIFIED NOV. 7 IUU Y IWHEN STUDENT DIRECTORY APPEARS TE The directory will be divided in JLUUILo be contained in the 1929-30 Student students, and organizations. Each + directory, which will make its ap student's name is given in full, as E peaiance on the campus one week ,Fell as his phone number, home T 1 Ifrom today on Nov. . The campusI town,and Ann Arbor address. The will complete University calendar for Rev. John Schroeder of Saginaw at which time 2,300 copies out ofithe school year is given, as well as Will Speak on 'Vitality the 2,600 which are being printed,'1 list of fraternities, soroities, and will be for sale, eage houses, with the names ofi This little book contains invalu- the members. HAS MODERNIST VIEWS able information for both men and The price of these directories will women students, and helps solve be, as usual, $1.00, it was announced! those annoying problems which by Sam Atkins, '30, business mana- I Has Preached at Exeter, Smith> tave quite likely beset you since ter, who added; "Pay no more" Harvard Andoverandhebeginkiyg of school thyis yea Members of the 'Ensian business syear. staff will have charge of campus Wellesley. Often men are heard to inquire, dit illhe hgeoa Who is that babe?" or "Wheredistribution while the editorial Who s tht hbe. r Whre taff of the same organization did Rev. John Schroeder of Saginaw, does she live, and what sorority staff kof s o izationl one of the foremost younger minis- does she belong to, if, any?" In! t work of compt ters in the country, wlil address te short, the men will find all the students of the University at 11, o 'ctc ud n day mh ningrt at the necessary material required for the]e M second of the fall series of the co- course in Dating 101. vocation. His subject will be "Vital- The women, too, will be assisted ity of Religion." Imi learning just "Who is that fresh M 1S 9KH Rev. Schoeder is but 32 years of guy?" and where, what eating club age, and possesses a charming and or "frat" he lives. For the shame- inspiring style, according to those less or desperate, the gentleman's who have heard him. Despite his phone number is blushingly includ- The Trend of Modern American youth he has had a broad experi- ed in the information. For those Drama' Will be Discussed ence, being once pastor of the Cen- who desire to know if "that darling- tral Congregational church, of Bos- instructor is married," it is merely ratorica eries ton, where he succeeded the Rev. necessary to turn to the faculty sec- E Willard Sperry, when he was ap-i ion, where an asterisk (thus *) IS WELL KNOWN WRITER, pointed dean of the Harvard Theo-: logical seminary, and at another equals "married." time pastor in a small congregation. --- ----- --- Louis K. Anspacher, who is con-, Known in College Circles. 1 RIsPiiII [U R IP idered one of the finest orators in Representing,,as his colleagues iLI America today, is scheduled to ap- say, the clergyman of the best mod- i pear here November 14, as the sec- ern type, Rev. Schroeder brings to iI and speaker on the Oratorical as his work in the pulpit a wealth rociation's lecture series. of information an experience An 's l k "Tseries. whih mkeshisseronsinsira --I Anspacher's talk-, "The Trend of which makes his Sermons inspira- n- tional, able and effective. He has Fiftieth Annual Meeting of Modern American Drama," will deal always been interested in college Engineering Society to with some of the significant plays groups, being himself but a few Eof today, and in it he will point out years removed from his college life, be Held. how in every respect the modern and he has preached upon the in- (heatre is fulfilling the Shake- vitation at Exter, Andover, lar- NOTED MEN MAY SPEAK spearean maxim of holding the vard, Smith and Wellesley. He spoke mirror up to modern life. The lee- at a convocation in Ann Arbor, in Plans for the Fourth Michigan ture will also deal with the trend March, 1928. On that occasion his Engineering conference and fiftieth toward the little theatre, the reper-" message was well received by the annual meeting of the Michigan try theatreo the thetre of the fu- students. teshr fteteteo h u Ate geo2 Re Engineering society which will be litre and what kingdom will be left At the age of 24, Rev. Schroeder held in Ann Arbor January 30 and the legitimate theatre after the ae cofmpdotea s work ior a loohwth- ; will-be discussed at a general movies have monopolized the em- the exception of Handing in his committee meeting to be held Fri-- pire of pure entertainment. thesis. He graduated from the Uni- iday night at the Union. Often called "a torch in the vversity of New Yoork and there-. Prof. Ferdinand Menefee of the Iminds of an audience," Mr. Ans- after took post graduate work at engineering mechanics department pacher is a distinguished dramatist, Columbia university. At the time is general chairman of the confer- phlsohe an a po A a dma- he was enrolled in the Union Theo- ence, and acording to Professor matist, he wil be best remembered, logical seminary. Menefee the conference will be one fThe Unchastened Womans" but he Has Served Eastern Parishes. of the largest that will b held un- has a score of other brilliant plays Rev. Schroeder has been on inti- der the auspices of the engineeringto his credit. mate terms with the outstanding college this year. As a philosopher, he has been men of his professior* who have amed himsan ssoght whisoh- A tentative program has been staff lecturer for the Civic Forum admired him and sought his com- t e, and if the speakers on the and the League for Political Edu- pany socially. The late Dr. Eliot rgm btnation New York. and for the of Harvard regarded him highly prograi are obtained students wilBrooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci- and sought his companionship. have the opportunity of hearing ,nces. Both Harry Fosdick and Dr. Sperry, such men speak as the presidents 01 Henry Moser of the speech de- regarded Schroeder as a warm several large universities, a membe aartment, business manager of the friend. of the President's cabinet, one o oratorical association, states that Following his connection with the best known contractors in the several season tickets to the re- Dr. Sperry at the Boston church, country, and the governor of the maining seven lectures on the ser- he served for a short time in the state. All of the men who are ex- iles are available in spite of the tre- place left vacant. But in a short pected to appear on the program 'nendous advance sale. They may time he saw the opportunity fore are graduates of the University o be obtained at room 3211, Angell greater service in a smaller con- grada heivrsy ot tall. headquarters for the associa- gregation and decided to relin- Michigan, and each will carry ou Lion. quish this post. He then took a in ]is speech the general topic os small congregation in the outskirts the conference, "The Engineer Ard Na Fail of New York City. Contribution to the Art of Living.' Ad avy/Pa Some of the topics that will be A £1 ,1 L'.J a. V JC.U~iX Pt'.L t t SOPHOMORE CLASS' WI[ LL OTEL D Engineers Elections Next Week Will Terminate Present Voting Season. PROXY VOTE PROHIBITED; I 4 is 'RETURN TO OF RH YS,. That lie hoped for turn to the old roman ROMAN( EVERYM an early re- t nces was the n CES' IS DREAM fAN LIBRARY HIE ADS I han the modern psychological ON STOCK MARKET: novelists who feel it their duty to I reduce everything to good sense. On this continent as well as in PRIGES GO HIGHER Only Eligible Students Allowed to Vote; Electioneering Curtailed. Election of officers for the soph- omore class of the literary college will take place this afternoon be- ginning at 4 o'clock in the Natural Science auditorium. Following the nominating the ballot will be open until 5:45 o'clock. The election will be under the supervision of the en- tire membership of the Student council. Any student in the literary col- lege having 26 to 55 hours credit inclusive will be eligible to vote or to seek an office. Candidates must also present a slip showing their scholastic eligibility from the Re- corder's office. Hope to Squelch Proxying. Voting by proxy, in any form will be prohibited at this as at the other elections under the supervision of the council. A list of students qualified to vote has been obtained from the Recorder's office, and a student will be checked off this iist before he is presented a ballot. Anyj student found guilty of voting by proxy, or persuading another to do so, will be recommended for pro- bation. Electioneering in the Natural Sci- ence auditorium before and during the hours of the election will be prohibited, it was announced late yesterday by Ernest C. Reif, '30. uresident of the council. Any stu- dent other than an eligibl'e sopho- more will not be allowed in th( room. Literary sophomores will elect. officers at from- 4'to5,:45 o'clock, this afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. Only stu- dents eligible to vote, those hav- in from 26 to 55 hours inclu- sive, will be allowed in the room, and electioneering in the audi- torium will be prohibited, the Student council has announced. Members of the coiinci' are ask- -d to report at 3:45 o'clock at the auditorium. Following tie election, the bal- lots will be counted by the council members in the student offices of the Union. The results will be an- nounced following their approval by the council. With the exception of two elec- tions to take place in the engineer- ing college next week, the sopho- more vote tomorrow, will be the last until the freshman literary student poll during the first week in December. During the past two weeks the council has conducted view expressed by Ernest Rhys, r noted author, and editor of the Everyman library and the Camelot;t series, in an address on "Celtic4 Folk Tales and French Romances" I at 4:15 yesterday in the Natural 1 Science auditorium. s Celtic folk stories, said Rhys, en-d tered into the French language . from Wales. Then, with the Nor- t man invasion of England, in the 1 11th century, these folk tales cameA back into the Welch again, this e time with an added coating of n French courtly life. t The common tendency in these1 tales was to bring characters and events closer to the people by having certain events happen in Wales. Rhys cited the example that in one story Christ was cruci- field on a Welch hillside. Rhys read excerpts from the story of Sir Percival as an illus- tration of the Welch folk tale. In- to this story much of the French coloring enters. Rhys also related the plots of several other stories: "fool stories" and curious stories of transformations of men and wo- men ito birds and beasts. "Romance is not a thing of glamour," Rhys said in conclusion "it penetrates deep into human ex- perience, probing a little deepei RUTH YENI'O SPEAK ON EUCA.TEDM A President, in First Appearancea Before Student Body, Opens Forums. '. C. A. SPONSORS AFFAIR "When is a Man Educated" is thet ,ubject that President AleXander l G. Ruthven will speak on .at the First of a series of All-Campus' .'orums .sponsored by the Student Christian association, this after- noon at 4 o'clock in Room D.- Alumni Memorial Hall. Because of the fact that this will be Dr. Ruthven's first public ap- pearance before the student body. considerable inteerst is being shown for the occasion. Following a short introductory presentation of his subject, Dr. Ruthven will allow and encourage response in the form of questions from the audience. Among the points that he will stress in his dis- -ussion will be the questions, Is education ephemeral or perma- .jent ?Can it be achieved in the span: of four, or five, or six years? [f so how?" The forums, of which there are to be eight will be held weekly at1 I o'clock on Thursday afternoon. "expressly for the purpose of dis- .ussing "conflicts in student life." the subjects to be discussed will be ,some of the problems that a rep- resentative group of students feel to be important. The speaker in each will first outline the subject to be discussed and the students will then ask the question they vwould like answered. Although the formus are sche- duled to be held in Room D, ! Alumni Memorial Hall, it is expect- d that many of them will be trans- erred to the West Gallery because of the limited seating capacity of the former. G. 0. P. Chiefs Disagree Over Tariff Procedure the great cities of Europe, Ernest Rhys is remembered as a famed ecturer on poetry, and Shake- speare. Rnys achieved renown during the World War for his on Market. Shakespearian talks to the soldiers,' to whom this greatest of England's I BROKERS ADVISE BUYING men of letters became a reality. After the war, he spoke to audi- U. S. Steel, Radio, and Other ences, in Holland which resulted in making him literary adjucator in' Leading Issues Recover the Olympic games at Amsterdam, After Declines. 1928. (By Associated Press) FRES M9N G ROUof NEW YORK, Oct. 30-The wave of hysterical selling, which has clipped more than 25 billion dollars from the quoted values of listed securities in New York markets during the past week, subsided to- day, and prices rallied briskly in PE - response to what appeared to be a strong investment demand. Scores of active issues were marked up $2 Underclass Committee of Union 1to nearly $30 a share in the first Forms New Sections of hour of trading. First Year Men. I While trading failed to maintain Fthe terrific pace set in Tuesday's ILPLAN FALL GAMES early trading, nearly 2,000,000 WILL' LALL M I shaies changed hands in the first slfhur wihhtckrstadg Thomas Lamont Statement Aids in Halting Bear Activities 02 Irr , i 1 f Six leaders have been selected to h rganize each of the freshmen fa roups, which are to meet at 7:15 w 'clock next Tuesday evening in arious rooms of the Union, it was ,nnounced yesterday by Robert ke .kerman, '31, chairman of the w tnderclass committVE. Letters to his effect were sent out Tuesday C d cards to remind the freshmen ti drill be dispatched the early part of Jt ext week.' There will be free . mokes, as well as cider and dough- d uts for the guests. , a On the Wednesday night follow-] ng the group meetings a rally of in he entire class will be held n the th allroom of the Union for the pur- of >ose of selecting a captain for the a 'all games, which. will take place o n the morning. of the Harvard- th dichigan game, November 9. Those men who will be in charge d Af the various groups are: Duane s 3aldwin, '31, group I; Edward J.. ilcCormick, '32, group II; Albert t Donohue, '31, group III; Glasson W. Coombe, '32A, group IV; Des- t nond Tyler, '31, group V; and Ho- s art Skidmore, '32, group VI. These mn nen will bring up for discussion A he names of potential candidates t for the class captaincy, and willR =mphasize the importance of theK ames and of Black Friday as Uni-E versity traditions. At this time plans will be made A for the organization of teams in a the various competitive sports t among the groups. The Union, its I activities, and the perspective of Union functions will be brought I out, and finally, a call will be made for freshmen who play some musi- m cal instrument to organize a band 3 for the traditional games. On Wednesday night there will be several speakers, among whom' will be football players and former Fall games captains, who will ex- is plain the games and just what they i mean.d Start Investigation of Ship's Disaster I (By Associated Press) KENOSHA, Wis., Oct. 30.-The federal government, the countyc and the Goodrich Steamship Co., t joined today in an investigation o into the sinking of the steamshipa Wisconsin four miles off this port E Tuesday with the loss of at least b nine lines. - Fred J. Meno, supervising inspec- tor of the federal steamship inspec- tion office of Detroit, had charge t of the inquiry for the government. , He said he would begin at once the" questioning of witnesses. A prelimnary survey TuesdayL might gave rise to several ques-t tions, answers to which may help in placing responsibility for the wreck. It was pointed out that the boat was less than an nour outt from Kenosha harbor when it first began radioing distress signals;{ there were lifeboats and life pre- servers for all, and the radio was working up to a short time before the vessel was abandoned. As near as officials were able to state, the Wisconsin carried a crew of 70 men and 4 passengers. Nine lives were lost, including those of Capt. Douglas Morrison lf hour, with the ticker steadily lling behind the market until it as 22 minutes late a 11 a. m. Statements Reassure. The second casualty among bro- rage houses took place today hen the firm of Lynch & Co. was spended from the New York urb Exchange for failure to meet: s obligations. The curb of John Bell & Co. was suspended Tues- 2y. Neither firm was engaged in general commission business. Reassuring statements from lead- g bankers overnight coupled with me declaration of extra dividends. $1 each on U. S. Steel common nd American Can, and an advance f $1 in the annual dividends on ue latter, helped to revive onfl- ence in the market. Strong buying upport also was provided by pow- rful institution and wealthy capi- %listS. American Telephone was one of he leaders of the rally, quickly aring $27 a share to $231. East- an Kodak rallied $22. Electric uto Lite $16, United States Indus- ial Alcohol $14, and New Haven ailroad, Republic Steel, Ingersoll and, Auburn Auto, Westhighouse lectric, St. Joseph Lead and North merican Co. were seling $9 to $12 share higher before the end of he first hour. Brokers Advise Investment. Nearly all the leading brokerage muses and several of the invest- aent services advised their suso- ners overnight that high-grade Locks were at bargain levels and ould safely be bought for invest- nent. Whereas a few weeks ago many tocks were4 selling on a yield basis f less than 3 per cent, the recent decline has brought prices down o where the yields of 5 and 6 per ent were quite common, with some )f the more seasoned issues yield- ng 10 per cent or more at current levels. Prices on the New York Curb Ex- change also bounded upward. !i the opening today. Cities Service opened with a block of 30,000 shares, at $24.12, up $1.87, and Electric Bond and Share opened with a block of 20,000 shares at $7012, up $10.62. The rally gained momentum as the session progressed and initial gains were generally extended be- fore the end of the first half hour. United States Steel common quick- ly extended its gain to $7.25 by touching $181.25. A group of bankers who have been co-operating in efforts to stabilize the market announced through their spokesman, Thomas M. Lamont of J. B. Morgan & Co., that they would continue their ef- forts. After a meeting last night, Mr. Lamont said: "I want to take occasion to ex- plain again as heretofore that the banking group was organized to offer certain support in the market and to act as far as possible as more than a score of elections in the several colleges and schools of the university. The Sophomore engineering stu- dents will elect their officers at 10 o'clock a week from this morning in room 348 West Engineering Etienne Clementel discussed according to the tenta-! tive program are: Transportation LV 1b'1ciLtl: L"1lGGliiGlli Will Form Cabinet and Communication, Field of the Engineer in Government, and En- I gleer as Educator. (BY Associated Press) Professor Menefee, Prof. John S. PARIS, Oct. 30.-Etienne Clem- ;IWorley, of the engineering trans- entel, chairman of the finance portation department, and T. Haw- committee of the senate and for- ley Tapping, field secretary and imer mi.nister of finance in the business manager of the alumni Herriot cabinet, today accepted "in association, are three of the men principle" the task of forming a who are most interested in the af- cabinet to succeed the recently- fair. defeated Briand mnistry. - Clementel is a member, of the BULLETIN. radical group in the senate. He isj regarded as one of the most mod- 1(By Associated Press) erate of that group and the mostj WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 31.- likely radical to be able to form a Thoughts of a Chinese-Soviet war kover- the Chinese Eastern railway new union government more to the situation were revived by the Na- left than the Poincare combination, tionalist government in a lengthy excluding Conservatives of the Re- manifesto on its relations with the publican union group and replac- ,Soviet made public tonight by the ing them by radicals. i Chinese legation. mgCtemntylradthconfdeCharges of a "plot" against the Clementel has the confidence i Chinese government by the Soviet, the financial terests. This is based on alleged evidence seized in chiefly because of his action when a raid dh the Soviet consulate at minister of finance in taking issue Harbin last May and lengthy alle- with Premier Herriot against a garin lastayhengthy alle- capital levy in 1925, resigning after gationsagainst the Soviet for re- making his position clear before sponsibilties in the events following the senate. Since then he has been the taking over by the Chinese of much interested in the nterna-the Chinese Eastern railway, which muchintresed nmmthe Interna- have been a subject of numberous ( Ascatd Piss) building. The freshman engineers WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 30.- Iwill ballot at 10 o'clock next Wed- Army and Navy sought to reconcile nesday in the same room. their differences over athletic re- lationsltoday but in the end found Funeral Service Held themselves as far apart as ever. The Naval Academy made three! For Theodore Burton proposals looking to a compromiset of the dispute, all were rejected by (By Associated Press) the Military Academy. Relations WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 30.- were severed in 1928 because of a President Hoover joined members demand of the Naval Academy that of the Supreme Court, the Senat the other service institution abide I and the House in honoring th by the three year elibility rule. The memory of Theodore E., Burton to- IMilitary Academy offered no' com- day at a funeral service in the Sen promise.. It stood on its historic 'ate Chamber, where the late Ohi orinciple that all Cadets should Senator lay in state prior to being have equal opportunity and any taken to Cleveland for burial. student who is proficient in his A sorrowful quiet pervaded the studies is entitled to represent his distinguished group who hear school in any branch of sport re- ieulogies pronounced by Senato gardless of previous experience in Fess of Ohio and Representativ inter-collegiate athletics. Hawley of Oregon, friends 'of Mr Burton throughout his service i the Senate and the House. Th Harry F. Guggenheim President sat with bowed head a Ans G iarm's length from the flower-be A.nfunO nCES New Gi tdecked casket while Mrs. Hoove ____looked on from a seat in the mem (By AssociatedPrebers gallery.- NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-Harry F. - - Guggenheim, president of the Dan-\ iel Guggenheim Fund for the Pro- j r motion of Aeronautics, has anu- . el e - -I o d Fr e r. n :e t -_ r -F , By D. Harold Oliver, A. P. Staff Writer. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 30.- Disagreement among Republican s leaders on whether the Senate should proceed with debate on the E tariff bill without a recess before the regular December session was in evidence at the Capitol today; after informal conference of fac- tional chiefs. Chairman Smott of the finance committee, said he intended to go ahead with consideration of a re- vision measure tomorrow where the Senate left off yesterday when it adjourned out of respect to the late Senator Burton. He had heard of no movement being afoot to take a recess about the middle of Novem- ber. Other old guard Republicans let