Publisbed every morning except Monday
du ing the University year by the Board ID
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to 'the use, for republication of all news dis*
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Po'st-
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Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail. $
Offices: Ani Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
could not be suddenly inaugurated/
without throwing the students into IA
Such confusion that for a while true
than at present. Again for light we MUMPS
turn to former President Little's FOR a
idea of dividing the literary col- MIMES,
lege in two parts: a University col-
I This story doesn't really belong
lege, so called, and a graduate col-;.
lege in literature, science, and the in a humor column; it's tragic and
arts. The present system of marks replete with nearly every vicissi-
would probably have to be retain- tude that can befall a theatrical
|~ prodduction; yuhaby gosh, intoin-h.
ed in the University college, but podction; but by gosh, ito the
supposing that at the end of two humor column it goes.
years the scholars could be singled R*
out and the loafers sent home, the Last week four members of the
system of senior examinations could cast of "Old English" dropped out,
be installed in the graduate lit- 1 following which the costume com-
erary school to Michigan's undying j pany wired that the same play was
! glory, to be given at Illinois the same
week and no costumes were availa-
ble. A wire was immediately dis-
HELP THEM! patched to New York for costumes,
Four hundred workers are now which were sent air mail. The
actively engaged in a drive for an- plane broke down and the costum-
nual contributions to the Commun- es finally arrived by train. In the
ity fund. Eleven welfare organiza- meantime, however, one member of
tions have been placed on the list the cast came down with mumps,
to be aided this year, and a goal and another was stricken with ton-4
of $65,279.57 has been set, an ,silitis.I
amount considerably exceeding last * * *
year's goal. I Nothing else happened.1
Music And Drama I
TONIGHT: At the Wilson Thea-
tre the Stratford-upon-Avon play-
ers present "The Merry Wives of
Windsor" by William Shakespeare.
The Choral Union will present
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in
a concert at 8:15 o'clock in Hill
A Seven Days Wonder!
This Is The Last Day of The
Wonderful Special Offer by,
UniversityMui 1ts
Telephone 4925
Editor................George C. Tilley
City Editor.Pierce Rosenberf
Nen-s Editor......... . eorgewL. Simons
Sports Editor ........Edward Bi. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor............. larjorie Follmer
I eleglraph Editor.............George Stauter
Mu~fic and D~ramaa........William J. Gorman
Litr ary Editor...........Lawrence R. Klein
A.staat Cay Editor....-Roocrt J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman
Charles A.rAskren
Hielen Bare
Louise Behynier
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
H-elen Doininie
1%a;therine 1' ri riu
Carl For'ytht
Sheldon t;. l'ullkrtu
Ruth (Geodes
Ginevra Ginn
J, Edinitid GIrivin
)ack. Golustni
D. B. Hemipstead, Jr.
ames C. Ilendiey
ichard T. Hurley
lean H. Levy.
Russell E. McCracken
Lester M. May
William Page
Gustav R. Reich
John 1). Reindel
J eannie Roberts
-Joe Russell
Josepn F. Ruwttch
William P. "Salzarulo
Ue(rge Sta'tter
t )dwcll Swanson
ane 'Thayer
Margaret £Thompson
1: ichard L. Tobiu
Beth V alentine
H-arold 0. Warren
Charles S. White
C;. Liondi lWillens
Lionel G.; Willemt
J. E. Willoughby
Barbara Wrjght
Vivian Zimit
Telephone 21214
This drive for funds deserves the * * *
support of every individual in the: If you can think of anything else
city because of its worthy purpose. get in touch with 'Mr. Shuter, the
There are many unfortunates - director, who will be most happy
eripples, orphans, the insane and,
indigent whose care must necessar-{
ily fall to the community. The
agencies which are best fitted to
handle these people are provided
With much needed money taken
from the Community fund.E
All the 'money collected by the,
fund workers is put to its wisest use
and assures every donor that his to saw off your leg, or otherwise re-
gift will not go to an unworthy ward you.
cause. Every member of the com- * *
munity should give all he can af- No earthquakes or cyclones will
ford, for the cause merits support. be considered.
-o *
Campus Opinion Dear Rolls: t
jpI'm willing to bet ten to one that
Contributors are asked to. he brief , -larvard beats Michigan by at least
confiing themselves to less than 300
words ii possible. Anonyiaous comn five touchdowns. and that there
nunications will be disregarded. The . t be more than 50,00 people at
names of comnmunicants will, however. vi ntb oetan5,0 epea
be regarded as confidential. upon re the game. I am also anxious to
-qufat. Letters published should not be
construed as exprersing the editorial place $500-still ten to one- on the
opinion of the Daily probability that Harvard will make
four first downs in the first quar-
WHO WIELDS THE WHIP? ter and that tickets to the gameI
To the Editor: will be scarce. You may communi-
May one who has no direct con- cate with me at-(Oh, pshaw! The
rest was blotted out)
nection with Play Production. w boe u
The Stratford-upon-Avon Players
Wilson Theatre, Detroit
A Review by Peter M. Jack
I am a fundamentalist about
Shakespeare. I entirely discredit
all evolutionary, revolutionary, or
revised versions of him. I think
ie has to be periodically rescued
from the arty fingers of producers,
from the clutching hands of auto-
cratic actor-managers of the grand
manner, and the whimsies and va-
pours of their wives the leading lw-
dies, from the bright young peo-
ple who d^ him in modern dress,
and from all the cuts and disto.-
tions that accompany them.
The tiny but distinguished audi-
ence who welcomed the Stratford-
upon-Avon players on Monday
night saw such a rescue of "Much
Ado About Nothing." It is not an
immensely good play. Two stories
adjoin each other of so various a
nature that when it is not teeter-
ing into farce it is tottering into ser-
ious tragedy, far too serious for com-
edy to manage with grace. It is f
a mixed play. An unscrupulous)
producer might see in it possibili-
ties for a Hollywood Revue, or a
Green Hat. Mr. Bridges Adams,
the director and producer, takes it
for what it is, with his customary
deference and respect for Shake-
speare. Incidentally, apart from
such a company as the Stratford
players, the best Shakespeare is
likely to come from a group of
university amateurs. There one will
expect to find intelligence and hu-
mility, the doper basis of good-
will and cooperation in a theatre.
Intelligence and humility are
translatable in stage and lighting
effects .in terms of simplicity and
convenience. The simple set that
the company carries is a model for
producers. It is elegant and dis-;
tinctive. It is flexible, capable of 4
a dozen different uses and adap-
tations. It gives a background of
consistency and continuity to the
play, yet it is never the same from
one scene to another; it can be
changed in a few minutes. No at-
tempt is made to exploit and no
particular attemptpis made to hide
the mechanics. The play's the
thing. It interests you or, it does
not. If it doesn't there is nothing
to -take its place.
It is a great tribute to the effic-
*eney of Mr. Adams as a ri -dre.t r1
Every. Day
For Seven Days A Wonderful
Offered To Buy A Brand New
old instruments. Such a chance will never, come
Kohler & Campbell Mahogany Baby
Grand Piano with bench to match For
Only $495.00; Its real value is $749.00;
your saving is $250.00.
Terms; 10% down; balance in monthly payments
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Trade in your old piano on this fine instrument and
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This Is The Last Kohler & Campbell Piano That Will Be Offerd
At Such Low Prices.
It Will Be Sold To The First Buyer Who Arrives
Your Saving On This Fine Baby Grand Will Be $250.00 Plus our allowance for your
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Assistant Manager
This charming little grand will take up no more room in your arlor than your old upright. This
baby grand will add 100% to the prestige and beau=y of your home. your family and friends wil gather
'round it of an evening and make your fireside the most popular place in the neighborhood. If you ever
expect to buy a new ,iano, NOW IS THE TIME. This cler will be withdrawn when this piano is sold.
Come in anyway.
Department Managers
Advertising ............ ....licilister Mabl J
Advertisin ............Kasperti. ialvers n
Advertisig ..............Sherwood ptut
Service......... .G..orge Spates
Circulation ..... ..........J. Veruor Ltavi-
Accounts A......... .....Jack os
Publications ...............Gceorge iAamiltor-
Raymond Campbell
James E., cartwritt
Robert Crawford
Piarry B. Culver
Thomas M. Davis
Norman Eliezer
Donald Ewing
James Horteri
Norris Johnson
Marvin Kolacker
Laura Codling
h aeriiice Glaser'
I-..i'tesiae Gooding
Anna Goldberg
Lawrence L.ucey
[George Paitter son
Charles Suru
Lee Slaytoi
Robert Sutton
kogtr C. T horpe
Joseph Van Riper
Robert XV llidrwij
%V ,Iiiani R. Wvorboys
to Music
w & Son) Phone 7515
601 E. William St.
Alice M,
liclet, E
NlI iler
::twusseh hite l
Walkinshaw t
a Waterman I
Mimes, nor Comedy Club reply to
Iour ably-written, but truth-evad- Colinsvile, Ill., a contest was
ing editorial of Sunday, entitled held on Homecoming Day to find
"The Whip Hand"? 'the biggest liar in southern Illinois.
That editorial imputes to the An editor of the Columbia Star won
a $20 gold piece for the following
much-maligned Mr. Windt, as rea- lie: Her- auto fell into a mudiole
sons for using his discretion in per-;and sank in three weeks to Sing-
-------_ __. _.._ _.a -
To our recent editorial in which
the system of marks was partially
blamed for the farce of American
higher education it has been ob-
jected that The Daily offers no bet-
ter plan for separating the worthy
from the unworthy when the time
comes to award degrees. It is ar-
gued with devastating logic that
the average American student is
not earnest enough to make the
most of his educational opportuni--
ties simply for the sake of educat-
ing himself. He seems to need some
goal more tangible than mere
knowledge. There has to be some
standard up to which his work
must measure if he is going to
work at all., and in addition the
standard has to be so graded that'
better work is proportionately re-
warded. It is a manifestation of
the American competitive and ac-
quisitive instincts.
But we feel that ismrica is grad-
ually passing out of its pioneer
stage with all the emphasis on ma-
terial gain, and finding for itself a
little leisure to cultivate culture for
its owi sake. We already have the
secondary characteristics of this
metamorphosis: a distinct if not
very brilliant b'ody of American let-
ters and a social ari;tocracy, albeit
an aristocracy of money. The time
must be coming when the intel-
lectual aristocracy will rise to an
equal esteem with the social aris-
tocracy, when knowledge and
learning will become ends in them-
selves instead of means to mater-
ial succe-s, and when thr univer-
sity student will seek depth of ac-
ademic understand ng instead of
merely a passing mark.
To hasten i-Ith arrival of this
happy era is the aim of those who
wMould abolish systems of marks.
They would base the award of a1
degree not on a haphazard collec-
tion of semi-grades but upon a stu-
dent's ability as shown in a final
examination at the end of his sen-
ibr year. A student serious in his
desire for a degree could not, un-
der this system, dabble here and
dawdle there, constantly forgettingt
courses as soon as he had passed
mitting Play Production students
to participate in othei campus
plays, the desire to insure commer-
cial success to his productions, and
the desire to dictate in dramatic
circles. The desire to dictate is a
more or less mental position. which
is difficult .to prove either way.
Whn t is b bnly thn tre r .-
apore. China.
That's just throwing money
away. If they want to find
some real liars they oughta
bring their gold pieces up here
and listen to some of the Mon-
day-morning-after-football ex-
* * *
oni isr M our. Widb'lan uement, Bertram Smith, a college student
son for Mr. Windt 's announcement, of Lebanon, Ill., chewed 45 sticks
and the one which The Daily scru- o Lfchewing gum, broke the world's
pulously avoids mentioning, is this: record, and got diabetes from ex-
?lay Production is a scholastic ac- cess of sugar.
Jvity which must be granted pre- s *f*g*
-;edence over any extra-curricularI
e e e ovr an exta- iu a In short, he gummed his works.
activity. If Mimes or Comedy Club { hryh umdhswrs
npmbers are unable to participate Another dispatch says that Mrs.
in club activities due to conflicts in . Elsie Hudak of Trenton, N. J., sued
:cholastic work it is excusable. But for divorce because: "My husband,
Mr. Windt cannot, according to Un- she said, "set me to watch a mouse
iversity rules, conscienteously give sole in our home. I let the mouse
credit to people who have been un- get away and he beat me severely
able to do the major part of Play with a broom handle."
Production work due to the interfe- a * *
rence of- outside activities. Mr. Mr. Hudak evidently beieves
Windt, I believe, proposes to refuse in that old proverb, 'A new
to allow students already at work i broom swipes clean.'
)n a project in Play Production, to *
participate in some other play, In Denver a gent, seated on his
which will prevent them from do- front porch, was reading a book.
ing the required work in his course. ; From nowhere, states the report, an
And for this action he cannot logi- automobile dashed across the lawn,
cally be blamed.-hitl d+
that a play so different from our
day, and therefore so difficult, so
inquisitively'and at times prurient- 1
ly preoccupied with that analysis
of virginity which obsessed Shake-
speare as it did all the Elizabeth-
ans, should go through, looking its
'problem' squarely in the face, with
so little strain, and almost no moral
discomfort. The comic spirit tri-
umphed, and all the odds 'against
This coherent articulation isito
Mr. Adams' credit, but impossible
without the individual technique of
the players and the common intel-
ligence and interest of the com-
pany. An example was Mr. Wilfred
Walter, who made as good a Bene-
dick as I have seen; he was allow-
ed to romanticize himself into a
somewhat warmer and more mo- ;
zartian part than the writing seems
to warrant, but his perfect tech-
nique restrained extravagance and
kept him on good terms with the
attractive and authentic Beatrice
(Miss Fabia Drake) and the other
characters. Roy Byford, the great I
English Falstaff, was here the great'
English Dogberry; and what a Ver-
WEDNESDAY OCT. 30, 8:15 'P. M.
Chora Union cr ies
A limited number of
season tickets ! still
available at $6.00,
iuLa onu o tie porch, pinned thegesR Butone has lon en
It isn't a question of trying to i gent to the wall, broke his leg and trin t mae distinggiven up
outdo the other dramatic organi- took off half an ear. trying to make distin'tionsn this
Cations so much as it is a desire to admirable company. 'Well played,
give training in, acting, under, as He was what you might call Sir' toes for every sir and madame
nearly as possible, conditions on the in innocent bysitter. (Or may- g the show. And one never for-
professional stage. Which brings ihe was sitdestrian). g h a *
up the other charge against Mr. * * Young Woodier.
Windt. that of commercialism.YunWody.
In Atlantic City recently a pa- --.
-No one couict expect the Engineer- trolman fired three shots at an in- - "OUNGWOLEY," a play of
*ng school to continue its courses jured dog. The first shot hit the En lishsNG WooEiy," a lao
without proper equipment. Why ex- leg of a railroad watchman, the Druten e seie by Joh Detro i
pect the Play Production instructor second glanced off the dog, and the Civic theatre.
o teach acting without a stage, 1 third hit the right leg of a coal T ea c n.
without scenery, and without the and ice merchant. The play concerns one Roger
'pportunity to play before an aud- j * , Woodley, who is one of the olden
fence. If a cop shoots a dog, thats boys at Mallowhurst school, a lad
The Daily is right when it says ! news. with a poet's soul. Shut away from
that the work in Play Production *- * -*normal association with girls of his
should not be commercialized, but And in Springfield, N. J.. last own age during the school terms,
it places the responsibility on the 1 week an automobile proceeded young Woodley fixes upon Laura
wrong shoulders. The University down the road in a manner that Simmons as the object of his adole-
refusal to provide proper equip- interested a motorcycle cop. In-ae nh io
,mntif f~ne- Mr. inc toia ha n.............................r...scent affections. As uhe wiff of a
171 7 L U.J~Oi~'v~~i±r~ ~±uuuuu u-he
.00 $10.00
or $12.00. Pr 2:
Tickets 'for single
concerts $1.50,
$2.00 and $2.50 at
School of Mu-sic t
Office, Maynard
MU o Ubll . W lLL (UWL1
position of a commercial producer,
in order to provide proper training
for his students.
Under such conditions it is un-
vebuj g ne found thne driver
with his hands off the wheel peer-
ing into a compass in his lap.
nmartinet headmaster Laura. too'.
is starving for syipathetic under-
* * standing. Accordingly she and
He was arrested as a matter Woodley are drawn to eacli other,
t 'n41lZ'--iVL''D