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October 30, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-30

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VOL. XL, NO. 27




1 By Stanley W. Prenosil, A. P. noon and continued until the
T I L HW L LTIFinancial Editor close.P
NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 29.- Bankers who had been hurriedlyT
Huge barriers of buying orders called into conference last night
I hastily erected by powerful finan- and again at noon today, appar-
cialinterests finally checked the ently stood aside at the opening as IN HILL AIJITORIUM

Western Normal President Talks
to Three Thousand Members
of Association.

Gives Aim of Organization
That of Rendering Service
to the Public,


most frantic stampede of selling
yet experienced by the security
market which threatened, at times;
to bring about an utter collapse in
All trading records were broken
with a turn-over of 16,410,00(
shares on the New York Stack Ex-
change and 7,096,300 shares on the
New York Curb market, in contrast
with the previous record of 12,-
894,000 and 6,148,000 shares re-
spectively, established , last Thurs-
aay, and a stock exchange turn-
over of 9,212,000 yesterday.
Extreme declines in active issue:
ranged from $10 to $70, but many
of these were cut in half in the
rally which started in mid-after-

blocks of 10,000 to 80,000 shares
were thrown into the market for
whatever price they would bring.
When this initial flood of selling
had spent itself, supporting orders
began to make their appearance,
not with the intention of complete-
ly checkng the streams of selling
but with the avowed object of
regulating their flow.
Several times during the day,
particularly in the early afternoon
and again toward the close, it look-
ed as though a fresh collapse in
prices, bringing ruin in its wake,
was inevitable, but each time the
holes were plugged and a second
disaster was averted.
Despite the fact that prices of
probably half of , the thousand
stocks listed on the exchange have
been cut in half or more during
the recent decline and that the ag-
gregate declne in quoted values of
all securities from the high level of


Choral Union to Present Secondj
of Series of Concerts
at 8:15 O'clock.

President Will Speak
Over Radio Saturday
President Alexander Grant
Ruthven will be the first speaker
on the fifth Michigan Night radiol
program to be broadcast Satur-
day night through station WJR,
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of the
Morris hall studio, announces.
President Ruthven will tspeak on
"The Selection of Students."
"The Icelander and His Litera-
ture" will be the topic of the sec-
ond speaker, Prof. Frederick W.
Peterson, of the rhetoric depart-
Howard B. Calderwood of the
political science department, the
third speaker on the program,
spent all last summer in Geneva]
where he watched the activities of
the League of Nations and is
scheduled to talk on the atmo-
sphere and the setting in which
these activities were carried on.

Foe of Darwinism
Passes Following
Month's Sickness

Franck's 'Symphony in D
Included in Program
This Evening.


More than three thousand dele-
gates from the neighboring coun-
ties in the ninth district of the)
Michigan Teachers' association)
left Ann Arbor last night after a
two days' convention. Followingj
the opening session yesterday;
morning, -twenty-one different
groups held sectional meetings be-
fore the final general assembly in
the evening.-

D. B. Waldo, president of the hd d I LfIVI LI d I d' the year exceeds twenty-five bil-
Western State Teachers College at lion dollars, only one casualty has
Kalamazoo, addressed the meeting iake developed among brokerage houses
on the subject of "Professional Michigan Storm Proves Too thus far. Suspension of the New
Standards", pointing out that, al- Much for Passenger and York Crb exchange firm of Johln
though the average of education Freight Steamer J. Bell and Company for failure to
had risen greatly in the country iFehStmrmeet its obligations was announced
as a whole, he still looked forward shortly after the market opened
to great impi ovement in the THREE SCORE RESCUED sa-t
ture. He further stated that our f
present compulsory education re- KENOS(By ssoied Press) The VE
quirements were not sumicienty IGOOdrich WiassngeOct. THTOePEA
strict, and that a longer period of I steamer Wisconsin went to its doom
required study would be advisable. in Lake Michigan today seven miles
English Edpezator Gives Speech. off Kenosha. Nine men, including T
+M. R. Keyworth was, with Dr.i Captain H. Dougal Morrison, Chica-
John Murray, principle of tniver- go veteran Great Lakes skipper, areD-oi e.u
sity College, Exeter, England, one known to be dead. Of 59 rescued, Discussion Will be First Pubic
of the main speakers at the final 19 are in the hospital, while 40 re- Appearance Before
gathering of the delegation'. Pre- ceived succour at the police station Stdent
facing his talk with a discussion of here. Three or four, believed to ud s.
the purposes and character of the have been on the ship, are unac-
association, he explained that the 1 counted for. S. C. A. SPONSORS SERIES
aim of the organization is to ren- Men, mad and dazed by fear,
der service to the public, to the weakened by exposure, and with In the first of a series of All-
profession and to the individual wet clothes clinging to them, were Campus Forums sponsored by the
members of the group. * brought to shore by heroic cast Student Christian association, Presi-
"The promotion of education in- guardsmen, who braved the rolling dent Alexander Grant Ruthven will
terests in Michigan through the seas in fragile cutters to effect a speak on the subje, "When is a
elevation of the profession of rescue. Man Educated" at 4 o'clock Thurs-I
teaching is the main function of A week ago, the Wisconsin won day afternoon, in Room D of
the Michigan Education Associa-- a battle against a Lake Michigan Alumni Memorial Hall.
tion." This was the statement of gale, but last night's storm proved Much interest in being evinced in|
M R. Keyworth in his address to too much for her. Shortly after Dr. Ruthven's addressminasmuch as
the closing meeting of the con- midnight she radioed that she had it will be his first public appear-
vention as president of the associa- sprung a leak, the pumps were not ance before the student body of the
tion. working properly, the hold was fill- University. Dr. Ruthven will incor-
ing with water, and that she was porate the following questions in
System Has American Origin. in need of assistance. She request- his discussion. "Is education ephe-
President Keyworth went on to ed that tugs and steamers come meral or permanent? Can it be
state that the American public out and "stand by."s sachieved in the span of fou, or
school system is the product of the Two coast guard cutters, one five or six years? If so, how '
American people in their effort to from Racine and the other from The forums, of which there are
make democracy real and perma- Kenosha, responded. Shortly be- i to be eight, will be held weekly dis-
nent as is shown by the growth of fore 5 a. in. the first life boat wa' cussing "conflicts in student life".
the system since the days of the lowered and in a few minutes a The subjects up for discussion will
earliest settlers. The people, he coast guard cutter took its human be some of the basic problems which
showed, have such confidence in cargo aboard. This manner of res- a representative group of students
the value of public education that cuing continued until five boat rfelt to be important. In order that
they have entrusted a part of the I loads had been taken aboard the each forum will be the more inter-
state wealth for its furtherance two cutters. The cutters were un- each the speeches will not be in
and have made it a state function. I able to get alongside,the Wisconsin the natures of lectures or sermons.
It was shown that the progress of because of the high seas. With In addition to Dr. Ruthven, the
schools through the school teach- their burden of shivering humani- I Forum committee of the Student
ers of this and other states was ty, the cutters docked at the coast Christian association has been most
little short of amazing in its guard station here and immediate- fortunate in securing an imposing
achievement. President Keyworth ly returned to stand by. In the yof speakers from the faculty,
pointed out that in a democratic meantime, a Chamber's Brother oo participate in these forums.l
society such as ours the task is a fishing tug went to the scene, ar- Folpawtngp Dr. in the , forums.
difficult one for the teacher who rivng shortly after the Wisconsin lowing will seak on successive
must develop self-reliance and went down at 7:10 a. m. Thuringdas lpea. onesuc.essv
G________ Thursdays. Prof. Robert C. Angell
discipline in those under his con- .. . of the Sociology department will
trol and bring them to a realiza- Sandino Plans Visit conduct a discussion on "The mo-
tion of the proper uses of the to MexiCan Capital ral Standards of the Campus." Prof.
many privileges accorded them in __G. E .Densmore of the Speech de-
our country (By Associated Press) partment will talk on "The Oppor-
"Public school teachers are pub-so MEXICO CITY, Oct. 29.-After tunities That College Offers". The
li servants," Keyworth went on to residing for several months in I subject, "Which Offers Most to the
say. "The public schools are estab- Yucatan, Augustino Sandino, Nica- Student-the Campus or the Class-
lished and maningaed for thespur raguan rebel leader, has planned a room" will be touched on by Prof.
eocac g of society." He visit to this city with the hope of J. R. Hayden of the political science
a cldemocratic address oby saying that anbeing receved by President Portes department. Prof. J. H. Muyskens
oild. Iades y amgtata (Continued to Page 2, Col. 4)
open mind was the paramount thing Gil.
to strive for, and urging all teachers
to keep it above everything es Larry Gould, Michigan Geologist, Leaves
- on Two Months' Trip into Antarctic Wastes
Rockne Worse; Must Larry Gould, Michigan's famous other necessary points in arctic
Drop Football Work I w astes. The new ranges ofmoun-
geologist, as just ltains discovered by the Byrd party
(By Associated Press) expeditionary base in the Antarc- earlier in the year will probably
tic polar regions on what is con- form the basis for this present trip,
iOUTH BEND, Ind., Oct. 29.-'he;sidered one of the longest and most preparations for which have been
condition of Knute Rockne, NotreL
Dme'snceleKrteRoobalck achN Idangerous trips in the entire un- going on during the past several
ha s kenuchbaerioustun tat, dertaking. News of the sudden de- months.
has taken such a serious turn that parture was learned here through It is also unknown whether or
his physician has ordered him to a radiograrh to Dr. R. L. Belknap, not the Byrd party has radio of the
forego all gridiron activities fora of the Geology department, a per- type that could be hauled over the
week and perhaps for the re- sonal friend of the adventurer and dangerous ice fields on such a
mainder of the season. once a member of his party in one lengthy excursion into the heart of
Rockne suffering from a blood of the famous Greenland expedi- the Antarctic. In the opinion of
clot in his right leg, defied his phy- tions. The radiograms were sent Dr. Belknap, every available square
sician's orders last week by accom- out via the New York Times to inch of space will be consumed with
panying his team to Pittsburgh for several of Gould's friends, although food and accessories, and little room
the Carnegia Tech game and ag- Belkap is the only Ann Arbor as- will be left on the dog sleds for as'
gravated his leg. sociate known to have received one bulky apparatus as a 'radio would
Upon his arrival home, he was of the messages. require. In this case, however, the
ordered to bed and resigned him- Although the contents of the party would be left entirely without
self to medical orders. radiogram were necessarily brief, it communication with the outside
It was explained the outlook for Iis thought that the present expedi- world.
recovery now was excellent but that tion will last until late in December, The route taken by the expedi-
.-. __ iziv. ._ - _.. }. .... . , _ I f..mill " n n f n I n+r h

With Ossip Gabrilowitsch con-
ducting, the Detroit Symphony or-
chestra will provide the second con-
cert of the Choral Union tonight in
Hill Auditorium.
The Detroit orchestra is an in-
tegral part of the musical life of
the city and has come to be an
institution of musical activity in the
fourteen seasons during which it
has played. The conductor and
director, Gabrilowitsch, has been
with the organization for nine of
these fourteen years. The orchestra
is supported by the Detroit Sym-
phony Society which has a mem-
bership of several thousand and
financial support is derived solely
from contributions.
Program Especially Arranged.
The program for this concert to-
night has been planned by Gabril-
owitsch and will include the follow-
ing numbers:
Overture to "Rosamunde"........
Symphony in D Minor.....Franck
I. Lento; Allegro non troppo
II. Allegretto
III. Allegro non troppo
Serenade for Wind Instruments
in E flat Major, Op. 7.......
...................... R. Strauss
Symphonic Dance in BasqueI
Styles from the opera, "The
Venus of Basque".......Wetzler
First Rumanian Rhapsody in A
Major, Op. II............ Enesco
Conductor Returns from Trip.
Gabrilowitsch was not with the
orchestra last year because of an
extended tour of Europeon count-
ries. He also was guest conductor
at several concerts which he at-
tendedon his trip.
Literary Sophomores to Elect
Officers at 4 O'clock.
Sophomores of the literary coll-
ege will stage their election of offi-
cers at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
at the Natural Science auditorium.
The election will be under the
sueprvision of the Student council.
Election of the sophomore and
freshmen class officers in the en-
gineering college will be held Thurs-
day, and Wednesday respectively
next week, it was announced today
by Stan Cochran, '31 who is in
charge of the engineering votes for
the Student council. It has become
a policy in this college to give at
least a week's notice for elections
according to Cochran.
The sophomore literary students
will nominate at 4 o'clock at the
auditorium, and then vote until
5:45 o'clock. The ballots will be
counted by the Student council in
the student offices in the Union
following dinner, and the results
will be announced after they are
confirmed at the council meeting.
Students in th literary college
having from 26 yo 55 hours credit
will be eligible to vote and run for
office. An eligibility slip must also
be presented by those seeking a
position. Voting by proxy in any
form will be prohibited. Te stu-
dents will be checked off a list
prepared by Record's office as they
obtain ballots.

William Garrison Selects Nine
Committees From Junior
Literary Class.
Selection of 110 juniors in the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts to serve on committees for
conducting the class functions was
made yesterday by William A. Gar-
.rison, '31, who was chosen president
at the election of the literary jun-
iors a week ago.
The appointments were me de to
nine committees, which with the
chairmen, and the members are:
Advisory committee, Kasper liJ-
verson, chairman, Cadwell Swan-
son, Malcome Hume, Clifford Mur-
ray, Stuart Smith, Ned Galloway,
Donald Bell, Merton Bell, Robert;
Woodruff, Jack Levy, Roberta Reed,'
Ruth Bishop, and Linda Schreiber.
Social committee, Arthur Reeves,
chairman, Alice Wolfe, Nell Nor-
ton, Dorothy Wilson, Roger Turner,
Jack Dobbin, Joseph Iseman, Bar-
bara Fleury, Herbert Hart, Mary
Pheffus, Herbert Grossberg, and
Beatrice Weil.
Finance committee, George Hof-
meister, Wallace Wessells, George
Dusenberg, Lee Blaser, Jack Gilbert,
Robert Feldman, Jeanette Dale,
George Ryerson, Thomas Baldwin,
Agnes Lally, and Leo Draveling.
Athletic committee, James Sim-
rall, chairman, William Dougall,
Harrison Nelson, Henry Crouse,
Keith Wilson, Leigh Chatterson,
Adsit Stewart, Graham Shinnick,
'Noah Bryant, Stephen Dinius, Ma-
rion Sherwood, Samuel Sherman,
and Henry Bacon.
Publicity committee, Harold War-
ren, chairman, Benjamin Gerson,
Jesse Winchell, Viola Shubert, Her-
I mine Soukup, Bruce Palmer, Sally
Petter~son, Dorothy MeGuf le, Janet'
Woodmansee, David O. Smart,
James Hosner, and Franklin For'-
(Continued to Page 2, Col. 2)
Unemployment to be
Faced by Parliament
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Eng., Oct. 29.-Parlia-
ment reassembled today under
Britain's second Labor government
in the humor giving every prbspect
of a lively and exciting session
Pending the arrival of Prime Min-
ister Ramsay MacDonald at the
end of the week, the government is
marking time, but the first lines of
party conflict are set in the direc-
tion of the unemployment question.

Austin Receives First Prize in
Competition; Blaser
Takes Second.
Author and Characteristics of
Book to be Revealed in
Few Weeks.
Winners in the poster contest for
"Merrie-Go-Round," the 1929 Union
Opera were announced yesterday
by E. Mortimer Shuter, director and
Paul Buckley, manager of the
Phillip Austin, '32, was awarded
first prize in the contest and Lee
Blaser, '31, received the second
award. Austin's design embodies a
huge moon which silhouettes trop-
ical palm trees. In the foreground
is a soldier kneeling and a Spanish
girl is dancing toward him. The let-
tering on the design, according to
Shuter, was one of the * factors
which contributed to the choice of
the poster. This design has been
sent t the engraver in Detroit and
copies will be used in all out of
towns and local publicity.
Winner to Receive Medal.
First and second prizes 4in the
contest are to be a gold and a silver
medallion, suitably engraved. If
the winners choose, Shuter ex-
plained, they may take the prize in
'cash instead of the medals.
Commenting on the work of the
choruses, Shuter announced the
assitance of Roy Hoyer for the
speciality and choius work. Hoyer
is playing in "Pleasure Bound"
which opened in Detroit this week,
and he will commute between Ann
Arbor and the theatre after the re-
hearsal each afternoon. Hoyer,
who has had the score of the Opera
for several weeks, will start work
with the chorus Monday afternoon
and will continue the training u
til approximately a week beforeth
show opens in Ain Arbor, Decem-
ber 12.
Hoyer May Bring New Steps.
This is the tenth year, according
to Shuter, that Hoyer has been
with the prospective chorus of the
Opera. Several years ago he was
made an . honorary member of
Mimes. This year,,'he has hinted in
communications to Shuter, he has
some new routine steps for the
show. They are the style of dancing
that Jack Donahue, the B3roaudway
comedian, has displayed in his last
few starring productions.

Rr. John Roach Straton
Noted champion of fundamental-
ism, who died yesterday at the age
of 54 years, after an illness of
several months.
Long Confinement to Sanitarium
Ends in Death for Noted
Baptist Preacher.
(By Associated Press)
29.-The Reverend John 'Roach
Straton, one of the world's out-
standing champions of fundament-
alism, died here today of a heart
attack, at the age of 54.
Dr. Straton, who was pastor of
Calvary Baptist church in New
York, became famous for his sup-
port of William Jennings Bryan at
the Scopes trial in Dayton, Ten-
nessee in 1925, and for his debate
with William A. Brady, Broadway
producer, and others, had been
critically ill with a nervous break-
down at a sanitarium here for more
"than a month. The breakdown
came as he was believed to have
recovered fron a slight paralytic
stroke he suffered last April.
Dr. Straton was for years the
militant foe of Darwinism, agnos-
ticism, and in many instances the
modern stage and many other fea-
tures of the world today. Two years
ago, he became deeply interested
in divine healing and conducted a
number of services with that end
in view. His ideas and his activi-
ties frequently brought him into
conflict with his parishioners. '
He is survived by his wife, who
was at his bedside when he died,
and four friends, the Reverend Hil-
yer H. Straton, John Charles.
Warren B., and George Douglas

Firm Building Two
to' Make Weekly'


Long Overdue Air Liner Makes Safe Landing

After Battling Snow
(By Associated Press>
ALBUQUERQUE, N. Mex., Oct. 29,

-Fighting a snow storm most of
Pan-American Labor the way to Albuquerque from Trec-
an neicn O rdo Arizona, pilot James E. Doles
Congress Postponed I and his co-pilot, Allan C. Barrie,
brought the lost Western Air Ex-
press plane, No. 113, safely to the
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2:y.-The Albuquerque airport this afternoon
executive committee of the Pan- under its own power
American Federation of Labor Ba R L. Britton, Ste-
headed by President Green, today Doles, arrie, .
announced the indefinite postpone- ward, and passengers, Dr. A. W.
ment of the sixth Pan-American Ward, of San Francisco, and W.
laborVernon, New York,
l were none the worse for their adven-
ture and said the greatest incon-
OurVeatherMan enience had been the loss of time.
- I The plane encountered a terrific
snow storm over Arizona yesteiday
mornsmg and Doles circled until
he found a safe place to land.
He put the plane down at Trec-
' rado and he and his cargo spent
the night there to await clear
SI wnet-her erado is ahout 70 miles

and Wind Over Rockies1
motored passenger plane at the
airport here about 3:40 p.i m. The
search had ,been temporarily hele
in abayenace until a snow storm
raging over the state had cleared
The plane had been missing since
10:30 o'clock yesterday morning.
Guggenheim to ease1
Sponsoring of Aviation
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 29.-The New
York Times says that Daniel Gug-
genheim Fund for the Promotion
of Aeronautics, which has expend-
ed more than $5,000,000 in three
years, will go out of existence Dec.
31. Officials of the fund said that
it would cease-its activities because
aviation now was beyond the need
of further sponsorship.
Harry F. Guggenheim. resident

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 29.--The Pa-
cific Zeppelin Transport Co. rnad
oublic its plans today for 36-hour
airship service between the west
coast and Honolulu.
Officials of the company sail
that construction would be begun
as soon as possible on two '800-foot
dirigibles, which will be similar to
the ships ordered by the navy from
the Goodyear Zeppelin Co. Taen
first is expected to bg ready late in
The airships will be designed to
carry 80 passengers and 10 tons of
cargo. Weekly schedules are plany-
ned over the 2,400mile route.
When the second airship is put in
operation the line will be extended
to Manila.
At a meeting Monday J. C. Hun-
sacker, designer of the navy dirigi-
bles, was elected pi'esident o-T the
company. Bankers interested in
the project include% Grayson M. P.
Murphy, Lehman Brothers and J.
P. Ripley, vice-president of the Na-'
tional City Co.
Hoover to Pay Honor
to Deceased Senator
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 29.-
President Hoover will pay the re-
spects of the nation tomorrow to
theodore E. Burton, of Ohio, who
died last night after years of labor
i the country's service.
Announcing today that he would
hb mnmnna the ron of hi'h nv-

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