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October 01, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-01

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Woman As



- i--~ U W EEW U E U ~ L UI~

Will Show


Flint Alumna to Take
Position Resigned
By Hanchett
Appointee Is Active In
Club, Alumnae
LANSING, Cept. 30-Mrs. LeRoy
V. Cram, of Flint was appointed
a member of the Board of Regents
df the University of Michigan by
GovernorGreen today. She suc-
4 ds Benjamin' S. Hanchett, of
Grand Rapids, resigned.
In Flint, Mrs. Cram is known as
an active worker in a number of
clubs and organizations. She is a
MOmber of the Flint University of
Michigan alumnae association, a
member of the State board of the
M1Yichigan League of Women voters
and a member of the local board of
the Children's Aid society. In ad-
0 4tion she is a member of the
t~entieth Century club, the
Daughters of the American Revd-
lution, the Saturday Book club,
1nd the St. Cecelia society.
Mrs. Cram is the mother of one
soi, 8t wrt, Who Iattending the
Deerfled Academy, at Deerfield,
Miss., In speaking of her appoint-
ment this morning Mrs. Cram ex-
pressed considerable surprise, ex-
plaining that she had not been a
candidate for the position. "While
I realize that accepting this ap-
pintment to the Board of Re-
gents of the University of Michi-
gan will entail a tremendous re-
sponsibility I realize that whatever
woman had been appointed would
have been new to the work and
would have -to do as I will: start
from the foundation and work
hard to meet the demands," she
"Because of this appointment I
shall find it necessary to spend
part of my time in Ann Arbor,"
Mrs. Cram stated.
Mrs. Cram is the wife of Leroy
V. Cram, for the last seven years
resident engineer of the Chevrolet
motor company. He was recently
appointed Asst, chief engineer of
the entire Chevrolet organization,
with headquarters at Flint.
Coste Still Missing
On Distance Flight
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Sept. 30-. Anxiety was
felt in some quarters today for
Dieudonne Coste, French aviation
ace, and his mechanic, Jacques
Bellonte, *io were missing more
than three days after leaving Le
Bourget in an attempt to reach
Vladivostok, Siberia.


[IA huge mass meeting for the'!I ppinmetstothrLwTeve
Sooe a s el lstnih TO IVE O GE boat h Lawbevie
purpose of declaring war upon UU IbLoIa~rd for the year have been an-
Sophoy ores wastheldl'asMtightnnounced by Prof. Burke Shartel, of
r'by the Class of '33. Meeting in the Law School. Twenty-four
front of the Arcade, the yearling seniors were given the honor. A
class gave a spirited. demonstra- II LIUl L O IIubanquet of the board memberswl
tion of their intentions to resist be f whe o a er tll
whatever acts of vigilence upper- beheld at 6:30 o'clock Saturday at
classmen may take against them. ---- the Law club.
Then forming ranks, the fresh- Martinelli Paderewski Those named to the Law Review
men marched four abreast in a e -are: W. C. Bauer, N. C. Bowersox,
line two blocks long across the To Head. Program J. Clayman, A. L. Evely, D. J. Gal-
diagonal walk, vowing as they This Season lancy, B. Cross, H. L. Hackbert, T.
turned homeward to meet today to T. Koykka, H. Kransberg, M. S.
hold open battle with the second Langford, E. R. Latty, E. H. Moyer,
year men. ENGLISH CHOIR TO SING W. P. North, V. A. Peckham, R. J.
cRauner, D. F. Rawson, N. P. Rider,
Season Ticket Entitles A. W. Storms, R. G. Surridge, M.
AN LUOwner Admission M.Thompson, N. O. Tietjenls, J. D.
Todd, E. Weinberg, and W. O. Will-
To Festival hoft.
Announcement was made yester-
Sday by the School of Music, which
this year operates as a division of
_______ the University, of a series of ten H
concerts which are to mark the
Shepard, Beebe, Wells beginning of the fifty-first conse-
Listed on Program cutive season ofconcert activities
on the part of the UniversityMu
For Season sical society. A D[ o
- An array of singers, instrumental
All arrangements have been com- soloists, and ensemble groups con-
pleted for the 1929-30 lecture stitute the assemblage of musical Storm-Lashed Waters
series of the Oratorical association, attractions which will inaugurate Menaces Pensacola
and advance information concern- the second half century of musical! .
ing the speakers indicates that this ! endeavor on the part of the Uni- Neighborhood
year's schedule will prove to be one versity Musical society, under
of the most valuable and entertain- whose auspices the Choral Union
ing series that has ever come to and May Festival concerts are pro- The lash of ociatedBa a hurri-
Ann Arbor. vided. cane reached to the east of Pensa-
Thefirstlecture will take place Dates Announced ncola and surrounding towns last
October 23, featuring William The schedule of attractions andnihadtesorcnerpsd
Sheperd, the famous Collier's week- dates is as follows: Giovanni Mar- night and the storm center passed
ly writer. Sheperd is a recognized -tinelli, tenor, October 15; Detroit inland over the northern Gulf
authority on crime and prohibition Symphony orchestra with Ossip egt
and has been investigating these Gabrilowitsch conducting, October ofthrough the night: on the shores
two phases of modern life for Col- 30; Ignace Jan Paderewski, pian- Northwest Florida, Alabama, and
ist oebr. ;teiMissisipi
lier's since 1924. His lecture will be 1st, November 7; the English Sing- issippi.
entitled "Crime Is Paying Too ers of London, November 19; Lener With gusts of wind reaching as
Well." Budapest String quartet, December high as 102 miles an hour for a
Other speakers on a program 3; Claudia Muzio, soprano, Decem- five minute period and- with aver-
which is scheduled to run from ber 10; Pascha Heifetz, violin, Jan- age velocity ranging in the 60's,
October 23 to March 11, 1930, will nary 16; Vladimir Horowitz, piano, Pensacola apparently was standing
include Louis K. Anspacher, Amer- January 31; Elisabeth Rethberg, so- the blow well. Communication had
ica's distinguished dramatist and prano, February 12; Detroit Sym- not been disrupted late yesterday
orator; William Beebe, naturalist, phony orchestra with Ossip Gabril- and only minor damage was report-
scientist, author and explorer; E. owitsch conducting, March 10. ed.
famous as an actor; The schedule of prices for sea- High tide in wind blown waters
William Hard, an authority on cur- son tickets will remain the same as backed up into the harbor of Es-
rent national problems; Lorado cambia Bay and forced many resi-
Taft, internationall known sculp- season ticket will contain a coupon dents of the fashionable Bay shore
tor; Carveth Wells, explorer, hum- yo fr $ exchang ate F in section to evacuate for safety.
orist, author; and Phidelah Rice, the year for a season May Festival Numbers of persons living about
the eminent monactor whose work the Orders ar bin fld a the waterfront were moved by
on last year's program will be well the School of Music in the order of police ti higher ground as the city
remembered. took every precaution against cas-
Tickets for the series may be ob- ' ualties.
tained by mail or by calling at the University Land Free -
office of the Association at 3211Local Regulations Von Opel MakesI
Angell Hall.. Prices range from !
$2.50 to $3.50 for full season tickets. (fl yAssociated Press)>S Initial Rocket
LANSING, Mich., Sept. 30.-TheA
Airshi pFlight
ACity of Ann Arbor has no authority p1g
Rto regulate building construction ory
To Uphold Traditionsimilar matters on the campus of FBy Associated
the University, the attorney gen- FRANK TON-MAIN, Ger-
X7Woa.in if +1i~,r nntfcis t4-1ft ~I -, 7., r... .. . v t . fi - rig vnn nnial f-


Increase 01 130.0


Belgica Finishes Last
In International
Air Classic
Pis tan cCes Travelled
Range From 100
To 347 Miles


and Engineering Colleges Lead
In Growth; School of Music
Adds 150


( 1By Asso.ciated 1Press~)
ST. J..iOUIS, Sept. 30.-Capt.
Earnest Demuiter, winner of four
Gordon Bennett races, and only
balloonist to personally win per-
manent possession of the trophy,
failed in his quest for his fifth vic-
tory when he landed at 8 o'clock
last night at Corydon, Indiana, 230
miles from here where the 18th re-
newal of the international classic
started Saturday.
His balloon, the Belgica, was the
last of the nine entrants to be re-
ported down and left the three
American entrants first, second,
and third with the winner to be
decided between Ward T. Van Or-
man, pilot of the Goodyear VIII,
and twice winner of the race, and
Capt. William E. Kepner, pilot of
the U. S. Army balloon and last
year's victor. In unofficial. eport
VanOrman held =a lead of a few
miles, similar to last year when
.Kepner was reported second to Dr.
Hugo Kolen, Jr., German balloonist
and entrant again this year, only to
win on official measurements.
Distances covered by the eight
balloons ranged from 160 to 347
miles, which were less than in any
previous national race. Heretofore
the low figure was 384 miles fromI
Paris, France, to Bridington, Eng-
land, in 1913. The world's long dis-
tance record is 1334 miles estab-'
nished in 1912 by Maurice Dienamie
of France in a flight from Paris to
The United States e'ntries, all of
which landed in Ohio, finished one,
two, three among the eight bal-
loons reported. Official measure-f
ments will be necessary to deter-

With a total enrollment to date of 9,399, the University already
shows an increase of 402 students more than at the same time last
year. The incorporation of the School of Music as a regular depart-
ment added 150 to this number. It is believed by officials in charge
of registration that several hundred more students will enroll before
the week is over, making a total of 1,300 or 1,400.
The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts showed the great-
est growth, having 4,584 registered as compared to 4,494 last year. The
Colleges of Engineering and Architecture enrolled 1,503 students last
year, while this year- 147 were added, making 1,650.
Several schools and colleges did, however, show a decrease. including
the Medical school, which lost 17 men and now has 631 in its classes:
the College of Pharmacy, which numbers' but 82 as compared with 86
the previous year ; the School of Dentistry, which has 324 enrolled, in-
dicating a loss of 24; and the School
of Education, which has decreased
in size from 405 last year at this
time to 368 now.
Each of the other schools showed
.Ea slight growth over 1928. The
Law school now has 560 students,
or 31 more; the School of Forestry
added 14 to its lists, while it had
Students Driving Cars but 24 in 1928; 632 graduate stu-
dents have enrolled or 13 more;
Without TagsWill the School of Business Administra-
Be Punished tion has added 32 more students
and now shows a total of 111.;
ptudents who have received spe- while the School of Nursing
cial permission to operate automo-
biles in Ann Arbor during the pres- will train 5 more young women this
ent school year must not drive their year, having grown to 269.
cars until they have actually re- Of the grand total of enrollment
[eived their permit cards and have 6,781 are men, and 2,618 are wo-
affixed permit tags to their auto-
rinobiles in the prescribed method men, and the freshman class of ap-
it is announced by Walter B. Rea, proximately 1,500 is one of the
assistant to the dean of students, largest in several years. These fig-
All untagged student-driven cars ures include only the number reg-
will be stopped, and the student istered before 5 o'clock yesterday
drivers dealt with officially, wheth- afternon. At the same time last
er or not permission was to have year, there had been a half-day
been granted the 'offender to drive more registration, which was lost
a car, it is announced. Tags must this year because of the football
be permanently affixed to all stu- games last Saturday afternoon.
dent-driven automobiles, in accord- The loss that is shown in sev-
ance with the rules laid down in eral departments is not due to the
this matter by the office of the fact that a smaller number of stu-
dean. I dents are desirous of entering or
Other phases of 'the automobile that their grades are not of a high
ban are explained in an official enough calibre but to the fact that
statement issued yesterday by Mr. the increase in the size of the
Rea. classes every year without the ad-
"Permission will be granted stu- dition of larger facilities has made
dents to operate certain cars for it necessary to cut down the num-
definite and necessary purposes, ber of those entering. In the Med-

mine whether ward T. Van or- he said. "Any departure from.such ical school, foinstancethde-
man, pilot of the Goodyear VIII, arrangements will be deemed a vio- crease of 17 is due to the fact that
or Captain William E. Kepner, of lation of the ruling, and will be whereas 30 per cent formerly fail-
the army bag, traveled the farth- treated accordingly. As permits are ed to survive their four years in
est. Van Orman landed three miles based upon the obvious and veri- this school, but 10 per cent now-
north of Troy, Ohio, which is un- fled necessity for transportation, dards.ecause of the higher stan-
officially estimated to be 347 miles the holder of the permit will be dard_.
from St. Louis. Captain Kepner, subject to discipline if he allowsUr


vv eLar" 1 U aZiI ot 1)ule"Eberal rules. tAn opinion was re-
lesson for Freshmen who wish to quested by Shirley Smith, Univer-
uphold the Michigan traditions," sity Secretary. The attorney gen-
frnest Reif, '30, president of the eral held state property is exempt
Student Council, said yesterday re- from local regulation unless regu-
garding neglect of a large number latory power was expressly given
of entering students in donning the the city by the State.
ensignia of verdancy.mmbers_____he__
"I. hope that the members of the
class of '33 will take this matter Charge Club Owner
into their own hands, and not; With Manslaughter
make it necessary for the Student ___
Council to resort to strict enforce- (By Associated Press)

ment by means of a vigilance com- DETROIT, Sept. 30.-MartinI
Senate Committee mittee," he stated. Cohn, proprietor of the Study club,
1CtDetroit cabaret in which 22 persons
Hears Naval Expert HONOR SOCIETY TO MEET. lost their lives in a fire 10 days ago,
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineer- was charged with manslaughter in
(By Associated Press) ing scholastic fraternity, will hold a warrant signed today by Judge
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30-- Wil- a banquet at the Union at 6:15 Christopher E. Stein in recorder's
1am B. Shearer, "big navy" advo- Tuesday evening. court.
cate, was called today by the sen- I-________________
ate investigating committee to tell "Doc" Lovell Leaves Michigan
what he did and what he intendedi
to do at Geneva while employed For Rest AtCanadian esor
corporations as their "observor and -
reporter" at the unsuccessful tri- BY E C. of Regents in failing to award him
partite naval conference there in Another Michigan tradition has the presidency, to succeed Clarence
1927. Cook Little.
Ahead of Shearer, however, Rear .gone to pot. Along with Joe's once-CB Lt thgi,.s.d
famous saloon and that old and But even though ill, Doe's vivid
Admiral J. M. Reeves, naval ex- I r.hpersonality has attracted attention

Id- according to latest reports, landedJ'a non-student to operate his car !D . MICH L ON
a rocket propelled plane, success- two miles north of Neptune, Ohio, andthus obtain a use thereofHOLDSaTt pLnFE
daly madeoteri world'irstnefi or about 345 miles from St. Louis. which is not included within his, H L STOLF
miles at an altitude of 250 feet. i Kepner won last year's race. The permit." IN DEATH FIGHT
navy entry landed near Eaton, O.,
Opel's machine made its landing about 315 miles from here.
as well as its take-off by means of ~- 1Gargoyle Candidates (By Associated Pres
rockets, some of which acted as o-v Will Convene Today CHICAGO, Sept. 30-In a body
brakes and brought him safely to I DAILY STAFF AND TRYOUTS ;weakened by the stress of illness
the ground, the airman suffered a I All members of The Daily I A meeting of all second semester and age, the youthful spirit of Dr.
minor accident before his success- I editorial staff and sophomores freshmen and upperclassmen who A. A. Michelson, fights valiantly for
ful flight. The hair on the back of I and second semester freshmen wish to try' out for the Gargoyle time.
his head was burnt off in two fail- jIwho wish to tryout for a posi- will be held at 4 o'clock this after-
ures to rise. 1tion are requested to report at noon at the Press building. All heworld famed scientist,
The rocket machine is called the j the publication offices in the I members of the staff are also ex- American winner of the Nobel
"Sander Rak One" being named I Press building immediately. I pected to be present at this time kno at pneumoniaas
after its constructor, the engineer I George E. Simons, News' Editor. I for the discussion of plans for the enlisted against him and lessened
Friedrich Wilhelm Sander of Wes-o I coi his chances of recovery from a re-
Frezeit wighs abou 550 I comIng year. cent operation. But, turning 77,
ermuenze, it weighs about 550 he lay in a hospital bed today and
oun ,elus a weight o 0poun lnfusi n Reigns Over Cam pus et his physicians do the worry-
p40 feet.ig. Allied with him were his own
Von Opets rst two faiures to-.As Classes Swing Into Action determination to live and a re-
VonOprel'stfirstedto tfailures'-C a se n omarkable vigor that has sustained
day were attributed to the failures _______________ ____ihim at work and at play.
of the batteries which ignite the jhma okada ly
rockets. BY GUMLEY if they are left on desks at home. A particular incentive for his re-
While numerous unfortunate All in all, there was plenty of turn to active work was the un-
fA flightit if pe's asserted suts frosh stood up on the ash can at bustle. finished experiment by which he
contrivances like those on the the State street entrance of the The old town has changed con- e fhad hoped to eliminate the sm
North German Lloyd liner Bremen , Arcade and cheered the class of siderably since we -all departed last the speed of light He was the first
will soon be outclassed by a much 33 yesterday the Unversityput in- June. It shows signs of progress. p
lighter rocket apparatus. Ito motion its vast educationp1 ma-' Last year's seniors, for example, o approach accuracy in thismeas-
Van Opel made his tests today chinery and the year of 1929-30 up won't be able to follow the progress scheduled for the past summerwas
Vonh pwdel mkes texts toy and started. As always there was being made on the new Law Ii- dled fy the ast su mew
with powder rockets, but expects to confusion, mostly among the fresh- brary, now in process of construc- f delayed by the failure to complete
adopt a new liquid fuel invented by n. S tly fm ther m a n in theL s c ub- arrangements before his return to
p q ymen. Still dizzy from their mad Lion behind the Lawyer's club.
Sander. Freshman Week whirl-or perhaps Only we who are fortunate enough the physics department of the Un-
i nvrnmm ri atr .. ... n +na i _.iversity of Chicago this fall. He

pert attached to the American del-
egation at the conference, was giv-
en an opportunity to prc(ent a
statement bearing on testimony
that he was often seen with Shear-
ar. and' "fr.n nfIv.+I PrP.miR.c the

glorious institutionn kown as the
Orient, Doc Lovell, the University's
late and lamented newsboy, has
gone down the long path that leads
to forlorn and utter oblivion.
on Lovel li in CanadianI

in his new field of operations.
While other patients at the hos-
pital are discussing their most re-
cent tonsilectomies and appendec-
tomies, Doc spouts philosophy at

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