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October 27, 1929 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-27

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Wkcan oto.2m.ner fpro- secial to The Iaiy)
Wusa and orthodox manner of scor- The brillant gridiron records of j40-yarder between Ohio State's MADISON, Wis-Tury Oman,
ing touchdowns-a steady drive Friedman and Oosterbaan of the goal posts with 40 seconds of the poker faced Finn from Chisholm,
'R, . other yard off left tackle. -Simrall down the field followed by a short University of Michigan have an-'first half to play. Benny could Minn., may prove the "man of des-
ltyInoisw t gr kicked to Illinois where the ball plunge over the goal line-appar- other honor for their Alma Mater, weave through a broken field, too, Min ay rovhe tn fd
Gain Revenge for Last was downed on the Michigan 49- ently has litttle attraction for the Both men have been chosen for po- as he showed Wisconsin by a touch- tinmi" for the Wisconsin football
tt'Rivna team. His great exhibition in the
Year's Defeat. yard line. Morrison threw Timm University of Iowa's football team. sitions on George Trevor's 10-year down dish from kick-off. Savage game against Notre Dame has won
for a 4-yard loss. Yankusis replaced At the half-way mark of the all-American outfit which he names roughing never made him quit. him the call over the versatile
- Timm and Lanum went in for schedule, a summary indicates in the current issue of the Liberty Of Oosterbaan, who has been Ernie Lusby and the brilliant
Continued from Page .6 Humbert. Lanus got 4 yards that the Iowans made eight of their Magazine. No other school is rep-made an end on this mythical team, ErniemLusyRass~theh'brillianthe
-on a quarterback sneak. Walker through* center. Yankuss went 16 touchdowns on five long runs resented twice on Mr. Trevor's first Mr. Trevor says: "Oosterbaan, a po nof running halfback on
ras stopped by Bovard for no gain. through tackle for a first down from scrimmages, two intercepted team. skyscraping Hollander, was perhaps Coach Glenn Thistlethwaite's 1929
DAhlem replaced Heston for Michi- on Michigan's 35-yard line. Lanum passes, and a forward pass. About Writing of Friedman i his roll the greatest of all pass receivers.B
gan. bovard threw Timm for a 2 dove through left tackde for 2 a quarter of a mile of territory was call of Gridiron Greatness-1919- His Eiffel Tower reach gave him an Bagm tea The sln youth
yard loss. Mills passed t Walker yards. covered in an estimated time of 1929-Mr. Trevor, who has appoint- advantage over such good little f Minnesotay "Ra ha
for 9 yards. Walker was stopped Morrison shifted to fuhack in some 70 seconds, an average of Benny quarterback on his mythi- grabbers as Merrilat and Tully. A called a "Saturday football play-
and the ball went to Michigan on place of Gembis and Iaydon went about nine seconds for each touch- cal eleven, writes: "Who but Benny rack basketball player, Ooster- er", because of his apparent indif-
theIr 30-yard line. Wolgast broke to left tackle. Lanum made yards down. cFriedman, Michigan's udbanns trained reflexes and his ference in practice, but he is a real
through and tossed Dahiem for a through right tackle. Ygnkusis The longest dash was for 90 Little Napoleon, could unruffled mamal dexterity enabled him to competitor, and football games-
3-yard loss. made it another first down t rough yards, made in the Carroll game by quarterback this post-war logical make full use of his abnormal phy- ply o turday-re what
S i jratl panted to Mills on his left tackle placing the .ball on Gerhard S. Haugh, halfback, Des team? Cold as an iced shad in the sical qualifications for pass catch- count in the final reckoning.
~rouh th- einre. Mihigas went Michigan's 22-yard line. Poor-man Moines. Hague snared 'a Carroll pass heat of conflct, Friedma pe ing tackle drives were the bright spot
Stentir Michigan team replaced Auer. ILanurn failed to Ion his own 10-yard line and ified the coach's dream of what Deadly Pass Receiver. ,
for 65 .yards .and a .touchdown.|gain. Yankusis was also stopped by raced straight down the field for a quar'terbackl should be. His was "Intiution carried him to the in the Badgers losing struggle
Score: Illinois, 6; Michigan, 0. lly- the line without a gain. Lanum the touchdown. In the same game the chess mind which coaches seek spot where the ball would descend; against Notre Dame.
nots took time out, Mills' place plunged 4 yards off left tackle. -Lawrence Reedquist, Ottumwa and, and so seldom find. but simian reach did the rest. His ---- -
k for the extra point was good. Mills' place kick from the 27-yard performed the same feat over 60 ahands were almost as big as1
Scoe: Ulnois, 7; Michigan, 0. line went over the goal line. Mich- yards. Was Perfect Qiaterback. ('Brick' Muller's of California. Any- L A S s i F I E
off to Mills, who igan's ball on their own 20-yardI Captain Willis Gassgow, Shen- "Yost called him 'the quarter- thing he could touch, he held. Sur- ADVERTIN
erda ykiyed ye. ,g1back who never mad a mistake.' rounded by enemy blockers, Benny, -
3/yard line. Humbert hlt IMorrison made 2 yards through team for 73 yards and a touch-From one's own coach that approx- would stick a scoop-shovel paw sky-'
te kl for 2 ya'ds. lumbert then left tackle. Truskowski gained 6 down on the first scrimmage play imates the perfect tribute. Old-time ward and collar the ball. These NOTICE
4roVe through center for 3 more. yards off right tackle. Roush re- of the homecoming game last Sat- Michigan grads may r'egard it a one-handed completions delighted
through center for -placed Crane or Illins. Sira ryTsnsrn little short of sacrilege to rank Michigan partisans, as did his shoe- RADIO SERVICE
1 l d tor op ed o Iinois al turday. This is the longest run for Fridan ahead of 'Boss' Weeks, string pickups. , Competent service men on all
1.~ 1is i1ced to im rie~naedo oss eks all, who punted to the Illinois 45yard line, a touchdown from scrimmage made gnpiatinpiiotockup10 i-j O steba.a e' oefrImkso ais
was downed on his own 35-yard Lenum took the ball outside, gain- 'by an Iowa player for 'many year inspirational pot of the 1901 im~-a a"oosebal.nn a k n' for kes of radios.
line After returning the ball 5 ing one yard. Lanum juggled a Second honors for length of ru- mortals, but Yost himself is tempt STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE
y 4s. Rnbert was injured on the ,long pass from Miis between two from scrimmage go to Oran Pape, d to iate his Hebrew ' king give him for snapping up a'Dial 2140 521 East Liberty
p y, bqt remtained in the game. I Michigan players, making it first halfback from Dubuque, who machine' atop the quarterback fumble and converting defeat into 246c
- Dahlem made a yard off right 0 own on Michigan's 4-yard line,. threaded his way for 58 yards in heap. victory. Defensively, Benny could--TTNT-N - Ft
tackle. A pass, Truskowski to Sim- failed to gain. CLanum made 3 the Monmouth game. Pape also ran "'Facing a team run by Friedman be relied upon to turn the runner IATTENTION -- Fraternities and
y@, was good for 14 yards and first yards off right tackle. 140 yards against Ohio State. was like playing 10 men and a inside. 'I may be crazy, but I'm Sororities - This is the time of
dv~n rn Illinois' 49-yard line, I Pool fumbled and Mills recovered Other sensational scoring plays coach," said Bob Zuppke. 'His not foolish enough to think I can year your blankets need the care
wal broke through and nailed On Mh ' 40-yard line. Hills Iare Oliver Sansen's 51 yard sprint, judgment was uncanny, particular- circle that Dutchman's end,' said You would like to give them at
rk hog n aldI onMichiK'an's lne4 hm. -ral il ovic yu
Pahl for a 5-yard loss. Truskow- Ireplaced Gordon. Jolley went in Monmouth game; Glassgow's run ly when it came to selecting goal- Zuppke. home. A trail will convince you
ski's pass to Simrall was inomplete. for Steinman. Mills kicked over the of 31 yards against Monmouth to line scoring plays.' After all, the Football Has Changed. MOE LAUNDRYj
Walker intercepted Truskowski's goal line. Michigan's ball on their score the first touchdown in the cardinal value of a quarterback lies "The modern decade, embraced 204 No. Mai Phone 3816
1 ng pass and ran to the Michigan own 20-yard line. I new stadium; and a forward pass, in the grasp of generalship. But by this mythical team, has seen the _______-___ _ ___
4 yard line before he was downed Dahlem failed to gain op the line Pape to Pignatelli, for 30 yards in Benny was more than a master whole tempo of football speeded,
by Truskowski. Walker was aided buck. Morrison made a yard at 'the Carroll tilt. mind. His equal as an accurate up," continued Mr. Trevor in Liberty FOR SALE
by fine blocking by his team mates right tackle. Simrall's punt was pegger of passes never wore cleats. "This is the era of 'gridiron bask-
and ran 57 yards on the play. ' downed by Heyden on Illinois' 47-' AI Others have thrown a longer ball, etball'-the sky darkened with fly- FOR SALE-Ford Touring, $40.
Timm made 3 yards on a run yard line. Robinson replaced GEMEN READY ,but none could thread the eye of ing pigskins; forward passes, flatadhone 9592. 422 Ptckard. 345
gound right end. Humbert dove Lanum. Illinois was penalized for FOR MINNESO TA a needle on the dead run as Fried- or deep, thrown on every other _h9 .2 kr4
'rough center to the Michigan 1- running into the kicker, but Mich-) man could. down; wide sweep runs behind-
ard'line. Timm was stopped by Poe igan refused the penalty. Yankusis'. Starred as a Drop Kicker. cloud interference, deceptive criss- FOR RENT
with a 1-yard loss. Poe was injured made 2 yards on a wide end run. (Contiued From Page Six) "In addition to his genius as a crosses, cut-backs and delayed-----
o- the play and Michigan took time Robinson fumbled and Yankusis when they travel to Evanston, Ill., forward passer, Friedman was a 'spinners;' lateral passes; tricky
out. .He remained in the game. i recovered for Illinois on their own Ito play Northwestern. The next nervy, talented drop kicker, de- variations of the Minnesota shift R 9200rs A. eys phone
#,mbert got a yard at center. 45-yard line. Bodman replaced home game for Indiana will be its pendable for a goal when the game designed to dislocate the defense; a see A Real, 440 South
ph1ker trled a run around left end Burdick for Illinois. ' traditional game with Purdue, in hung in the balance. He booted a and other 'stunts.' State. C
aM was stopped without gain and Mills punted outside on the the Indiana Memorial stadium, j__
"to ws penalized 5 yards for Michigan 19-yard line. Hudson November 23. ~.......
oqfside. .fWalker sprinted around went in for Dahlem. Chattin re- Indiana broke a long standing
14s own left end for a touchdown. placed Mills and Irwin went in for record last season when the Page-
W alker was injured on the play Root. Illinois was penalized for men visited Minneapolis and played
d was helped off the field. Root roughness making it first down for the Gophers. Minnesota won, 21-12,
t0 laced him. Mills' place kick for (Michigan on the 45-yard line. Sim- but Indiana was the first team in
the' extra point was good. Score: rall lost 5 yards. Truskowski's pass many years to score more than
linois, 14; Michigan, 0. to Morrison was incomplete. Sor- one touchdown against Minnesota
Gemnbis kicked off to Timm who enson substituted for Steinke. on the Gophers' home field.
returned the ball 20 yards to .his Hudson lost 5 yards on a trick for- For two weeks in a row Indiana
n 32-yard line. Humbert hit mation. has met strong lines and heavy
right tackle for 4 yards. Root Simrall kicked to the 50-yard teams that outweighted the Hoos-
fined 2 yards offleft tackle as line. Yankusis failed again. Yanku- iers by a good margin. Minnesota
e quarter ended. Score: Illinois, sis made 4 yards off right tackle. true to custom, again has another
;Michigan, 0. Evans lost a yard. Chattin punted 200-pound team, and a line equal f
Fouth Quarter. outside on Michigan's 23-yard line. to the strength of Ohio State's, the
Daniels went in for Cornwell. Hudson lost four yards on a run- team that Indiana played today.
Mills punted to -Simrall who re- ning pass play. Morrison plunged Drill on defense which occupied the
tirhed the ball to Michigan 25- through center for no gain as the attention of the Indiana linemen,
ayard ie. Dahlem skirted left end game ended. Final Sioriialin0is,E again will be in order for next
or 2 yzards. Dahiem then added an- 14; Michigan, 0. {week's practice. lal


WORLD'S largest manufacturers of
silk hosiery and makers of fine
lingerie. Wants two Michigan
coeds to sell in sororities and
dormortories. Real Silk Mills, Inc.
Phone Walbridge 8628 between 5
or after 9 p. m. daily. 1
WANTED-A stud'Ont girl to work
for room and board. Call 2-15'8.
WANTED-Student to help in
kitchen; 1 hour a't noion; 2? to
3 hours at night. Apply, at
Bright Spot, 82 Packard. 45
WANTED-Students to enjoy a real
meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. C


WILL person who took light gray
spring coat from tap room in
Union Saturday at 11:20 kindly
rethrn it to 7:10 S. Division No.
questions asked. 6478. 61
LOST-A Phi Kappa Tau badge
with initials R. F. C. Reward.
Call 6674. 612
LOST-A Brown Ostrich Leather
Wallet, containing money and
valuable papers. Please return to
Zeta Psi Fraternity. Reward. 345
LOST--Saturday, a Kappa Delta
pin, diamond shaped. pearl set,
initial H. F. Reward. Call 7891.
LOST-Lady's Pocketbook, Satur-
day, at game. Contains driver's
license, name of Mary Mayne
Bailey, Neff Road, Grosse Pointe,
also cash and small articles. Re-
ward. Call 4917. 34
$25.00 REWARD for any lost key
I can't replace. A Real key manu-
facturer. 440 South State. Phone
FFUND-A watch, Oct. 19th. Call
3843. 61





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