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October 27, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-27

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Published every mning ecet Monday
during the University year byex the Board in
Control of Student' Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches creditedtodit or not otherwise credited
an this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ang Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of 'postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phontes: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

1 1


Telephone 4925


Editor........George C. Tilley
City Editor... ... erce Rosenberg
Ne";s Editor............George E. Simons
Sports Editor ........Edward B. Warner, Jr.
,Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor .. ,. ... ..George Stauter
uscand Drama ........ William J Gorman
Literary Editor........ Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor. .. .-Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman

Charles A. Askren
Helen BarcI
Louise Behymer
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C.eFullerton
Ruth Geddes
Ginevra Ginn
J. Edmund Glavin
Jack Goldsmith
D. B. ]iempstead, Jr.I
James C.eHendley
Richard T. Hurley
can H. Levy
ussell E. McCracken
Lester M. May

William Page
Gustav R. Reich
John D. Reindel
eannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Stauter
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer
Margaret Thompson
Richard L. Tobin
Beth Valentine
Harold 0. Warren
Charles S. White
G.Lionel Willens
Lionel G. Willenq
J. E. Willoughby
Barbara Wright
Vivian Zimit

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ........... ..Hollister Mabb:y
Advertisin ..........Kasper H. Halverson
Advertising.................herwood Upton
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Circulation. .......J. Vernor Davis
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Publications ...............George Hamilton
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James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Robert Williamson
Cllarr s Kline William R. Worboys
Marvin Kobacker
Laura Codling Ali =ice McClly
Bernice Glaser Sylvia Miller
lirtense Gooding Helen E. Musselwhite
Anna Goldberg Eleanor Walkishaw
Dorothea Waterman
Night Editor-FRANK E. COOPER
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1929 .
As if the campus dramatic situ-
ation were not sufficiently confused
and wobbly, Play Production, suf-
fering a little from megalomania,
has presumed to dictate to Comedy
Club and Mimes when they can
produce and with what actors they
can do it. Mr. Windt casts his
bombshell innocently enough: spec-
ial permission must be obtained by
Play Production students to partici-
pate in other dramatic activities,
but it does not require much in-
spection to see that thus has Mr.
Windt given himself the whip hand.
His productions hereby take prece-
dence over all other campus pro-
ductions regardless of relative mer-
it, importance, or popularity.
Mr. Windt, of course, has a rea-
son for his policy. He has the Ly-
dia Mendelssohn theatre under
contract for certain dates through-
out the year, and must produce
something at those times in order
to make expenses. He cannot pro-
duce, obviously, if his best actors
are tied up in some other produc-
tion. But here we would point out
that in the face of certain compe-
tition with Comedy club and es-
pecially Mimes, Mr. Windt's busi-
ness acumen ran considerably be-
hind his directing ability when he
took a year's worth of theatre dates
in advance.
Into Mr. Windt's effort-perhaps
unconscious effort-to create him-
self iron chancellor of campus dra-
matics one should not read selfish-
ness but rather overeagerness and
too much enthusiasm. In a brief
period Mr. Windt has attained such
success with Play Production that
he is quite humanly casting around
for new worlds to conquer. It
should be remembered, however,
that his position on the campus is
primarily that of a faculty man to
' teach the technique of the stage,
and not that of a big campus pro-
ducer, however much actual pro-
ductions may be necessary in the
teaching of his courses.
Last spring and summer his eag-
erness led him so to exand his

his faculty authority to secure priv-
ileges and immunities for his pro-
ducing group at the expense of
other campus producing groups of,
equivalent status and older estab-
lished reputation.
The leniency that Mr. Windt may<
plan to use in granting special per-
missions to his students does nott
enter into the case. Just the fact
that permissions are necessary au-t
omatically widens the Windt-Shu-
ter breach, makes the campus dra-
matic situation more angry and
difficult, and tends to lessen the
value to the public and to the stu-
dent actors of all three dramatic
Distinct advantages to be gained
by a large student body at educa-
tional institutions, are many. To-
day, the students of the'University
will be afforded one such oppor-
tunity, namely the chance to hear
a speaker of national eminence,
and of broad and extended exper-
ience, the Rev. Charles R. Brown,
dean emeritus of the Yale School
of Religion at the opening fall
convocation in Hill auditorium.
The convocation plan is based on
the same ideas that underly the
larger universities. With the de-
velopment of a greater number at
issue, it is possible and profitable
to obtain the most learned and ex-
perienced counsellors. Likewise, it
is logical to educate them by
straight forward methods unob-
structed by petty procedural mat-
Such advantages come inherent-
ly to the convocation scheme. An
audience of thousands can justify
the securing of a lecturer of the
highest calibre. Furthermore, prob-
lems of the students, in this case
those concerning theology and life's
philosophy in general, can be con-
sidered with divergence to particu-
lar creeds.
Advantages being what they are,
the student to reap full harvest of
them, need realize the nature of a
university and its inherent oppor-
tunities. 'If he is to make the edu-
cational period of his life as rich
as is possible in a society operat-
ing on a large and lofty scale, he
should participate in its undertak-
ings, among them, convocations.y
Another aspect of the rapidly in-
creasing paternalistic attitude of
most American universities is
brought out quite lucidly in the
editorial columns of Liberty's cur-
rent issue. Academic authorities
throughout the country seem to
hold similar opinions concerning
most of the evils that attend col-
3ege life as it exists today, the au-
tomobile, week end trips, and the
other moral temptations.
"It seems to us," says Liberty,"
that the object in arcourse in col-
lege is twofold. Primarily, we'd
say, it is to live four years, and as
pleasantly as possible-what the
Declaration of Independence calls
'the pursuit of happiness.' But it is
generally assumed that everything
is a preparation for something else:
school for college, college for life,
and life for death .So the osten-
sible purpose of college, as an-
nounced, is to teach young people
to understand the world and pre-

pare forit."j
Automobiles are considered anl
evil influence. They tempt reck-
lessness and drinking. Still, be-
lieves Liberty, most young men,
when they come out of college into
the world, will have occasion to
own or at least drive automobiles.
It will be to their advantage to
learn to drive as young as possible.
And when the risks are considered,
anyone who takes his family out in
his car on Saturday night is taking
a risk, as are taxi drivers -and
truck drivers of average college
"Is it in all ways best to say a
student may not drive an automo-
bile while he is a student?" Liber-
ty asks. "Or, as threatened at Yale,
that he must punch an academic
time-clock twice on Sundays to
show he can't go away?"
These questions present serious
problems and have never been set-
tled. The salient question is, how-
ever, whether students in Ameri-
can institutions are to be treated
as boys or men. 'Liberty feels that
treating them as men will be the
wiser course for the callow gradu-
ates that are turned out today re-
quire too much time and too many
hard knocks to get over the rah-
rah stage. Paternalism has not
been successful, nor has absolute
freedom worked, but freedom seems
to have the edge.


I bAW iUN 11i Z.J ZAMX MJ.L Rsomewhat curious play for a cam-
THIS MORNING THAT SING pus organization to attempt; it is
SING IS AT PRESENT HOUS- much more a portraiture than a
ING 1999 CRIMINALS STOP drama with the interest almost en-
COME ON FELLOWS LETS tirely concentrated on one charac-
AKETITO2000EVHENRSTOP ter. The difficulty of the produc-
PARAGRAPH THERE WAS NO tion is that its success rests too
DOUBT THAT THIS GUY sharply on the strength of the
MILLS WAS GOING TO SCORE shoulders playing the title part -
ALL HIS KICKS AFTER originally George Arliss, now Ken-
TOUCHDOWNS THIS AFTER- neth White, who did some interest-
NOON STOP HE KEPT PRAC- ing character parts last year in
TISING THEM ALL THROUGH "The Queen's Husband" and "The
THE FIRST QUARTER STOP Beggar on Horseback.'
SAY OLD MAN COULD YOU But "Old English" was curious
WIRE ME TEN BUCKS TO play for John Galsworthy to write
COME HOME ON STOP IT 1 too. The main character is not
SEEMS THAT I MADE A BET promising subject for theatrical
WITH A GUY AND HE FOUND manipulation for Galsworthy the
LA AFTER THE GAME STOP professional playwright; nor is it
LARK a particularly edifying figure for
* * *

Before you complete your four-
teenth hour of razzing the fighting
Wolverine team, consider this:
Could you have done any better?
With which we will pipe down
and go on with the story.
* * *
Here's a wire from Lark, the ed-
itor of this column, from Cham-
paign. (That, by the way, is the
reason why we're up here tonight
instead of out on a date.)

MusicAnd DramaIL
0 0f
MONDAY NIGHT: At the Mimes
theatre a presentation of "O'd Eng-
lish" by John Galsworthy.
At the Wilson Theatre in Detroit
the Stratford-upon-Avon company
present "Much Ado About Nothing."
While it is still withholding all
the momentous details of author-'
ship, etc., about the opera, Mimes
is quite frank about "Old English."
It Is by John Galsworthy and the
first performance will be given to-
morrow night. "Old English" is a

That came collect, so we wired
back as follows: SURE WE COULD
* * *
We sent it collect.
I __
f --
Photograph, sent by telephoto,
showing Lark walking toward the
telegraph office to get the ten
bucks. Imagine his chagrin. (Pho-
to shows clearly, however, that he
was beside himself).
Another wire from a prominent
senior stated that he lost all his
enthusiasm after the third quarter
of the game. Telephoto snapshot
shows all.
* * -
Adolph, a representative of the
sports department, is shown below
as he prepared to entrain for
Champaign Friday. Note the part-
ing instructions..
We heard part of the game over
the radio. A stenographic report
would run about as follows: It's
Michigan's ball on the bizzerkow-
eee line. First down, ten yards to
go. There it goes down the (Some-
one in apartment above using dial
phone) Tat-tat-tat Bzzzzzzzz Tat-
tat-tat-tat-tat Bzzzzzzzzzz Tat-tat
Boy, what a run! The snarling
Wolverines gained beow gullbek of-
fle offle poosh! Baby, that was a
run! The ball was tossed from
(Voice from kitchenette) Where's
the Mission Orange? (Voice from
behind right ear) Hey, your cigar-
ette is burning the carpet! (Voice
from kitchenette) What's the score?
Who's doing anything? Etc. All
we got was the final score.
wJlt ALL C0
A lot of fellows went down to the
game by air. Round-trip tickets
sold from $75 to $102, according to
* * *
Several of them who bet on Mich-
igan went up in the air after the
second fatal touchdown and can-
celled their return reservations.
Four B. M. O. C.'s climbed onto
the tender of the train that car-'
ried the team to Champaign and
rode hobo style.

Gaisworthy the professional re-
former to present. It is probably
the Galsworthy who revealed him-
self In "The Forsyte Saga" as a pas-
sionate student of the types of
human patterns the society of his
country could evolve, who wrote
this play. Galsworthy undoubtedly
saw in Old English a representative
type that only one age could have
country could evolve, who wrote the
Old English is a sturdy remnant
of the early Victorian age. He
scorns the meal-mouthed priggish-
ness of the late Victorian period
and would laugh at the rationalized
moralities of modern age. His love
for women and for port-wine he
regards as permissible vices; he
makes no attempt like an incono-
clast of morals to fit them into an
ethical system. There is an un-
mistakable ring of pride and hero-
ism in all his passions and pre-
judices that should have frightenedj
Gaisworthy himself, who is always
clamoring for peace and justice.
We see Old English in the play
an old man of eighty fighting some
stormy business battles. His ille-
gitimate son gets him in another
entanglement by deserting his wife
and two children. He is driven
slowly to the wall. But the bailiff's
knock doesn't disturb him. He sees
that his financial state is soon go-
ing to put him at the mercy of
his very Puritanical daughter.
Independence is the one great
reality in life to him. So he quietly
prepares himself for one real eve-
ning of freedom. He petulantly
adds to his already generous menu
oysters, a savoury, port, and three
glasses of brandy. He drinks and
drinks again. The last few years he
had never been much for extri-
cating himself from chairs in which
he had become drunkenly embed-
ded. But his time he has to prove
himself the master of his experi-
ence. So he rises and staggers
across the room-his last stagger.
It is a grand story. And those
who haven't seen the Arliss pro-
duction will probably be grateful
for its local production. The cast
includes Kenneth White, Norman
Browne, David Hempstead, Jose-
phine Rankin and Eugenie Chapel
Professor Peter M. Jack, head of'
the Rhetoric department, and Pro-
fessor O. J. Campbell of the Eng
lish department have kindly con
sented to contribute reviews to this
column of the first two Shakespear-
ean productions at the Wilson the-'
atre in Detroit this week. Prof.
Jack will review the first perfor-
mance, "Much Ado About Noth-
ing," which was the play the com-
pany gave at the great birthday
festival in England last year. Prof.
Campbell will review "King Rich-
ard II," perhaps the least perform-
ed of the popular tragedies
The schedule again is:
Monday, Much Ado About Noth- -
Tuesday, King Richard II.
Wed. Matinee, Merry Wives o
Thursday, Romeo and Juliet.
Friday, Hamlet.
Saturday matinee, Juius Caesar
Saturday evening. Midsun mmer
Night's Dream.
* * *'



" a


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30, 8:15 P. M.


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or $12,00.





ckets for single
concerts $1.50,
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c ,yool of Music
- Office, Maynard fi


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