i., 4 tATt1ThJAY, OCTOBERh 25, 1o"2I TH MICHIGAN AIL"4 MICHIGAN DAILY '--,V -7 7;, NCRTHWESTERN TO PLAY Eight Big Ten Teams ANY INJURIES HAIDIICAP WABASH ELEVEN TODAY Meet in Games Today F OTBALL TEAMS ID EAST H_(Continued form Page Six) (Continued From Fage Six) C R S L f E EVANSTON, Ili.-Northwestern's man, while the Boilermaker line his team in 1926 to see the Army-I Whas shown well in all of the games Navy game at Chicago. He sent his _ I Wildcats, with two hard confer-I ence games behind them will case this year. team to Pittsburgh to play Carne-I Oran Pape Iowa's Star Fullbackpn Coach Stagg, termed "the grandgig ys up a bit today wizen they encouni r ;'gic Tech, certain that his boy in Starting Lineup the Wabash college eleven in the old man of football," whose great'- would return victoriously. Care- at Madison. first part of adouble header dt ness has been declining rapidly in gie surprised Rockne by defeating Dyche stadium. The orthwestern the last few seasons, will send his his Ramblers, and he has never "B" team will clash with a team'fiofsto ttemioth KEPT OUT OF PRACTICE Notre Dame's reserves in the after strongest team ito the game. and forgiven himself for the defeat. "I piece. that team may be expected to play don't want to miss a Pittsburgh Iowa's chances of defeating Wis- Although practice has been ham- the best game of which hya trip after that 1926 episode," said consin today took a decided jump pered all week by the incleRent capable. Rockne, who has been forced to re-' when it was learned that Oran turn of the weather, Coach Dick Iowa, tied by Illinois last week main at home during the past two I Pape, star 'naifback, has been Hanley has groomed several of his and defeated by Ohio the week be- weeks because of illness. cleared of the charges of profes- sophomores and reserves to take fore, will be in a bad humor when Of the intersectional clashes for sionalism which have kept him out up the task of turning back the they conie up' against the Badgers today, Butler University is in New of a uniform all week. A state- I "Little Giants." Practice has gone at Madison. Wiscbn!h lost to Notre York ready to ine't the powerful ment from Jess Graves of Bessemer, ahead under the east stands of D Maso Wisk, lost e York U eet th pof i j Damie last week, buzt the strongest New York U eleven. Coach "Pot-i Michigan, that it was he and not the stadium, with only occasional teams in the country have a habit sy" Clark in the Hoosier strong- Pape played with the Dubuque sorties out upon the sloppy prac-E Pwa plearsy nder the n e tice field to get used to thepr et of being beaten by the Irish, how- hold in Indianapolis, has been drill- Iowa Bears under the name of ; ever they also lost, to Northwestern "King," lifted one of the major going. vin their first Conference game, a ing his men on the solving of the worries from the minds of the Signal drill has constituted the by virtue of this defeat will be the Vilet plays. Butler ill not be en- HaWkeye coaches. work for the most part. Sid ur- underdogs in the battle this after- 250 aecotpanying te a from Graves, who is said has a striking stein, the former prep ace at John noon. a o i the team from likeness to the Iowa flash declared Marshall high school is expected Indianapols. that he played. October 16, 1926 to make his first real bid for rec- Reports from the Wisconsin camp On the other side of the conti- with the Bears against Elizabeth ognition Saturday' at righthalf-jhae it that Coach Thistlethwaite nent, Stanford and Southern Cali- withthe Bars against Eliza h o . Burnstein is fast and runs- is much encouraged over the show- fornia will fight it out for one leg Illinois, nd October 31, 1926 bc. un;enisfiadr n his' men have made in practice ion the claim to the mythical cha- against the Dubuque Cardinale with a deceptive twist of the hips, ieg histendtmy camm nider the name of King. Thes which he emphasizes to good ad- .ponship of the Pacific Coast. were the specific charges which had vantage when approached by a been lodged against Pape. Graves tackler. He showed his speed to also offered further proof that he good advantage in the Minnesota knew Pape and the latter had not game when he raced behind the played in either of the games. Gopher secondary and took a pass f the Old Go: z -ar wno ha from Bergherm to score a touch- been the~leading scorer for the down. He also convinced Coach A bawkeyes during the past two sea- Hanley that he is a dependable sons'and the biggest ground gain- tackler and a good bet at backig er of the present year is unable to up the line. participate in the festivities at "Os" Baxter will likely start at Camp ERandall this afternoon Wis- the other halfback position. Baxter, 1 consin has consijerable hope of who hails from Mt. Clemens, Mich. celebrating their first Western rejoined the squad several days conference victory. before the Minnesota game and' etr A similar ruling has overitaken should be near the peak of condi- another Hawkeye player, John tion for Saturday's game. He was X" urman, who is awaiting his fate handicapped by not knowig he n t as anxiously as Pape. A mail ballotI signals well enough against Mm- was sent to members of the Big nesota. Baxter's forte is in backing Ten faculty committee on his case up a line, although he can slice last week and Thursday the eligi- the -tackles for gains with his 170 bility 'committee wired the Big Ten pounds of drive to' suspend the ballot temporarily. I It is believed that the big guard _ will learn his status at the same time Ivhen the committee makes] its decision regarding the eligibil- EA TS Merchants and Buyers LA SS IFIE F SLWANTED-Student to help in AI ERTISFOR SALE kitchen; 1 hour at noon; 2 to - --18I-___ -___1 3 hours at night. Apply at FOR SALE-Ford Touring, $40. Bright Spot, 802 Packard. 45 NOTICE Phone 9592. 422 Ptekard. 345 - A TE - ud n to en__ y a rea_ ----- - ___ - ! WANTED-Students to enjoy a real WORLD'S largest manufacturers of meal. Forest Inn, 538 Forest. C silk hosiery and makers of fine FOR RENT lingerie. Wants two Michigan coeds to sell in sororities andOS dormortories. Real Silk Mills, Inc. FOR ROOMS without Keys phone LOST Phone Walbridge 8628 between 5 9200 or see A. Real, 440 South or after 9 p. m. daily. 51 State. C ___________ ___; LOST-A Brown Ostrich Leather ATTENTION - Fraternities and 1'~~~ Wallet, containing money and ' Sororities - This is the time of' WANTED valuable papers. Please return to year your blankets need the care Zeta Psi Fraternity. Reward. 345 you would like to give them at ~-~ ~ - - ~._----- - - home. A trail will convince you. WANTED-A student girl to work LOST-Saturday, a Kappa Delta MOE LAUNDRY for room and board. Call 2-1588. pin, diamond shaped. pearl set, 204 No.Main Phone 3816 456123 initial H. F. Reward. Call 7891. ~ ~ ~~~- - I345 r Intramuraltems i LIBERTY MARKET 118 W. Liberty ,St. Service Continued from Page 6 Trophy Room of the Sports Build- ing. A group of twelve to fifteen fellows is needed to carry on wall the sports throughout the season. There are ten sports listed during the year: speedball, volleyball, bas- -ketball, handball, track, relays, horseshoes, tennis, soft ball, and bowling. { I I Price List Upon Price List U3 Phone 4312: A MARKET COLUMN / Which will be run every Satur- day for the benefit of all Daily g I Readers. A,;: II i MARKETS These merchants are dorsed by the Daily and worthy of your patronage. Af are t J ,Yl/ '' I " . . . -e -I ,.. AIL=JUT ll ... _1- _. I' Y _n PRIME \ MS Fine Beef Pot Roast 25c pound I Sweet Cider 45c gallon HOUSE MANAGERS Watch this Page a Choice Round Steak 33c pound EVERY FOREST AVE. MARKET SATURDAY For Economical Marketing I 530 Forest Phone 4251 --- EawA DoNuts THE.RE'S A DIFFERENCE i i ,i I i i . r -- . q'. I r. I i Dri~~mk ilk U I E U 0