FoU THE MICHICAN D -A l PIDAY , CTT' 1O J - T Published every morning except MondTay during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to tbe use- for republication of all news dis- atcies credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein- Entered ;t the posto. .e at Ann Arbor, Michigan', as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, .95; Business, 21224. EDITORIAL STAFF vitiated, of course, by the intol- erance of some of its statements and the inaccuracy of others, and good will probably come of awakening the country to the decidedly vicious malpractices of some unprincipled athletic directors and college heads. But it is regrettable that a report worthily conceived should be al- lowed to become so broad in its ac- cusations that it can't stand the test of accuracy. To us it is doubly re-1 About Books ~ THE PROGRESS OF MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts, a magazine of Contemporary Writing Edited by Willis H. Kinnear Indianapolis, November, 1929 Price Fifty Cents Music And Drama THE DETROIT CIVIC The metamorphosis last year of the Bonstelle Playhouse to the De- troit Civic Theatre promised much in the way of refined unusual dra- matic entertainment. All the , dreams of Jessie Bonstelle, whose rabid idealism is known in more cities than Detroit, were incorpo- rated in the Civic theatre. A suc- cessful campaign raised $200,000 1 for a maintenance fund. And that, L Read I The X i t 1 1 i l Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY grettable since Michigan, unjustly we assert, has been cast outside thek pale of honesty which includes Il- linois, Yale, and Army, and tarreds with the same stick as Iowa, t Georgetown, New York University, Penn State, or any of the universi-f ties that make no bones about ex- tending financial favors to athletes. Michigan has a very real grievance against the Carnegie foundation that will not be vindicated until the foundation shows the world on just what proof the accusations against her were based. Manuscripts has taken a deep breath in this, its second, number and has consequently exhaled to some considerable degree the trace of musty air that clung about its initial appearance. I refer par- ticularly to a dullness that per- Daily Classifieds They Pay You Well1 When You Are Hungry You will find a variety of tempt- ing ome Cooked Foods to sat isfy the most exacting appetite 120 East Liberty Street - -~---- Editor. ..................George C. Tilley City Editor.............. Pierce Rosenberg News Editor ......George E. Simons aports Editor .... Edward B. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor ,. .. .. Marjorie Folirner Telegraph Editor ..,...... George Stauter Music and Dra .......William 3, Gorman Literary. Fitor. ... awrence R. Klein Assistant (..ity Editor....,..-Robert J. Feldman Fa k, Night Editors Frank E~ Cooper: Robert L. Sloss William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr Henry J.i Merry Walter Wilds Charles R.. Kaufman Reporters Charles A.r Asren William Page Helen Bare Gustav R. Reich Louise Behxmer John D. Reindel Thomas A Cooley Jeannie Roberts W. H. Crane Joe Russell Ledru E. Davis Joseph F. Ruwitch Helen Domine William P. Salzarulo Margaret Ekels Gecrge .Stauter Katherine Ferrin Ladwell Swanson Carl Forsythe Jane Thayer Sheldond. Fullerton Margaret Thompson ,ruth Geddes Richard L Tobin Ginievra Ginn Beth Valentine '" Edmund Glavin iarold 0. Warren ack Goldsmith Charles S. White U. B. H-enmpstead, Jr. G. Lionel Willens James C. endley Lionel G. Willens ichard T. Hurley J. E. Willoughby )can HT. Levy :Barbara Wright Russell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Lester M. May BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214.' BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. vaded some of the material con- together with a large over-sub- tained in the October issue. scription, should have entirely Certainly no one can deny that eliminated those interests which Manuscripts is interesting. As an have exploited the commercial the- experiment that solicitsdthe con- atre so disastrously. temporary creative and critical But the theatre for some reason J Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising .............Hollister Mabi :y Advertising..........Kasper I1. Halverson Advertising.................herwood Upton Service.....,......... . George Spater Circulation.................J. Vernor Davis Accounts...............Jack Rose Publications ..... ........eorge Hamilton Assistants Raymond Campbell Lawrence Lucey James' E.rCartwright Thomas Muir Robert Crawford George Patterson Harry B. Culver Charles Sanford Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton Norman Eliezer Robert Sutton Donald Ewing Roger C. Thorpe James Hofier Joseph Van Riper Norris Johnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboys Marvin Kobacker GREAT COMMON SENSE (This editorial appeared by a make-up error in yesterday's issue under the captain "Editorial Comment." WXewish the read. er s of this column 10 know that it re- presents the editorial policy of The Daily) Our only regret anent President Ruthven's recent Saginaw speech is that it was not delivered over the largest broadcasting hook-up in the country, for in our opinion it de- serves to stand as the greatest com- mon-sense educational pronounce- ment of the year. President Ruth- ven has concisely settled all the pother in which the nation's edu- cators have been stewing since the era of mass education. He said in part: "In judging the student there are two groups of values to be considered- the edu- cational and the moral. As I see it, the University can be entirely responsible for the first and little responsible for the second. . . The only business of the uni- versity is the education of the fit." To have this bright gem of ad- ministrative wisdom drop from the paternalistic, protective clouds that have been hovering over the stu- dent is distinctly refreshing. Its immediate meaning seems to be. that the great majority of students! will not continue to be treated like prep school youths for the sake of saving a few moral weaklings from themselves. As the President said, "The University is not and never can be a reform school." At last, it seems, the University can return to one of its original functions of equipping students with the moral independence they will need to, meet the world beyond the Uni- versity's doors on its own terms. More refreshing still and more significant even than these disci- plinary connotations, we can see hope in President Ruthven's speech for a gradual retirement of the idea that as many as possible must get their degrees and an advancement' of the thesis that a degree is theI reward of initiative, earnest study, and real academic achievement. This is education reserved for the fit-not only the morally fit but the mentally fit. It is the logical con- sequent of a policy of offering the best in higher education to those best able to receive it, as oppos'ed to a policy of producing enough edu- cation to go around to everybody. It is an ideal in state-supported education that will prove diffcult of attainment, but one which we feel bpust ultimately prevail and for which we would coin a newj word. "Ruthvenism." wo con res m th lon in pa no im an su ar wi at wh ne bo an pa re Its bla ins ful wo co ne pa ne4 th it sba in be al lee onr me th Cu so us rk of college men and women it " mmands not only interest but seems slow in recognizing the vir- ;pect. This respect, however, tues of its position. So far this ust soon turn to enthusiasm if year its productions have been de- e periodical is to enjoy a healthy vastatingly unimportant. It began ng life. If it continues merely tamely with the charming Milne teresting, that very interest will 11 before long by dint of its mo- and treated him far less perfectly tony. than did Play Production here last Manuscripts needs several major week with a not dissimilar play. provements. Technically (and For the last two weeks it has been expensive magazine should pre- playing a pot-boiler by John Lei- ppose technical perfection) there cester so that William A. Brady e errors in its make-up. Space can look at it and decide whether ll not permit anything more than brief listing. The cover, while its it is worth New York production. cite neatness is to be admired, It may be that the theatre has de- eds top and bottom or all-round cided after the enormous success rders. It needs more and larger of "After Dark" that concession to d better-looking tail pieces. Its the populace is the way of popu- .per stock, with its lily-whiteness, larizing the theatre. It is hoped quires a point or two larger type. not; the professional theatre, which s title type is too condensed, too imagines quite strongly that the in- ack, too ununiform, and, in most ferior taste of the mob coincides stances, a trifle too small. Its with their payroll, makes conces- 1- page illustrations (chiefly the sions quite nicely and regularly. ood-blocks) cryfor borders. The Next week "Young Woodley," John ntrast between the inky black- Van Druten's sane and sympathetic ss of the block and the wide ex- play of adolescent youth, will be anse of white is too sharp. It the bill. This may sound a little eds more articles beginning on more promising to some who en- e right hand page. And finally, joyed Tarkington's "Seventeen" or needs a better organization of the better the early chapters of "Pen- ck pages of the first section. dennis." Educators have taken the Poetry has been consistently bad play and used its thesis as subject both issues. This, of course, may matter for school lectures. Yet due to a paucity of material dis-- that does not entirely condemn it. lowing a judicious, qualitative se- The play is delicately-balanced, at ction, but nevertheless it remains times tender and moving. The e of the irritating features of the story is pretty familiar to most agazine. The two-shall we call people. The shy poetry-loving em vertical epigrams?- of Mr. young fellow falls in love with the ulbertson have no place among young wife of his dry-as-dust pro- me of the very fine things Man- fessor. The result is disillusion- cripts has printed. The follow- ment for the boy but the play ends g two examples are typical of the with a fine farewell that gives him id poetry, the poetry that will hope for the future. The playwright ake for the downfall of the re- wants the older generation in ect the journal is attempting to the audience to better understand ild. The first is Culbertson's and their wondering, puzzled young te second a typical selection from sons. Perhaps they will. George iss Margaret Grant's couplets: Macready is taking the title role that Glenn Hunter had, with Bar- The TRUTH bara Willison as the wife, and Hun- Is ter Gardner as the professor. Usually Staggering, But more important than "Young But Woodley" and more consistent with Seldom is it the policy many have expected Drunk from the Civic Theatre is the three With Enthusiasm. productions that will be given next week of Tchekov's "The Sea-Gull." And the second: Miss Bonstelle is obtaining this fine When her turn came I stepped comedy of Tchekov's by special ar- up eagerly, rangement with the Civic Theatre I smiled, "Well, ma'am, what will of New York. Eva LeGallienne has your order be?" defied all the financial chapbooks recording the returns from Tche- I've served light lunches with a kov's plays and added one after an- tray all day, other of them to her repertor Rushing from table to table with . ther emn toshe rert with increasing success. The result my tray- is that the New York critics have To off-set this is the lengthy po- conveniently divided all the New ic bit of Miss Edna Frederikson, York audience into Tchekovians bit with precise diction and al- and non-Tchekovians. "The Sea- ost ballad rhythm, a bit extenu- Gull" is one of Tchekov's finest .ed, and a bit romantic.This lat- comedies and is very rarely done ,r item is a condition common to in America. So that Miss Bon- ost all Manuscript poetry. But, stelle's special arrangement for its 'ter all, we cannot indict the ro production in Detroit on -Monday anticist as a literary sinner. For night, Tuesday matinee and night ader interest-and that is what the week after next does represent anuscripts needs now at this, the an effort to please the discrimin- -ucial and turning point of its ca- ating. er-there is place for variety, A BANKER'S JUDGMENT Your Banker knows finance. It's his business. Experience, train- ing, study, all qualify him to advise you regarding money problems. This institution, with its staff of competent financial experts and its ample re- sources, can render you invaluable counsel and co-operation. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Main at Huron 707 North University II I Laura Codling Bernice Glaser R-artense Gooding Anna Goldberg Alice McCully Sylvia NMiller Ive[en E. Musselwhite Eleanor Walkinshaw D'orothea Waterman Night Editor-Henry J. Merry SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 THE PROOF? The Carnegie Foundation's sweep- ing indictment of college athletics in general and football in particu- lar as commercialized and negli- gent of the colleges' educational duty seems to us to represent a lot of time and money wasted to tell people something they know, condone, and do not propose to remedy. Conceived evidently as propaganda to stir our educators to action, the report seems to have missed, its mark and produced no1 response exqept denials and recrim- inations from indignant athletic directors. As a statement of fact and. opinion the Carnegie bulletin is doubtless honest and studied, but it takes,'neither a "militant-metho- dist" tone scarcely practical in view of the enormous popular ap- proval of football as it is played today. This country has claimed foot- ball as a national sport, and prob- ably its most popular national sport. There has been built about it a tremendous American tradition of smashing vigor that is enjoyed and respected by at least two million people every Saturday of the foot- ball r season. The thing has been done on a colossal scale, it is true, but only consistent with the pop- ular demand and the American way of meeting such a demand. It is natural that the country's millions (! football fans should resent ef- forts to deprive their favorite sport of any of its glamour, vitality, or, competitive spirit. As to the charges of wholesale subsidization of athletes and spe- cifically the allegation that prob- ably half the players on first class teams throughout the country are subsidized, the foundation is tread- ing on extremely thin ice. In the face of Yost's, Aigler's, Tapping's, and Ottaway's emphatic and justly outraged denials that Michigan athletes are being paid for their sweat, it would be interesting to see what proof the Carnegie in- vestigators can adduce to show that half our first-string gridders arel in ba m sp bu th M I I i I 3 ONE A DAY FOR SEVEN DAYS! THIS IS T HE SIXTH DAY Only One More Days Left of the Amazing Special Offer University Msc HUs A Piano A Day Almost Given Away FOR SEVEN DAYS ONLY, Every Offer We Make Is Genuine. When wz say that buyers can save money by our special offers, it is no hoax, nor is it made to get rid of cheap go>ds. We want to gain your good will and we want you to come to us for all your musical goods. If you come to us once, we believe you will come again, many times. Every piano of this seven days special offer is a brand new Kohler & Campbell instrument, made upon honor, integrity and long standing reputation as piano builders. Pianos are priced by manu- facturers just like automobiles. If anyone offered you a new Buick for 30% less than its price, you would be the first person at the store the next morning. Thi; piano offer is just like that. Come in and trade us your old worn-out piano for one of these lovely new Kohler & Campbell pianos. Your saving on today's offer is over 38%, or $175.00 on a $500.00 piano. Also, our allowance for your old piano is almost clear profit to you. "HOOVER MARKETS" Pre-election cries of a year ago had it that the era of great pros- perity was at hand were Hoover but made president of this great re- public. On the basis of such wide- spread rumors the stock market became bullish and old man Publi- cus rubbed his itching palms con- tentedly. Yet the bulls and other smiling "investors" seem to have left the scene. When the bears left their dens yesterday the innocents were forced to seek shelter, perhaps at the cost of their life savings, and the bottom fell from the market. Almost the only stocks which did nod lose a few points at least were those which had fallen to the ut- most depths already. Even the best seasoned, dividend-paying shares were sold without regard for their actual value, until the loss on pa- per amounted to more than $4,- 000,000,000. The pre-election cries that were so loud but twelve short months ago are strangely missing in the deep silence that engulfs Wall Street today. The immediate rea- son for this avalanche of selling was the fact that stock prices for the last two months have been con- sistently low and thousands of stockholders were terrified by the relentless decline. Just what Hoover had to do with this situation is difficult if not im- et a im at te; m at m re M er re OUR OFFER TODAY is a beautiful Kohler & Campbell Walnut Upright piano For Only with bench to match ti $325.00; Its Real Value Is $500.00; Your Saving Is $175.00 brightness, and careful artistry in the quality of its verse. Norman Foerster features the is- sue with a short essay that prays for an injection of "humanism" along with the toxin-anti-toxin with which a college fortifies us against the world. Outstanding among the other features of the book we find Miss Abbey, by Ruth Buchanan, a piece that lays importance on trivialities of dialogue; it is bright and witty, qualities needed in this magazine. Brian, a character sketch in which the character is revealed by letters, is by Frank Roellinger. Mr. Roel- linger "does the best he can, and he seems to enjoy doing it." Richard Cheney's one-act play, Struggle and Flight, conquers the killing ef- fect of stupid dialogue by good dramatic situations. Classifying its book section does not, and of course cannot, improve the reviewing, even of the four, "DRACULA" The Mendelssohn Theatre is go- ing to continue its policy of the art movie next week with a film of the novel and stage play, "Dracula." The general concensus of opinion on the first program was that the feature was quite too dull and long though its photography was beauti- ful. However, all were enthusias- tic about "The Tell-Tale Heart," an effort to project the mad visions of Poe's wild character. This was a type of problem which only cam- era technique could solve. It is from such efforts at practical real- ization of the particular advan- tages of the screen as a medium I that the art of the movie will grow. Next week the Mendelssohn is bringing a feature by a director who more than anyone else has been responsible for modern cine- matic advance in method, F. W. Murnau. He was responsible for Terms, 10% down; balance in easy payments covering period of thirty months. down places this fine piano in your home. mionthly $32.50 This is the last upright piano to be offered at this special sale. The price goes back to normal when this piano is sold. Totorrow, the lastday, we shall offer a beautiful Kohler & Campbell Mahogany Baby Grand at a saving of $250.00. The price will be $495.00 for a $745.00 piano. Come in; you are welcome whether you want a piano or not. We sell the Majestic, Victor, Cros ley and Atwater Kent Radios; Phonographs, Records, Music and everything musical. UNIVERSITY d to Music w & Son) Phone 7515 Devoted (Hinsha 601 E. William St. C,