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October 26, 1929 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-26

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White Rats and Small Chicks
Are Discussion Subjects
at Group Gathering.

Ex-Cabinetman Heads
Conservation Group


Leaguc Includes Sciools
Entire Stac in This
Season's Plan.


Entertainment Given Visitors
at Third Annual Group
Assembly. l



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Informal Conventio Teminates ~
Proceedings with Tour 13
of Buildings. d
- D
Concluding the third annual con- c
vention of the Michigan-Indiana!x
Museums association, over forty
delegates returned to their homes ;a'
last night after one of the most t
successful meetings in tloe history t
of the society. Three sessions, at t
20 o'clock yesterday morning, 2:30 t
O'clock yesterday afternoon, and ti
7:30 o'clock last evening, completed
the day's program of events.,t
At the morning session, the con-w
vention held its official buisiness t
meeting, was welcomed to Ann Ar- ~~
bor by President Alexander Grantw
Ruthven in behalf of the Uriver- t
sity &nd the Museum, and listened 1r
to several short talks by associa- .b,
tion members concerning educa- ...Associated Presi' ,
tional activities now on foot in In- With President Hoover and Henry Ford looking on, Thomas A. Edison, re-enacted recently ite experi- T
diana and Michigan museum cir- ment that perfected the incandescent lamp 50 years ago. The performance was conduced in the recon- s
Iles. structed Menlo Park workshop at Detroit, during the "Golden Light Jubilee" celebrations for the famous in- b
Adjourning for luncheon at the ventor. Mr. Edison is shown above With Hoover, Ford, and Francis Jehl (left), his laboratory assistant half'
Union, the convention r assembled acentury ago, looking at the completed test. m
immediately following the meal atj
Newberry Hall, wher the Museums
Newberryicall hr PthEECTEsumERS Club Room Provides Recreational Facilities
of Classical Archeology was visited IIofEvr Sort fo Brain-Weary Prfssr
under the leadership of Miss Cry- ii Every S r orBr nW ayPrfs r
srta e Tho son ad Dr. O r- F. r *.g .C ISsalTopo ndD.mun.and chewing gum counter. Two r
Butler. Yesterday afternoon's ses- In the basement of Alumni Me- attendants are to be found con- r
slion, which was begun at 2:30 o'- morial Hall there is a large, low- I stantly on duty here. Later in the tl
clock in the Museum, included the celinged room in which various afternoon, refreshments in the way c
following lectures: "A Fishing Trip -members of the faculty, weary, of a cup of hot tea are served to t
to the Orient," by Dr. Carl Htibbs University -to be Well Represent- after a day in the classroom, gather all those present. This feature w
of the University; "Balance," by .ed at Deceber Conference together each afternoon for a besides adding zest to the games t
George R. Foxx, ThreeOaks, Mich.;ewb Yo .Ci friendly hour or two of relaxation' tends to bring about a mre inti-
"An Archeological Atlas of Michi. in New York City, and recreation. It is called theImate feeling betwen the assembledo
gan," by Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, of the University* Club, and its members professors and instructors.
University; "Collecting and Pre- Representatives of each of the persist in keeping it exclusively a r_ _
serving Vertebrate Fossils," by E. three departments dealing with faculty organization. .
C. Case, of the University; "The speech science in the University Various forms of amusement are 1 1syI
Wa.htenaw Historica ociety," by will attend the national convention provided: there are pool, billiard, Iurt By Automobile i
Dr. Carl E. Guthe, of the Univer- of the Associated Teachers of d: thee are pnd billkrd - B
sity; "Research as a Function of Spee'ch, December 26, 27, and 28 at and card tables, chess and clieck- s3
Museums," by Dr. Lee R. Dice, of New Yr mity , er games; writing desks; musical , Clarence R. Archanbeau, '33, is in s
the University; and "Forty Odd Professor J. H. Muyskens of the instruments; and some rather ob- the University hospital with a ,d
Years of Museum Work," by Henry Deprtenof J.eH. ra ngstc scure shelves of books. broken leg received Friday night on s
L. Ward, of the Kent Scientific Mu- will en of erini The card tables are the most State street in front of the Union, p
seum in Grand Rapids. turgive one of the principal le - heard ablned art rig when he was struck and knocked
seumin ran Rapds.Lurs, peakng n "se o th La- Iheavily patronized, contract bridge
Last evening at 7i30 o'clock, the guage Laboratory as an Aid in seeming to be the game of the mo- down by an automobile driven by
convention reassembled, informally, Teaching". The lecture, according ment with the members. These RobertBauwasreturning rArbor 1
and group tours of the MuseumtoPf.Myknwliclda card games are always generouslyArhbeuwsetnigfote
building completed the day's en- discussion of the "timeograph", an refereed, and are favorite spots for pep meeting when he was injured. I
tertainment. The new exhibits of instrument, recently installed in those who prefer to "sit and
Oriental tapestry and furniture at- the Linguistics laboratory, which }watch."
tracted ; considerable attention aids in detecting and remedying Next in popularity come the !
among- the visitors.;pec
m g srspeech defects. Prof. Muyskens tournaments of pool and billiards.
Miss Geneva Smithe was in has also been requested to conduct These pastimes, in addition to be-
charge of the " Ann Arbor side of while at the convention, a section ing healthful, innocent pleasures,
the convention, meeting for the discussion of the are often scenes of too keen com-
technical side of speech. petition and general confusion.
Cambridge Scholar Among other faculty men to I The chess and checker contests
speak at the convention are Dr. 1of old have evidently yielded to the
Finishes Lectures Lee Travis and Professor H. S. pressure of more spirited, more re-
Holmes, respectively of the Depart- cent games, for those tables are,__
On Reigious History ment of speech and of linguistics. for the most part practically de- FIRST METHODIST
,.,.Miss Dorothy DeWitt, special stu- serted. CHURCH
-dent in linguistics, will read a pa- In the center of the room is a Cor. S. State and E. Washington S&e
Concluding a series of two lec- per before the convention on table covered with a great assort- MI R. Arth W. Staltder D. D.
tures given Thursday and Friday "Physiology as Related to Speech". ment of magazines and newspa- ssociate Minister, Rev. Sa el J.
afternoons at Natural Science Au- The part played by debatig in pers. Here are found all types of Harrison Student Director, Mr.
ditorium, Arthur D. Nock, visiting speech science will be told by Pro- literature: Scribner's, The Atlantic , Johnson.
fellowship scholar of Clare College. fessor J. M. O'Neill of the Depart- Monthly, Time, Outlook, L'Illus- 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship
Cambridge, yesterday discussed ment of Speech. Prof. O'Neill, to- tration, National Geographic, The "RELIGION AND REALITY,"
"Augustus' Place in the History of gether with Prof. Muyskens and Saturday Evening Post, Life, Judge, Dr. Stalker's sermon subject.
Religion". Dr. Travis, will conduct discussion Punch, and The Gargoyle. On the 12:00 M.-Two Bible Classes for
Mr. Nock's subject was chosen sections of the convention. whole, this corner of the room Students at Wesley Hall led by

Convening for the first time thist
semester, the Psychology Journal;
club met at 7:30 Thursday night in
room 3126 of the Natural Science.
Building. The principal topics of
discussion were papers by Burton
D. Thuma, instructor in the Psy-
chology department, and Simforoso>
G. Padilla, fellow in psychology.
Mr. Thuma's paper dealt with the
ability of white rats to hear tones. I
Previous to this time, it 'was Associated Press Photo
thought that rats could not dis- James R. Garfield
inguish tones, but the similarity of Secretary of the interior in the
he ear of the rat and the ear of Roosevelt administration, who +.s
he human led to this experiment. chairman of the commision on con-
The rats were first run through servation and management of the
he "T" shaped maze when they public domain.
were a month old. But it was not
ill after 1000 trials that they be- A sJudges
gan to learn which way to turn ustrian Shot
when the tone was sounded. At by Notorious Bandits
he present time, each of the five
ats has been run in the neigh- (By Associated Press)
borhood of 1600 times and ninety! VIENNA, Oct. 25.-Three mem-
per cent is the best yet attained. bers of the court of justice at
The results so far would seem to ISuchindol, Bulgaria, were shot and
how that the rats do hear tones, killed yesterday by bandits under
how tt nthefirathearonsthe. Chief Dotscho Uzunoff. The
iut it is not definite. bnishl padrbe
Mr. Padilla told of his experi- bandits held up and robbed occu-
ments dealing with the pecking in- in one of which hey recognized M.
tinet in small chicks. There has Kuratschew, president of the Such-
been some question as to whether indol court, Public Prosecutair
animals could lose an instinct if it Maniew, and Judge Tontschew.
was not developed. In one experi- They promptly were stripped and
ment a chick was kept in a dark shot.
oom without anything to peck. At
he end of the eighth day, it be-
ame erratic, and between four- ~
een and sixteen days the instinct Last Times
was lost altogether and it never re- Today W
urned.__ _ _ _ _
Motion pictures have been taken
of these experiments and will be " Lv'w *
used in th beginning courses in
psychology. At the same time
Prof. Adelbert Ford is preparing a
ibrary of films including some an-
mated drawings of the nervous
ystem, illustrations of reflexes,
sensations, the ability to learn, and
different developments of instinct,
uch as the ones made of the ex-
eriments of Mr. Padilla.
TIma tniQaramount

Prof. Gail E. Densmore, of the
speech department, manager of the
Michigan High School debating
league, has announced the ques-
tion for debate for the 1929-1930
season. It is Resolved: That a
Judge or a Board of Judges be sub-
stituted for the Jury in all State
and Municipal Trials in' Michigan.
According to Professor Densmore,
the league has a record breaking
membership of two hundred and
sixty schools for this school. year.
These schools are in all parts of
the state from Calumet near Kee-
wanaw Point, the most northern
part of Michigan, to Morensi on
the Ohio-Michigan border.
The debating league was organiz-
ed and placed under the control of
the University Extension Service in
1917. Since then there has been
a state championship debate in
Ann Arbor each year. Five talks
will be given over station WJR, De-
troit, to create public interest in
the debates. The League has also
sent out newspaper articles to the
newspaper of each team' ,shome
town describing the work of the
University students desiring in-
formation about the league or the
progress of their school debating
teams may obtain it at the Debat-
ing league headquarters in the of-
fice of the University extension



In one mon rI yr
mined 5,300,000 tons of coal and { TOMORROW-WM. POWELL-GREENE MURD
mported 2,400,000 tons.


I ,.

, {

as a follow-up to his Thursday dis-1
cussion of pagan and mystic re-1
ligions. Pointing to the fact that1
Christianity began as a modified
mystery religion, Mr. Nock showed
how the Augustan age changed
Christianity from a mystic religion
to the embryo of its modern status.
The Cambridge speaker left
immediately after his lectures here,
going to Harvard University, where
he will temporarily fill the vacancy
caused by the retirement of George
Foote Moore. Mr. Nock will, how-
ever, be called away in January
to continue work with the' Cam-
bridge faculty.
Street Car Collision
Result of Curio4sity
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 22.-A boy's
curiosity to "see what would hap-
pen" if he threw a switch sent two
street cars into a head-on collision
last night. Both cars were packed.
Several passengers were injured,
but none seriously. Two 12-year-
old boys were taken by police for
Wagon Found Sturdy
by Iowa Investigation
The wagon lasts the longest of
any farm implement,haccording to
the results of investigations carried
on by Iowa State College. Twenty-
four years is its average life.

Sta bing Causes Race
Trouble in California,
(By Associated Press)
FRESNO, Calif., Oct. 25.-A race
riot in which about 200 Filipino
fruit workers and 300 white labor-1
ers participated broke out at Exe-I
ter, 60 miles south of here, late
Thursday night as- the after'-math
to a stabbing affray. One man was
critically injured. Twelve car loads1
of deputy sheriffs left Visalia to
quell the disturbance.
(By Associated Press)
Sandrigham, Eng., Oct. 22-King
George went hunting in Sandring-1
ham preserves today with a number
of his friends.
His majesty, who is acknowledg-
ed to be one of the best shots in
the kingdom, found his eye undim-
med and his hand as steady as ever
after his long illness and many
birds fell before his gun.

seems little used. The covers of
Life, Judge, Punch, and The Gar-
goyle show signs of most vigorous
use. The Saturday Evening Post
is perhaps next in circulation.
At one extremity of the room
there is a cigar, cigarette, candy
Soviet Forces Bomb
Chinese at Taheiho
(By Associated Pressa)
IUARBIX, Manchuria, Oct. 22.-
Official Chinese reports today said
Soviet forces had occupied the Chi-
nese town of Taheiho (or Heiho)
opposite Blagoveschensk.
Last Friday it was reported the
town was bombed by Soviet air-
craft. It is a considerable distance}
north of Linkiangsien, at the con-
fluence of the Sungari and Amur
rivers, which the Russians occupied
for a while a few days ago.
There has been an increase of
7,385 in Canadian membership in
the American Federation of Labor
during the last year.

ro essor eorge . arrot ers an
Mr. Ralph Johnson.
6:00 P. M.-Wesleyan Guil Devo-
tional Meeting. Leader, Mr.
Keith Hackett. Topic: "ON
7:00-Open House at Wesley Hall.
7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship.
nati, Ohio, National officer of W.
H, M. S., Speaker.

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Secretary for
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "The Moral Imperative."
12:00 M.-Student Class. Teacher:
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
People. .
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing. Leader: Elizabeth Macdowell.

On East Huron, west of State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
AN IDEAL." is the subject of Mr.
Sayles' sermon.
12:00 N.-Church School.
12:00 N.-The Student Group meets
at Guild House. Mr. Chapman
will be in charge.
5:30 P. M.-Student Friendship
Hour. Informal social time. Re-
freshments are served during the
6:30 P. M.-The Devotional Hour
in charge of students.
State and Huron Sts.
Rev. Harold P. Marley, Minister
10:30 A. M.-Unitarian School of
10:45. A. M.-Morning Services.
Sermon topic: "The Cost<fv i
eral Religion."
12:00 P. M.-Fellowship Dinner,
6:00 P. M.--Studient Suppe D)ia
cussion lead by Prof. Philip Bucr
sley on "Problems of Freshman

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. .M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Sacred Silence"
11:00 A. M.-German Service.
7:00 P. M.-Young People's Dis.
cussion. T o p i c: "Our Sister


State and Willian x
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister'"
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Religion of- the
5:30 P. M.--Student Fellowship
6:30 P. M.-Hackley W. Butler
willklecture. Topic: "Peoples of the
Balkan States."-


r - - -
Radio UITYServices
The Detroit Civic Theatre
V. P. RANDALL, Speaker l
This is a part of the regular Unity Service
which begins at 11:01) A. M. and whiahi is
conducted by-
4108 Woodward Ave.
Broadcast by
W J R Detroit 11:30 a. m.
"' -- : Eastern Standard inme

Division and Catherine Sts.
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Rev. T. L. Harris, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion.
(Student Chapel in Harris Hall.)
9:30 A. M. Church School (Kin
dergarten meets at 11 o'clock.).
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer; ger-
mon by Mr. Harris.
6:30 P. M.-Student supper in
Harris Hall followed by three study
groups led by Mr. Harris, Miss
Gammack and Prof. Robert Angell.


$25.00 f or any
lost Key I can't


Is the the same low rate as
work brought to my Repair
Shop.. Open 7 A. M. to 9
P. M.







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For any article worth reoairing that I can't repair and make as strong
or stronger than new.
Free repair for any item that I can't name its occupation.
I want the repair work that others turn down. One trial will wir

Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellihorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:30 A. M.-Sermon: "The Grace
of Giving."

409 5. Division St.
1 ). 3. A. M.-Regular Morning
servic .Sermon topic: Probation
After Death."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.

(Missouri Synody
Third and West Liberty Std. s
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Service in Geran444 I
10:00 A. M.-Bible Class.-
11:00 A. M.- Conventioni Service.

4:00 P. M-Sunday Services:
Rabbi A. 1-1 Fink will speak on
L u d w i g Lewisohon's' "MID




'11 11


11 11

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