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October 26, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-26

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vigolobw ApAw

. 1


VOL. _40, NO. 24











AIGLER Stock Market Regains Partial Stability 'JO RORS FIND FALL

PHOFSSOHStock Market Regains Partial Stability
as Bankers Show Faith in Finance Plan
STATES CARN GIE (By Associated Press) myriad _ transactions had been N
NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 25.-Wall completed, proof was provided that 0
Street came grouping out of the all stock exchange member houses
darkness today as stalwart leaders had been able to settle, and that.
of finance and industry swept none had been pushed to the wall.1 IIY INDICT OOHIEY!
away the black clouds of impend- Disaster market collapses in years ---_
Alumni Enthusiasm Stated Same ing disaster that struck terror to past have almost inevitably re- Defendant Faints When Verdict
in Every Big University the hearts of spectators and inves- suited in the failure to one ori
tors yesterday. more brokerage houses. is Brought Against Him
of Country. Powerful support was thrown in- That Wall Street was able to After Long Trial.I

Dean Brown of Yale
Announces Subjects
"'How Much Do You Want," will
be the subject of the Rev. Charles
R. Brown, *Dean emeritus of the
Yale School of Religion when he
speaks at the student convocation
at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning in
Hill auditorium, it was announced
Rev. Brown has had a wealthy
theological experience dealing most
of the time with students in sev-


, ::.;

to the stock market and hundreds stand such a shock as it received eral educational institutions Houge Ck.rowd w in1in iv
DENIES SYSTEM EXISTS gsuesh closed the day $2 to $21 yesterday was generallyre RECOMMEND L N IENCY throughout the country and he is
higerhaving substantially re- in banking circles as convincing expected to bring an inspiring and th overines Q1U
~~ duced the losses suffered in yester- evidence of the fundamental j entertaining message to the under-
Says Concessions Not in, Power day's stampede of selling, the most soundness of the financial struc-FC body. Conference Vic
viln ve xeincd ue.Frhrorbner ohIFirst Cabinet Officer Convicted graduateboy
of Board in Control I violent ever experienced. ture. Furthermore, bankers both A program calling for greater
j When the stock clearing corpo- in America and abroad, ex- of Felony in History participation of the students in the
of Athletics. ration announced that yesterday's pressed the opinion that the credit of Government. service has been arranged by the ,, ( L, S
situation had been vastly improvedCct Convocations committee. ,GN O. '.-nvatdg th
theinvocatioonersce cocmmvitoacee.
Single and isolated instances i by the collapse of ever extended t ef their first Con f eence . icoriv Coach H
were played up as settled policy ;speculative structure. ; A t reverines will meetthen ancient rivals tomt
in the Carnegie bulletin, whichH Although no official confirma- WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 25- I ILL1IUq ot the Memorial stadium. Indications poin
othergeducational institutions of tion was available, a report gener- Tl-fUnLhtIhie11n1 annUal engagement, as the day has been se
thr caiofh o inson II ally accredited in responsible cr- betwt B. Fal and Edward L. Do- d1UL loal Illnois ahmrtei.
recruiting athletes, Ralph W. Aig- -j cles, was to the effect that the beny, heard a $l00.000 transaction LH I IatedLas underdogs for the second c
OeruiAi' ahle ts,0alpalWc.re e d inf b rnesp e irs between them in 1921 branded pia ll team is not deterred by the predicti
t srol of Athleticssaid in' answer-to of J. P. Morgan & Company yester - bribery today by a Federal jury. Illinois victory. In fact, upsets have been
the report. He denied that there is Caponer to Speak Second Time of a one billion dollar pool to Fall was judged guilty of accept- Students in Production Classes hI \Iichigan battles. he \\olverimes lost
any organization of the University Cstabilize the stock market. ;ing that sum as Secretary of the-were regarded among the strongest in th
for obtaining ball players. on Value of Correct t Allowed Outside Roles determined Michigan eleven that had lro
The board chairman's statement Posture. Trading on both the stock and Interior in return for granting the With Permission. astounded the Con lereie by taking the pro
follows: curb exchanges was again at a fev- Elk Hills oil lease to a Doheny com-Wm __at_ __'- - theirof
Detailed Answers Impossible. eippc uig h al or any. It was the first conviction
the newspapers have now pub- ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY of the session, buthslackened upot a cabnet ofici NEW SYSTEM IS NEEDED AltOAo
slihed reports of the content of the considerably toward the close .oenba beanstcre
Carnegie Bulletin, in sufficient full- Three speakers and a dance or- Even at its peak, trading was more history, and likewise the first of Special permission must be ob- ie tha
ness, at least so far as Michigan chestra will comprise the fourth orderly, and there were no scenes I any of the criminal cases growing tained by students in the Play Neam to
Michigan Night radio program to of wild confusion on the tradngI out of the oil scandal of the Hard-! Production courses from the di-o the two
Abe broadcast tonight at 7 o'clock floor. ing administration. rector before they are at liberty by Ohi
for one hour, announces Prof. to participate in other campus veteran
Carnegie Report Waldo Abbot, of the rhetoric de- !rMay Try Doheny Likewise. dramatic organization work, Val- . upset, a
partment, director and announcer ' 1 IIl T Owen J. Roberts, special govern- entine B. Windt, of the speech de- Fe of Crew Discovered AfloatZuppke
"I most emphaticaly deny of the Morris Hall studio. ui W Ifment counsei, announced that ef- in rtmint , aroounced yesterday..ive of Cewsovesre Aotheup
tht hrei ayoraiztin Prf P . akhadofte eni, tnnaroucdysea.. 16 Miles From West Shore the Wo]
that there is any organization Prof. P. M. Jack, head of thef orts would be made to try Dohety Windt issued a statement to theST o Lk g ous mo
subtle or otherwise, for the fur- rhetoric department, will speak oTOMOxt January on bribery charges. students in the Play Production o ae Michigan. been th
therance oftwsuch practices (re- h first on the enhancing value of nTh jury recommended to the courses in which he emphasizeduRsTrMic
cruiting of athletes) on behalf modern first editions which are not court that the former interior sec- fact that their first allegiance was STARTINVESTIGATION Loss
of the University," Ralph W.' generally found in the libraries of ctary be shown mercy. to the course, but that when no a rib i
Aigler, chairman of the Board collectors. Eight men and four women conflict arose, they might partici- (B AssociateP esgame m
in Control of Athletics said last A mechanical age discussion of Talk Will Point Out Relations composed the jury which convict- Pate in other dramatic activities. 'their
night in an answer to the-Car- the human body will be the second With Spanish American ed the 68-year-old man, now The statement follows: LW'AUKEE, Wis.,Oct.-25.-s
negie bulletin. talk by Dr. Norman L. Caponer of rkninhat, fgit nti "Students enrolled in the course Searchlights gleamed over the darkjfedg
"'Out of the Bulletin may ulti- the medical school. Human devel- Countries. broken in health, of guilt in this "Students nro ldion the ou rsei Sar s laed over th grunfield ge
in Play Production may not partici- waters of Lake Michigan tonightV ground
mately come much good. It isI opment, from the prehistoric man,i connection while serving as secre- aei
u ate oeverchatthose i has progressed from a horizontal tary of the interior in the Harding pate in outside dramatic activities seeking the hulk of the car-ferry Arbor I
unfortunate, however that seh pgr dfrm hrS. C. A. SPONSORS EVENT abinetI without securing special permis-MI him las
who prepared it seized upon sin- to a vertical position and Dr. Capo- .i sion. It is absolutely necessary to lwaukee and the bodies of the
gle and often isolated instances ner wall speak of the necessity The verdict was handed down a p p1y for this permission at crew that went down when the ship the fra
and played them up as proofs of for the maintenance of a correct Opening the first of a series of nearly eight years after Fall re-a y the earliest opportunity to avoid fondered last Tuesday night. althoug
settled policy. Not only that but posture. student forums to be held practic- ceived the money from Doheny, a conflicts and misunderstandings." are not
apparently they have not dis- Third of the speaker's list will ally every Sunday afternoon dur- friend of prospecting days when Windt explained that students in Tonight the bodies of the five coverin
criminated between existing be Donald Hamilton Haines of the afthey and the west were young. his courses were at liberty to par- of the 52 men who made u the Two
conditions and practices and journalistic department, director ing the school year for the pur- The case was the first criminal ticipate in other productions when crew of the ship h ade u tart
those that have been changed or I of publicity of Engineering Re- pose of fostering a better internat- action won by the government in pte inohern procins hen crofth gashp h een foud b week a
eoriected, sometimes years ago." seach, who will consider the ional understanding, Dr. A. S. Aiton to won by the eent- the rehearsals and performances of coast guardsmen, threes of them ssibil
hose growing out of the celebrat-1 those productions do not conflict were identified as the bodies of Al-I right c
sTransportation library, a unit of of the history department will ed senate oil investigation. The with the work in the Play Produc- vin Sandon, Grand Haven purser' shl
is concerned; to warrant comment the University whose function is speak' on "A Program for the Im- I government has recovered the tion courses. He further stated that E. Nelson, Milwaukee, watch should
upon the charges. It appears that , to assemble all available works deal- provement of Spanish-American leases but Fall, once branded by in some cases special permission and Frank Walker Milwauk anldItion.
'we are charged with the following ing with every phase of transpor- and American Relations" at 4 the supreme, court as a "faithless could be obtained so that a student 'atchman a full b
vices: Lotion. According to Haines,!o'clock tomorrow afternoon in pubile servant" is the first person might take part in other campus right t
(1) Allotment of profit making the chief evil suffered by special- Lane hall. connected with the leases to be dramatics even when a play was , A coast guard crew sped out of Hayden
concessions to athletes. ized libraries is the loss of valuable The forums, sponsored by the in- convicted. being cast and rehearsed in the ltharbor here late today to in- Kipke v
(2) Finding employment for; material through ignorance of Teuorums, omsoed b the inu- c it G nstrse. igate the reported discovery of and H(
athletes. those who are in possession of ternational committee of the Stu- First Government Victory. "I have no desire," he comment- a submerged hulk of the car half.
(3) Subsidizing of athletes by march-wanted material, but look dents Christian association ? During the trial Fall has appear ed "to hinder the work of any ferry. Captain Neil McIsaac, mas- Cha
making them solicitors of adver- upon it as junk. The Transporta- which John M. rumm, '3 ed in court most of the time in a other organizations that are inter- tei of car ferry Pere Marquette No. ha
tiittion library now numbers nearly chairman, are to serve in bringing, wheel chair and on one occasion 19Thee
tising. 7000 r mabout a bettersunderstandingw hr dnested in dramatic work, but stu- 19, reported he had sighted a sub- line wi
(4) Maintaining an 'intensely 70,000 items and is the only one among the students of many coun- a recess had to be taken because dents in the Play Production course merged hulk of spars protruding Hewitt
organized", sometimes subtle sys- of its k d in the country. tries who are attending the Univer- of his condition. are sometimes needed for our own above the water at a point 13 tackle,
em that may utilize and coordi- That the radio offering may be sity, by furnishing a means for The four women and eight men i productions and cannot be spared miles off the breakwater light here, and Bo
thate numbers of agents on and off truly representative of student frank and liberal discussion of im- on the jury stood as they an- to other organizations." The United States steamboat in- will be
the campus" for the proselyting of lnder the direcion ofLegueBob"ard portant problems of the day. The i neunced their verdicts individually. spection service, through Capt. kowski,
high and prep school stars. n discussion will be varied-of liter- { One by one they were polled and CREW MAROONED William A. Collins of Milwaukee, Gembis
sonwil ply sverl ppulr ;wanted to know if the sinking of jsignals.
(5) Recruiting by alumni sec- snumbe on the hveral poram rary, economical, social, and politi- each replied.
retaries. which will be broadcast through cal terest-so that many Chan- "Guilty, with mercy of the IN LAKE SUPERIOR the vessel was due to negligence Coac
whc.wllb radattrog -- of those who ordered the ship to ta
(6) Combination of coaches, WJR,'Detroit. A vocal trio is a com- nels will be opened for one to ex-iFcourt.clearort in th fae f teamt
managers, athletes and even Uni- ponent part of the band and will press his own interests and those "Guilty," replied Foreman Rescue Attempts Unsuccessful; p ar or i theace o storm Iowa
oremanar1o te an ad il ('warnings or if the manner of cpIona
versity officers in a "broad but in- also entertain. f his country on a varietyof sub- Thomas E. Norris. Men Face Starvation. handling the ship was contributory py n
tensive and systematic approach to, - -jects. These forums will be led by As the verdict was rendered Fall, _th rjuryn
professors and students versed in to the tragedy.
prominent school boy athletes." Al n Hed Ridi l t particars sujects r I slumped back in his big leather (y Associated Press) Gnat tqu
Itmn Hsovosyotofteqe- UlI eat iiculesi the particular subjects. Ihi. SUTSE MRE c.2. The Grand Trunk commodore at will rep
it is obviously out of the ques- i chairvil e
!SAULT STE. MARIE, Oct. 2.- Milwaukee, Capt. Charles A. Mc- Gr
ion to make detailed answer to Carnegie Accusations Foreign students desirous of ad- - On the barren rocks of Michipico- L kGord
these but the following observa- (dressing organizations, schools, and TAPPINGINDU ten sand, a sma band of sailo aren, said his company welcomedtackle
ions may be of interest to those to ydother groups in Michigan cities, are led by Captain F.C. Farrell of investigation that may be of the]
whom Michigan's good name is im- PORT HURON, Oct. 25.--E. J requested by the international ILLINOIS ALUMNIBtpade into the unfortunate affair"i
Ottaway, president of the Univer- committee to submit their names Bffaoi tero,theagh wrgeand added"my company would not ! po
Arranged Work for Athletes. sity of Michigan Alumni Associa- inasmuch as the committee is in Association Membership Reaches confronted Chicago, tonight were knowingly take any risks either I0 at
(1) There are no concessions tion today branded as a "joke" the touch with many groups who areMp n nd by starvation and the with the lives of its emploves ra,
within the control of the Univer- charges of the Carnegie investigat- looking for such speakers. 164 Graduate Clubs. biting wind of Lake Superior. ar with its property.e
____Coast ~guard cutters, tugs and beside]l
sity Athletic Board that are ing" committee that the University All foreign students are invited gdThe first ikling that the car is slate
awarded to any student, athlete or has been among those institutions to the forum, as are American stu- (Special to The Daily.) unsuccessful attempts to reach the erry, which sailed Tuesday morn- Int
non-athlete. For a few years, who use a system of recruiting ath- dents who are interested in inter-' LASALLE, Ill., Oct 25.-Official unsucced mpsing with 27 freight cars aboard, scored
seven to ten years ago, the re- letes. national relationships. recognitiorn of ithe University of awhen the Chicago first was re- had gone down, came Thursday Iowa o
freshment concession was awarded,, Michigan club of the Illinois Valley wnte Chicago fis ws e- morning when two bodies were quarter
to the highest bidder, and for two "Merrie-Go-Round Cast Will Be Photographed was accorded the organization to- the almost uninhabited island Zound. Later in the afternoon, the use Fr
years I believe it was, the highest Tomorrow for Publicity Campaign Pictures night at its first regular meetingie off the usual lane of steamer Steel Chemist of Chicago at the 1
bidder was Ernie Vick. The grant- _____ here. which lies far oft e u u ll n f cic vrd t o m r, a d j s e il s
ing of the concession to him was Pictures for "Merrie-Go-Round" i duction. Many attractive designs hGeorge J. Gleim, of Ottawa, was Great Lakes travel, 100 milesI !wle dus e llcoast uars e- l sto
effected only after advertisement the 1929 Union opera will be taken were submitted and they will be elected president of the new group northwest of Sault Ste. Marie. In- Cuvered the bodies of Capt. McKay (Co
forarid receipt fealdrs ntejudged by a committee selected and Judge B. H. Beck, of Mendota, dian fishermen who live at Que- and the purser, A. Richard Sadcon C
for and receipt of sealed bids and Sunday, E. Mortimer Shuter, di- for the purpose. First and second and William J. Aplington, of La- beck Harbor, at the southeast and of Grand Haven.Con
the approval, as required by our rector, announced yesterday. The prizes, which will be the gold and Salle, were chosen vice-president of the island, also have been un-
conference rules of our eligibility members of the cast, several ndi- silver medallions, suitably engrav- and secretary-treasurer, respec- able to give aid according to re-
committee. This committee con- viduals in the choruses, and others ed, will be awarded as soon as the tively. ports reaching here. Nichig
sists of all the faculty members of who are connected with the pro- results of the contest are an- T. Hawley Tapping, general sec- The Chicago which is a 345 foot PHARMACY GROUPHewitt
the Board of Control. duction of the opera will gather nounced. retary of the Alumni association, ship in the service of the Great ELECTS 0 F F ICERS Morriso
2) No secret has ever been iat the Mimes theatre for the tak- The first performance of the was the principal speaker at the Lakes Transit corporation, was;Hayden
made of the fact that coaches and ing of the photographs to be used show is scheduled for December 9, induction ceremonies. Others on driven off its course and ran; aop

iemoriai Staium
,est of Initial
orts Editor
e camp of the illini in quest
arry Kipkce's fighting Wol-
rrow afternoon on the turf
it to a large crowd for the
t aside as Homecoming for
(lonsecutive year, the Mich-
)ns of sport critics for an
the rUle in the last two I-
, 14-0. in 1927 when they
e West. 't'hen last fall a
ipped four straight games,
ud llMini into camp. 3-0, for
st defeat in two years.
ugh they have many veter-
mT last year, the Illini real-
t Michigan will he a hard
beat, especially in view of
Big Ten reverses inflicted
State and Purdue. These
s ruefully recall last fall's
nd they are heeding Coach
s continued warnings that
verines will be in a danger-
od. "Beat Michigan" has
e byword in practice.
eters May Not Play.
of "Frosty" Peters through
njury suffered in the Iowa
'ay deprive the Indiansof
first string quarterback.
likely to replace Peters as
neral. Peters was the .best
gainer for Illinois at Ann
ast fall, but Iowa stopped
t week. Michigan will enter
y with no serious injuries,
h Draveling and Dahlem
due to start as both are re-
g from limb ailments.
changes in the Michigan
lineup from that of last
re likely with the further
ity of Draveling starting at
end instead of Cornwell
he round into physical cn-
"Doc" Morrison, heretofore
ack, may see service at the
ackle post instead of Ed
. In the backfield Coach
will choose between Hudson
eston for a place at right
nges Are Few In Line.
remainder of the Wolverine
ll remain the same, with
at left end, Auer at left
Poe and Steinke, guards,
yard, center. The backfield
composed of Simrall, Trus-
Heston or Hudson, and
with Truskowski calling
h Zuppke will'start the same
hat faced the Hawkeyes at
ity last week with the ex-
of two men. Peters' in-
ecessitates the use of Mills
arterback, while Steinman
lace Jolley at right end.
on and Wietz, experienced
and guard on the left side
Illini line, will prove a hard
get by, each weighing over
unds. Kawal, a sophomore,
center, while Capt. Russ
all-American in 1927, plays
him at right guard. Burdick
'd to start at right tackle.
the backfield, Mills, who
the lone touchdown against
n an end run,, will be at
'back. Coach Zuppke will
ank Welker and Jud Timm
halfback posts, while Lanum
art at fullback. Timm is
ntinued on Page 2, Col. 1)
aches Announce
Probable StartersI
an Illinois
.....LE..... Wolgast
on or
1 ....Lr..... Gordon

others connected with the athletici for publicity purposes all over the and the production will run in Ann the program included Emory J. aground on Michipicoten Island,
organization have helped athletes country. Arbor for the remainder of that Hyde, of Chicago, Director of the during a 50 mile an hour gale Tues president of the Sophomore Phar- teink
find employment. As is well known, Paul Stone, of the Raymour stu- week. The Ann Arbor appearance is Fifth district; Fred W. Walter, of day night, the bow of the Chicago Imacy class and Rex Digby, the uer.

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ a........ awaClu
I C......Kawal
e R'l.....Crane
...... ..RT.. ... Burdfk

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