'PAGE SIX -THE ~MTCHTr.AMN ATIVaL ,* Y~ ~ FrIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 nd x f x a !-a x a v a^s k v L~ !- 1 1s s_ ... v.._ _ , _., w J WOLVERINE GRIDDERS STOP OVER IN WIND Y CITY i OLEINSFAE'range And Blue Likely To Meet Michigan ___----- Without Services of Stellar Quarterback TRESS OFFENSIVE I5s T fl[E HU RIDE Freezing weather, rain, and snow flankman, who started the Iowa has driven the Illinois football game.- ----M- - --- team indoors during the last few Both lines seem to be on about a Illinois, who meets Michigan to- effort to pick a suitable opponent Morrison Likely to Start Game days for its drills in preparation par, indicating that the class of - morrow in the feature game of the to meet lightweight champion Sam- as Tackle; Used on Line for the game with Michigan tomor- the different backfields will prob- Indians Expected to Bring Strong Big Ten layout, must watch un- my Mandell. Among several men L N- row. Practices have been held in ably prove the margin of victory. Team to Wolverine necessary roughness if it wants to whom have been ovelooked as a Last Night. the great hall of the Memorial Illinois has several real ball car- Stdim Ihave much success against the Wol- fit opponent for the champion is Hstadium. riers, but whether or not they are verines. Last week, in its game Billy Wallace, who seems to possess WEATHRDELAY__ .DR__L Coach Zupke h edrilling much better than Hudson, Heston, !against Iowa, the Illinois team wesi everything that a challenger should the team in signal practice and Gembis, Simrall, and Truskowski WIDMAN TO QUARTER ! penalized a total of 75 yards for have. Instead of taking his squad of has been endeavoring to build a remains to be seen. roughness. 30 Wolverine gridders directly to I smooth backfield combination out Illinois runs most of its plays Concentrating on the ofensive Tony Lazzeri, second baseman! Champaign last night as was orig- of Mills, Timm, Walker, and Hum- from an unbalanced line, a style tactics planned for Saturday's game That the attack of the Illini extraordinary for the New inally planned, Coach Harry Kipke bert. Frosty Peters, another of the of play that is likely to keep an and devoting a comparatively small is about equal to that of the a York Yankees, will be shifted will stop over in Chicago today and Illini backfield aces, has been con- opponent napping unless it is play- portion of the mic?-week practice Wolverines is gleaned from the j to third base to make way for will not invade the Illini stronghold fined to the hospital and is almost ing heads up football all the time. session to defensive drills against fact that both teams gained Jimmie Reese, of Oakland, if until just before game time tomor- certain to see the game from the the Illinois plays, the Wolverine about the same total yardage the present plans of Manager Ehn sidelines. cm e SIGMA DELTA PSI " team continued prepartion for in last week's games. Illinois Bob Shawkey are carried Even though this plan is a dcid-h A dummy scrimmage with the SIC A D A That is expected to be one of their gained a total of 172 yards through. Mark Koenig has the ed departure from the usual cus- freshveliays;CANDIDATESBUSYist_, who used Michigan laysa NDI ATE BUYstiffest contests of the year when from scrimmage against the call on the shortstop berth at tom and will necessitate a three- exclusively, marked yesterday'say they meet the strong Illinois se- Hawkeyes, while the Wolver- the present time. mornide oach tin satyscrimmage. One change in the line- Acond string eleven Saturday after- ines made 169 against Ohio. morniig, Coach Kipke feels that up of the Varsity saw Hank Stein-- About 50 aspirants to membern ~ ma, prmisng sphoore ndship in Sigma Delta Psi, national noon on Ferry field. ihe superior accommodations to be placinroBuiJg sophomore end, hon aetatPri avena The Indians have shown plenty Rumor has it that Harry Rice, That Bill Dickey may not be the ha h dCy reh replacing ButJolley, veteranbhenrry ath nh of strength in their games so far center fielder of the Detroit Tigers, regular receiver for the New York makes for any disadvantagespracticing fulfi year and should bring a pow- will be the next to leave that club club next year was hinted when which it may incur. PAPE D F N E quirenments at the Yost. Field HosthsyaansoudbigapwIwlletenxtolavtatcb Drhiy i . StAagEiDEdEND and the Intramural Sports Building erful squad to Ann Arbor. Last week in Buckly Harris housecleaning pro- Shawkey talked of securing the The Michigan mentor will send BY 'PRO' MANAGER 1 At present Alpha Iappa Lambda Illinois defeated Wisconsin, a n cess Already Harry Heilmann has services of Eugene (Bubbles) Har- This Mg menthroughafinaril s. leadig wth Delta Kappa Epsilon earlier 17 to 6 victor of the Wol- departed, and it seems likely at the grave, St. Paul atcher and mana- his :menthrough a final drillin-- is ingwipppresent time that Rice will go to ger. Hargrave formerly was a mem- one of the Chicago gridirons, pre- Oran Pape, backfield star of the running a close second. n i0Boston in exchange for some pitch- I ber of the Cincinnati Reds of the ferably Stagg Field, today and ex- University of Iowa has returned to ! In the spring of the year, 10 menM gmtohNational League. pects to quarter at the Hotel Wind- hihoeaDuqutotemto successfully passed all the require- The lineup of the Michigan teamI ers. Ntoa ege ere, leaingtor rba H at 9- rhis home tatDhe a ttemptto !ents to SigmasDelta Psi and were will not differ to a great extent ----- imere, leaving for Urbana at 9 prove that he has never played elected to membership. Each Mon- from that which started against the The Red ox have five good oclock Saturday morng, arrivmg professional football. He is charged day, Tuesday and Thursday from Ohio State "B" team last Saturday. men to offer for the Tiger out- Peicios2hatMorio. w hu Barsng praye sioth ftha D- 4:00 to 5 :30 o'clock an official ex- The backfield will probably under- fielder ini Morris, Ruffing, Gas- Prdictions that Morrison, who a e Bears, a professional football aminer will be present to test as- go a slight shakeup due to the ton, Russell, ansl M oFayden. a erae ce tea.will attempt to prove that pirants to membership. necessity of replacing McBride at Any one of these hurlers would Illinois game as a tackle were l he did not play with the Bears un- The Intramural department has Quarterback. Widman is likely to be a welcome addition to the Itrengthenedelastakht wet der the name of "King" in 1926, announced that a trophy will be be shifted to this position and his staff of the Tigers, which was tormer Royal Oak star hapeared in i saying that he has evidence topresented to the student making half back berth filled by either the weak spot of the club last aoOthe lineup in that position in the prove that Jesse Graves, former the best record in the try-outs. All Pearlman or Brown who will be season. Other Detroit players hinpracieup n Ferry Fpsieldn Dubhuqpre tUnJersiy griders, trmen students on the campus are, drawn out of the line. Miller and are also slated for trade. final practice on Ferry Field. Dubuque University gridder was th eligible to membership and are Berdowitz are the best prospects Practice AgainstliniPlays man in question'gdt m. forthe other halfback and fullback Jack Dempsey, in his new role as Using Yost Field house as a pro- Joseph Scharry, manager of the urged to compete in the trialoitions. fight promoter, has lined up Tony tection against the prying eyes of Bears, came to the defense of Pape, Little change is expected in the Canzoneri and Stan Loayza in an spectators, Coach Kipke drilled his telling a member of the staff of SOCCER TRYOUTS line although the competition for team on the new plays which will John I. Griffith, Big Ten Athle- All students interested in play- most of the line positions is rather PRINCETON, N. J.-The com- be tried against the Indians, but tic commissioner, and E. H. Lauer, ing soccer report to Intramural , keen. In case Brown is shifted into bined Princeton and Cornell track later went outside to get a chance Iowa athletic director, that Pape Sports building at 7 o'clock Mon- the backfield the ends will be filed teams will go to England in 1930 to use a pass offense with the sub-|never played with the Bears under 1 day evening, October 28. by either Parker, Mosser, or Justice. to return the meet held in the Uni- stitutes stying to break up the Var- his own name and doubted if he John JohBrstone. ted States with Oxford and Cam- sity hepaies. ybridge last July. With the possible exception of hdver layedt.e Morrison, the line will ,probably I The charges against Pape were be about the same as that used last instigated by a football player who week, while the combination which stated the he played against Pape! will be used in the backfield is un- and John Fuhrman on Oct. 31, 1926.- ertain with Hudson, Heston, Dah- They were alleged to have played lem, and Priest, all making a strong with the Bears in a game with the MNr bid for the open position at half- Dubuque Cardinals to decide the!! back. Truskowski, Simrall, and city championship. Fuhrman, a Gembis appear to be sure starters. reserve guard on the Iowa team,1f has admited playing with the Bears KENOSHA, Wis.-A Waukegan, but denies ver having received-7 Ill. bowler, B. Weir scored 905 for pecuniary compensation f o r his four games, his average per game; services. Fuhrman accompanied! being .226 1-2, one of the highest; Pape to Dubuque to refute the pro- scores ever made in that section. fessional charges.o scre ve ae intatsetio.'fsinlcags FIRST YEAR SQUAD Buffeted by a biting wind, the yearling gridders took to the open for the firsi time this week under the directions of Coach Ray Fisher. Fisher, who has only recently re- turned with the baseball team from their Japanese tour, assumed charge of the Freshman football team the latter part of last week. do far this fall the squad has been under the tutelage of Coach Jim Miller. A light passing workout followed by scrimmage and a signal drill was in order for the aftertoon. The squad appears to be somewhat lacking in material of varsity cali- ber in comparison with- last 5 ear's Freshman team. However, a few good men have appeared on the scene to gladden the hearts of the frosh coaches. In the backfield, Cox, Newman, Debaker, Moulton, Hudson and Podalewski have shown signs of ability, while Man- uel, Markley, Cluhn, Cummings, Solberg, Carlson, Savage, Plum, Frisk and Weatherly oi the line, appear likely. ool 0 I r r, -4 ' {,. am : ~'( .r~ Clothes for University Men Style, Quality Durability When you go out to buy clothes you like to be sure that the styles are right the materials the best and above all that your clother will stand behind all that he sells. Here we put satisfaction above everything else, you may be sure that the styles are the latest and best, that the ma- terials are the best that money can buy and that we stand behind every suit that we sell. Come in today and see the new Michigan Modles de.- signed for college men who want the best. - . a Overcoats, Suits $35 and More GLOVES SCARFS HATS Pigskin Imported All Shades Styles and Shapes $3.85 $1.95 and $5.00 $3.95 SPECIAL 4 $30 to $40 Topcoats only $27.501 - TIES $1.00 and $1.50 _T7, I4~~ 1~t Master Quality Suits, Topcoats and Tuxedos ALL AT ONE PRICE . r cr r t J;YY / ..! iY S I V ti * ' jff 1 f '}4 i 1 I'Jj fj f ! yw // $ 50 1Thousands upon thousands of :1dsome garments await YOU. IEverything you want-or hope for-all at $22,50. 1 Exclusively in RB O'WImvercoats N all our thirty-two retail stores, in over twenty-five cities in the middle west, we're featuring ERINWOOL IRISH FLEECES, in the straight-hanging models 4 a 4Every possible style for the Cellege Man-In beautiful twists, cheviots, cazsimers, serges, stripes and plaids. Three Button Sacks. Two or favored in Ann Arbor. ,y!'{ 4 I $4.50 Hats All shapes and shades Odd Trousers $2.50. $3.50 $5.50' $1.95 Caps All one price JUSINESS men, who know it's good busi- ness to wear R B Clothes, professional men, who profess a keen desire for these smart styles and durable fabrics, college men, who set the style in the first place . . . . all are strong for this new Irish overcoating. ' Don't delay in seeing them, and you won't delay wering them. III MAIII Jllllllff l IIIIIIII MML=dof IIIIIIII I. lf 1 IIH II