FRMDAT,, OCTOMh1R 25, 1020 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PTVE t ... 3 4 11 ~AS'MA I 4 q~i nq' LEAGUE BAZAAR HAIR91MAN ANNOUNCE FOR ANNUAL AFFAIR SCHEDULED DEC.,6-7 + Dorothy Flynn is General Chairman McKaig to As CABARET TO BE F Appointed ANNUAL BANQUET' Beth OF PAN -HELLENICI si=st. IS SET FOR NOV. 4' PROF. TRUEBLOOD PADslCglHD0I nnrrSTUDENTS ASKED SPEAKS TO CLUBnvrniV TO LEARN RULES When the League, with its mani- Professor-Emeritus Thomas C. fold activities, was first set into op- Trueblood, formerly head of the ___tion, a few simple restrictions Speech department here, was the were issued by the House commit- speaker of the evening at the init- Series of Parties Planned by tee. These restrictions are now re- iation of new members of Portia League to Represent a peated for the benefit of any fresh- Literary Society on Tuesday, Oc- rd rMan or voman new on the cam- tober 22, in the Cave of the Wo- World Trip, pus who has not chanced to hear men's League. Professor Trueblood them. was one of the original sponsors of ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED The Ethel Foundation Hussey Portia during its early years on , Lounge is for women only. In ad- . ra.. dition ti h t n h nbe no smokinv in I "Earn your living in a soap fac- tory, rather than in a publishing house, if you ever hope to write yourself," was the advice that one publisher gave a woman writer. "So when I began work as a pub- lisher's reader 12 years ago, the thrill of novelty was shot through with an undercurrent of doubt," states Helen Dean Fish, in an article in "Bookchat," for fall. "In three . perhaps, a craving for admiration and fame in the eyes of one's fel- lows." "The professional reader is more or less in the position of an ama- teur practicing psychiatrist," Miss Fish writes. "To her desk come con- fessions distinguished as autobio- graphies, novels and letters that re- veal torturing complexes, pleas for hP~ Pnd undergta.ndinP_ and annre- Manuscript Reading Affords Novel Occupation As A Study Of Writers I FEATUREI The Myra Beecher Jordan assem- bly room of the Women's League, 1-.1iI~n(T zlil ha +ha 4zon a rf thoI u- uiin g win e the scene of e the campus. Committee chairmen for the Wo- annual Pan-Hellenic banquet to be Other speakers at this time were men's League and Interchurch Ba- held on Monday evening, November Professor Louis M.Eich, and Floyd zaar, to be given Dec. 6 and 7, in 4. Members of all sororities on the K. Riley, of the speech depart- Barbour gymnasium, have been ap- campus are invited to attend. At ment. Prof. Eich is one of the pointed, 'Dorothy Flynn, '30, gen- this time the annual scholarship coaches of the women's debating eral chairman, announced yester- cup will be awarded to the house team this year. Mrs. Eich and Mrs. day. which has maintained the highest Riley were also guests of honor at The following appointments have scholastic average for the past year. the reception held immediately aft- been ihade: Beth McKaig, '30, as- Arrangements for the banquet er the initiation ceremony. sistant chairman; Louisa Soukup, are in charge of Peggy Lutes, '30, The following women were in- '30, chairman of articles, Hilde- general chairman, Josselyn Mc- I stalled as new members of the so- garde Schueren, '30, arrangement; Lean, '31, tickets; Katherine Pur- ciety: Leone Dockeray, '30; Mar-I Dorothy Van Zwaluwenberg, '30, cell, '30, decorations, Edna Rich- jorie Lincoln, '31; Catherine Zim- service; .Ruth Vani Tuyl, '31, pos- ards, '30, programs, Herma Gra- mer, '33; Dorothy C. Runkle, '33; ters; Mary Lduise Behymer, '312 bowsky, '30, finances, and Pauline Catherine Rentschler, '33; Margaret publicity. Margaret Henry, '31SM, Bowe, '32, menu. Gray, '33; Elma J. Coyle, '33; Helen chairman of the candy booth; Hel- { Music will be furnished during Joy Eberly, '31; Kathryn Brinley, en Wilson, '31, 'treasurer; Elizabeth the dinner by Kenneth Lund- '33; Winona Gerhardt, '31; Mar- Whitney, '31Ed, entertainment; quist's orchestra. garet Keal, '33; Jean Marrow, '33; Elizabeth Conn, '30, marking; IKathryn Kunert, '33; Alice Schleh, Maude Sargent, '32, decorations; To celebrate her 104th birthday, '32; Eleanor Corcilius, '31, and An- and Evelyn Miller, '31, door ar- Mrs. Anna Burns of Columbus, Ohio netta Diekhoff, '33. rangenents. Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, formerly of Land, Queens Country, of the advisery committee, will Ireland, danced a jig and sang a C ie Prsien' sponsor the Bazaar this year. song. She asserted that she could ieneseorresnds Assignment of articles will be eat and drink anything set before Widow Is Deported made to the houses within a few her days. Every woman is expected to --_ contribute something to the Ba- Sophomore Circus this year, and Mme. Sun Yat-Sen, widow of the zaar, whether hand-made or ready- serve sandwiches, ice cream, and Chinese national hero, who was the made, depending on the articles as- drink for the refreshment of tired first president of the Chinese re-' signed her house. buyers. An orchestra will be pro- public, has been deported by Gen- One house will have charge of vided for dancing in the center of eral Chiang Kai-shek, Chinese the tea room which will be operat- Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, where president, because of her Commun- ed in the basement of the gymnas- the Cabaret is to be held. istic expressions. ium both days of the Bazaar. Shop- The proceeds from the Bazaar' pers and sellers may be served with are turned over every year to the Jessie E. and Katharine M. Hend-j luncheon and dinner there. Undergraduate Campaign fund of rick, sisters, of New York City,! In the afternoons and evenings, the League, in payment of the are .the first American girls to ob-1 the sophomore women will open amount pledged by the Women's tain law degrees from the Univer-. the Cabaret, which will replace the League for the new building. f sity of Oxford. Opening the social season for the, League this year, a party has been ' thia arranged for 4 o'clock this after- chi noon in the League ballroom to ' which every woman on the cam- fdl pus is cordially invited. There has been a general misunderstandino concerning the League parties m which the Social committee wishes bm hy i to correct. That is, there is no charge for admission to any League party, and any woman registered the in the University is welcome to at- !are tend. Every year, the League has given a series of five or six parties to I which every woman is invited. The purpose of the parties is purely of a social nature, attempting to help the women in getting acquainted: with each other and offering an T &ull, Ull\,.l V 40 UV fj%, 11t! 1. la&%JI11115 111 I c rnnm nnr in t.ho hallrnnm 1-hp f s room, nor i nine UonmUm, Le months I would probably be thor- ".UI L lc pel, or the library. i ciation that would melt a marble lenunlss ersnaly itrouc-oughly sick of a pile of typewritten sheets. I saw hundreds of miles of heart. h- a member of the League, bad punctuation and thousands of' "Every manuscript is a mystery, a ' sold tickets to the dances acres of badly spelled pages." revelation of human nature, possi- yu n presentation of a Union bly a treasure of the world for- mbership card. Also, no man can iHowever the position failed to evyra ~reasue oncthes. a ticket for anyone other than become tiresome; "it became more evermore,! she concludes. iself and his partner. and more fascinating as the "peo- Vomen are requested to remove ple behind the manuscripts became: ir hats while dancing. Dances more admirable or pathetic or mys- Freshman Girls' Glee Club given on Wednesday.- tifying." What is it that kindles'Tyot give__nedn _day I the almost universal belief in a! WTry-outs 1repose owr t witean inhoe fr I Will be held from 4 until 6 power to write and in hope for a o'clock today on the second floor response from readers? Miss Fish of the School of Music building. airman Chooses answers: All freshman women are eligible A. C. A C.W Aides "I have concluded in the course for membership. Those who in- . C A C s of reading thousands of manu- tend to try out should come scripts that there are two impulses early in order to secure appoint- -the first, a real desire for self- ments. expression, the second and stronger m~ia ~ n~tfnhiran f hnA - -= opportunity for an afternoon of C. A. C. W. convention, which is to bridge and dancing. be held in Ann Arbor next spring, The general scheme of the par- I announces the following committee ties this year is a trip around the to help her in planning for the world, the party today being on convention: Margaret Sibley, who board the ship "Leagueatania." will be in charge of accommoda- Others will be given, representing tions, Betty Kahn, secretary, who stops at various countries along will have charge of getting in touch thg route. with other schools and publicity A four piece orchestra, conduct- through them, and Laura Belle ed by Bob Carson, will play in the Chipman, treasurer. ballroom this afternoon for those who wish to dance, while several tables of progressive bridge will be the end of the year to the woman played at one end of the room. A having the highest total score. prize will be presented to the high- Members of the Board of Direc- est scorer, and a record kept of all tors will serve tea to the guests in rlkpcO T°k rkoc' i\ 1 i .. . .j ' i of the scores to count toward the the ballroom from 4 until 5:30 0'- grand prize which will be given at 'lock. : rIi-i I i } i 1 E i I f . I i For those who take the trouble to step into The Collins Shoppe for a comprehensive choice of the season's smartest styles. E. LIBERTY AT MAYNAI. "Exc/uslienesfwjthou/ExrnvJ elce )NaMo ~2 NQNO IT PAYS to come down to Main Street How often we hear that remark. Here you find larger assortments, and lower prices, sufficient reason Patou Rearranges His Dahlia Bouquet |Patu, by turning dahlias Sto dye, created the four charming new purples which the most smartly dressed women have acclaimed so enthusiastically this Fall. Now it has been discov- ered that these shades are blended together. The deep dahlia, with its tints of brown and black is most ef- fective when brightened by cloudy dahlia. And this same cloudy dahlia subdues the harsher tones of bright dah- lia purple. Deep and bright Cloudy and shades of dahlia, too, says Subdued Patou, blend beautifully. r Bright for Purples in the Evening How fascinating these new Tweed Suit color blends are, can best be The dusky tones of a seen in the new coats and There's just a touch of cloudy dahlia satin evening frocks, as well as in the novel formality about the trim dress are set off by flashes of accessories which we have just tweed suit of deep dahlia a brighter dahlia shad6 in the received. with which a over blouse of 'brocade of a short formal mixed dahlias in wool knit is coat. In the French Room worn. i4 E !I for taking a few' steps to Street Main EI ) 4 Exquisite Lace Evening Gowns from Handsome Taffeta Evening Gowns fro m . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. $25 up $22 up Smart Afternoon Gowns from. .$15.75 up Beautiful Dinner Gowns from. $39.50 up it The above in the latest silhouette effects in Crepes, Satins and Velvets 6 Oh! to Be Popular Now The Season's Here The sweet young thing hasn't had such a break in many moons. For the new evening New Sport Coats from .$19.50 to $59.50 Latest Dress Coats from.$49.50 to $165.00 The Popular All Leather Sport Coats . $14.85 Smart New Negligees priced from . $5.00 up The Season's Latest Shoes priced $4.85 up i i F i gowns are so romantic, so breath takingly lovely that it's simply impossible to be a wall-flower in them. And once they've had a little practice in looking demure the metamorphesis will be com- plete. Evening Frocks from $25 to $75 30 years in business in Ann Arbor with thousands of satisfied customers. May we not add your name. 1 I 4