FALL'rOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY rMZMAY CC'TGIEA 25,- i9 rr nrim Published every morning except Monday during the Univesit year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitledj to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the posto.. ce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special ratej of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. ; ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. tors which carry the matter of the student and his relation to the Uni- versity a step farther. Several con- ditions which already exist have been already exploited on this page and these recent comments help to show the impending breakdown of the present cramped attitude of students and educators. Illustrations were cited in the convocation of schools in which the students were freed of routine and were left to pursue studies without Classroom exercises and without constant contact with instructors. This is similar to the system which .. frrII u r I I SI I * 0 ..I4I,..n..I........t sss ..I..tu.u~u. I .......Ir I~t"'ii *Ii iii,=iiiS.III1"..I About Books... ii :1 I"" """"""...... .. .................... ..........."....s.s....4.. .. .............!. ...s..a .I s EDITORIAL STAFF 1 Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editor.....................George C. Tilley City Editor............ Pierce Rosenberg News Editor ..... ...George E. Simons Sports Editor....... Edward B. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor............Marjorie Follmer Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter Music and Drama.........William J. Gornan Literary Editor........... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor... .-Robert J. Feldman Night Editors Frank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds Charles R. Kaufman Reporters Charles A. Askren William Page Helen Barc Gustav R. Reich Louise Behymer John D. Reindel Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts W. H. Crane Joe Russell Ledru E. Davis Joseph F. Ruwitch Helen Domine William P. Salzaiulo Margaret Eckels Geocrge Stauter Katherine Ferrin Cadwell Swanson Carl For'ythe Jane Thayer Sheldon C. Fullerton Margaret Thompson Ruth Geddes Richard L. Tobin Ginevra Ginn Beth Valentine rEdmund Glavin Harold 0. Warren ack Goldsmith Charles S. White D. B. Hempstead, Jr. G. Lionel Willens James C. Hendley Lionel G. Willens Richard T. Hvurley J. E. Willoughby J1ean H. Levy Barbara Wright Russell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit Lester M. May was introduced in a few of the Eastern schools last year - the practice of "vagabonding" through the university. Initiative in all of these cases is left entirely to the students and in the convocation the general theme of greater init- iative of the student was approved in many of the papers delivered. The fact that "the average good student can secure more actual knowledge from his own reading than from an equivalent amount of time spent in the classroom was stressed by an educator. But one feature is lost sight of in the ur- gence of self-initiative. The true function of the teacher should tend toward guidance. Methods of ar- riving at various points of interest that the student has picked for himself should be pointed out and developed by the moral instructor. The ideal education, as has been upheld before in this column, is only a means to the end, and not the end in itself. The educator ,cannot train the mind of the in- dividual who has come to him for tutelage, neither can he form the habits and attitudes of the student. These attitudes and habits can be formed only by the individual and here, again, initiative of the student comes to the fore in the controversy of the most productive means of benefiting from a liberal education. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising..Hollister Mabl .y Advertising Kasper 3. . Halverson Advertising ............Sherwood Upton ervice.............. .. . George . ,pater Circulation.................J. Vernor Davis Accounts ......................Jack.Rose Publications.................George Hamilton Assistants Raymond Campbell Lawrence Lucey' James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir Robert Crawford George Patterson Harty B. Culver Charles Sanford 'Thomas M. .Davis Lee Slayton Norman Eliezer Robert Sutton Donald Fwing RogerhC. Thorpe James Hloffer J oseph. Van 'Riper Norris Johnson Robert Williamson Charles Kline William R. Worboys Marvin Kobacker 7I l 1 C S 1', k With no more fraternity house robberies reported in the last week or so, the campus has resumed its usual complacency as far as noc- turnal thefts are concerned. Until more depredations are committed, fraternities will refuse to safeguard their domiciles by locking their doors and until more money or! clothing is stolen the student body will remain in their lethargic attitude toward campus thieves. Right now is the time to act. Lock your doors. Investigate queer sounds at night. Cooperate with the police. faura Codling liernice Glaser ['Irtense Gooding Anna Goldberg Alice'McCully Sylvia Miller Helen E. Musselwhite Eleanor Walkinshaw Diorothea Waterman THE FALL OF D. H. LAWRENCE Collected Poems of D. H. Law- rence; Martin Secker, London, 1928. "Pansies' by D. H. Lawrence; Al- fred A. Knopf, New York, Septem- ber, 1929. Reviewed by William J. Gorman It was interesting, perhaps irri- tating, to watch D. H. Lawrence clinging passionately to the slender tree that he called the Truth about the world. He had extraordinary strength and indeed found many interesting twigs and leaves worth examining. But he has fallen. He is talking about his tree of Truth I now instead of out of it. Lawrence's fate was inevitable, the fate of every prophet of a half- truth, who believes it to be all-suf- ficing. Lawrence is all on the side of the instincts and despises all the forms of their social manifestation. He has ueh a passionate belief that intellectual consciousness is completely sterile and is such a glutton for the physical and the sensual that he would have us live by perception alone. In his de- sire for purity of perception he would sweep away all mental con- cepts. As John Middleton Murry has pointed out there are only two ultimate realities for Lawrence, the absolute isolation of the individual, and his emergence from that isola- tion in sexual fulfillment. The only sensitive awareness we need is sex-I ual, the awareness of "the ruddy god in our veins." This thesis he propounded in the "Collected Poems" from the weigh- tiest dregs of his seriousness. He was the poet of the, sensual world, loving it, struggling vigorously in the grip of its illusions. He faith- fully delivered all his perceptions, his mad, unrationalized, unsup- ported intutions. The responses of I his instincts he accepted faithful- ly as truths of unquestionable strength needing no corroboration! from the mind. The intellect he would not deign to consider unless it appeared as an exaltation of the instincts repeating faithfully their records. The value of Lawrence's message, such as it was, was his stress on the need of a rebaptism in the mighty river of the instincts. The trouble with Lawrence is that he went underwater. And although he swam down there' and had a glorious time, we cannot see our way clear to accept his recom- mendation that we try it. Lawrence was always obviously one-sided. But in "Collected Poems" he is generally magnificently one- sided. His limitation proves per- haps the greatest source of his po- etic strength. Lawrence has an in- quisitorial passion, the desire to pillage souls and to ravage their in- ner most secrets. He can rifle the soul of a landscape and perform the psychoanalytic office for "birds, beasts, and flowers." He persist- ently busied himself with the de- sire to get under and into the souls of the supposedly soulless. There is something charming in this, something childlike, the boy who tears an alarm-clock apart and finds the secret of the infinite. But Lawrence's violent probings and dissections have produced poetry. That is the important thing about the author of the "Collected Poems" -he is a poet. Lawrence does have the power of entering into an object, coinciding with it. If his experience hasn't yielded him a solution it has given him some extraordinary vivid com munions with all sorts of life. He has found the crucifications and ex- altations of sex, the primeval dra- ma, in every realm of nature from elephants to violets. He has the quality of sensuous divination that Blake had. He does apprehend the sensuousness of things with more sublety than the ordinary cultivat- ed intellect. There is no denying the vitality of his impressions; they are crude and queer but striking.; He has opened up a new and richer world of sensation. His technique is, of course, ques- tionable. There is no music in his capricious rhythms and the shap- ign imagination that gives form to poetry is utterly denied him. But. he has devised a kind of chant to suggest the spasms and stirs of his spirit with a lambency not present in most free verse. His rhymical patterns are weighty. But he has strong feeling for the poetic per- iod and superb control of diction as in his prose. He too often believes that turbulence of language willJ adequately communicate turbulence of emotion. But his greatest diffi- culty is that he tries to project the perience now, and is talking about the implications of his experience in chatty poems in the manner of Ezra Pound. The poem "Basta" is significant: When a man can love no morej and feel no more and desirehas failed and the heart is numb, then all he can do is to say: It is so! I've got to put up with it and wait. This is a pause, how long a pause I know not, in my very being. Lawrence has abandoned the method of recording experience for the way of the preacher. He is imploring us now to believe he is right. The difference in manner in the two volumes is clear. Lawrence's congregation will find pleasure in this volume for its pris- matic, sharp presentation of his dissatisfaction and his beliefs. But he is certainly less of a poet. His downfall proves the futility of rail- ing at that inevitable process of percepts in consciousness growing, into concepts. It speaks well for the other 'party' around Eliot, the cerebralists, who are attempting a complete and well-rounded atti- tude. KEEPING ABREAST OF THE TIMES There is so much current discus- sion anent the muddy waters that flow about the athletic fields of our Western Conference (barring, of course, innocent Chicago and the oh-so-decent Illinois) that the1 matter has found expression in our national literature. No less than three books within- the last three months have been published in re- gard to the problem that the Car- negie Foundation has studied so assiduously (and in most cases so blindly) for the past three years. The result is two novels and a book of short stories. Because the matter is so timely and because there is so much spec- ulation and opinion pro and con, The Daily will run a special books page Tuesday morning next, re- viewing the recent works written about the matter of dirty athletic practices.,. The books include Percy Marks' work entitled "The Unwilling God," published by Harper's. Percy Marks, you will recall, wrote that Bible for high school seniors called the Plastic Age, a novel of college life, with variations. He is also the author of A Dead Man Lies, Lord of Himself, and similarly romantic short stories. He is also an ex- professor of English at M. I. T., Dartmouth, and Brown. At pres- ent he resides in Scarsdale, N. Y. Another book to be reviewed is Pigskin, by Charles Furgeson, pub- lished by Doubleday Doran. This, as its name implies, is practically devoted to a story of athletic con- trol at a modern university. A third book dealing with college life is Day Edgar's In Princeton Town, published by Scribner's. A notice of this book has already ap- peared in this column. The work is a series of short stories, all re- lating to the Princeton campus, where, so the book relates, the un- dergraduates sit about of a night and sip milk and dream of a New York night life. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLAYS On sale exclusively at Wahr's bookstores are copies of the Uni- versity of Michigan & Play books. These volumes contain the four winning plays of those submitted in the one-act play contest held on the campus last year. We shall say nothing of the merits of the plays here, for that has been hash- ed and rehashed before. But mere- ly as a book, granting, if you will, the good merits of the plays, it is a volume worth buying. Its cover is neat and wellbound and the' script is well edited. The book will prove a worthy possession to any- one, for it not only provides good and entertaining reading but also offers an insight to a phrase of the all-too-little creative work that is done on the campus. With the an-, nouncement today of the play con- test for this year, the book will prove an interesting example of last year's result and an aid and stimulus to contestants. GOSSIP ABOUT THE AUTHORS Naomi Royde-Smith will arrive in New York early in November to When down town, drop in for a toast- ed Sandwich. Fresh Candies, Fountain Service pREKETE'S SUGAR BOWL 109 South Main New York Listed Stocks Private Wire Connections with all Markets Securities bought or sold on commission basis Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress & Co. Incorporated Investment 'Securities First Floor Ann Arbor Trust Bldg. 1 r i Want Ads Pay Featuring Alligator w'GMru COMP'aiY slickers and steppers Jor ei c z Sincei4 pU ~~It's aniflold eul~iOmt . . . So of course you're quite right to expect that this newest Oscar Grogan record holds a pair of kni'oekouts. Grogan's intimate whispering tenor has turned out another brilliant vocal job-this time on two of the greatest up-to. the-minute song sensations. You're sure to want these hits in your allum-letter drop in on your Columbia dealer today fur Crogan's latest, and hear these other numbers, toi.. . Record No. 19664), 10-iiwh, 75c T'P-.ToE Trnol' TILEs'r.IPs WITH 141x (from Motion Picture "The Vocals . Oscar Grogan Gold Diggers of 1-roadway") WnERE ARE YoU DREAm GIR.? Record No. 1968-D, 10-inch, lae WHERE TIE SWEET FORGET-ME.NOTs Rimr uatNm t Fox Trots . Merle If 11.4D JMY WAY r Johnston and H i (from Motion Picture "The Flying Fool") fCcC oCouriers Record No. 1963-1), 10-inch 75e Irs JNANiOUS Now ocal Dwts . . The Sunshine Boys Tfvrs 'r-xit"E ord CtI - 1:, (Joe and pan Moonuy) "t 'CC olum b i*1a ' R ecords IA S., ic t RCC. U.S. PAT, OFFV. (A Ar s. I 0 I . ' 4 Night Editor - Charles Kaufman FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 REBELLION Prohibition and crime have been on the rampage for the past seven or eight years and between them graft has grown from an infant to a giant that is turning honest men into criminals and communities in- to hot-beds of corruption. Everyone realizes this but none seems to know just what to do about it. Everything from govern- ment and state control to a repeal of the eighteenth amendment hasj been suggested but these plans in- volve a concerted nation-wide im- pulse to achieve success, and na- tion-wide interest in this direction is almost impossible at this stage of the business. What seems to be the most prac- tical suggestion for the solution of crime and prohibition was advan- ced by William G. Shepherd in his lecture Wednesday ' night in Hill auditorium. The basic idea is told in three words: Dry Local Option. By means of this the wet and 'dry question would be handled indivi- dually in each community and the present blanket system of Federal enforcement-or what is supposed to be enforcement-would be aboli- shed. The responsibility would then rest on the comunity, and the gov- ernment would be responsible only in case the local enforcement need- ed boosting. T h e whole difficulty now, Mr. Shepherd stated, is that the blan- ket system does not work in all cases. 'The dry system as applied to New York will not work in small towns; measures taken against the selling of liquor in Ann Arbor are not the same as those that should be applied in Chicago. If the plan 'is in all its aspects practical the results should make its trail worthy of serious consid- eration. It would mean, as Mr. Shepherd rioLnPt~d_ 1o1A~i~ri r- I Editorial Comment GREAT COMMON SENSE Our only regret anent Presidentf Ruthven's recent Saginaw speech is that it was not delivered over the largest broadcasting hook-up in the country, for in our opinion it de- serves to stand as the greatest com- mon-sense educational pronounce- ment of the year. President Ruth- ven has concisely settled all the pother in which the nation's edu- cators have been stewing since the era of mass education. He said in part: "In judging the student there are ' two groups of values to be considered- the edu- cational and the moral. As I see it, the University can be entirely responsible for the first and little responsible for the second . . The only business of the uni- versity is the education of the fit." To have this bright gem of ad- ministrative wisdom drop from the paternalistic, protective clouds that have been hovering over the stu- dent is distinctly refreshing. Its immediate meaning seems to be that the great majority of students will not continue to be treated like prep school youths for the sake of saving a few moral weaklings from themselves. As the President said, "The University is not and never can be a reform school." At last, it seems, the University can return to one of its original functions of equipping students with the moral independence they will need' to meet the world beyond the Uni- versity's doors on its own terms. More refreshing still and more significant even than these disci- plinary connotations, we can see hope in President Ruthven's speech for a gradual retirement of the idea that as many as possible must get their degrees and an advancement of the thesis that a degree is the reward of initiative, earnest study, and real academic achievement. This is education reserved for thet fit-not only the morally fit but the ALLIGATOR is one snappy outergarment- and you can slosh around in it all day and never get wet. Turns rain, wind, dust. Models for Men and Women, $7.50 to $25 THE ALLIGATOR COMPANY, S-t. Lo u i s New' ALLIGATOR STEPPERS (Pat. App. for) Protect trouser legs-all colors to match all coats. $2 and $3.50 a pair Ask to see the m 4i K E E P D R Y F ROM 1E T TO F O O T I A complete line of Men's and Boy's Alligators are always found at 11 t C; AVAAWA GEL 4 322-324 South Main Down Town I 7 I I