I PAGE 'old ' THE MICHIGAN DAT1.Y s' IDAY. OC'T'OBER 25. 1 AN. THV MTCHTCIAM V'~ATT V * a, ~ * %.aK..J*V eat,, *.,&a~, I s t UV 1 VL)IZJ" 4t t 1Z/4V P 11clTAPROOM TO GET Clarke Knows Psychology of Cowboys, Says I UNI( MUNICIPLLAU Screen ReflectionsI RADIO OFAM I Dr. Scott in Interview on Plainsman-Poet A plfl 11 ,Play by play reports of the Mich- 1"Badger Clarxe nas broken into Leather". Among the selections 1 .gan-Illinois game on Saturday will the pyshology of the plains and werec""Just ARidin', "From Town":'fobl Saerzfghesv.mdopahotalmipa ihe oedntgtth mrsin!b eevdb rdoa h no h oby" adD.Bnai - S2gofteLahr"ad"h oh FO RNthat "T he Sinle Sadr"i tomorrow afternoon beginning at Scott, head of the department of! Old Cowman" Mr. larke is still( freshm( R[A 9fO I D Johnny Mc Brown of Alabama g Sadr"i 3 oclock. The account of the con- speech of Pomona college alfr- living as a plainsman in Arizona commit lUII~ILU;U UIUI~' fooball ame mde a ad miplaycrammed full with stirring physical test may be heard in either the e!mna, in an interview after his sre-adwitn oty!D.Sotsi.myo last time he fought for the handcobtfr only one friendly spar- ;Tap or billiard rooms, according to'cital of "West ern Lyrics" in the although most of the selections he I p Moe ob pn nPoocsiof Miss Garbo, opposing John Gil- ring match ocurs, the story being Leonard Wilson, '31, chairman of Ly ii Mendesohn theater yester- redrdwrcrttnbfr 95 ant Mine toobeepentdo Projetsithehouseomittes;. ±day. "He knows the language of IStudent in Field of Municipal,, best. This time he has betterluck, nene anywihtercls Through the courtesy of Stoflet's the range, and his is the most Dr. Scott is prominent in two con o fe a ubeintefrs oeafis-fa detru odn Government. orftrabdfmlinhem lv afar ofa adeuosradio shop a special receiver will !colorful and tangy western poetry fields on the western cost, debatilg' half, he carves back strong in the, young woman.I be used. During the broadcasting; evern written." and interpretation of dramatics. He, yterda closing minutes of play to defeatt A novel song cartoon and an in- of the Michi gan-Purdue game the1 Dr. Scott read Clarke's poems s on sabbatical leave of absence L.loyd, ' ACCOUNTANTS TO MEETI Nils Asther in the "role of a cx- Tap room was filled to capacity. from the volume "Sun and Saddle! this year and is making a tour of zation. _______ ~prize fighter painter for the hono teres''ing silent news reel round out ___~- _ of Alabama. Sweden, Metro-Gold- !the scen program, while the stage Professors Reed, Worley Planed wyn - Mayer, and the Michigan! act is just fairly good.1rI on Fund Administrating theater. NewIT' IT~r D1 Iims M IE a ComNewee.Lileise The ingl Stadard b.Committee.9Likewie."The Single Standrd" flotnn~in e IM DPN POSITIONS ARE STILL O PEN amores and second semester n desiring to tryout for tee positions at the Union tain the few remaining va- laces by applying in the toffices of the Union, ac- to an announcement made ay afternoon by K~enneth M. '30} ipresident of the organi- XMSHO WING i 3____resembles the present Michigan ! i. ~ 'anlongcoay s openings eleven. An interesting beginning, in Detroit is the Moran and Mackj Harold W. Smith, director of the; then a slump, followed by a good laugh riot, "Why Bring That Up?", Michigan Municipal League, whichI finish (expected). On the whole it's! and Marion Davies new all-talker, has its headquarters in the East; an entertaining silent film with an I"~aini. h omra h Engineering building, has announc-' excellent musical acompaniment. Adams.ande' the latter at the i ed the start of a campaign for $25,-1 ted Artists. Barthelmess' "Young 000, to be used for research work in1 Quaterback Brown does extreme-.ohre"oen{tth ihgn the field of municipal government. Miyswell in alsouapears fish, and while "Gold Diggers" seems set for Mayor Edward W. Staebler of Ann MissaGabo so apptiearNs oAdanr a sixth week t the Paramount. Arbor is the first member of the; is fair in a Gene-Tunney-highbrow--' B. J.A. research group. The fund is to be Week of Oct. 28 MATINEE SATURDAY The Picture Sensation of All1 Times! 04050 LOVE 9 WHERE ~-.~.. SHE,. FOUND IT 1 4 I. spent for research specialists in several fields, and also to meet theJ necessary expenses of the research l, projects. The first projeoct wvhich will be! undertaken by the group will bel an attempt to find a means~ of l standardizing the methods of mu- nicipal accounting. This will be the m ost important object to be con-, sidered when the Michigan ac- 1 counting officials meet in Lansing on November 6 and 7. The accoun-' tants will consider all aspects of the problem of municipal account- ing systems. The most important part of the standardization of these systems is to provide a means whereby the municipal efficiency of each city or town may be checked. This efficiency can be figured when all the municipalities adopt a uni- form method of accounting. With! the adoption of such a plan, the costs of keeping the accounts of the various cities will be minimiz-j ed, and there will be a decrease inl the cost of the forms used for ac- counting purposes. The fund that the Michigan Mu-, nicipal League is now campaigningI for will be administered by a bodyl of seven representative business and professional men of the state. The two members of the faculty in-! eluded in this group are Prof. Tho- mias H. -Reed of the Political Sci- ence department, and Prof. Johnj S. Worley of the engineering de- partment. Dr. L. D. Upson, direc- tor of the Detroit Bureau of Gov-I ernmental Research is also on the committee. Scabbard and Blade * HoldsFirst 'Smoker + At the first smoker of the yeart of Scabbard and Blade, national- honorary military fraternity fourl honorary members were initiated. Captain A. B. Curtis, Capt. C. A' Powell, Fielding H. Yost, director of Xintercollegiate athletics and Co., Qeor ge B. Walbridge. Captain Curtis, a graduate of West Point and Massachusetts In- stitute .of Technology, was recentlyI transferred to Michigan from Franford Arsenal, Philadelphia, to 1 take charge of the ordinance de-j partment.1 lil _____________________________________1 (lfflb I NOW fSHOWING WUERTII NOW SHOWING IN TH E RAUNB@WN'l " 1 IT"H f~ MARIAN NIXON e y,~ FRANKIE DARRO SAM HARDY r*LLOYD INO RA AM aZ Qaramount ALL TALING 9icture~ COMING SUNDAY-WM. POW ELL-ttGREENE MURDER CASE" i i i I BV JOHN GALSWORTHY Ex cellen t Casi 4nd Produciwn Prices T4gLi LW STAGE U'rHEL FRED PARKER &zJ3A1B aind their PHIL.LIPPINYE SEXTETTE Eveniings 75c Matinee 50c .I For Rcsc)-vatious Phone 4151 Other Sound Features in "Biits of Personality" RECK- LESS OF SO CIE Y S BRAND OF, SHAKE Footbi.l Returns Saturdlay q rrr f f i ins nnsawi.m O...ti. Y i R rurrir .r %*.AWN rrrrA y I _ _ Bob Carson's ...at th hrpis ObUCH , I ft Orchestra at MICHIGAN LEAGUE BUILDING EVERY WEEK END HAWKS AND HIS ORCHESTRA CUTLER AND HIS ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE FOR HOUSE PARTIES Inquire at the Parrot fl I i! I { f I t __ 1 r b", , zf I e+, . E r t a t.._ ..._ ._.....:"lv FOR TODAY ONLY Unparalleled A1NN ARBOR THEiATESRS EXTENDED RUNS! Today HUSTON BROS. -Billards for. Health An Ideal Place for An Ideal Lunch Tasty.- Sandwiches Delicious Candies Quality and Service SvteiDi 212 South Main Street it 1 t I 14th Day 158th Performance More thati 2,000 Ann IArk orites have seecn this picture twice Because Its the greatest en- tc, tainnicnt hit cver M made on any stage or screen, anytime, any. place, anywhere! No use CRYING over iailled i mik." Stanme .smokers start at the top - others have to "smoke their way up" But if you haven't bcci- getting your share of aroma, flavor, richnss-how's thc time to try X _.4 /: '4 Ay 7-. Chesterfield fi's A ST"/v vr/ig MILD .... end. yst :I FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos,not-only BLENDED but CROSS BLENDED 1 ISAT. "Three Live Ghfosts" 1929, "LIGGri-r & 'MYERS TOBACCO Co. l 0N S - - - - -