0 TMSDAY, bcToB1,Th 24, 1029~ M I CH I CA N" DAtLY rAGIE THREE w --- _ _- _ PAGE T1IR~2 4-,. 4 . ,,'.., >.4 .. . -4 .4 44 4444 CARNEGIE INSTITUTE SURVEYS COLLEGE ATHLETICS rative oficers in eight er cent, and made to contribute significantly to der proper conditions, athletics may age considerably below the maxi- " 'Wha ought to be done?' promise UV AIN Irathletic r n.ih ercn, n ad ocntiue infiatytopsibydveo uhgrteseriteu omestinfrgulpo-it r-Ie athletic officers in 50 per cent. In the physical health of college stud- as are present in a normal young essors.The paid coach, the p su many instances, the "nationwide ents, too few now receive theirnccipts, the special training tables and to man, but probobly do not inculcate "'Doubtless at an ideal univer- iptte pcaltanigtb es; ndiov UCocommerce" is carried on through benefits and too many incur posi- them at all. On the other hand, sit"'the authors say, 'prfessinal the costly sweaters and extensive the gi represpnrativeofs. vra gou etiv ham.ceitrtainiepracah- '.ty h'atos aprofessional. the wh C [Io D thercooperation of several groups tive harm. Certain widespread ath- college athletics, as they are con- coaching would find no place. Ob- journeys in special Pullman cars, gime. AmonJA 1 Mtg t e m a s w e eY a h n ,a d p a c u y op r ie m any cases to utilize and strength-; whose tenure depends upon victory1 school, the dem oralizing publicity (sales a or re r s e ta i e sp a ti e in tr .i g, c a h d u c te d to - d a y , d e fin ite ly fa il in v o u sly th e p o sitio n o f a c o a c h th e re c ru itin g fro m th e h ig h sc h o l a letes are recruited, correspondence e physical health of participants. on desirable social traits. is both unfortunate and unfair. A showered on the players, the devo- through figures the most prominently. Once The notion appears to be wide- cah h rsst aut ttsto fa nu rprino ie!tdyi contact is established between the spread that exercise in In intramural athletics, as is coach who trusts to faculty status tion of an undue proportion of tim& today i renacuiea hedathleterelatonath letcnsea played by about 10 per cent of the and fair words for safety in the to training, across the hurdles of tional r Existing System Gives Students Irecruiter and the athlete, relations ;athetics in particular constitute audegdatsiiniuinsht hour of disaprvlasuo xmnton-teeogtt tpto o undergraduates in institutions that huofdspproval leans upon a, examinations-these ought to stopi tion to Existng System Gives Students become closer, and the next step is sort of panacea for all forms of ill schedule it; basketball by about broken reed.' and the intercollegiate and intra- the sim N spportunity For usually personal persuasion or soli- health from flat foot to melancho- mural sports be legk ciaton Tis o ist h cmpsha s mttr ffat ay tenine per cent- the country over;! The Foundation's inquiry has mrlsotberght back to a oughnes Responsibility financen brious thods, a . As attic ould be re although the proportion r u ns dealt with and studied about four stage in which they can be en- a true u muacued in rruietdg, are, athletes.garedassin he nure- much higher at certain colleges; athletic conferences in the United joyed by. large numbers of stu- any age COLLEGES ASKED REPORT muRecruitingseldom, recruiting evathletes.tsof a powerfulmedicament to be and soccer by four per cent, or States and Canada. Through vis- dents and where they do not in- mabout double the proportion of its to constituent institutions it has volve an expenditure of time and without the use of subsidies. prescribed for one individual in one those who play it in intercollegiate been enabled to estimate the exent money wholly at variance with any /Dinin S s Point a lence "siis akentheform of so - th strength, for another individual in contests. to which conference regulations are ideal of honest study.' Of Subsidation Among arships, loans, nominal or disp rop- I another idvda ob strength, and for asltl a third'I"'hnti ntleta ieo ti tel individual to be absolutely pros- One significant fact about these edupto.ectual life of niversities orionay paid jobs, tution allow ribed. figures is that few of the sports Athletic conferences, the country a body of college students is on a lances, favors of various kinds and Iover, are in substantial theoretical low plane, the difference between Continued from Page One) arrangements wereb athletes are It was found that high school oes a psuiamong udergradu- agreemet regarding terms of eli- the formal credits of men in train- PHITL whrb tltsaediversion after graduaion.itriningcrgulatiosoandstsendh The rowing atendency akein cash. It is estimated tha track meetingtschelexhaust ng,an gibity compensationato pla, tnfor iter-cole cnts an Gustave ordetooduexhaustingAmerand i tann euainad coach- those of the ordinary srdn h at least one college athlete in seven athletes are permitted to compete "The bulletin discusses the ori- ing. is not in training, may be inappre_ "lost" f Colleges, to regard atletics as no is subsidized. Secrecy aggravates an excessive number of events. gins and training, status, tenure, "Whatever fine phases concer- ciable. But it requires no tabula- day bu holiportan phas of collegboth of these abuses, but does not "After a statistical study of 18,- salarie duties, and extramural re- cnces indulged in concerning the tion of statistics to prove that the time to life, is praised, in so far as it "be- jIas ihro hm06 tdnsi l ~ lationships of coaches in AmericanI amateur sttts niestisadioug thlete hgvs islf alnh tokens a genuine re-appreciation of f them. 667 students in d irepresentative saus, universiies an yung ah wo gives imse a lunch the place of sport in undergraduate "The prevalence of recruiting and iors s colleges, the au- ccolleges have found that unlessfor months, body and soul, to train- the plae opot sinnrgrdue subsidizing in college athletics has hors find that the common notion "As regards faculty appointment they relax their rules regarding ing under a professional coach for He a: affairs, and not a shrinking from led to much "shopping around" by that athletes in general are poorer for the coach, it has not assured professionalism and wink at flag- a gruelling contest, staged to focus dining c physical or moral hmpetionp schoolboy athletes, a process of students than non-athletes, is er- long tenure, nor has it protected rant abuses, they cannot win en- the attention of thousands of peo- it was auctioning athletic s k ill to the roneous. On the other hand, they him against the demands of alum- ough games to satisfy their con- ple, and upon which many thous- train.7 modern amateur status, especially highest bidder, conclude t h a-t participation in ni for victory, nor guaranteed the stituents. ands of dollars will be staked, will a train in college athletics, and showing -sports that require very hard train- coach's impeccability in matters of " 'The tendency to assume that find no time or energy for any ser- were tr the part that American sportsmen A selection of letters and other ing and long practice hours pro- recruiting and subsidizing. any abuses inherent in intercolle- Ious itellectual effort. The com- fOr Phil have played in it, the Bulletin con- documents from the files of the en- bably impairs the academic stand- j "Not every director of physical giate athletics will automaticalryt- -- "-- --- -- eludes that American amateurism quiry is printed in the Appendix ing of certain athletes. The fact education should coach the foot- disappear if a conference is form- must be revived as the very key- of the study to illustrate methods seems to be that athletes, who from ball team, nor should every coach ed and passes rules of a nature stone of college athletics in a de- and procedure in "s h o p p i n g scientific measurements and other be a professor of physical educa- sufficiently lofty and stringent is mocracy. The difficulty is that at around", subsidizing and recruiting. data, appear to be the best endowed tion. absurd, no matter how much ad-- For Ren present violations apparently are The means employed by certain physically and mentally of all coll- "The highest paid coaches hold ministrative machinery is provided considered of little consequence by coaches and directors of athletics ege undergraduates, fail to fulfil their jobs, on the average, a little or how many teeth may be placed Forest Plaza 3 many alumni, faculty members, and to evade conference rules against this promise of success in college over five years, but the tenure of in regulations. In the course ofA artmenu undergraduates. The motives be- personal solicitation and the initia- work and do not greatly surpass, as the football coach is coming less I the present study it has been prov- hind all infractions of the amateur tion of recruitg correspondence they should, their less active fel- and less to depend upon victory. ed again and again that no rule, Only seven apartments Two code are the results of commer- are shown and discussed in detail, low- students. The standard desired at present however well intended, can be made cialism. They come down at last In studying the hygiene of ath- "Te appears to be a fair winning aver- binding without the consent and e left i Ann Arbor's four to a desire to reap the advantages letic training, the Foundation se- cae o t nition ae over a period of from five to the active cooperation of those to newest and finest build- left of amateurism without paying its cured the cooperation of Dr. Dean aeribament to an interiorea- ten years. I whom it applies. Too often mul- ing. Gas, electricity, re- E I price. F. Smiley, secretary of the Ameri- ~ "The average salary paid to the tiplicity of detail in regulations Respecting the present recruiting can Student Health Association, in fetes, who as a group are better head football coachat about 100 tends only to drive dishonest prac- carp and susidizing of college athletes, charge of this phase of the enquiry, minddthan non-athletes, but to the institutions was found to be $6,107, ices out of sight and to make them furnished. All floorsap "those who, tempt young mere to and of Francis G. Benedict, Ph. D., n a s, u o wile the highest paid full profes-secret, not to eliminate them.' bui barter their honesty for the sup- I director of the Nutrition Labora- conduct, emphasis, and values of sor inthe istti re The origins of American college carpeted Furnised or posed advantages of a c o11 e g e tory at Boston of the Carnegie modern colege sport. on the average $5,158. When paid athletics, say the authors of the unfurnished as desired. gua course, dishonesty achieved, are the Institution of Washington; E. V. This is the more unfortunate, by athletic associations, full time study, go back to Colonial days and poss Fagins of American sport a n d I MacCollum, Ph. D., professor of bio- because success in life after gradua- head coaches averaged $6,466 a the decline of pioneer life. At that Location is unexcelled. mai American higher education." chemistry in the John Hopkins tion appears to be related less to year, and when paid by the colleges time, athletic skill was looked upon B u i I d i n g set back loca "For the first timb, the recruit- University School of Public Health,personal athletic success in college themselves, $5,058, or $100 less than as somewhat beneath the dignity ing and subsidizing of American Baltimore; President Livingston then to high academic standing. the average salary of the highest of a serious scholar. Certain coll- from the street, is beau- ibk colege athletes has been compreh- Farrand of Cornell University; Dr. The qualities of mental alertness paid full professor. Academic sta- eges legislated against athletics as tifully landscapd and and ensively studied and specific facts Thomas K. Richards, instructor in and quick coordination are equally tus costs the head football coach early as 1761. The Princeton faculty presented concerning this abuse, surgery at, the Harvard Medical valuable to both the athlete and on the average about $1,400 a year, in 1787 voted formally that 'there there is plenty of sun- which is termed "the darkest blot School and chief surgeon of the the non-athlete, but academic pur- or 28 per cent of the salary he re- are many more amusements more shine and air on allMa upon American college sport". Only Harvard Athletic Association, who suits appear to give greater op- ceives from the college. ColLage honorable and more useful' for un- . both 26 of the more than one hundred acted as an advisory and consult- portunities for their use and de- administrations drive closer bar- dergraduates than shinny. sides. Elevator service.- ien universities and colleges studied ing group. Some of the conclusions velopment than athletics n o w gains with sasonl coaches, than " 'The responsibility to bring Rentals' reasonable. us were without trace of recruiting, reached by this g r o u p are as afford- athletic iassoadions, but the sea- athletcs into a sincere relation to and only 29 without subsidizing. follows: Although in the past it has been sonal coach is appreciably better the intellectual life of the college, "Of the thausands of individual, "In regard to hygiene in athletic i generally insisted that athletics in- paid than the full time coach with ! writes Dr. Henry S. Pritchett in his cases of recruiting- and subsidizing training the regent states that al- culcate certain desirable traits, like faculty appointment and status. Ipreface to the Bulletin, 'rests i Brooks Bldg Phone studied, alumni were responsible in though there can be no doubt that courage, perseverance, and initia-. "Other coaches than- the head squarely on the shoulders of the - only 30 per cent, college administ- athletics, if well conducted, may be tive, the study points out that, un-- football coach are paid on an aver- president and faculty.' s that have to be made to ch students in the college pass them through to a de- re an air of insincerity to ole university-college re- Wfe cannot serve every cause rship, science, business, nship, organized athletics- the university. The need .to re-examine our educa- egime with the determina- attain in greater measure plicity, sincerity, and thor- s that is the life blood of iniversity in any country at g Car Switched; ryor of Berlin Lost (Iny Associated Press) ADELPHIA, Oct. 21. - Dr. Boess, mayor of Eerlin, was or more than two hours to- arrived in Philadelphia in be the guest of honor at eon. nd Frau Boess were in a ear at Harrisburg, Pa., when switched to a Washington They were "discovered" by conductor and at York, Pa., ansfered to another train adelphia. . 41 E. Liberty Street five-room and one - r o0 m apartments in this fine building. c t r i c refrigeration. floors completely eted. We own this ding ourselves and gr antee the finest ible s e r v i c e and ntenance. Excellent tion, easily access- to both University downtown districts. iy other rentals, in homes and apart- ts, $50 and up. See 22571 L ONE A DAY FOR SEVEN DAYS! THIS IS THE FIFTH DAY Only Two More Days Left of the Amazing Special Offer University Music House ; ; _.: z A Piano A Day Almost Given Away Our Slogan's You May Play While You Pay Why Not? Everybody's doing it! Why Not Yoti? It is better to educate your child now while it is growing to manhood or womanhood so that it will be able to make its own way in the world than to save and scrim to save u-i a few dollars for it to inherit after you are gone; for then it will be too late for your child to learn to make music of its own. There is always- a day of small things, especially in learning to play the piano. Grown-ups will not practice the small technical exercises required for learning to play any instrument; but, for a child, these small exercises are great exercises. Buy a piano for your home and .nroll your child in one of the free piano classes in your piublic schools. A little daily practice and study now will enable your child to play splendid music long before graduation time. Then, your child will be ab!e to earn its own way through the University, easily and beautifully, and be the, most popular youth of its class. In the,meantime, your home will echo happy sounds from your children's fingers rippling over the 2iano keys, making your home atmosphere bright and cheerful. Here is your chance to save $150.00 plus our allowance for your old worn-out instrument. What you get your old piano is clear profit. YOU CAN BUY this fine new Kohler & Campbell Full Sized Mahogany Upright Piano with bench to match For Only $300.00; Its Real Value is $450,09,; Your Saving Is $150,00 Easiest Terms! $30.00 down; balance in small payments over a period of Thirty Months.. Get rid of your old piano now; trade it in on this lovely New Piano. Save $150.00 Today! We lose money on this; but our loss is your gai+. We charge u1 our losses to advertising, This is the only Kohler & Campbell Mahogany Upright of this model that will be offered at this price. The flfer will be withdrawn when this piano is sold. Only Iwo more pianos to be offered in this sale. r k