ESTABLISHED 1890 ".V AV 40P .A6 M=2019ohmig ApAkv 4&Abr 411tr ArM I t % 41 ASSCIAED MEMBIAE PRESS VOL. XL, No. 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS TE E rl s Fumok URBI 10 I GHT MICHIGAN ATHLETIC, RECRUITING PLNS Carnegie Foundation Publishes Report About American College Athletics. PAID COACHES DEPLORED Negligent Attitude Concerning Education Decried by j Foundation. "The fundamental causes of the defects of American college ath- letics are two: commercialism, and a negligent attitude toward the ed- ucational opportunity for which the American college exists," says bulletin 23 of the Carnegie Founda- tion for the Advancement of Teach- ing, entitled "American College "Athletes." Micligans method of recruiting athletes was stigmatized as being part of a subtle, highly organized system utilizing coordinate numbers of agents on and off the campus. The statement follows: "The varieties of recruiting athlete range from rare and casual contracts made or directed by an individual in the athletic- organization of the institutions (Chicago, University o Colorado Cornell. Washington State College) in which the motive may be the general welfare of the institution of personal favor, to an intensely organized, sometimes subtle system that may utilize or coordinate number .of agents oP or off the campus (Michigan, Northwestern, Wisconsin, Ogle- thorpe, University of Southern Cal- ifornia) ." Commercialism Heavily Demanded. The authors of the study are Dr. Howard J. Savage, staff members of the Foundation, and Harold W. Bentley, .John T. McGovern, and Dean F. Smiley, M.D., secretary of the American Student Health as- sociation. The foundation's enquiry into American college sports, orig- inally undertaken at the request of the Association of American Col- leges, the National Collegiate Ath- letic association, and other repre- sentative bodies, has consumed more than three and a half years, entailed personal visits to 130 American and Canadian universi- ties, colleges, and schools, and in- volved the cooperation of more than 2,000 persons fully. Commercialism in sport, say the authors of the Bulletin, is "the placing of a higher value upon the monetary and material returns, whether direct or indirect, from any athletic activity than is placed up- on its returns in recreation, health, and physical and moral well-being." Commercialism is one of the two sources of the evils in American college athletics of today. Favors Larger Opportunities. The report charges that in three ways both the colleges and their undergraduates neglect the educa- tional opportunities that athletics might afford: First, present methods of man- agement, coaching, and plays in most college sports provide no "challenge to young and alert minds," because of the dominance of older persons, such as professors and directors of physical education, paid managers, coaches, and oth- ers, who now bear almost all of the responsibility for college athletics. Second, college athletics have expanded so rapidly in the past that few institutions have fully, considered the problems involved in local situations and have de- plnded principally upon - catch- worde, like "faculty control," or "athletics for all," and the imita- tion of practices at sister colleges without due regard to their effect upon the imitating institutions. Third, in the field of morals and conduct, "vociferous proponents o: college athletics have claimed for college athletics far greater bene- 3 { j r i i s 3 I I I i I +k {I I i 11i i I i i I The Occasion for Greatness When our football team entrains tonight for Urbana, it will be anything but a squad of 35 licked athletes. There is some- thing about a battle with Illinois that cancels memories of past defeats, irons the kinks out of team play, and brings to the front the full slashing power of Michigan elevens. Last year it was against Illinois that we found that we could play football. There should be optimism in the air tonight-a conviction that a major football victory is about to be won. There should not be over-confidence, but a consciousness of great strength and will to win. There should be enthusiasm, for our hopes are bright, and loyalty, for Michigan men and women are loyal. Above all there should be a huge crowd to show the team that victory means more to the student body than just a few dollars bet this way or that. When the whistle blows Saturday Michigan's team will be underdogs, with title hopes, on a foreign field, and before a hostile crowd. Yet we cannot feel any cause for discourage- ment. They are game, they are good, and they have behind them a tradition of smashing through to victory from behind greater obstacles than these. They have proved in other years that in the role of giant killers they are supreme. What the student body can do is little enough, but before the game is over it may mean a lot. The students can instill that last measure of punch, that final urge to conquer which may be the margin of victory. They can demand victory so vociferousl'4I that the tamwill nt wift n ii i;n t Wagner, Mars a echall ad Boeshe Chosen for Other Offices in Close Poll. ILLEGAL WRITER TELLS OF PROHIBITION PLAN Interviewing an interviewer is an easy proposition. An interviewer like William G. Shepherd, of Collier's staff, who spoke in Hill auditorium last night has asked so many questions while in quest of magazines material that he anti- cipates-and his flow of informa- tion begins at the drop of a hat. Last night a Daily reporter dropped his hat as he introduced himself and Mr. Shepherd began to talk. "If you're going to ask me how the dry local option I mentioned in my lecture can be accomplished in each community," he said, "Ill tell you. There will have to be local revolutions. I mean that the local government, after it has satisfied itself that Federal enforcement will not work in any given locality, will get up in arms and throw the Federal officers out of town. The !wet and dry question will then be in localized hands and local meas- ures will be used. "It will mean plenty of trouble nn1rnol cm chntinm hit t STUDENT COUNCIL COMPLETES PLANS FOR ROUSING SEND-OFF AT MIC HIGANCENTRAL DEPOT Parade, Led by Varsity Band and Cheerleaders, Will March Behind Grid Team; Yost and Kipke Will Speak Parading up historic tMate street with cheers and songs for Michi- ran success at Urhana Saturdav, students from every quarter of the cam- >us. will gather at o o'clock this evening to give the Wolveriiie football leven a -whoopee send-o ffas it entrains for Illinois. Loyalty is expressed in active support, Fielding H. Yost, the 'grand old man oi f Michigan toothall declared last night concerning the end-off. And plenty of opportunity for'real action has been arranged .v the Student council for the pep-send-off. L Led by Michigan's "fighting" hand, the students will parade up VOTE STOPPEDI Council Takes Disciplinary Steps! When False Name is Given to Obtain Ballot. 'Three votes gave William Garri- son victory in the contest for the' junior Literary presidency yester- day over Robert Gordon. The close margin set in the presidential race was seen, but not to such a marked, degree in also competition for the nyil106t 1111screthree other oficers and the ive prooaoiysomtate street to the Michhigan Central station. A few rousing cheers and let loose with everything they own. In their enthusiasm they J-Hop committee positions. we've had worse than that trying can tear the Michigan Central depot apart and demonstrate The men selected to the dance to enforce the present impossible narch. l e all. they will mave "whoopee" of high order, disturbing the graphically what they want the team to do to the Illini. group were Al Donahue, Donald C.1 system of prohibition. New York, There never has been a Michigan football that did not have Cook, Keith Bennett, Victor Kirsch- Chicago, and other big cities will >eace of Ani Arbor nights in real fashion which is something they the support of the student body. This one cannot and it will ner, and Henry Schmidt. All these never be dry because they don't iaven't allowed to do in some time. not be an exception. 1 polled at least 200 votes while their want to be dry." At the railroad, the Michigan cheerleaders will climb to the top of {nearest competitor, Harold Warren, [of train, mount telephone poles 1_ __ received 190wALOSTDE Nand the roof of the station, to lead The other officers chosen wereI the "gang" in a "fight locomotive," SErnestine Wagner vice-preident; a "yea Michigan" and several other Ruth Marshall secretary and ells. Fenelon Boesche z2Me, tLreA I C L ETasurer. UD N Yost Revives Fighting Spirit. Five Cmmitteemen Named. Football coaches, student leaders, The vote for pitsident was 211 1_and grid captains of years past for Garrison and 208 for Gordon. Mster Shrouds Golden Hind Object of "College Described were united in their opinion of the Miss Wagner defeated Mary Stuart value of student support to the foot- Has no Knowledge of "Intensely Writer Discusses Criminal Trend 1223 to 202, Miss Marshall has 213 Since Take-Off From as Educational, Not I ball team. They urged that the un- -dandSProduced by Liquor votes to 207 for Elizabeth WoodHarbor Grace. Reformative. dergraduate body make use of the Amenmend. and Boesche defeated Clay Olm- opportunity this evening to demon- Recruiting System. stead, 212 to 209. strate to their eleven thatthe The count on thq J-Hop commit-IPLANE IS LONG OVERDUE TALK GIVEN IN SAGINAW Michigan'spirit is still as great as - -tee -candidates wa. ever. ALUMNI PASSIVE-SHAW CRIME PAYS TOO WELL" Kirshner............213 The silence that marked the in- President Alexander Grant Ruth- "There is a vast background to -_Donahue . . ........... 212 auspicious start of the monoplane ven further defined his views to- victory," Coach Yost said. "The An assertion appearing in the That "Crime Is Paying Too Well" Co.... ...........2 Golden Hind had placed pilot and ward the relations of students and fighting siater th nteam will not Anoassertionrappearingeinothemacbenmuchsgreater than thataofgthe Carnegie Foundation report to the waseul brought home to a m Bennett........ . 20 machie last ig g the University in a speech delivered students ancl the Alumni. Loyalty effect that Michigan employes an 1la night by William B. Shepard,i Warren.... . .......2. 190 reported.wg last night before the Parent-Teach- is expressed in active support." "intensely organized, sometimes star Collier's writer, who spoke of Merton Bell.......... 186 After more than a day since Ur- ers' association at Saginaw, Michi- "The pep send-off this evening subtle system" in recruiting ath- the evils of prohibition and their Caldwell Swanson ... 172 ban F. Diteman Jr., soared into the ' gan on "The Student and His Rep- will revive the great spirit with letes, was denied by both Director possible cure. As the first speaker Robert Sloss . ..... ..175 East from the shores of Newfound-1 utation." which Michigan students used to Fielding H. Yost and officers am- on the new Oratorical association Stua't Smith.........158 land, leaving only a note to an- The university cannot be ac- send their football teams off to iliar with the operation of the program he declared that the pre- Frd Coraer 22 nounce his adventure, no word had countable for the morals of unde- victory w en eWlrinshwe the recruiting from the high school sent blanket form of Federal pro- Fred Campbell........20 come from him and there was no sirable students; its sole functionr winning Big Ten championships alumni activities. Director Yost hibition enforcement has paralyzed Hoeport of his ty plane, without is to provide education for the fit. yer atar. "Bob" rown, for- said that he did not know of such local option and that a return to Disciplinary Steps Taken. wireless and a ready prey to the The address follows in part: mer captain of the grid team, said a system, but would like informa- dry local option is the only solution The first opportunity for the pre-Winter seas of the North At- "The reputation of the university the 1925 team, said by Coach Yost tion concerning it if it exists. to the problem that is costing the Student Council disciplinary action lantic... student largely depends upon the to. be the greatest football team he s i sgovernment millions yearly and for illegal practices in an election In fact, there was nothing to in- imanner in which he proceeds to as ever seen "I know of no such ntensely or- provides lucrative jobs for thou- occured at the junior vote yester- tlicate that Diteman had gotten far mannui an education and the pie-!aere . ganized system of agents operating sands of criminals. day. from the North American coast, or aure which is drawn of him by Ernest C. Reif, 30, president of on or off the campus to recruit "In my home town of Hamlin, According to witnesses a student even that he was going to London, riewhichs rawiths by the Student council, who has sup- atnletes for the University of Mich- amceinhtoaote' newspapers and writers generally. , isdtearnmnsfoth Minnesota," he stated, "a little was persuaded to give a false name except his note. Because he prefers not to flaunt his vised the arrangemen for igan,' said Director Yost. If it three-line ordinance in the city in order to obtain a ballot. The From the seaboard, mid-ocean, Becaue he prfer to fmphs gala send-off made a final plea last does exist, I would like information laws kept Hamlin a dry town be- council moved to lay most of the and England, Diteman's destination virtues, but rather to emphasize f night to the students. Fraternities, regarding it." ;i i ,0 iefih rmHr some of the characteristics of1 sororities, and rooming houses fore the Federal government stepp- blame on the persuader for its his 200 mile fligt from youth, and for the reason that hisan Wilfred B. Shaw, director of ed in and tried to enforce the new consideration and action. In the:onGacegaewrnpdres' should turn out in full numbers the alumni relations, and until recently system. That little ordinance gave meantime the names of the inter- ing but negative reo Ond attain to or at least border on they goe me stote general secretary of the Alumni as- a curly-headed German police ested parties are being withheld.jin ahome in Portland, Oregonand atinto ,t stle boder thparade,he stated. sociation, made the following state- !lieutenant authority to close upa _________________ another in Billings, MontanaI sensational, it is little wonder that "The boys have been through a ient: "The, question of recruiting I any blind pig that dared to open 'where waited parents and wife an the face he makes for his public hard week since the Ohio State : The sophomore class of the children, was there any hope. It portrait gives the impression of a game," Harry G. Kipke, head coach, athletes, of course, is a delicate one. For business in the restricted dis- Pharmacy school will hold its was a hope that few others shared wild, extravagant, anarchistic, sen- said of his proteges after finishing j Just where the line lies between ;rict. Now Hamlin is as bad off as election today at 5 o'clock in and a hope that gained but little sation-loving, reckless, irreverent yesterday's practice. "It will mean legitimate and illegitimate effort Any other town. Room 151 .Chemistry building. strength by a vague and uncon- rascal with too much money who a lot to them to know for sure that on the part of alumni is a nice dis- Considering the graft that has The freshmen class will vote at cerned report current at Roosevelt' should not have left his mother' the students are strong in support. tinction. Certainly the fact that come out of prohibition he said the same hour . Friday in . the Field, New York, that Diteman had and makes the university appear a If the undergraduate body gets dis- a boy has athletic ability should that Philadelphia alone graft same room. landed "somewhere in Europe." hot-bed of iniquity supporting in- couraged, the team cannot be ex- not prevent his forming legitimate claims $40,000,000 yearly, and that The freshmen Dental class wil dignent professors too impractical, pected to keep up its fight" contacts with the representatives every one of New York's 32,000 vote at 5:15 o'clock this after- inconoclastic, or lazy to properly- Original plans for the send-off "I knw ty. speakeasies pay at least $25 a week 1 noon in the junior lecture room John Webster Heads Idevelop the family pride and joy. called for the students to march "I know that through the 25 for protection. of the Dental building. 1 The facts are that we have on the to the Ann Arbor station, but at years I have been associated with' Senior Pharmacists Michigan Campus to day 9,888 stu- a late hour last night the manage- the Alumni association that or- dents-7,153 men and 2,735 women. ment of the team decided to leave ganization has been, absolutely Jack Heads Program 1"In judging the student there are on the Michigan Central railroad, passive in this matter. In fact, ae'30Foresters Choose John E. Webster was elected two groups of values to be consid- so the parade will go up State when the representative of the Announced for Next President president of the senior class and ered--the educational and the mor- street. Carnegiecorporation was in Ann .c. .o 'la-David Hayden, the junior class in al. As I see it, the university can Arbor, he was permitted ' togo:'Micigan Radio NightIWilliam F. Jacobs was chosen the Pharmacy school yesterday at be entirely responsible for the first__ through the files of the association ______ president of the senior Forestry stu- the first of the elections held in and little responsible for the see- Every member of the Michigan and he reported that he found dents yesterday. He defeated John the schools. There were under the ond. The faculties can fix educa- nothing to criticize." Capener, Haines Will Also Talk Langen, six to four. Three flips supervision of Kenneth Lloyd, '30, tional standards and maintain band will report in uniform at "With the present interest' in From Morris Hall Studio of a coin decided the vice-presi- president of the Union, for the them. But the tendency to hold the o'cloc his eveng in front onttheaparhtofafter alum-orainstitutiont. of the Union, Robert A. Camp- athletics on the part of some alum- tdy Ngdency after Howard W. Schneider Student council teacher or the institution respon- bell has announced. ni, however, it would be strange if j -- and Thomas C. Gill polled five Other officers in the senior class sible for the morals of the student The students will report short t certain individuals did not over- Prof. P. M. Jack head of the vots each. Shneider won two flips. were Roland Dahl, vice-president, is to a considerable extent unjus- ly before 10 o'clock so that the step a strict interpretation of the rhetoric department, will be the David 0. Scott was elected sec- Karl Beyer, secretary, and Robert' tified. In fact, to a very limited de- parade may start sharply at the ethics of the situation, but I cer- ( first speaker on the fourth Michi- retary, six to four, over William L. Hewitt, treasurer. In the junior gree should the public even con- hour. All of the activities will tainly have not been aware in re- gan Radio Night program to be Shetter, and Russell Bonninghau- I class Katherine Wilcox was named nect the name of the university be over so that students may re- cent years, at least, of an intensely broadcast Saturday nght at seven Isen was unanimously chosen treas- .vice-president, Henry Pullen, see-i with examples of moral turpitude turn home byT 11 o'clock. e orgaizedsystem Pesonally,e i o'clock, accordig to Prof Waldo urer. The election was under the retary, Wayne J. Watkins, treas- a among the student population and have thought that we are getting Abbot director and announcer of 1 supervision of George C. Tilly, '30, urer, and Joseph Sahlmark, J-Hop I the university is to be criticized for EDISON RECEIVES well away from that sort of thing." the Morris hall studio. Professor: editor of The Daily, for the Stu- committeemen. !the untoward acts of the student FURTHER HONORS , o T. Hawley Tapping, Shawy ad Jack's subject will be a considera- dent council. The sophomore class of the Phar- only when it is clearly indisposed e Secretary a tion of the enhancing value of the macy school will chose its officers to rid itself of the undesirable ele- Focidtionretated th e nl a first editions of modern, wrters at 5 o'clock this afternoon in room ment as discovered. The only busi- DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 23.- sociation, stated that "The only whose wons ar nodenerale O rt . 151 Chemistry, and the freshmen ness of the university is the edu- 1Thomas A. Edison received further SthenreporthregardingaMimhiganfound in the lbraries of first edition class will vote Friday at the same cation of the fit." ihonors Wednesday in the form of the report regarding Michigan nd leors hour and place. (Continued on Page 21; Column 1) a medal, presented to him by the - could possibly have reference, so ne thisdia mehanicailaae1 International Assembly of the Inter-