24, 1929,
.=..,-_. ... ,. a a aTu-IF. at.. TC ,uAM f LATT3Y.F .X .'
Iowa Protests
ith the idea of rapid condit
has been giving them nothing more
than muscle loosening workouts in
j the morning, reserving the after-
noon sessions for the more strenu-
ous conditioning. Thursday, how-
ever wasuan exception for soon
after putting the candidates
through their setting up exercises,
the coach had the boys don head-
gears for the stiffest workout which
they had been asked to undergo to
ng evidently foremost in his mind
oach Harry Kipke has.lost no time
.n sending a picked squad of 65
andidates through twice -a-day
workouts. Michigan's newly chosen
oung head coach seems to have
imply proved his right to the
nonicker of "Hurry Up" which
Volverine grid followers have given
o his predecessor, Coach Yost.
Kikpe realizes all too well that
he 11 days of practice alloted him
efore Michigan puts a team on the
eld is all to short a time to whip
5 raw boys into a smooth working
iachine of 11 men. The Wol-
erines get a jump on Big Ten
chools when Albion and Mt. Union
aeet their Maize and Blue "A" and.
B" team hosts Saturday in the
tichigan stadium.
Taking advantage of the Big Ten
cling which prohibits team prac-
ice before the 1'5th of September,
'oach Kipke led his men through
greulling hour-and-a-half session
,n the morning of Monday, the
6th, and in the afternoon the
vorkout was still longer. Prac-
ice has continued "stiff" and the:
esultant rapid conditioning hasI
een the minimum of lame backs,
?s, and arms.
Kipke Keeps To AirI
Wednesday's sessions confirmed!
he generally accepted belief that
he Wolverines' new mentor has no
mjention of introducing any radi-
al innovations in Michigan's
Lyle of play. Michigan, since the
Dward pass came into its own a
ecade or so ago, has been no-
riously strong in the aerial aspect
f the game. Frequently Michigan
as boasted a strong running back-
fld but has always kept to the
air" with ,marked success
"Kip" issued several simple pass.
lays 'tohis proteges Wednesday
ith Simrall, Hudson, and Heston
Bing the 'tosng. All" indication
hat Kipke intends to pull Captain
oe Truskowski back out of the
n;e to hurl long passes as he did'
rider 'the Weiman regime 'was
iven when the big wingman spent
:nsiderable time in tossing the
* Tackles Present Problem,
Elrn nhlt +1t mninr fifainilt~
Drill Is Stiff
It was a full hour's drill at run-
ning down punts. He divided the
men up into about five full teams,
and chose one line to play the de-
fensive roll during most of the
morning. The remaining four
elevens alternated on the offensive
side of the ball. The drill served
a two-fold purpose; it taught the
defensive team to protect the
kicker, and to close in on the op-
posing safety man, while the de-
fensive line was schooled in block-
ing kicks, and the coaches spent
most of their time teaching the of-
fensive backs to form effective in-.
terference for the receiver of the
Backfield talent seems plentiful
enough and the main problem will
be to draw up well rounded combi-
nation which will combine speed,
weight, drive, kicking and passing
ability, and balance. The grad-
uation of Captain Rich was the
only backfield loss of 1928, but no-
body will be rash enough to name+
a backfield combination although
Jim Simrall seems to have a
strangle hold on the quarterbacK
job and may draw the punting and
passing assignments.
Gembis Has Fight
The veterans Dahlem, Holmes,
Wheeler, and Gembis will be avail-
able in 'addition to' Sinmrall and
should be in the thick of the fight
for their old positions. Although a;
two. year old veteran, Joe Gembis
returns for thefull back post there
is probably more interest in the'
fight for that place than any other.
Although .Gembis won the Illinois
game last fall with his unerring+
toe and has much else to recom-
mend him few people see any way!
of keeping Maynard Morrison offI
the team. He is a 210 pound soph-
omore with the goods.
interest centers in the attempt of
young Bill Heston to follow in the
footsteps of his father on the road
to gridir.on fame. Like father-like'
son- Young Willie aspires to a'
halfback post, and promises tq give
the other men a real run for theirf
money. He has the handicap of
publicity but has back of him a1
fine rpn: sch1rpecrd at Notnrt.h-
Holman Ruling
(Py Associated Pres
IOWA CITY, Ia., Sept. 19.-Ac- £x
tion of the Western conference fac-
ulty committee in declaring Allan:
Holman, star Ohio State quarter-
back, eligible for another year of
competition at the Buckeye institu-<
tion, was attacked by two Univer- ~
sity of Iowa alumni today on the
ground that it was a direct viola-
tion of a precedent set nearly 20
years ago.
In 1910, according to Ingalls'
Swisher and John McCollister. both
of Iowa City, L. B. Stephenson came
to Iowa after. three years at Par-
sons college, Fairfield, but the Big --O
Ten board ruled him ineligible, as
it did Stephenson's brother, Ed -
who also played three years at Par-
sons before enrolling here. ..
Holman, they point out, played : .
a year with Parsons, a year at Iowa - ;
State and one year at Ohio, and,
therefore, should have been de-
lared ineligible.
The decision of the board "also ,!
stirred official circles here as au-
thorities still are angered over the f .
decision last winter, which cost-
Iowa Mayes McLain, the Cherokee.
Indian fullback. The Big Ten ruled .r
McLain's two years at Haskell In-
stitute should count against him. If .: . "
Thunder of cleat-shod hordes and tang of September's air being too
ARE EXPLAINED enticing to withstand, George Simpson of Ohio State, only man to
ever run 100 yards in 9.4 seconds official time, turns out for a berth
on the Buckeye squad. Simpson was a star on high school gridirons but
Georgia T e c h Football Coach his college athletic efforts had been devoted to track until this season.
Explains Antics of
Grid Officials
Are Selected
* Harvard university will play its S
football game here under Western
conference officials, the list of ar-
biters handling Michigan's fall LINT PRESENT STRONG I
games shows. It is the first time IN DEFENSE OF 1927-8 GRII
in Michigan's recent history that! CHAMPIONSIIIPS
half of the officials for an inter-
sectional game have not come from GOPHERS ARE STRON(
the east.
The four men who will handle Football, the reigning mom
the Crimson-Wolverine gaie are of intercollegiate sportdom, al
Maskers, referee; Schommer. um- to resume her rule over ama
pire; Hackett, field judge, and Lipp, athletics is already the talk
head linesman. Lieut. Hackett is every campus the country o
the only man representative of an With but two weeks of frantic c
eastern school, being a graduate of ! ditioning the Big Ten teams
West Point. Schommer and Lipp play host to the invading small
are graduates of Chicago and Mas- I leges Saturday.
kers of .Northwestern. The same Already a marked concentra
four men will work in the Illinois- of interest is centering on the
Michigan game. velopment of the favorites in
Only two names new to Michigan Big Ten race. Advance predicti
football followers grace the list of surely favor the championship .
officials for the 1929 games. W. j. ni, the mighty Minnesota ho
Monilaw will umpire for two games. and the clawing Wildcats of Noi
W. J. Monilaw will umpire for two western. Michigan, with her :
games, while. Lion Gardiner will coach, Harry Kipke, a fine array
act as head linesman at two. Mon- lettermen and a great group
ilaw is a graduate of Drake and sophomores, takes rank with 'A
former football coach there and at consin as the dark horses in
the University of Missouri. Gardi- 1929 scramble.
ner, who should not be confused Throughout the Western con:
with Fred Gardner, Cornell, an of- ence, coaches and their assists
ficial in the opening doubleheader,: are driving their squads thro
is a former Illinois end. all phases of grid play in one of
shortest pre-season pra'ctice peri
HAWK GRIDDERS ever recorded in Big Ten annals
HAWK GRIDDERS Conference rulings prevented
RDApractice before September 15 a
FR M 40' TOWNS this, coupled with the schedu'
of early season games has nece
Dubuque Leads All With Four tated a feverish, energetic ca
Members on Iowa Varsity paign by the mentors of univer
Membrs o Iowa Vasity teams
Squad .
I AL Y'fliZ..ic ~nx'7rrr.
I' A,^ N,[ 11117
Ltll ViV w7 V1
Field Judges -
F e d J d eMakin g football easier for th e A V
fans-that's the latest. And here S r
you are-a pictorial study of eleven
football rulings or interpretations
-a system of signals which will be As September draws to a close,
used by the officials to inform the and the autumn season begins,
sed bytthe offiils to irorm nt sports fans are beginning to thrill
spectators as to whether or not to approach of two great events,
'a touchdown has been scored, goal the new football season and the
kicked, pass completed, or incom- World Series. Already the thud of
pleted, and various penalties, etc. the pigskin may be heard all overI
You can't go wrong if you ac- 1 the land, while the sixteen majorl
quaint yourself with the eleven de- league teams arewinding up their
monstrations. Here they are: seasons, the pennant wnners al-
No. 1-"Touchdown or . Goal"-'
both arms raised over head, palms Baseball fans the couniry
forward. I oversbreathea sigh of relief
No. 2 - "Safety" - right arm as the long reign of the New
raised, first two fingers Opened. York Yankees as kings of the
tended with index finger pointing baseball world comes to a close.
to the offender, The Cardinals too, in the Na-
No. 4-"Touchback"-arms raised tional League, after winning
over head and crossed at wrists. two out of the last three pen-
No. 5--"Incomplete Pass or Missed nants have given way to a new-
Goal"-arms crossed before body, comer.
palms down.
No. 6-"Interference"--both arms In the battle for the supremacy'
extended forward in a posture sug- of the diamond Chicago's Cubs will
rrobabuy the major .diiu y p p
hich is confronting Michigan's western High of Detroit and Man- gesting "warding off." r
ew coach is the problem'present- lius. No. 7-"Holding"-both arms ex- t
i in filling the tackle berths. The Hudson Shows Promise tended shoulder high, right hand dl
teran Poorman, and the sopho- Roy -ludson is another sopho- grasping left wrist. N
ore aspirants, Hayden and Roach, more sensation who looks like a No. 8--"Clipping, Roughing, or s
ad the reserve huskies Auer and comer. Tipping the scales well over Piling Up"- right arm extended tI
itman are leading the pack. 200 pounds and displaying speed upward from elbow with fist
raveling, star wingmen, may be and .considerable southpaw punt- closed.
lifted from his position at end to ing and passing ability, the win- No. 9-"Penalty Declined"-right
tackle position. ner of the spring practice Chicago arm raised in saluting position.
Plenty of defensive end talent is alumni trophy will be a hard man No. 10--"Four by Both Sides"--
vailable on the Wolverine roster. to keep out of anybody's backfield both arms raised over head with
'ith Truskowski and Draveling, combination. tips of fingers touching, palms'
gular wingmen of last year, back ' One thing appears certain about down.
id a capable group of first year the Michigan team of 1929. Weight, No. 11-"Dead Ball"-right arml
en in Hewitt, JTones, and Daniels, sadly missing from last year's team,: raised over head, palm forward.
iehigan is assured of beiig well! will be available in plentiful quan- Suggestion: Clip this out and slip
rtified defensively. However, tity this year. It will be quite pos- it in your vest pocket. It may come
ipke is on the lookout for a good sible for Coach Kipke to place a in handy at the old stadium.
Tensive wingman. . team on the field which will show'
ove Proves Stara 190 pound average for all men. WIICONE WINS LAST
Also and perhaps more important;
The positions in the center of the will be the fact that it will be RACE AS TWO YEAR OLD4
ne seem well taken care of with hardly possible that Michigan will
ovard, Poe, and Steinke ready to have another one of her "slow (By Asscated Press)
arry on just where they left off starters." ' NEW YORK, Sept. 20 - Harry
,st year. Poe, two year veteran, .The Wolverine combination of Payne Whitney's Whichone, chan-
ho proved one of the country's 1928, which was the only unbeaten pion juvenile of the year, has won
itstanding guards last year anct team in the conference during the . his last race as a two-year-old.
teinke should take care of the last month of play and yet finished! The son of Chicle and Flying
card positions. Bovard, scrappy well down in the standings was a Witch, which captured the rich
rolverine pivot for the past two "slow , startqr." All of Coach Belmont park futurity, has been
ears should capably handle the Kipke's efforts seem directed to- ordered sent to the Brookdale farm
enter berth. ward removing this possibility. In- by his owner to rest until next
Coach- Kipke showed no signs in tense early practices and a double season when he will be trained for
tting down the killing pace for header football opener less than the spring classics for three-year-
ie sixth day's practice, on Satur- two weeks after the initial prac- olds. The retirement of the speedy
ay. Instead he seemed intent on tice should go far in speeding up Whitney colt probably will mean
orking his charges even harder the early play of Michigan's early that he will be the winter book fav-
ad faster than ever. Generally he season play. orite for the 1930 Kentucky Derby.
epresent the older circuit while1
he Philadelphia Athletics will en-
eavor" to prolong the record of the
ew York Yankees by taking the
eries for the American league for
he third straight time.
Connie Mack, after stringing
along with a cellar champion
for seven consecutive cam-
paigns,, will finally lead a
championship team into the
autumnal classic again. .For
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Sept. 18-Victorio
Campolo, Argentine heavyweight
posted $5,000 forfeit with the
Yax knl ct. t thl-d. (-: Om-
' iI
fifteen years Connie has been
experimenting with the A's,
trying in vain to build up a
team, to compare with that of
fifteen years ago. Now that
he has succeeded the whole
American League is pulling for
The Nati.nal League, however, is
pulling for Joseph McCarthy, 'the
popular leader of the Chicago Cubs
to give the Windy City fans an-
other flag. Joe is a real leader, a
man who inspires his men to play
their best ball. It can be depended
upon that the Cubs will not curl
up and play dead before the Amer-
ican Leaguers as the Pirates and
Cardinals of the last two years did.
A real series is in prospect..
Some great pitchers will be
in evidence during this series.
Lefty Grove and Rube Walberg,
undoubtedly the two best port-
siders in baseball, are on the
the payroll of the Athletics. For
right slanders Connie Mack has
George Earnshaw, Ed Romimell,
and Jack Quinn to call upon.
Earnshaw is the wonder of his
lea' e, having displayed the
class that made him the star
of the International League
when he was a member of the
Baltimore Orioles.
Bush, Malone, Blake, and Root,
all righthanders, form the pitching
staff of the Cubs. The only lefties
on the Cub staff are Nehf and
Cvcngros, both substitute hurlers
who will get no chance to start a
series game. Grove and Earnshaw
should star for the Mackmen, while
Bush and Malone are figured to
baffle the A's.
Both contesting clubs have a
bevy of right handed sluggers.
The Cubs, with Hornsby, Ste-
phenson, Wilcox, Wison, Mc-
Millan, and English are usually
bugaboos for any lefty to face.
Only Cuyler and Grimm of the
regulars bat from the wrong
side of the plate.
The Athletics also have more
At mlinois, Bo z uppike,
From forty Iowa cities and towns "mighty mite," has returned f
and 13 out-state communities the a vacation on the Pacific coast
'74 candidates. for the University of pared for the grind of placing
Iowa football teams will come this other powerful team o the s
fall, according to a check of ath- A srong coahienlgdstaf, te b
letes made at the department of "othat heled Zhpperi
athletics another conference champion
athletics. . to Illinois, is hack and the "mil
Burton A. Ingwerson and his six mite" predicts another title
assistants will rally the men Sept. p y s block an ta
15 for the scheduje which begins in the same mariner as they
two weeks later and includes half last fall.
a dozen Western conference games. Badger Coach Not Shoutin
Fifty-four players hail from Iowa. Although the optimistic tren
Honors for furnishing the great- advance notices have slated I
est number of men has been won consin as one of the . stron
this year by Dubuque. Oran Pape,! teams in the conference, G
the substitute halfpack who para- IThistlethwaite, head Badger cc
doxically was Iowa's leading scorer claims there is no justification
and second-best ground-gainer laislysfexbeaceo
fall, and John Fuhrman, guard, are ptf display of exuberan e ad
the two major letter men who lead he is at, a losr ro erplain why
the Dubuque delegation of four ;team should equal last year'
strength and all-around play.
Clinton, which. sent five men to Wisconsins' outlook is somet
the Iowa squad last fall leading all for Glenn to worry about as
other cities, now has dropped into year's casualty list included
a tie for second with Des Moines lregar tacklist rince
and Waterloo. Each city has three regular tackles, first string cer
athletes listed upon the roster. Two a 'pair of guards that were rar
men each will come from Emmets- high in conference circles, a q'
burg, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, tefback, and the bestoffensive
Marengo, and Iowa City. back. In spite of that l6ss,
i Contributions will be received Badger coach will have 16 lei
from six cities in Illinois, two in imen back and at least 50 more
Missouri, and one each in North didates. The Wisconsin team o
Dakota, South Dakota, Indiana.; its season Sept. 28, meeting Nc
California, and Nebraska. i Dakota State and Ripon colleg
Cal _ _rm_,_nd __ersk a double header.
17 Lettermen Back
SPURDUE'S "AWKWARDS" sixty-five candidates, 17 of tU
TO RECEIVE INSTRUCTION lettermen, will be impressed
active practice sessions by Cc
(By Associated Press) Dick Hanley of Northwestern,
CHICAGO, Sept. 20-The "awk- the Wildcats are expected to
ward" squad will receive any of nish a big punch in conference
Coach.Pat Page's Indiana football cles this year. Although '
candidates who make the same Holmer, all-Western fullback
mistake more than once. last year's team, and Levison, q
L Page started the system in yes- terback, will not be back, the 1
i terday's practice when a number ple expects a capable set of b
of aspirants for the Hoosier varsity to materialize out of the pla
showed deficiencies in fundamen- I available. * The strong Butler I
tals. He assigned one of his as-' furnishes the first opposition
sistants to give special instruction. 5 with Wisconsin coming the
Handicapped by lack of time, week as the conference opene:
Coach Jimmy Phelan at Purdue "Tackles and ends must be
has ordered floodlights for the shock absorbers of the team,'
Boilermaker practice field, so that Pat Page, Indiana coach and,
drills may be held at night. Phelan ing this week and next he will'
is giving most of his time to seek- his hands full looking' for
# ing out line material from which necessities for the 1929 editio
graduation took a heavy toll. 'the Hoosiers. He has a wealt
Every coach in the Big Ten, with tackles and ends but none with
the exceptionsof Page and Phelan, exceptions are - veterans. "G
has rounded up' a tentative regular McCracken, Indiana cage cap
team, and scrimmage games with, and Chatterton, are those
1 freshmen or reserve teams are on ceptions and their ranginess
, the bill for Saturday in virtually probably offer a good solution
every camp.. ! (Continued on Page 11).
N ew or s a e i1 U aI e
mission today to guarantee his
appearance Monday night at Eb-
bets field for his twice postponed
match with Phil Scott, of Eng-
land, Campolo had the money
cabled here from Buenos Aires,
where he deposits his ring earn-
The Argentine offered to
wager $5,000 with' Scott on the
outcome of the fight. Scott
agreed but no money wa§ posted.
The Englishman . was not re-
quired to put up an appearance
good right handers than left. Sim-
mons, Foxx, Miller, and Dykes all
bat front the right side. Bishop
(Continued on Page 11)
Coupons which will be worth $1.00 in payment for a Michiganensian
are offered at 50c
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-- anylvhere on the Campus