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October 23, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-23

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°,*DNBSD ))-,0cTrOBEZ23, 1025,

r' e4 PM 1 d I c7AN


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_________________ , ~

.~ *A I..,

Prof. Emit Lorch .Annoutcij
Schedule of Art-
Display to IriclufeYatdt
Collection$ o~f Rare
SOil Paintigs s
Announcing the annual serii-8 bf
art exhibits_ for 1929-30 to be held
in the main gallery of Almn 1Me-
morial hall under the auspices .of
the Ann Arbor Art awodbetlton,
Prof. Emil Lorch of the Architec-
tural school, who is chairman of
the exhibition comittee at the or-
~ganization, said that'in addition to
the exhibition of ahntings just!
closed, there would - al; more ex-
hibits of art.
The exhibition for Octobei, which
closed last week, was of paintings
by Edward W. Redfield, noted,
;Amercan artist.
In 'November the annual Ann
Arbor #Artists' show will be held.
This- Will include paintings, draw-
Ings, etchings, sculpture, and, ex-E
ampler of decorative arts contrib-
~uted by local artists, both pl'ofes-
~jonal and amateur.
EIn December a selection of the
petwater colors made by Arneri-'
pan painters during the past year
will be shown.
For the January exhibition, the
~Ann Arbor Art Association will dis-*
play a rcollection of the paintings
of the late Max Bohm, an imag-j
inative painter of great power. ThE
Detroit Institute of Arts will loan
- pne of Bohm's. paintings from its.
bvn collection for this exhibit.
February will see a group of
piaintings by the Allied Artists of1j
41merca on exhibition. This col-
lection has been assembled by the
grand Rapids Art gallery.
* x'om March 12 to April 12 theret
Laill:be on display a collection of!
aintings by American artists many
'fwhom are now living abroad.t
, his group has been brough t to-
athr byhi the Chicago Art Insti-1

HooveA' Son Reports for Active Military FRMSnaeH-ires Holland C kd to ' ifj tDU1 ~ ~~S
Dut; is Lieutenant in Air Reserve Corpse to Exaine Fish eries1 i 4 LO!' nzuiry JnTI
APAllIM O f1Fn- RAIMTV Ifl t lf~


,".. lJ " . X .
ssT i ? s' ! cf4 1 d
x 1k 6

1 L9nivi I,,J r U ui I I(fly Ass~ociated Press)-
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oet. 22. -
Mirto f iyit Preparing to broaden its inquiry,
~4igatio Ciy Contythe Senate lobby. committee today~
\ r i .s Perpiexing e mployed a special investigator
Nrw Problems and attorney, John Holland, who
assisted Senator Walsh, Democrat,
SINr~LE ( ON"TROL NEEDEDa Montana, in Unraveling the Teapot
Dome oil scandal.
iTo lccdte the basis of union The .day's session revolved prin-{
.between f ;t. Louis, which is a sepa- cipally about the activities of the
! rate co r ty, and St. Louis 'County Atlantic Coast Fisheries associa-'
is the tai ;k of the City and County Lion. to -secure a reduction in the'
Metropail itan Development Corn- tariff bill on fish in the bill now
mittee. of which Prof. 'iT omas H. before 'the Senate.
fReed, o' P the Political Science de- F. W. Bryce, president of the'
partm(o~ it, is direcvor of research. corporation, said in that conncc-j
Prof es, i Dr Reed, who is away from,1 ton he had called upon, Senator'
the U' 2 iversity for this year, is at- Binghamr, Republican, Connecticut,
tempt f ag to find the basis of union! a member of the finance committee.
betwe tmn the city and county of St. He acknowledged authorship of
Louis. telegrazm to ,fish,, dealers urging
The v zy and county rnetr'opoli-";them to wire their Senators in fa-
tan ( 1"Fiopment comnm itt~ee, con- rcr of a. reduction of the fish duty
sits1f an equal number of repre and defended the practice,
sn;t.ve~s fv'rmteR ni

* ~ .JL .LJUI) Tomorrow the conmmittee will all-_
<:. han 7)erof Commerce ad St,-,.t .to, cormplete its scouting of
Louis, County Chamber of Cornm
: merr t. t Lus asspaate lations between the, :Connecticut,
o ' z St. Louis county in 1Vanuifacturer's association anti
r F I~877T and in the past few years' Senator Bingham who was "loaned":
mucl ftepouainha eniapadoferfthAsciinto
ioth pltohaben stoO mv ing into the 'county at a rath- assst in his sh hare of w sainriting the
,.r rapid rate. This influx into the Y taifbl.Cale'ynota
cou: aty has created problems of o fcer,anJ.EWucenc-
;;, :"hea Ith, sanitation, police adminis- ployee of the association, will be 1
'~~ ~ tra ion, and transportation, whichqusied
all require a treatment by one Cara aaa adHl
I Chimn.aaaOsi o
r''y : ;4: rboa iy, in oder to be solved, land's retention was to assist the
-.. .~Professor Reed, in a recent letter committee in vetting more fully the
to a ellowmembr of isydeart-facts it. desired from those whom it
- mnt, said, "During the summer, a intends to investigate. He indicat-
° " .... .. ,igre. at deal of financial and other ed that the committee intends to
' Associated Press Photo i statistical data has been gatheredj go more fully into relations be-'
Herbert Hoover, Jr. undE r myT direction, and we are ween. those who employ lobbyists
Son f te Pesient rec nt-Hooer s sown n te lft ithnow aborut to formulate some kind and members of, Congress.
So:ftePeiet ^~h cet ovri sono h twt I of a pla n. Just what the plan, will " William Burge ssthe tariff ad-
ly reported at' Creasy thl d. near a group of officials from the air- be, it is -toearly to say exceptthtvro theanietSaesPttr
Sa Frnicfra~ :os ot elod h omsino t will 1o.e a plan which will respect association, was recalled todayt
period of intensive niL - duty. lieutenant in the air reserve corps. r the rig,hts'of the people in St. Louis exliyissaeen eoet
----cour 1ty." Senate finance committee when he
Professor in r-, I'- yof Califo rnia Gains Professor Reed is noted as an au- urged adoption of the Americana
the r ty on the subject of munici- vauto lntath ersne
Fortune From {n' 2!pp bnond1/ r~ vautinpledathlrpesne
___ bandned inespa', government. Much of his time no one and spoke for himself.
ha s been spent in the handling of
Buried treasure is n21 22,iri ch ~ old Spaniard. Professor Bolton tt] e governments of various muni- Burgess answered Senator Walsh'
of a myth as most peer' { re .11- ;translated this and it, proved to be ci 3alities, and while in Europe this that when he appeared before the
to tmhrihekws awrdedthe ofercommittee he. did not represent his
die otik ins ~(~2 fan account of a silver train which ,o association. The Montanan replied~
Prof. Herbert E. Bolton. -7 I he o Leopold by the king of Belgium.p
University of California. Early in had been attacked by Indians. ,_____fi___tat he was under contract with'
ths enur h asmain, -~dy; owvebefore the Spaniards had 'll a SfySl the Pottery association and de-
of Lome old maps and dairies. Tp~ been taken captive, they had buried made t no wysediintyn
the course of the study he found i the silver, expecting to return and;. Brings Unusual Sutn form the committee. Burgess in-,
some references to the Sansabar recover it. The present owner of /___ sisted. that he had been before the
gold mines of Texas. These minesI the manuscript. returned to Mexi- (Ity Associatcdl Press) committee "as an individual on the'
hlha-a ir ;, 4in tha pisrhtQ m l 11c ndwithin a months had found - . o uestioni of valuation."

I~ ~ ~ ~~~U :".>::s ru Ar L ft I N i~I


S. Kent E0 ii-a
Conncticut l pui- ,xre-s
called to teat- : betor3 +t'wfitSelte
otbby investigatingconnt -
ga rding the "mnn o ~nan, to
aid Bingham, the sc-n-,')r fromn
One Hundred &ar-s to be Put
into Prohibito-- Servicc
oan Great 'f..akc3

L'J AFjrS Reszts of Denso
n.. i'l 3'avcTests
4f iHydrogen
Ex.:'e,'Iri^it;#^ta- 'o2\ Ith c i (aeOcr
riany d- r--lg- th" p}:Vt "^av ?! prf.
f rhcu-tf' 1- '-4 ftF1. ',ICI :cr Wi.hiln
itiu '~oi ' ;zci. hlvw"r yvon t'
u;,'.etrtoc to 1-7 1 lr"t.h :"-
l'er IIfe raid prpi c tedt tat hy-
'. n r (Vddinto -two
~' '"' C 'd:-~at ow temiper-
t ."' . !' ".;C) F!:. ,ii- Pr f ss
' .ff,--. n 2mh.:" 1zfer rcri a 'p"der
n f}' , e riez nts and °fri-gs
b-fe; r ln : 7R'fm-t1:i^'- of 111 '.'t-M-er-
,,r==>1.I, : rYity atinn-cap-
is it-p~i~r
.: :C" r~ fity fn A n e d
T~o~~'~~-~l'~rs vsit'to th's
rrlli'y?< C1"i1? re- C i'e ' rcof wxr'hc
1^j,- ~ rt 2r~neton on the subject
of phsics.
'Izc~e .< T ofgsst~oi'hoeffer on-
t~~ f ?:. .c;;eiien-l«is slocated
'>.^', : t' ctuzrers fo rsarchz
is Found o~n Beacxh
,:1i l .hs rilt;-hIivc sr;w.rls a
p.cx f*<f ,.; c +erzz i on- t)
1': ff'""-vla?' T - z t i Al was
a P el !'n i the c bach by Sm&rith.
T711c I~~ was boQ Vc- d to hav
. ashed ~Ci 1 "r i l C'J-1§>Inlet .i
r"frP rtivrk. ol'EtFin ' i tlzthc i 1^f,
~-~71;i. «=R";wa. 'hld tat errilJ
i .t n h y. n p. +.
Ave *I $4
it - I.F
11 i,"6tt O[1N 41 f)vn 4 {0" I(,#1
I('! i A>.. F, f#t. i,'f tls .+Jtr'f,1i
-. 'A itni 4z1p.. , T .i~i '^e
rrT i tf"} Y#i ' : 2tE' .4;Cti i' 1 rPf J lva ),,a .,


15v s . ' " - "-£4 L -- U. U.JL ±I ~J,4--° a en w r ai i ee iu u c: " W----------Vtu 14
tute. century and then had been c r- vthez whole treazsur.e, amoun
MuIay a group of oil paintingsI pletely lost. Further research di s- bet veens four and five milli
by? Scandinavianl-American artists closed the exact location of the; ars-
will be shown. There will proba- vein and at the present time, Pro- Existing m~anuascripts she
bly be included in this exhibit a fessor is enjoying a rather large :n -;Ie days of ,he ManilaC
collection of oil paintings by Chas. royalty as a result~ of the refinding; a boat burned and sank in
gawthorne. of these mines, bay, jlust north of San F.
An reffort is also being Inade, said. Due to this discovery, he acquired bay. It h.ad just retarned fr
Professor Lorch, to secure a group a reputation as a treasure hunter. Orient and was laden with
of representat ya itchigs and Shortly later a man came from New of gold bullion. To this da3
pculptures. Mexico with an old Spanish borra- in the bot tom of the bay1
T:hese exhibitions stif rree and dor, an account written in the al- few feet of silt and mnud
ppe to the public. - most undecipherable print of an hold of geld intact.
Flee- ;enerals Shot_ Federal Farm Board Has Plan to Improve
4 by Red firing $quad Present Low Prices on Cotto::3 and
V(By Associated Press) (13Y Associated P'ress) the total amounts borrowe
'MOSCOW, Oct. 24.-Five former WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-As the all sources by such assoc. ai
generals in the imperial army, first major step of its career, the 16 cents per 7 oune1 on gyr ar
named 1lkhailov,, V tyssochansky, Federal Farm Board has worked classed Cott(}n, basis r
L~yman, Dekhanov and Schulgra, out a plan for improving the pres- seven -eighths rich st l
were exegued by a firing squad to- ent price of cotton and is prepared proper reductions to coy er
day. to take similar action on wheat charges.
They werd Charged with promot- under a scheme to° be announced In a statement am-' oun(
png- a counter-revolutionary move- later. 1plan, the board poini edo
menit whose Chlef, aim was to The board is of the opinion that' there is a cotton co- opera
weaken the Red 0tM~y and pave the 'prevailing cotton prics are too low, every cotton growing estate
;way for foreign~ intervention, and believes the solution lies in membership of ever; cotton
more orderly marketing of this The grower may join thec
. year's crop. It is prepared to lend tive, the statement continu,
rArclutects i 6 Inspect an unlimited amount of money to1 his cotton to- its cone
Many Detroit B1uildings the cotton growers, that they may I point, and rdr'Lw hi ;acivari
- ~hold their product off the market. it has been grnxcled and class
Two bus-loads, about sixty stu - Analyzing the present cotton The co-operative will mal
dents of the Architectural school, market, the board is of the opinion cotton in orderly fashion
will leave Ann Arbor Saturday that open fall weather in the south- the year, said. the board,
morning for the annual fall inspec- eru state., has led to too rapid 'finally settle -with the .1 rr
tion trip to Detroit and vicinity. marketing, with the world con- the basis of the final -pri
Can the trip, which will be con- sumiption ineanwhile on a level tained."
ducted 'by Prof. McConkey of the equal to that of last year and the The statement ewer' on
Architectural school, the,,students' total supply (or American cotton at press the board's con! idenc;
wil b shwna Gthc @.Uch nda lesser stage than a' year ago. soundness of the sclva-nc,
willbe how a othi ilr~handMore cotton, it believes, has been it to be a completely safe 1
thoe y'sofl. isnrmneharRo- rushed into the imarket, than it can making loans" from the r(
cheterr.thlsonharr.Cub i temporarily abso~ b, with resulting I fund established by the f,
CheserthePonharra'n "Clu indepressed prices and lack of confi- lief law.
Detroit and many other buildingsdecinotnvaus "The board place: noI
of secil ineret t stuent of To assist the growers to hold back the amount of governnnent
architecture, m a'. w- their crop aid meanwhile meet to be so, loaned," the st,
In arecet mnth 4 mtortheir financial obligations, theI said. "Nearly $100,00 io
trnk afrmeniteonta274moto board proposes to lend to cotton able for the purpoi c, net,i
truks romtheUnied tat~ wrecooperatives under the Capper'-Vol- I sary, the board also willa
received at Shanghai, Chin:, stead Act, "sumxs sufficient to bring gress to appropriate MO..
A r-/PfiST T WA!W44N-
EEItretch the Check L~
m[~ from home. Spend less for foot
r r -ha e!o~ for funy. S reddec
SJ Wheat-for breakfast and foi

NEhW YOR~K, Oct. 22.-The " -
aing to subtle orchid, always associated
lo o-with wealth, today had entered, the' m iesSec
!"motnmoe"caswtth 't mbGvesSe h'pow the rt ' sale of two nurseries devoted to Before Bay City Club
Gallecn, their growth for $2,500,000.

BUFFALO, N. Y, Oct.:22-On
hundred new and . ^°o tiii-v'd -
boats will be placed i'1 scriein
the big dry fleed which ' i ;pail tll?
lakes of Erie and Osntar'n rnxt
spring, it was annn i,"'re-l M ,ncay
Preparations alm i~dy . - rye bi
made for what is tl-ed e the m'-'st
extensive wzrfar C ayt in2:t ,-nm'i-
gling ever attemapt . The fosto-:t
craft now being [" rne- out. by I.
speedboat ma nufazcturm':s ,iII be
In secrtIins. ;where ^o.'.u~
stations are w °lely;, {aeoa'ahd. s ;-
,ply ships viill be uscr! t-) mother -' he lgtr wfe rf.
Federal officers s v ' i oiin
kvas intendIed to start, the n nhv .drive1
against smugglers c. -yIVn :N1Or m.
ber. but it has b;en de--idrcd tV .t
such a large increfa,-e Ixrth,,,,lake -
fforces cannot b- comn'l:1"I e bc-
for winter sets in.
4 /

J'V'L 4'Thes nurseries cover 50 acres at
ran-iscoisco Bound Brook, N. J., of which 35
rom he I acres are under glass. They were
a. cargo 'started 22 years ago by Thomas
ty lies Young and were sold by him to Se-
i~ndr alected Industries, Inc., and .Rayburn
with its
Company, Inc.
More than 135,000 flowering
---plants are included in the sale and
some of these specimens are. valued
at from $100 to $700 each. The ex-
; f s reme care required in growiing
orchilds and the fact that seven
ect from g ears must pass before a plant pro-;
itons to; duces a bloom accounts for the
dccld and high< market value of even the or-
-middling -;Thoavy blooms.
,)l;, less
trigt" switching by Radio
ZIcing its Sic ssi Gem n
out that' ucesrerin
ative in ! f IcitdPes
open to ',a,,e rc)
-farmer. HAM:M, bermiany, Oct. 22.-- uc-1
coopera- ccssful trials were made in the rail-
ued, ship way ;yards here of switching by'
ntration radio. Receiving sets in the locomo-i
Lee after: live cabs kept the engineers in
3sified.. torch with the yardmaster 'at all
zrkct, the timres,
through _.__.__.__--_ -
anid will Iaqy Mill _r to Play
rice ob- At Granger's gi
* 14 CX-~ Miler arid his Brunswick
cc in the Rec ording orchestra will. play at
:)ssertin g Grang-er's Friday and Saturday
basis for nights.
revolt'vg' This organization opened the
farm. re- season at Granger's several weeks
limit on _ _________
t mnonr;y
tateme nt,
is~: av[l Tecasted Sandwies
if nects
;,k C4) -'
4 1
- t- - - --- -' - -

Speaking on the subject of "Mod-f
ern Architecture a.nd its Sources,
~Prof. William C. Titcomb, of thel
Architectural school, addressed the
Musical-Art club of Bay City at 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the
Masonic; Temple of that" city.
-Professor Titcomb's speech was
the first, of a series of ,three Uni-
versity Extension lectures to be
given. in Bay City by members of
the faculty of the University.


the Talk of Ann
Whtat a rel frcat itt is to
'get a 'good
eiirte s Cafeni
of Lunch o6m
Pjices very reasonable
120 and 1221% E. Liberty St.
The Best Home Made Pastry in
the City ,
11Remember the Place--Pierce's


207 SouN BM v~c 4,".T:~~~

Ii' .


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