ESTABLISHED 1890 *1~ Alw A44 r p 4Pw I t 4 r1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL, No. 21. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNFSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1929 EIGHT PAGES P RICE FIVE CENTS IN 6GALA S Of FOOTBA To Form Paradea March to Pn Ma BAND TO LEA Todd and His A Lead Cheers for Football T Everybody but th seems to be prepar Michigan football te est send-off it has when the Wolverin 10:30 Thursday even when they will me eleven in the bigge game of the season. Fraternities,.sorori ing houses are maki off other activities o'clock Thursday e down to the Union e they will form a par Michigan band, mar Arbor station, and c off as it leaves to Illini. Council Comple Of ficial plans for t been completed, it w last night by Ernes president of the St The pep-send-off is sored jointly by th The Daily. Michigan's "fighti assemble in front of 9:45 o'clock, and a o'clock will lead the dents down State str and thence to the A road station. Michi songs will be sung1 group of students t paniment of the ba Send-Off With Stanton Todd, '30, leader will have his a tion directing yells ( the station, and also as the train pulls o A plea that the st their team with a "w off, something they do in the past, was m by President Reif. team is at a crucial said, "and the figh send-off will give th a long way toward the attack of th when the Wolverine next Saturday." Premrier Clem in Good Hea (fly Assciated PARIS, France, Oct er is himself again.I ier Clemenceau, who seven hours on his N after' fighting off a yesterday "is alright physicians tonight. D ited his patient ton well satisfied with h No official bulletin w JONSENATE REDUCES AENUEI LL IMPORTTARIFFS L I - ABy IHaIold Olir, A P Staff F,( WASHINGTO, D. . .22-C ALL 1 ESS Y Fresh from successes in importantI contests over the administrative # features, the opposition coalition in the Senate tariff struggle began { I[L _MEM faue, h poiio olto IN BnIILIIVU PLANE weilding the ax on import rates to- day with an alacrity that pointed f at Union and Ito a possible rout of the adminis- Modern Sir Francis Drake Goes Station tration group. to Repay Visit of His{ Taking up the first rate schedule sse of the Hawley-Smoot bill, that em- Early Ancestor} bracing chemicals, oil and paint,, D PARADE the Senate accepted by a vote of NAMEDI "GOLDEN HIND" 45 to 33 a Democratic amendment -_ ssistants Will to cut to 18 cents a pound the ex-i Weather Bureau Reports Give fisting duty of 20 cents on medicinal' r Departing tannic acid. Daring Flyer Small Team Then, without record vote, it ap- Margin of Safety proved two amendments by Sena- .e weatherman tor Lafollette of Wisconsin, who (fy Associated Press) ed to give the was in charge of the opposition to A Golden Hind of the skies sailed -am the great- the schedule for the Republican in- out over the north Atlantic Tues-I had in years dependents, slicing the present day, in it a man of 40 who named es entrain at levy of 8 cents a pound on gallic . if ing for Urbana I acid to 6 cents, and the 12 cent rate his fragile craft after a staunch et the Illinois on pyrogallic acid to 10 cents. galleon of Sir Francis Drake, whom , No st out-of-town In all three instances, the Senate he regards as a forbear-by blood Hill finance committee had recom- and apparently adventure. spea ties and room- mended elimination of House in- This new Golden Hind was a for ng plans to lay creases and restoration of present cr from 10 to 11 duty. Eleven other reductions in small monoplane and the adven- rim vening and go House chemical imposts were ap-i turer, who challenged sky as well title, n masse where proved, but all were proposed by as sea, was Urban F. Diteman, Jr.,! ade, led by the the finance committee majority. who took off without advance an- ch to the Ann heer the team nouncement from the airport at combat the [VU L Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, tes Plan. Disappears Quickly. TO h Ten minutes after the takeoff atj vas stated lateLL 12:45 p. in. this Montana livestock Frat udent council. Nbuyer soared over Cape St. Fran- udben conli cis, seventeen miles north of thej Scouncilspond Hopes That Medical Knowledge 'airport and disappeared in the east FADING WRITER I TO OPEN .SERIE S William G. Shepierd ted writer, who will appear in auditorium tonight as the first ker on the new Oratorical as- ation program. He. has chosen his subject a discussion of e and prohibition under the "Crime Is Paying Too Well." RIES OF FOUM i jE ! ,4 !2 ' k ' C IBC ti ' r i :PRHIBTIO TgK PERA WILL OPEN P THEMICHIGAN - Announcement was made yester- day by E. Mortimer Shuter, direc- " f~~~~or of Mimes activities, that theWILC S 9 1 T Michigan theatre had been secured for the Ann Arbor showing of this year's Union Opera. The Opera is AT MEETING TODAY - scheduled to be given the week of Noted Colliers Correspondant December 9 to 14 in the Michigan Entire Personnel of Student Will Discuss Causes of This season's production is the Council Will Supervise Majority of Crimes twenty-fourth annual show tradi- Today's Election tionally, but by actual count it is__ SERIES TICKETS LIMITED only the twenty-third. Number PROXY VOTE FORBIDDEN thirteen of the productions was omitted for fear of scaring awayI Single Admissions Available a cast ofotalented. but superstiti- Three Other Class Elections at Box Office in Hill ous actors. Consequently, a jump Are on Schedule Auditorium from the twelfth to fourteenth an- ffor Tod nual production was made.fay William G. Shepherd, probably Heretofore, the production has Class elections will reach major the most popular non-fiction writer played in the Whitney theatre dur-nmj the ostf poular nonfictio writering its run in Ann Arbor. Prior to importance again today when the on the staff of Collier's magazine, the engagements in the Whitney, junior Literary class will hold its will open the Oratorical association the Opera showed in the Mimes vote from 4 to 5:45 o'clock this aft- series of lectures at 8 o'clock to-; theatre. Approximately fourteen night in Hill auditorium. year . penemte preen ernoon in Natural Science auditor- After nearly fiveyer fnv- years ago it opened the present n udtr ;ating crime yconditions inducedby Mimes edifice with a two-act and ium. Three other class elections prohibition, Mr. Shepherd is well three scene production with its own are scheduled for today. Four were roiiinMrShpediwelorchestra. held ysedy qualified to discuss the subject. The sdyesterday. conclusion he reaches is that ~~~ George Bowers was elected pres- 'Crime is Paying Too Well," under ident of the junior Law class, John which title he will present to his r i Gray, the sophomore Architects, audience some astounding inci- Paul W. Pate, the junior Dental ients that will bring home to them class, and Ralph M. Grout, the jun- what are said to be amazing andL ior Forestry students, at the elec- md accurate facts concerning pro- lutions yesterday. The senior Phar- hibition and the associating evils. macy vote, scheduled for yesterday To Talk From Experience. . afternoon was postponed until to- For Collier's he has written Charge of Professionalism is day at the same hour and place. countless articles dealing with al- Stoutly Denied by Both Eaborate System Installed. nost every phase of the question in Committee Quiz The junior Literary balloting this and from his experience as a staff atronwl eudrtespr writr hehas ulle themateialafternoon will be under the super=- writer he has culled the material I vision of the full personnel of the that will comprise his lecture. NO DECISION REACHED Student council. An elaborate sys- ;om of is mre re~ntnrtila; r. ernities W i 11 Entertain a Faculty in Weeklyt DinnersI ng" band, will the Union at t exactly 101 parade of stu-. eet to William, nn Arbor rail-_ gan's football by the entire o the accom-j nd. Cheers. Varsity cheer-# ssistants in ac- on the way -to to givecheers tit for Illinois. udents support 'hoopee" send- have failed to ade last night "The football moment," he I t that a real iem, would go turning back e Zuppkemen s meet them enceau ith Again: Pre'SS) Will Spread to Masses in Near Future BUILDING DEDICATED (By Associated Press) CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Oct. 22. - A new social significance for! Imedicine-to give everyone, regard-# less of residence or economic con- dition, the best the profession af- fords-was urged today by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, secretary of the in- terior, at the dedicatory exercises of the new medical building at the University of Virginia. After outlining a steady preg- ress of medicine which he attributed to understanding Dr. Wilbur de-. scribed the tradition of the man of medicine as calling upon him to make his discoveries available to science and to every other doctor. "Now he faces the necessity of t i i working out a program which wI make his discoveries actually avail- able to all," the secretary said. "We have the facts, we have the trained physicians and nurses, but we have not as yet been able to meet the ideal of seeing that each member of civilized society obtains that advantage which is possible1 to him if he can get his share from. where Dr. James H. Kimball of the will be found in Collier's for Sep- I New YorkaWeather Bureau and un- HOUSES RESPOND WELL tember 7 and 21. "Who Laughs official starter for trans-Atlantis Last" is the inside story of the pass- flights said "fairly favorable" wea- The first of a series of Fraterni- ing of the Eighteenth Amendment, tTer awaiteda erislo Fin-i.- Mrty-Faculty Forum meetings spon- and "What Can a Wet Town Do?" Meanwhile back at the airport, ored by the Student Christn as- concerns the border patrol shoot- one hundred spectators who re- sociation will begin this evening ings that have recently created in- garded Diteman as a retiring per- ! tense ill-feeling in every section of son using an airplane in junkets Plans call for a weekly dinner en- the country The latter articles around the country to look up ree- gagement of a faculty man with a considers chiefly a Federal shoot- ords of Sir Francis Drake for use aterity for the next eight weeks. ing that occurred in Interfalls in settlement of an estate in which Although letters were sent out Minnesota last summer, which wa' only a short time ago to the fra- Minstls;umr hc a he was interested, learned of a ternities as well as o he faculty investigated by Shepherd especially brief note in which the flyer an- merstres pnse recivy for Collier's. none ha ews"bud rmembers, the response received M'Shope ,s,. n o, h nounced that he was,"bound .ha be uusaly Mr.- hped soeo h London," and apologized' "far so ' 1leading~f'gres thewodthf many impromptu lies." good. The purpose of the forum journalism, has been the star cor- is to promote good feeling between junlshsbe h trcr Leaves Curt Note. the undergraduates and the facul- respondent who has been assigned "Many, many thanks, ye New- ty. It is believed that this will be the greatest events in the world foundlanders," he wrote. "Drake accomplished by having a faculty news. Before the war he was in and I did not bring me here nor to Lon- man be the dinner guest of a dif- out of Mexico; during the war and don, albeit I am a descendant. Sor- ferent fraternity each week over a afterward, Europe was his field. ry if I hurt anyone's feelings, I certain period of time, who will, in heavals ofr Russia, his sound,karyk - meant no harm." so doing, come into close social vso ricles wer sensdions. The note was signed "Dite." contact with the boys. .avisioned articles were sensations. There was nothing more Fraternities insofar as it is p0s- Has Varied Writings. From other sources, however a sible will be given the man they Recently his writings for Col- tale was pieced together and it fill- would prefer to entertain. Frater- Three weeks ago his article, "300 ed in the gaps the nonchalant fly- nities who wish to avail themselves Miles to the Gallon, dealt with the er had left before he started in a of this service ,are urged to com- heretofore unreeaized possibilities tiny plane and only 165 gallons of municate with or call the Frater- of gasoline and what we may ex- gas on a flight of approximately nity-Faculty committee of the Stu- pect in the future through further 2,350 miles which had been dareddetCrsinascainaLaedvlp ntoth olidury prvosyol ypae h' Hall" development of the oil industry. + previously only by planes much Ha. Last week's issue of the magazine more powerful and much heavier contained his "War, Perfect War,"4 fueled. Edison Tired After which considered the progress that) Mrs. Diteman, in Billings, Mon- Strenuous First .Day has been made in war defense, es-' tana, seemingly was the only per- pecially in connection with big son beside the pilot who knew of (ly Associated Pre-ss) guns. All his articles are authorita- the adventure. She knew the take- DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 22.-Thom- tive and well-written, and those off was planned for yesterday, and as A. Edison spent today resting familiar with them will realize that she shared the confidence of her quietly as the guest of Henry Ford tonight's lecture will provide un- husband-airman for success. at Dearborn. The aged inventor was usual entertainment and informa- "The ship was bought and al- much fatigued after his strenuous tion. tered with the crossing in view," day Monday, during which he was According to Henry Moser of the Mrs. Diteman said, adding that her the center of interest for the whole 1 speech department, business man- husband has been flying two years nation in the celebration of the ager of this association, very fewz and a half since becoming inter- Golden Jubilee of his perfection of season tickets for the lecture series ested in aviation in Portland, Ore- the incandescant lamp. are' available, but those that re- gon where his parents now live. ! After he spoke a tew words Mon- main will be placed on sale at the day night over the radio, the in- box office in Hill auditorium at 2 sity Museum Shows venor retired and was attended by o'ck is afernoon ingle ad- President Hoover's personalphys mission tickets at one dollar for to- Prs n Liking for Potatoescian,Lt. Commander Boone, who (night's lecture will go on sale at announced to the Associated Press htime. that Mr. Edison was in as good little known i Michigan, although condition as could be expected for ai Secretaries Recalled Stouffer Claim is Factort Pointing out that illness experienced by present day is avoid the use of the veget Stouffer of this city 1 Natural Science au ight. Supporting his stat amples from various Stouffer showed that tice of preventive m struggle against the1 tagious and epidemic is an important fact added that many di fore believed incura 22-The Tig- the great pool of scientifc med- Former Prem- cine. worked nearly "To make medicine fit in with Memoirs today the other social forces so that its heart attack distribution will be uniform," he now," said his i continued, "is vital in this age of fr. Laudry vis- science and democracy. ight and was Leadership in the readjustment, is condition. he said, should lie with the profes- as issued. sion. He pointed out that people know, through mediums of educa- rs Diet tion, the newspaper and the radio, H"that they are not getting full ad- to Health I vantage of all of the forces that are available" in the field of medi- much of the . cine. people of the dable through Fussy Badger in Univer arian diet, Dr. ectured in the Aversion to Meat iditorium last eements by ex- I "Woof," the Museum badger, is _i r' tem to allow only full-fledged jun- liv Associated Press) I _____________________________ IOWA CITY, Ia., Oct. 22.-For The junior Literary class will Oran Pape and John Fuhrman, hold its election from 4 to 5:45 the second time in three weeks, o'clock this afternoon in the University of Iowa football yiayers, Natural Science auditorium. To today found themselves the target NoterorSrun ce a tudet of charges of professionalism, vote or run for office a student must have from 56 to 87 hours The new accusations were laid credit inclusive. Candidates must before Hawkeye athletic officials by also present an eligibility slip. John L. Griffith, Big Ten athletic There will be no . voting by commissioner, and resulted in Pape proxy. and Fuhrman being called before the University eligibility committee The sehior and junior Phar- this afternoon. Both players flat- macy students will elect their ly denied the charges that they respective _uoers at 5 o'clock played with the Dubuque, Ia., Bears in room 151 Chemistry building. under assumed names in October. The junior Business Adminis- 1926. The committee took no ac-'' tration students will vote at 2 tion regarding their future status o'clock in room 206 Tappan hall, as players. The senior Forestry class will Pape, the springing halfback star{ ballot at 8:30 o'clock this eve- of the Hawkeyes, only three weeks fning in room 2039 Natural Sci- ago, was cleared of charges of play- ence building. ing with the Dubuque team at So-~1 .The freshmen Dental class will lena, Illinois, in 1927, when he was hold its election late Thursday a freshman at the University. He Iafternoon. now is included in a list of eligible The sophomore and freshmen players. Coach Burt Ingwerson Pharmacy students will elect plans to use him in the Western their officers at 5 o'clock Thurs- Conference game with Wisconsin at Madison Saturday. Fuhrman, o! day and Friday, respectively, in the other hand, has been under airoam 151 Chemistry building ban on charges of playing semi-pro football with the Bears in 1925. iors to vote, and to prevent any illegal methods to be practiced has been arranged by the council under President and Party the direction of its president, Er- Sail for Louisville nest C. Reif, '30. Ballots, printed especially for this By Raymond G. Henle, A.P. Staff election, will be used. A list of the S. S. GREENBRIER, EN ROUTE juniors of good standing has been 'compiled and only students whose TO LOUISVILLE, KY., Oct. 22- name appears on this list will be President Hoover was steaming issued ballots. A junior, not listed, down the Ohio to Louisville on his but believing himself eligible can trim little lighthouse tender to- vote by obtaining a slip showing his Snight to signalize with a speech in qualifications from the Recorder's office. that Kentucky city to improvement Announce Results after Meeting of the river for all year round traf- Nominations for the class offi- fic from Pittsburgh to the gulf. cers, and five representatives to the He embarked at Cincinnati to the J-Hop committe will be made at 4 accompaniment of noisy saluta- o'clock, and the ballot boxes will ioofhundredsof f actory whis-be held open until 5:45 o'clock. The tles along the wharf, steamers on votes will be counted in the student the river and horns of automobiles offices of the Union by the council of the large crowd of citizens who after dinner. The results will be had come down to bid him adieu. ! announced following their confirm- ation by the council at its regular As the President's flag of deep Wednesday evening meeting. blue and its white eagle, was hoist- Voting by proxy will not be toler- ed above the river craft, a stiff bit- ated according to President Reif. ing wind swept over the valley and , Any student attempting to vote un- dashed a foaming spray across the der another's name will be recom- boat's prow. mended for probation. Declaring his pleasure to share (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) in the dedication of the nine-foot channel for the entire length of Goodyear Bi Wins the Ohio, President Hoover said the undertaking brought the en- Battle With Eletaents gineering mind to the surface and permittted it to "luxuriate in ap- (By Associated Press) preciation of a great engineering job DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 22-After well done." "This new instrument a fifteen hour battle with wind, of commerce," the President added, ,rain and fog, over the Grosse Ile "from which untold blessings will airport, the Goodyear blimp, May- come year after year, is an endur- flower, finally was nosed into its ing monument to those patient hangar by ground crews at 7:45 a. men of my own profession whose m today. The blimp, which flew lives are spent in devising means here from Akron, Ohio, to bring to increase the comfort and con- greetings from the Mayor of Akron venience of the world. Ito Thomas A. Edison became vir- tually storm bound after it tonk nif localities, Dr. , in the prac- tedicine in its prevalent con-, diseases, diet or. He further seases hereto-l ble have suc-! cumbed to treatment of this Among the examples given cancer tuberculosis. sort. were Mme. Curie Escapes Reception CommitteeI (By Associated Press) SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Oct. 22- Madame Marie Curie, internation-! ally known scientist, today eluded a reception committee of noted scien- tists gathered to greet her on her arrival from Dearborn, Michigan, according to a statement issued by officials of the General Electric ona rampage again. Firsthe1at one time they were very com- j man 82 years old who had been to Ital by M ssolini learned to untie shoe-strings, then on this territory. Woof has through a long day of strenuous drink milk out of a nursing bottle, been in captivity for nearlyseven activity. It was not considered ne- (B' Associated Press) n I months and shows o ill effects cessary to have other physicians in BERLIN, Oct. 22-Premier Mus- and now he shows a decided pref- whatsoever. In fact he weighs five attendance after Lt. Commander solini Monday night made a clean erehee for sweet potatoes rather pounds more than the average full Boone left at midnight on President sweep of the staff of the Italian than meat, although he is supposed grown badger is supposed to weigh. Hoover's special train for Cincin- embassy here, the result apparently to be a very carnivorous animal. After his capture in May, he was natis of the mysterious disappearance of Under the guiding hand of Miss fed with an eye dropper for some Runors were circulated today a secret diplomatic code from the Crystal Thompson, his keeper, time, a bottle for three weeks that Edison was seriously ill but embassy archives. I Woof" has grown from a very I thereafter, and then from a pan:these were discountananced today Earlier Monday he had recalled small creature to a twenty-five which contained solid food mixed t to Rome two of the secretaries and I pound monster in six short months. with milk and cream. Although he by spokesmen for Henry Ford who ordered the ambassador, Count Al- He was found early in May in Shi- is not supposed to be closely re- said Mr. Edison was in the best of drovandi Marescotti, to conduct an awassee county, Michigan, and has lated to the bear family, "Woof" health". It is understood he intends immediate investigation. Further been in Miss Thompson's care ever shows sweet tendencies in his abil- to leave tomorrow for his home in orders recalled the ambassador and since. Being very hungry and ex- ity to gobble up sugar, honey, and East Orange, N. J. also the councillor while M. Cicco- ceedingly young when he was first i almost anything containing a car- nardi was hastily appointed coun- found, a milk-cream diet was not bohydrate. He got his name from : ! cillor and placed in charge- of af- hard to .introduce, and "Woof" Ihis lone mode of expression, "Woof" Oq W trweat. -her an I -fairs. learned very quickly. He ate six or uttered only when angry. Most of / seven meals a day during the first the time he is inquisitive and si- " .' - - by three weeks of his convalescence. lent, and doesn't disturb anyone in I. '. / Rprimand from Italy Upon his arrival in Ann Arbor, the particular. - /eceived by Neighbor badger was put under observation ; There are three things that I as no one knows much about bad- "Woof" won't eat, however, among I(B Associated Press) C i l i