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October 20, 1929 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-20

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Teachers' Touchdown Comes
During First Quarter of Play;
Ray States is Star.

With yesterday's trial race con-
pleted, the Varsity cross country
season is well under way. Out ofj
18 men starting from the Ferry
field track, only 5 finished the 4
mile course under 23 minutes. The
best time being made by Fitzgib-3
bons, who covered the course in










First Downs
Michigan: By Rushing-9; Pass-
ing-2; Total-11.
Ohio State: By rushing - 3;
Pass-3; Total-6.
Forward Passes
Michigan: Attempted-12; In-
tercepted-1; Completed 3 for
58 yards.
Ohio State: Attempted-11; In-
tercepted-2; Completed 6 for
68 yards.


22:25, rather poor showing for a
MORROW TALLIES TWICE team about to enter into Confer-

ence competition. ug~w L~~U~X S A E~~XT rTi~~t9TY WrT7~i~r~ Average on Punts
(By Assocaid res')1 Led by Fitzgibbons the harriers ! HOB' OHIO ST'ATE WON FROM THE WOLVERINES Michigan, 3S yards; Ohio State,;
YPSILANTI, Oct. 19-Scoring two crossed the finish line as follows: 38 yards.
touchdowns in the first quarter Aubrey, Wolfe, Austin, Benson1penalties
Michigan State Normal college won Lowmaster, Crawford, Hayes, Tur-' FIRST QUARTER. SECOND PERIOD, before being forced out of bounds. Michigan, Penatis; State,
befor beig foced ot ofbouns. 30 yards; Ohio Sae
its third straight football victory ner, Feustel, D'Anna, and Kennedy. Allen Holman was appointed Standing in the shadow of his Truskowski's long pass to Simrall 25 yards.
here this morning by defeating the The .first ten of these men will captain of the Ohio State team for own goal, Simrall punted out to failed. Fesler intercepted a long Yards Gained from Scrim-
1lotre Dame "B" team, 13 to 7' compose the team to compete the game. The Buckeyes appoint a Holman who caught the b .on the pass thrown by Truskowski and it mage
The victory was a costly one, as against the Detroit Y. M. C. A. next leader for each contest. Holman Michigan 30-yard line. He struggled was Ohio's ball on its 14-yard line. Michigan, 164 yards: Ohio State,I
Morrow and Stites, Ypsilanti half= Saturday, with D'Anna and Ken- won the toss and chose to kick off back seven yards. Holman com-- Holcomb struck center for one 72 yards. j
backs, both received injuries which nedy, 11th and 12th in today's race to Michigan. Capt. Truskowski pleted another short pass to Mc- yard. Holman added two mereG
will keep them out of the home acting as substitutes, chose the south goal. A light wind Connell around Hewitt's end which through Michigan's left side, and-
Grunow Lost. was blowing from the southwest. was good for a three-yard gain. McConnell kicked to Simrall who 12-yard gain. Holcomb tackled
Ypsilanti marched 80 yards for! Grunow, one of Michigan's best Barratt kicked off to Truskow- Hudson and Truskowski broke caught the ball on his own 36-yard Heston from behind on a wide-end
its first touchdown. Starting on its cross country runners and a Var- ski who caught the ball on his up another pass thrown by Holman. l;ne. He was tackled by Fontaine run for a four-yard loss. Holman
own 20 yard line, Stites made nine sity letter man in 1928, has been 10-yard line. He was tackled by Holman gained a yard at Michi- on the Wolverine 34-yard marker. knocked down Truskowski's long
yards and Gunnerson a first down lost to the squad, having been op- McConnell on the Michigan 24- gan's right tackle. On fourth down Ohio State was penalized five pass on the goal line. It was fourth
on the Ypsi 35 yard marker. A 25 erated on for appendicitis last yard line. Hudson struck through Holman dropped back and tossed yards for taking the third time down and Gembis attempted a
yard pass from Stites to Muellich week. He, undoubtedly, would have the opposing left tackle for a yard a long pass which Fesler caught out. Houston went in foi Hrn and place kick from the 43-yard line,
and a 35 yard run placed the ball been among the leaders in yester- and a half. Simrall punted to Hol- over the Michigan goal line for a Haubrich went into for Larkins. which was short. Ohio put the ball
oli Notre Dame's 13 yard line. Afday's race if he had been able to man who fumbled the ball, but re- touchdown. Barratt kicked the goal Heston went in for Hudson in the in play at its 20-yard marker.
lateral pass from Gunnerson to run. covered and was tackled on Ohio's and the score was: Ohio State 7; Michigan backfield. McClur' re-
Morrow accounted for the touch- Two runners from Ohio State 30-yard line. Michigan 0. placed Holcomb in Ohio5s back- McConnell was tackled by Bo-
down and Stites kicked the goal- University followed the Wolverine However the ball was called back Gembis kicked off to McConnell old. vard for a one-yard loss. Ohio
Morrow scored the second squadhovtrthe courseuntordermto ndaMiihiga
ow n cer the eo te cfirsquad over the corse in order to and Michigan was penalized five who caught the ball on the Ohio Heston got away on the first took time out. Holman was in-
down near the end of the first become acquainted with it. Ohio yards, for being offside. Simrall 11-yard line and returned to his play for 10 yards and a first down ured. Holcomb hit Michigan's
Notre Dame pass on the Ypsilanti Nov. 9 for a triangular meet with again punted, Holman this time 30-yard marked where he was on the Ohio 40-yard line. Then he right tackle for four yards. Mc-
30 yard line and sprinted 70 yardsicN g. caught the ball and was tackled by tackled. McConnell punted to Sim- was thrown for a three yard loss. Clure in punt formation, fumbled
fordth e n ptoyei Farrell Disappointed. Cornwell in midfield. Truskowski rall who caught the ball on his Truskowski's wide pass to Heston p
Notre Dame scored its lone Farrell s dtackled Holman after a three-yard own 24-yard line. He returned it failed. Another long pass by Trus- 'n his one-foot line. e was
touchdown in the second quarter. in the showing yesterday morning gain. Holman's pass was broken but six yards before being downed, kowski was knocked down by Hau- forced to kick out from th end
The Irish tore o tfive onfirst downs buthe expects to have the best u by Hudson. Holman added'two but the ball was called back and brich and he took time out. The bzone and the ball went out of
in a row, Kramer going around Yp- more on a plunge through center. Ohio State was penalized 15 yardss Wolverines drew a five-yard pen-bound It was a short kick.
silanti's left end for the score. fore the first Conference meet. In McConnell's punt went out of for holding. alty for the second incompleted
Vanyo and Young starred on the the next two weeks his proteges will bounds at Michigan's 17-yard line-, McConnell again kicked cut of pass. Mcione was rred offee.
Ypsi line. meet the Detroit Y. M. C. A. and Simrall lost a yard at Larkins' bounds on Michigan's 32-yard line. Fouch went in for Houson.T field. He was replaced by Coffee.
The summary: M. S. C. giving him another chaIce tackle. Simrall got away a nice Simrall was stopped at the center I Simrall punted to Holman whog T o was stppe d Oor no
to find out what the runners can punt which Holman caught on his of the line. Hudson got four yards caught the ball on his 15-yard line. (Continued On ael
Ypsilanti Notre Dame "B really do against keen competition own 32-yard line. Cornwell and at Ohio's left end. Simrall failed to He was forced out of bounds at Cnudna
-- _ -
McMurray .....LE......... Bailey y g P Bovard made the tackle on the gain at the other end. He kicked to the Ohio 23-yard line. McClure
Wood ...... ...LT......Richards! , 40-yard marker. Holman who fought back 12 yards gained a yard at Cornwell's flank
LaVoie. ....LG....... Whilan A, Holman faked a run around end to his own 47-yard line. Holman found a hole at Michi-
Stover........C.......... Rogers IS VERSATILE ATHLETE and tossed a pass to McConnell -Huston substituted for Horn at gan's left tackle and gained 13
Vanyo....... ..RG...... Seymour --which netted eight yards. Steinke Ohio's right half. Holcomb got yards and a first down on the Ohio
Shoemaker ... .RT........ Mehan . In Sammy Behr, junior from broke through and tackled Horn yards at center.Iudson intercept-o pae alOo[-aug paef-L£
Muellich.. ...RE............ Izo Rockford, Illinois, the University for a one-yard loss. Bovard tossed ed a forward pa s and ran back gam as the half ended.
Gunnerson . .. .QB.......Murphy of Wisconsin has a Varsity foot- Holmanfor another yard loss. Mc- Ohio's 36-yard line. Ohio tor Score: Ohio State 7, Mich. 0.
Morrow . . . ./. . L......C. O'Brien ball player who is an exceptionallyIConnell panted and Larkins down- time out. Truskowski carried the THIRD PERIOD.
M&ites .. . .......RH.... Sheeketski versatile athlete. Sammy played I ed the ball on Michigan's seven- ball outside without gain. Michigan's team remained in-
Lerch .... ... . ..F3B...... Williams a blocking halfback for the Bad- yard line.
Score by quarters: gers in 1928 and is filling the quar- Standing on his goal line, Sim-' Hudson struggled through center tact; there were no changes intic
Ypsilanti ... .......13 0 0 0- 13 terback berth this fall. He is a rall kicked out to Holman who for two aris. A forward ass from! ol the bginning
Notre Dame.......0 7 0 0- 7 weight man on the Badger track caught the ball in midfield and was arsorsto G b ghe Mh- of hscond half. Hr plan
Touchdowns-Morrow 2, Kramer team and it is conceded that he tackled on the Michigan 38-yard I idgan afidn on the B rek edeteir places
Points after touchdowns--Stites, would make the basketball team, if j line. Holcomb hit Michigan's line yard line, gaining 11 yards. in the Buckeye backfield. Gembis
Key.Ihe were able to devote time to it.'Itfor eghtyarsintoply.H- Hudson cut through Ohio's right kickedl the ball over the Ohio goal
Keeney.manwirede td teim manr deit a frst dtwn for Ohio guard for four yards. Gembis plow- Fine at the start. After Holman
on M an' 27-ard lne on a ed through for three more. Tis- had made three yards and Holcomb
SIX NEW MANAGERS WILL MAKE olunghgans27-yard line on toh kowski struck through right guard two, McConnell's punt was downed
APPEARANComEmdeto ars tfor two more yards. Gembis made in midfield by Larkns, who had
FIRST APPEARANCE NEXT YEAR Michigan's rigttackle. Trdo it first down for Michigan on the replaced Haubrich. I te
ski intercepteda pass thrown by Ohio 12-yard line. Ohio State took Heston rounided Ohio's left end
NgmatHolman and it was Michigan's ball time out. for seven yards. Gembis failed to
Numerous changes, some in man- continue as leader of the Pirates. on the Wolverine 19-yard line. Gembis went through the op- gain, taking the ball out of bounds.
have.beeagers and some in tea ndpersonnel, Rumor has it tha hes R is as cut down for no gain, posing left iackie for two yards, Truskowski plunged through Ohio's
have t n Bmakna Ddgers ,lHudson made but a yard off right Gembis took the ball on a double right guard for a first down on the
have new managers next year, also,;a Ic o h cimaeln Buckeye 39-yard line. Gembis went
ever since the last of the 1929 base- but that is an uncertainty. tackle. pass back of the scrimmage lin' B a le. em
ball season in the American and Already Dan Howley has started Michigan took time out. McCon- for a four-yard gain through Ohio's me H through the leftsidefOhio's
National leagues. Six teams will to rebuild his team at Cincinnati.nell fell over his own interferenceI right guard. Truskowski addedmoe HstncthruhOi'
open ae eaue gnSith neww T aonpayersabothormerAercaandfailed to gain. Another pass three more through the line. G m- iight tackle for seven yards and a
leaders, while two more are men- leaguers and foreigners to Cincin- from Holman to McConnell netted bis failed to make it first down and ! first down on the Buckeye 29-yard
tioned as likely possibilities to fol- nati fans, will roam the outfield for eight yards. Holcomb plunged over Ohio took the ball on its own line.
low suit. a mass of players for a first down three-yard line. Barratt tackled Truskowski for
In the American league the Yan- I outfielder and ex-champion batter on Michigan's 17-yard line. McConnell kicked off from be- no gain and Michigan was penal-
kees, Browns, and White Sox will of the American league, and Bob!, Holman turned Michigan's flank hind his own goal to Simrall who ized 15 yards for holding. Heston
be in charge of new men. Bob Meusel, former Yankee, have bothc for two yards and on the next play aught the ball on the Ohio 45- hit left tackle for a yard...Truskow-
Shawkby, veteran hurler and coach been purchased at the waiver( bucked the line for two more. An- yard line, and returned it 15 yards ski complete a pass to Heston for aI
of Yankee pitchers, has been nam- price. other pass from Holman to McCon -__ _ _ _ _ _--..- _
ed to step into the spot left vacant Another deal already consummated ! nell carried the ball to Michigan's
by the death of Miller Huggins. is the sale of second baseman Andy five-yard line, giving the Buckeyes
Bill Killefer, former Cub manager, Cohen by the New York Giants to another first down. Michigan again
will manage the Browns during the the Newark club of the Interna- took time out.
coming season, while Donie Bush tional league. Holcomb bucked center for two
will attempt to pull the White Sox Rumors of several pending deals yards. He was tackled by Steinke
I Pout of the rut into which they have indicate that ,many well known! for a one-yard loss on another at-
sunk. players will not be with their pres- tempt. Holman was held to a one-
Dan Howley, ex-Brown boss, will ent clubs next season. This list of yard gain around Hewitt's end.
bilot the Cincinnati Reds, Bill Mc- names includes such players as + Hayden tackled Holman on the
Kechnie will run the Baton Rogers Hornsby, Hugh Critz, Dazzy Michigan one-yard line and theR C L
Braves, and someone yet unnamed I Vance, Harry Rice, Joe Shaute, Wolverines took the ball on downs eg Ii atr l nCALL
will be at the helm of the St. Louis Waite Hoyt, Leon Goslin, Ed Mor- as the quarter ends.
Cgrdinals. Jewel Ens, also, will ris, Charlie Ruffing, Larry Benton, Score: Michigan 0; Ohio State 0s AND DE
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i Across from

Hoosiers Eager to Avenge
Defeat of Last Year at
Hands of Ohio.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Oct. 19-
Pat Page's Scrappin' Hosiers will
make their second bid for Big Ten
honor' Saturday at Columbus
where they will play Ohio State.
While the "A" teams of the two
neighboring state universities are
fighting it out at Columbus, the re-
spective "B" teams will play in the
Indiana memorial stadium.
The Indiana coach probably will
have a different combination out
on the field against Ohio than he
had on the field in his first Big Ten
game with Chicago several weeks
Ohio State visited Indiana for I.
U.'s homecoming last season and
downed the Hoosiers, 13-0, in a
hard fought game. Men who play-
ed against the Buckeyes last year
are eager to avenge the defeat
handed them.
Page intends to build up reserve
strength on his line this week to
defend Indiana against the power
of Ohio's -forward wall. Indiana
fans will remember two men on
this line especially as being instru-
mental in Indiana's defeat last
year. They are Wesley Fesler, all-
American end, and Fred Barratt,
giant center. Besides these two
stars, Coach Sam S. Willaman, has
Fontaine, end, and two good
guards, Larkins and Marsh.


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