,rHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ~i { ,I , - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --- - - .- - - , - , ff - ... . . .., .4... M WAvAIM s o Pm lfkA _,rev r VISITORS PRESENT FOR 0. S. U. GAME; 'WIKISO MKES.MANY PLEDGES AND FACULTY ARE ENTE iiF S F]R [ Along with all the festivities that number of out-of-town guests after yellow chrysan h1 have been a part of the first Big the game yesterday. low tapers. Ten home game celebration, enter- Alpha Chi Omega is entertaining Miss Florence T tainment of the many out-of-town 10 from the State " chapter this registrar of Kapp Stlpi_ hc hpp th eptp of in-~.,e egsrrtaro ap RTAINED aemums and yel- romilson, national ia Kappa Gamma, the local chapter Clara Pierce re- Notices There will be a meeting of the House Committee of the League at Woman's Place in Future Wars Discussed by Opal Kunz at Exposition in Detroit nautical debartment haviniz the .i + .i + guesu sas eenw terest at the vario week-end. Their other guests are: has been visitingt us women's resi- nl r CH-h ek i ntramural Golf Tournament dences. Ohio State sororities that bell, Marion Smith, and Mrs. Ruth cording secretary of the sorority, is Held Saturday on have chapters here have, in most Wilkie Schumaker of Detroit; Es- also arrived Friday to spend the Munic Course. cases, come large groups to visit ther Ricker, Cadillac; Janice Riley, week-end here. The pledges of the here this week-end. Gary, Indiana. sorority gave a tea Thursday after- Alpha Delta Pi gave a football ; Guests Visit Chapter Houses noon.1 A. 0. PI WINS BLIND HOLE dance Friday night in honor of the Zeta Tau Alpha has as week-end Pledges Honored. sorority who came from Ohio State, guests: the Misses Estelle Poole, Another pledge tea was given Chi Omega and Alpha Xi Delta representatives of the Detroit chap- Grace Irwin, Peg Roby, Dorothy Wednesday by Alpha Pi. That eve- ter, and alumnae. Mr. and Mrs. Car-I Tiefr; ter, GodruMr. rand Mrs. mas Kerby, Agnes Hoffman, Dorothy ning the sorority held its first fac- Tie for Second Place; ter Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas IedadMlde ai tilty inr avn'o uet is Weed, and Mildred Davis. i~ly dinner, having for guests Miss A. 0. Pi is Third. Diamond, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas AiAlice Lloyd, Miss Grace Richards, Whittemore, Mr. and Mrs. Earl As Miss Jean Wallace, and two Alpha Heaton of Detroit, and Mrs. Alicelwn r en etrandti The low medal in the intramural HDai were techaprnes. Aheweek-end, Mr. and M.rs. George Pi's from an eastern chapter of the Davis were the chaperones. The ' organiza0 -tion golf tournament which was played house was gaily decorated with Kenan, Cleveland; the Misses Ruth organzation. on the Municipal Golf Course yes- chrysanthemums and pennants. To- Kitchell, Coldwater; Harriet Low- Theta Phi held a rushing party terday morning was scored by Ger- day the national alumnae associa- ie, Detroit; Mildred Allen, Lansing; Tuesday night, using the Hallowe'en aldine Wilkenson, Alpha Omicron tion of the sorority is entertaining Velma Rae Hewer and Kathryn motif in decorating. The sorority P1. irgiia chumcher Ch at tea. The Detroit chapter will be Clarke, Grand Rapids; Dorothy Ma- ;announces tepdggoCah- Pi. Virginia Schumacher, Chi represented, and Mrs. Alicia Davis lone, Gary, Indiana, and 20 Pi Phis ine Shea, '33, of Saginaw. Omega, and Katherine McMurray willpour. nIfrom Ohio State. Dormitories Hold Initiations. Alpha Xi Delta, tied for second I Kappas Give Football Tea. Chi Omega is entertaining Mrs. The students of Helen NewberryI place, while AlphaK Omicronp Pi remIKenneth Olmstead, of Coldwater, were at home Thursday afternoon SKappa Kappa Gamma held a and the Misses Esther Eiesler, at a lovely tea given in honor of presented by Judy Wilkenson took football tea after the game yester- Cleveland and Leora Jaretki their new social director, Mrs. F. third place. day, at which many guests were Grand Ropids, this week-end. W. Tousey. Formal initiation Friday The blind hole chosen by Miss present. Hallowe'en decorations evening terminated a week of pro were used throughout the house. Miss Lola Foster of Lansing is a McCormick was the fifth, a par 4 Guests at the Kappa Alpha Theta guest at the Delta Delta Delta bation for the new students i the hole. Geraldine Wilkenson, and house this wee-end are: the house for the week-end. dormitory. Katherine McMurray, tied for first: Margaret Moore, Port Huron; llen Gamma Phi Beta has for week- Red checked table cloths, paper Elnend visitors: Mrs. Lee E. Josin, De- napkins, and candles added a real- place with a score of 5, while see- Grinnell, Detroit; Virginia Sands, d:E, -d ond place was tied with Virginia Grosse Pointe; Catherine Beard- troit; Mrs. David Turnock, Elkhart, istic touch to the setting for Betsey Schumacher; Helen DeWitt, Pi Beta slee, Grand Rapids; Olive Nichols, Indiana; Miss Elizabeth Watson, Barbour's annual Bohemian caba- Phi, and Janet Driscoll Kappa Marshall; and members of the Ohio Wyandotte; Miss Mary Burnham, ret last Wednesday night. Chicago; and Miss Eleanor Bradt, An impressive ceremony last Kappa Gamma contesting. Third State chapter. Deri.SnaIt5ocokmre h place was a tie with the players be- f Kappa Delta served a buffet Detroit. Sunday at 5 o'clock marked the n At the Alpha Xi Delta house, the initiation of the newcomers in g Judy Wilkenson, Jane Thayer, luncheon and dinner at their house following are guests: Mrs. J. F. Foll- Martha Cook. There ceremony, Alpha Xi Delta, Eleanor Locke, yesterday for a large number of mer, Vicksburg. Mr. and Mrs. which was held in the Blue Room, Louise Karpinski, Chi Omega, guests. Those who are at the house George C. Copeland, Saginaw; and was read by Margaret Sabom, pres- Gladys Schroder and Maxine Frish- this week-end are: the Misses Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, St. Johns. ident, and Mrs. Don Southerland, gtund. Marion Davison, Hilda FeskeMary Alpha Epsilon Iota entertained at '29, gave the address. all of Detroit; Virginia Hawkins a faculty dinner Thursday ight Zeta Tau Alpha announces the Man New Additions Columbus; Leona and Margare with Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Peterson, pledging of Betty Aberley, '33, Jen- Wickham, and Patricia Fleming Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gesell as the kinstown, Pa.; Genevieve Pinson, Wae a Dih;m ae KPatdrian F ing guests of honor. Dr. Eileen Chris- '32, Grosse Isle; and Lelia Hend- to L e u c Library Detroit; Ethel KlaCdrcan, Grand tiansen, of Worchester, Mass., has ricks, '33, Fulton, Ill. The sorority Rpd;Jessie Church, Marshall; been a guest at the house during hedterpegJtals usa G i v e by Alumnae Marion Kerr, Detroit; Marion teek held their pledge tea last Tuesday Christianson, Ypsilanti; Esther Entertain for Chaperone. a e m e Kynast and Esther Klepack, Sagi- Alh Omrn gave Chateafor The members of Sigma Kappa New books are being added all na Ethel Hudson and Saxton sorority chaperone, Mrs. V. P. Bow- eroe rs J M. Hot intan am the time to the collection at the stroit; Elta Arber DetroitoBetty en, Tuesday afternoon, with other nal setting Wednesday afternoon.I League library, donated by various Harmon, Battle Creek; Hilda East- housedchaperones and presidents The guests included the presidents alumnae groups. Women in the li- 'cott, Grand Rapids; Mrs. P. O. ton g. e abnougreen ecora~andchaperones of all the sorori- brary science school have offered to Robinson and Martha Robinson, nwdhties on campus and the Dean of do the cataloguing this year for Plain City, Ohio; Mrs. G. B. Clarke, facuCollegiateSorosithe year at theps Women. Mrs. Edna Crawford the League, and will be supervised Detroit. Tis afternoo tenem house Wednesday evening.. Those bers of the sorority will serve tea h eepeetfrteafi Wednesday the pledges of Alpha by Miss Margaret Mann, associate for the pledges and guests. r rse r a Xi Delta entertained with a tea professor of library science . " Alumnae Are Entertained, jwere Dean and Mrs. G. W. Patter- dance for the pledges of the other son, M. n r.Hra Klee ne. sororities. Mrs. Theron Langford The latest addition to the Tlbrary Alpha Gamma Delta held an Professor and Mrs. Walter Pillsbury, and Mrs. B.F.Ohlinger, angon- is a set of Irish Literature in ten alumnae breakfast this morning at I Professor Arthur Cross, Professor esses . F. Xige, purd. volumes, very beautifully .bound which more than 50 former mem- and Mrs. Edgar Durfee, and Pro- embes of the Oh io Stataured. It was given in memory of Mrs. bers of the sorority were present. fessor Joseph Drake. ter, alumnae, and out-of-town Frances Hinkley Moore of Benton The sorority colors, red, buff, and National Officers Inspect. guests attended open-house after Harbor by her sister. Mrs. Moore green were used in the table decor- Mrs. Grace Lundy, national in- the game.- ationsr sectorrofieltarZetashasMbern the __game. _____________ was a Michigan student in the class a Theta PhictAlphaDeisa enaehaabeenith of '90. She was a member of the Theta Phi Alpha is entertaningguests at the local chapter house Alumnae Board for several years, 12 guests from the Ohio chapter this week. The sorority entertained TPORTABLE and was the director of the general this week-end. Other guests in the at a formal dinner in her honor TYPEWRITERS Alumnae Board. iousei are: the Misses Kathleen Friday night. Today the sorority is We have all makes. Donovan, Beatrice Cowan, Alice celebrating Founder's Day with a Remington. Royals. Mrs. Moore headed the League Shea, Julia Kerwin, Ruth Brady, I candle lighting service. Corona, Underwood campaign in Benton Harbor, and and Irene Finnegan, of Detroit; Kappa Alpha Theta pledges en- Colored duco finishes. Price $60. was instrumental i getting the and Catherine Schrander, of Mon- tertained the other sorority pledges quota for the new building. roe. at a tea Tuesday afternoon. The 0. D.Se M RYyokwIredntLdLt Seventy books were donated to Eight members of the Ohio State house was gaily festooned with 314 South State St. Phone 6615 the library this summer by alum- h-h -_-_ _ 1.chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma are- 4o'clock tomorrow in tea1Ce a o~tl l lL~lG1 lVtE 1C o "Women in the next war should the same status as those of the the president. If unable to attend be the pilots of hospital and dis- army and navy. At present the as- please notify Margaret Bush. patch ships," said Opal Kunz, one sistant secretaries of the army, of the aviatrix who spoke on the navy, and commerce departments All junior women who are inter- Aviation Day program of the Wom- together act as advisors for aero- ested in working on committees for en's International Exposition in nautics. It would seem that since music, dancing, make-up, and cos- Detroit Tuesday. aviation has taken such enormous tumes please call Helen Jones, dial "We are not looking for war and strides recently that a special de- 7717. yet it would seem to be inevitable partment, not vitally interested in ____ so long as the United States pos- other government business, should There will be a meeting of the sesses the material wealth and have charge of its activities. women's business staff of the economic advantages desired by Miss Kunz first became active in- Michiganensian at 4 o'clock on other nations. If this war should terested in flying at the time of the Mo-y at the office in the Press come, it will, owing to the enor- Aeronautic Exposition las winter. bui.cdi:,g. mous strides taken by other coun- Since that time she has been flying tries in flying, be in the air. That is under the guidance of military when women who have had ade- pilots, who are, Miss Kunz believes, League Theater quate training will be able to re- the best instructors of this com- a lease men pilots for active duty pratively recent science available. Inaugurates Policy over the line. Entered Air Derby. Golfers are Entered of Silent Pictures Opal Kunz who began her air in Intramural Play training as recently as last Febru-- "The Growth of the Soil," a ary at the Newark Training school The entrants in the intramural and was the first woman to take golf tournament were Helen De- Sandinavian film version of Knut off from there in a solo flight, was witt, Pi Beta Phi; Dorothy Skee- Hansen's novel, which will be pre- one of the entrants in the recent mans, Judy Wilkenson, Jerry Wil- sented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Women's Air Derby and brought kenson, Alpha Omicron Pi; Mar- theatre the week beginning Mon- her ship over the line in spite of garet Eaman, Janet Briscoll, Kap- day, October 21, will inaugurate a having one wrist in a cast. pa Kappa Gamma; Louise Karpin- policy, of high-grade silent pictures Flying Requires Concentration. ski, Eleanor Locke, Virginia Schu- to be shown in the theatre through- Women are treated in aviation macher, Chi Omega; Adeline No- t bthearhog-with the same consideration, or 1 vak, Dorothy Marshick, Sigma out e year. lack of it, as men," continued Miss Kappa; Jane Thayer, Katherine The performance Monday will be Kunz. "This is to be expected since McMurray, Psi Delta, Gladys Schro- the first time that the "Growth it takes far less physical strength der, Ruth Friedman, and Maxine of the Soil" has been shown in to take up a plane than to drive a Frishgrund. The girls were taken Michigan. This will be a realistic car. It is not strength or number to the golf course in a University film, being photographed i terms of hours in the air, except so far as truck. of nature. On the same bill are two governmental requirements for a Greater interest than ever be- short subjects, the "Life and Death license are concerned, that make a fore has been shown this year in of a Hollywood Extra," a short cub- good pilot. It is quite possible and the golf tournament, especially by ist film, and the "Tell-Tale Heart, often happens that a man or wom- the freshmen who had the oppor- a film version of Poe's story, using an with comparatively few hours tunity to play when they were in only one actor. Special music willnhigh school. be scored for the production. in the air makes a far better pilot high col than perhaps someone who has a Hadje Selma Ekren, daughter of Miss Amy Loomis, director of the transport or limited commercial li- the former Turkish governor of Je- Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, is hop- cense. Intensity of concentration is rusalem, plans to come to the Unit- ing to obtain for the next produc- the sole practical requirement of a ed States in the near future to tion the "Passion of Jeanne d'Arc," capable pilot." make an extensive study of the life a film which is much in demand in Aviation Department Needed. in the rural districts. This will the east. Opal Kunz is- flying for national follow up her recently completed defense. It is her hope that the gov- survey of Anatolian peasant wo- Wednesday night Mrs. Franklin ernment will soon create an aren- men Kuenzel was honored at a variety shower and bridge party given by Miss Louella Lawton at the chapter house. Mrs. Kuenzel was before her marriage in August Miss Clara Caple of Toledo. Mrs. Sarah Fitton Berlin, province president, is to be a guest of thej chapterkduring the early part of the week. Miss Opal Green of the Univer- sity of Kansas was recently elected chief of the school fire depart-f ment.- --A-A1V YY 111 O-OWLI 'JAi"Vv, "AA "I C.V 11 i . Ramona Beauty Shop Permanent Wave. Finger Wave and Shampoo. Marcel and Shampoo. . . .. M anicure . ............ $5.00 $1.00 $1.00 .50 625 U. Liberty Street Open Elvenings Call 21478 Upstairs over Flower Shop ' I Vw ..J..,..,.f ..a I.A A.A. .A ... . .A _ A VO UNDA-fl 1PRNCSSLS N\ NHE L=-4 nae. In this group are se art, including "Picturesque and "Picturesque Spain," history, and biographies.' Designs are being made book plates by students. who is interested in enterij sign should get in touchv bertina Maslen, chairman Library committee. They accepted all this week. The library is for the u University vyomen. Howe books are to be taken fr library by anyone. Towa Ful veral on "" " r France" being entertained at the local chap- novels ter house. The other guests are: the Misses Hilda Sierer, Warren, now for Ohio; Pearl Waldma, Cleveland; Anyone Grace Edelman, Cleveland; Ruth ng a de- Sierer, Warren, Ohio; and Harriett with Al- Leopold, Cleevland. of the Guests at the Delta Zeta house will be this week-end are: the Misses Mary Dunr'egan and Shirley King, of se of all Detroit; Margaret Walz, Cleveland; ver no and Mrs. Lillian Rhodes, Detroit. rom the Sorosis was another sorority to! serve a buffet supper to their large Lrd A Reputation Ily Guaranteed ly Materials (Soap and ISBN 1 1111111; 1; 1 - -- - .Ole Long rn00 t. linsF Same Cost Chemicals) Same Natural Oil Restoring Solvents Same High Class Skilled Labor Same High Overhead BUT NOW- ALL SUITS $ OVERCOATS $1.50 JOB TOPCOATS ALL DRESSES $2.00 AND LADIES' $2.50 JOB 5 LONG COATS $3.00 This cut in price is due to the public demand for gaulity which has greatly increased our volume. That the principles of football apply to business. It is the offen.' sive you must drive ahead . . Instantly comc to the wearer of these com- binations of the new smart figured moire. Of this model lace forms the uplift bust sections . . . and detachable adjustable shoulder straps com- plete it as an ideal and easily laundered foun. dation for general wear. In our corest department you will find a large selection of formes and prices. i4 , y A '' od vertise, Stanton Service Cuts f -4- 4 ,7: and copy are free in Ann Arbor's best market builder . . . . Second Floor G-REENES /. 1'% 'i I