a, w- ... ._ ._ , i11 19.Ja . x , "l. v .C %. emu, ; ~Z'; THE 1C~U& JASIL; FALL RIBE TRIAL AFT R FORTNIGHT Doheny Testifies for Defense; is Quizzed on Payment to Defendant. DENIES BRIBERY CHARGE Fall Weakened by Illness, butl Attends Court as End Nears. ($y Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 - Two weeks of attention to testimony re- garding the $100,000 paid to Albert1 B. Fall by ,Edward L. Doheny was at an end today for the jurors in the Fall bribery trial as they await- ed closing arguments of opposing CONFERENCE MAY BRING JABOFTi 01C VDAgNS FIELD RETURN OF ARMY-NAVY GAMESI -ii TnrIflT 1W In~f1~vr rLu t _ - 179 Students Enroll for Law Case Clubs HOOVER OPPOSED TO INSCRIPTION SUGGESTED FOR LOU VAIN LIBRARY Revolution Manifesto Found; Generals Say Reign of Terror Exists. _ . 4 OTHERS IMPLICATED HAVANA, Oct. 19.--The secret police believed today they had stamped out' a plot against the gov- ernment of President Machado, with arrest of four Cubans, former- ly prominent in the island's public, life. Charges of sedition probably will be filed against them. Charges of attempt to incite re- bellion may be filed against 14, others, whose names were signed to a revolutionary manifesto. A signed statement by Col. Carlos a Mendieta, Gen. Francisco Perazo, Col. Roberto Mendez and J. Muniz Vergara, the first of whose names headed the manifesto, declared tha "the arrests provide irrefutable, proof that a reign of terror exists in Cuba." The four charged with conspiracy. are Alfredo Avila, plantation own- er of Santiago de las Vegas, Pedro' Valdez Fernandez, attorney, Dr. Antonio Beruff y Mendieta, attor- ney, and Sexto Aguiro Padron. L PRACTITIONER WASHINGTON, Oct. 19~~-Presi- the center of a controversy that One hundred seventy-nine first dent Hoover is emphatically op- has even caused rioting in the little and second year law students reg- posed to placing the inscription, Belgian town, and has extended on istered for participation in the ar_ "Destroyed by German fury, re- several occasions to America, guments of the Case clubs, accord- stored by American generosity," "I and those associated with me . 'Cupon the new library of University in the American gift of a library ing to a report made yesterday by ; of Luvain, Belgium, built by Amer- to the University of Louvain," the Prof. E. Blythe Stason, adviser for ican subscriptions obtained largely !president said late Friday in an- the organization. through the efforts of the chief ex- swer to the inquiry of a newspaper An increase of 51 is shown over ecutive. correspondent, "wish to emphatic- the registration last year. Since Since Whitney Warren, the arch- ally disclaim any approval of the Professor Stason became an adviser itect of the building, proposed and action of Mr. Whitney Warren in insisted upon this inscription more insisting upon an offensive inscrip- of the clubs five years ago, they than three years ago, it has been tion upon the building." have constantly grown in member- - ship. Last year the membership of I each club consisted of eight first year and 24 second year law stu- RESERVE A SEAT IN dents, but due to the greatly in- creased number of participants, it w ill b e n ecessary to en larg e th e ' I e m e s i n e c c u .2 0 C A R mnembersh ip in each club. argmathe Schedules will be posted and first 200 CHAIRS cases will be assigned next week. counsel in the case. Only a few character witnesses} remained to be heard to conclude' Mapor General W. R. Smith (right), superintendent of the United the defense of the former interior States Military Academy, has made the suggestion to Rear Admiral S. secretary, who contends the pay- S. Robinson, superintendent of the United States Naval Acaremy, that ment from Doheny was merely a a meeting to be held to discuss the ssibility of resuming athletic rela- loan from a friend of 43 years' tions betreen the two schools. Re lations were called off on account standing. The government charges of the controversy over the respect ive eligibility rulings of the insti- the sum was a bribe to obtain the tutions. It is hoped that some agr eement may be reached on this sub- lease for the oil man of the Elk ject during the course of the prop osed conference. Hills, Calif., naval petroleum re- - --_ - serve. Ruthven Gives Talk DOOM OF GENERA TYPEWRITER REPAIRING All makes of ma- chines. Our equip- ment and person- nel are considered among the best in the State. The result of twenty years' careful building. Q. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 One Block North from Hill Auditorium Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner $8.00 per week Lunch and Dinner, $6.50 per week L tack he sufferedil at. t~h b inninpe .E . ,T/'CI' L.FORECAST BY UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT eLt Ure Iowa SooL1m c of the trial, the 68 year old de-{the medical profession must change fendant watched Doheny, who is Frank Claims Profession Must five years his senior, describe their (Continued From Page One. Change Tactics to Meet emergency capacitl, Dr. rank said, meeting in a New Mexico mining AdhCo the American mind so that the townneary a alf entuy ag. o. After a discussion of the relation Cmeios town nearly a halt century ago. between the service departments in Ciprivat doctor will be consulted at Himself under an indictment colleges and the world of business,! tregular intervale in a sickness pre- charging ghim with g abre ythe President continued: CHICAGO, Oct. 19.-A med- vention program. to a government officer, Doheny' spent .three hours in the witness I "After watching this situation de- ical revolution threatens to elim- "Our only hope of a healthier box Friday, half of that time under velop for a number of years and inate the private practitioner in nation, unless we go bag and bag- cross-examination. He gave a first noting the effectiveness of various much the same way as the indus gage to state medicine, lies with hand account of the payment, in- attempts at its control, I beg leave trial revolution did away with the' the unselfish doctor who will con- dignantly denying he had discussed to offer some suggestions designed handicraftsman, Dr. Glenn Fran%, sciously reduce his income by giv- the naval oil reserve under Fall's to protect the teaching activities of president of University of Wiscon-- ing patients advice that may keep jurisdiction, when the money was our institutions of higher learning. sin, told the American Coflege of them from falling sick again," the paid, and insisted only patriotism "First: Administrators should Surgeons at its closing meeting speaker said. moved him to bid on the contract khi Friday night. ------ - forsuplyig ankge aclites orfrankly face the fact that service' Unless the medical proifessionz- for supplying tankage facilities for must now be considered a function the navy's oil in the Hawaiian is- . . succeeds by itself in educating the lands.othe college, and with this in j public to a program of disease pre- New York Listed Dhn iscnieeth motmind should concern themselves vention, he said, insurance coin-' N wL te Doheny is considered the most with a view to determining the ex - vnioh siinuacec important witness for the defense, th a view theftein is t e panies, industrial concerns andSo astent to which the function is to be even the state may step in and take the defendant will not take the encouraged and the proper methods over the control of health. Private Wire Connections the efedan wil no tae te Iof control. stand. Owen J. Roberts for the IfI The savant predicated his asser-- with all Markets government quizzed Doheny in a! "Second: To avoid the obvious tions upon statistics showing thac' thorough fashion, and in severaldangers of too extensive and rapid the annually economic loss caused t b hdo instances developed that his testi- development of extra-mural serv- by preventable sickness and post-; Securis ug oasos mony did not coincide completely ice, activities of this kind should ponable death amounted to 350 - with statements he made before be organized into units definitely 000,000 days or $1,800,000,000 an Telephone 22541 a senate investigating committee related to the other departments. f nually. six years ago. "Third: That academic stand- "It is estimated that this loss ards may be maintained and the could be cut to a point where, over Brown-Cress & Co. CroSs to Give Talk proper emphasis in education be and above the costs of prevention, Incorporated insured, instruction with credit a balance of something like $1,000,-s at Adelphi Meeting should be given and degrees grant- 000,000 could be left in the pockets Investment Securities ed only through the allied teach- of the working population and the First Floor Ann Arbor Trust Bldg. "English Politics of Today" will1ing departments. industries," he said. be the topic of a talk by Professor . ,Instead of continuing only in an .. ... .... - . . . I Arthur L. Cross of the history de-j partment at the Adelphi meeting at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in the Adelphi room. The meeting is' open to the public, and all who areI interested are cordially invited to attend. The usual closed meeting will fol- low the open session. All members of the society are urged to be pres- ent. Revision of the society consti- tution will be considered. Frourth: ne service units should be entirely self-supporting, even to the extent of providing for all overhead expense. "It is believed that the general method of control just outlined would not too greatly restrict the assistance which the colleges can give to its alumni and the commun- ity and would, at the same time, insure a proper balance of the ob- jective of these institutions." Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry High Grade Repair Service r7s p.i Sunday Dinner at The Parrot HEAR BOB a STAT E STREETI CARSON'S MUSIC Afternoons and Evenings ki """>E) E) UC '^ t<--y"<-y) E--yU~ e-yt<--:> 1 'I For those who demand the best in Dance Orchestras The Victors The Aristocrats I