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October 20, 1929 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-20

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"UT IN S OR SJudicial Department
to be Called as Aid I
UIIIVL Tin Probe of Lobbying
Ur rTUIin i(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 19.-1
TXl Determined to get a "Cross section"
9__n, picture of lobbying activities in
IN Washington, Chairman Caraway of
the Senate lobby investigation
committee, announced today that
Makes First Public Appearance he would ask the Department of
in Official Capacity Justice to assist.
President.The Department investigators'
as Pprobably will be working with the
committee as it resumes its inquiry
PRAISES CONSERVATISM next week into the relations be-
tween the Connecticut Manufac-
turers' association and Senator


Historic Railroad Station I
From Smith Creek to F
.+ dta 4 4. L.4.dL +,II




States Service to Civilization1
Should be True Aim of
Academic Groups.
Defending what he terms "natur-
al professorial conservatism" in re-
gard to rapid experimental changet
in educational institutions, Presi-
dent Alexander Grant Ruthven in
an address made yesterday morn-
ing on "The College ana Extra-
Mural Service"Cbefore the home-
coming assembly of Morningsidert
college, Sioux Cty, Iowa, advocated
a further extension of the extra-
mural services of colleges and uni-
Dr. Ruthven also opposed the uset
of students as laboratory objects
for experimentation in various edu-
cational methods. He further
stated that Service to civilization
was a true academic aim, and that
universities were fulfilling them-
selves insofar as they devoted their
laboratories, professors, and stu- i
dent facilities toward the solution
Of the modern world's problems,!
scientific and sociological.a
The text of Dr. Ruthven's first
public address as Michigan's presi-
dent follows in part:-
"For at least two reasons much i
of the criticism which has been di-
rected at our colleges has little re-
sult. Schools, like other social in-
itltion are in part molded by
their environments, and little un-
derstood tendencies in education
creep into our educational organi-
zations, often unnoticed, and when1
observed frequently against opposi-
tion, for the reason that they re-
fect the needs of the world. Again,
attacks upon our institutions of'
higher learning are in part inef-
fective because schools are slow to
change. While this slowness to re-
spond to criticism is frequently in-
terpreted as antagonism to change,
it is in part fortunate, because the
educational world has in the past
permitted and even sponsored too
many ill-considered experiments.
Not yet can we treat the youth of
our land as guinea pigs. If one
ruins an experimental guinea pig
one can put him out of his misery,
but if one ruins a boy or a girl in an
educational experiment one may
expect to have him or her under
foot for some time. Wise educa-
tors thus favor a reasonable con-
servatism in developing their insti-
"Service is today a word to con-
jure with, even in the educational
world. When material or favorable
public opinion is needed, we find it
convenient to speak of the service
the college renders to the commun-
ity, the state, and the nation. By
this term "service" we are coming
to mean not assistance to the stu-
dent nor the contribution of the
college to society through the train-
ing of youth, but direct and mate-
rial aid to adults in their individu-
al group struggles for existence."
It is a talking point in pleading
for funds if our zoologists have
identified an insect pest for the
farmers, if our engineers have af-
fected improvements in the auto-
mobile, if our chemists are able to
certify as to the character of our
drinking water, or if our medical
men have discovered a new cure.
"A survey of American institu-
tions of higher learning is certain
to reveal tha work of this kind
is being done in increasing
amounts for the world outside of
thethe cellege walls, and so far has
extramural service been developed
that we find today firmly intrench-
ed in our educational institutions
great service departments, such as
hospitals, laboratories of engineer-
ing research, bureaus of business
research, and other units, spending
thousands of dollars each year and
offering fellowships and research
assAstantships for economic work
in ever increasing numbers.

Bingham, Republican, Connecticut,
who was "loaned" a man by the
manufacturers to assist him in his
share of framing the tariff bill.
Senator Caraway explained he,
was asking government aid for theIl
committee with the determinationa
to go thoroughly into such lobby-G
ing activities as the committee ish
able to examine. f
"It will be impossible to go intojf
all lobbying activities," he ex-1
plained. "I want to get a cross sec- F
tion of it before the public, but I s
want to get it thoroughly."d
E. Kent Hubbard, president, and
Robert Buell, secretary and treas- c
urer, of the Connecticut Manufac- l
turer's association, will be calledF

rstate at "ear orn,
Menlo Park Laboratories Where
Edison Made Carbon Lamp
Rebuilt by Ford.
DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 19.-At a
ittle old railroad station where as
boy he once was thrown from a
Grand Trunk train because one of
is chemical experiments had set
ire to a baggage car, Thomas A.
'dison arrived today to take part
in a celebration sponsored by Henry
'ord to mark the fiftieth anniver-
ary of the perfection of the incan-
descent electric lamp.
Traveling in Henry Ford's private
ar, the inventor was brought to the
ittle station, purchased by Mr.
Ford and transported from Smith
reek, near Port Huron, to the early
American village on the Ford estate
t Dearborn.
President Hoover and 600 other
nvited guests will come to the

Stocks Fall to New
Low Level as Bears
Force Down Market
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 19.-The stock
market finally broke with a crash
today, as the severe bearish pres-
sure under which it had been
struggling during the major part
! of the week became overpowering.
Weak holders of stocks on mar-
gin were at last unable to meet the
persistent calls from their brokers
for more funds, and were shunted
out of the market in a wild rush.
The volume of trading on the New4
York stock exchange which had
averaged only about 3,300,0001
shares a day during the preceding
full day five hour sessions rose to
3,488,100 shares in today's two hour
session, the second largest Saturday
turnover in history.
The only two hour session in
which trading exceeded today's was
that of Saturday, Dec. 28, 1928,
which ended the three-day breakl
in prices which came after the wild
post election bull market. The turn -I
over during that session totalled
3,774,900 shores. Losses on Dec. 8,
,however, -were on the average less
than half as severe as those of to-
Today's declines carried most of
the leading industrials and many
of the leading rails through the re-
sistance point established in the
break of October 3 and 4 and the
wide assortment of utilities were
carried to the lowest level since the
early part of July.

I ?
Local Pastor is First Lecturer
on S. C. A. Experimental
Religious Course.




Attack Three Times in Shadow
of Goal Posts.

Responsive Service, Symp
Reading, Music, Incdu
in Novel Program.





Inception of a series of experi-
mental religious convocations to be
held throughout the. school year
will be made this evening by the
Student Christian Association. A
devotional service, featuring an il-
lustrated lecture, "One Increasing
Purpose," by the Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps, pastor of the First Congre-
gational church, will be conducted
this evening at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre, on a newly devised
scheme of cooperative student ap-
The lecture by the Rev. Heaps is
based on A. M. E. Hutchinson's
book of the same name. The slides
which he will use to illustrate the
talk have been produced by the
pastor himself and have been used
i similar occasions throughout the,

r v Edward L. Warn
Bewildered by Ohio State's sho
luarter, which accounted for three 6r
>peedy Buckeyes, 7-0, in a hard-fou
stadIium. After holding for downs
momentarily punted out of dlanger,
begun. Holman threw an 18-yard >
clown of the game. The victory ass
;hip in the Big Ten race.
A capacity crowd of 87,000 peop
)utplay their Buckeye rivals, duringt
when the ball was within a few yar
Dimes the -Maize and Blue hacks care
the Buckeye goal posts, and three t
last minute of play Joe Gembis failed
)hio's five yard line, and M ichigat
Failure of Michigan's defense

station Monday to attend the cele- " -----IU"MILE country.
bration, which in effect is a gi- country.
-Responsive service, smoimf l f
ganmic "party" arranged by Mr.Rspsie erc, symposium
OHIO___ 7 "Ford for his close friend, "Tom" iLreading, and music by the quartet,
Bzmri(Thave also been incorported into the
Berkowitz and Widlman Star for!!Edison'r a prdn xes program. Members of the quartet 9 H 01 OG g
Seconds in Decisive or effort in arranging for the are Thelma Lewis, soprono; Annisd;eM
Sonso efoti ar angigmor e ester Gray, contralto; Paul P Varied Lecture Series Marksa
Grid Victory. party, and to create the atmosphere Brainard, tenor; Theodore L. Trost University Broadcast
(of 1879 when Edison completed his "Old English" Will Run Nightly
crude carbon filament lamp in his . Naritone. Dalies Frantz will be at Night Offerings.
BAUER'S KICK TALLIES Menlo Park workship. The work- Entire Next Week at the piano. During the lecture of
shop has been reconstructed at the Mimes Theater. payed by or thy Va Zwaluwar STRING TRIO FEATURED
Two touchdowns in the final per- historical village exactly as it was iergwillaye b rh Van Zwhn- ThRE
morenrfftyyersSEAS VALABE OWberg will be herd from _behind the 1__
iod of play gave'the Michigan "B" on the Sunday mornieng fifty years SEATS "AVAILABLE OW'sree
team a 17 to 6 victory over the ago when Edison's experiment with Ten Speaking extemporanously, Coach
Ohio State Junior varsityvyester- the lamp finally was crowned with "Old English," by John Gal- service the studentsattending yesterdy'Kipke lastenighthedisc ssed
day afternoon at Columbus. These success. dworthy will be presented by Mimes will consist of a questionnaire seek- the first speaker *on the third
two touchdowns, one made by Ber- In an effort at realism, Mr. Ford organization, every night next ing their opinion on the value of Michigan Night rtadio program
kowitz following a march down the ( has persuaded Frank McGlyn, who wek and at a matinee on Saturday the program in reflective thought, broadcast from the Morris hall
field and one scored by Hayes on created the role of "Abraham Lin- in the Mimes theatre, E. Mortimer musical appreciation, inspiration, studio through station WJR, De-
an intercpted Basscoupled it ci n mh Dpina p - Shuter, director, announed yester- !social problems solved, vision and troit. Kipke went over some of
a place kick by Bauer in the first I that name, to appear in an imper- ay. imagination and entertainment. plays that figured prominently in
quarter gave the Wolverines their sonation in the court chamber of Principals of the production aillTiatiand entetaie t a thetl
margn a th en ofthegam. te od Lncon corthusew IincudeKeneth Whie, 2~,whoThis material will be used to aidI the game and discussed the rela-
margin at the end of the game. eas renLincbougho th hich White, '29, who the association in planning its fu- tions between Ohio State and the
Berkowitz and Widmanwere wascetlyag bfromtotehistori-i will play the original role of George ture convocations. With this pur- University. He also expressed him-
outstanding performers on the cal village from Tostville, Ill . Arliss; Robert Wetzel, Grad., George pose in view, the association is also self as being very much pleasedf
Maize and Blue eleven while Dunn ecae o prbEis ealnehs B3, avid Hempstead, 31, asking the students to state with the fight put up by the cour-I
and Fivaz starred for the Buckeyes. d he will make no public appearances Norman Brown, '30, Truesdale May- their present status in matters ageous Wolverines. According to
Fivaz, Ohio halfback, did a major i oodwvnni h aaees At r Sut, 29, Joseph- relative to religion, vocation, and WloAbto h htrcd-
share o the ofball icrrying amor his frFr;il iei h oe aaeandRarthurlael, 2, eneral adjustment of life, and ntdirector tand announceri
Iam and in he lastla art rer made arrangedd fort Presidet Hoover and Helen McComik, '30.hAcat32gnr odfteto p-atetdeore aanenh
a 25 yard run which had a direct through downowwn Detroit onan! 15 will support the principals in of the station, Kipke was one of the
b 1 earing on the only Buckeye score. forenoon. The President's train i~ the roles. L A U T E 'R e paeswohv vrbe
The Wolverines outplayedthe due to arrive at Dearbornat9:30 This is the first presentation of! PRESENTS MOVIE "permittedto broadcasthona Michi-n
Ohio State team throughout the A. M. Monday. His address dedi-I the Mimes organization for the -un Night program without having
entire game with the possible ex- 1 eting the new Edison Institute of re ntsaonTefis erom .t submitted a printed copy of his 1
enir gm wthth osibe x ctig en o sVr.Fodcurrent season. The first perform- 'Growth of the Soil,' Adaptation speech beforehand. 1
ception of a few minutes in the Technology established by Mr. Ford ance will be given Monday night, ofH susNvetbeKpewsolwdbyD.Ahr
final quarter when Fivaz crossed will conclude the celebration. He October 28, and the production will of Hamsns Novel, to be Kipke was followed by Dr. Arthur
the goal line for the Buckeyes after , will leave for Cincinnati at mid- continue through Saturday night. Shown This Week. C. Curtis, assistant to the dean of
a march down the field which was! night. November 2. A matinee perform the Medical school, who spoke
aided considerably by a 15 yardt---- ance , scheduled for Saturday aft- Inaugurating a policy of pre- about diets and their purpose. Pro-'
penalty against the Wolverines. LONG PASS NETS ernoon, November 2. j senting an occasional outstanding fessor Curtis strongly advised
Michigan's first score came inTI FO HA V R Box office reserativons for all I motion picture to the campus, of- against attempting any reducing,
theTIE FOR HARVARD performances may be made by call - of the Lydia Mendelssohn I diet that has not been reommend-
tf thhen Bauer place kicked from the ing the office of the Mimes theatre h e announced yesterday a ed by a personal physician.
23 yard line. Bauer's toe was also Harvard Makes Last Tally When I All mail orders for seats will be prlentation of "The Growth of Discussing natural and artificialj
responsible for the two extra points' C g'c is Taken Out in I filled in the order in which they the Soil," directed by Knut Ham- lighting, Prof. Henry H. Higbie, of
after the Wolverine touchdowns. Pr- I are received. Seats for each evening sun. Eight performances will be the electrical engineering depart-
THELINEFal performance are priced at 75 cents given, starting tomorrow night and ment, was third on the speaker's
T--.and the seats for the matinee oI continuing through Satrday list. Formerly president of the El-
Ohio State Pos. Michigan ( A A-ociated I ~ Saurdy rntnight, with the inclusion of ma- ectric Illuminating Association of
Weaver .......LE... .... Mosser CAMBRIDGE, Oct. 19.-A forty- Sturday are 50 cents.
Rentschler . . . .LT.......Morgan ycA pass. for atwt -a- tinees on Friday afternoon and America, Professor Higbie was well
Pleskoh . .C...L G.....Kaminski yiut left opl ad fit a Saturday afternoons. qualified to consider the subject of
Pleko. .. .. LG .. IKainkiminute lef t to play gave a f ighting lCapone Again Seehs I The picture is adap ted from the home lighting.
Fisher .....C .... ... Schantz Harvard team a 20-20 draw with to Av id Jail Term book by the same name and was Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, of the
Sattler .........G..............zI rsalescaesetedyt
H... G .. .Bauera agC)'s cdets yeste d at filmed last year in the Scandinav- educational psychology department
Nicklaus ......RT..... Bauer (C) the Harvard stadiumdow behi PHILAH ct. s ian countries. Of particular note next spoke on the subject of the
Dick RE........ Justicem PHILADELPHIA, At.Wva.-An- is the fact that all of the work was summer camp as a source of study
Wyer .........QB...... Widmnan had the ball on its own forty-yard other effort to get out of jail is directed by Knut Hamsun, the au- 'in the psychology of youth.
Fivaz .........LH.....Pearlman line when, after line play had fail- being made by Al Capone and his thor of the book. The characters trinered eea s tin
Dunn (C).....RH........Brown e'i to gain, Wood, the Crimson bodyguard, Frank Cline, who are are all portrayed by Norwegian ac- A string quartette and string
Clymer........FB......... Miller quarterback, tossed a pass to Burns, I serving one year term in Eastern tors who are well-known on thetrionrederefevera selecionst
Scoring touchdowns -Berkowitz sub end, which was good for 20 State penitentiary here for carrying continent.t round out the fine program.
(M), Fivaz (O), and Hayes (M) . yards. After an incomplete toss, concealed weapons. In addition to the feature, two
IPoints after touchdown - Bauer Harding, another substitute end, I Under habeas corpus petitions short subjects will be included on Educator Says Marks
(M) 2. Place kick, Bauer, (M). - outraced the Army backfield to I presented by their attorneys the the program. One is to be Poe's Disgrace Universities
Officials-referee, Don Hamilton pull down Wood's throw near the state supreme court Friday ordered story, "Tell Tale Heart" and the }
(Notre Dame) ; umpire, Rice Hus- goal line and ran over for the tie- Herbert Smith, warden, and Dis- other will be a cubistic film, "The <<3 Associated Press>
ton (Parsons) ing touchdown. Cagle, who had trict Attorney John Monoghan to Life and Death of a Hollywood Ex- SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. I9-
D Re (Davton) starred for the Army, had been show cause why the writs should trad" Scholastic grades, as applied in the

ner, Sports Editor
)rt passing attack in the opening
st downs, Michigan fell before the
ight battle yesterday in the new
on the four yard line, Michigan
but with the second quarter just
ass to Feser for the only touch-
ured the Buckeyes of their leader-
le saw the Wolverines outgain and
he last three periods only to falter
ds of the final chalk mark. Three
ied the ball within the shadow of
imues they were repulsed. In the
by inches to make it first down on
n's last scoring threat was extin-
to function against Ohio's short
terial attack in the first quartet'
coupled with the fine work of the
Buckeye ends in getting down on
McConnell's long punts gave the
Scarlet and Gray an advantage
which they battled the remainder
of the game to retain. In yardage
gained, and first downs, the Wol-
verines excelledthe opposition by
a wide margin, but at the crucial
moment, when yards meant points,
they lacked the scoring punch.
Realizing his most effective mode
of attack, Al Holman, Buckeye
quarterback, re-
sorted to a short
z passing game for
his chief offensive
Scarlet and Gray
Ileven completed
six out of 11 for-
ward passes, all
in the first half,
to annex their
second Big Ten
victory. Michigan
William Heston gained 164 yards
from scrimmage to 72 for the
Bucks, and registered 11 first downs
to Ohio's six, but all this was to no
avail when the Wolves were with-
in striking distance of the goal
Wesley Fesler, Buckeye right end,
lived up to his all-American repu-
tation by going down on punt afterr
punt to thow Simrall in his tracks
before he got under way. On the
contrary the Ohio State backs were
returning Simrall's kicks from 10
to 20 yards, giving Ohio an advan-
tage on nearly everyexchiange of
punts. Hewitt and Cornwell, new
Wolverine flankmen, experienced
difficulty in getting down to stop
the Buckeyereceivers.
In contrast to the Purdue con-
test, Michigan's line made a fine
showing in holding Ohio to 72
yards and three first downs from
rushing the ball. Only on pass de-
fense did the Wolverines falter, and
this first period lapse proved dis-
astrous. Bill Hewitt and Al Steinke
played well in stopping the Ohio
running game, but the ends and
backs were noticeably deficient in
trying to break up the Holman and
McConnell pass combination.
Ohio State had a wide edge on
(Coninued on Page Two)
Michigan . Ohio State
hewitt .........LE...... Fontaine
Hayden ....... .LT.........Marsh
Poe ........... ,LG........ Uihely
Bovard ........ .C........ Barratt
Steinke ......_.R3.......... Selby
;Auer .........RT........ Larkins
'Cornwell . . .. . RE. . . ..... Feslqy
Simrall ......,.QB...... .Holman
IT'ruskowski .... RH.......... Horn


ield Judge- ur. rtte u-a yv;
and head linesman-A. W. Thomp- taken out of the game by Jones, not be granted. The matter was set
ond (Lawree). .Army coach, a minute before. 'for hearing Oct. 28.
s __L__wr __n __) Larry Wood, Crimson quarter,
I ee, tarigonboh ffne nd ~(~i~ethr CO E played the best game of his ca- __ _ _ _ _ _-
playedFOOTBALL SCORES reer, starring on both offense and
defense: .,

j Illinois 7, Iowa 7.
Minnesota 26, Northwestern 14.
Notre Dame 19, Wisconsin 0.
IColgate 21, Indiana 6.
Purdue 24, Depauw 6.
California 12. Pennsylvania 7.

.- i

Ohio .........
Minnesota ...

.......2 0
1 0

i --,.... ;
, . I 4 "%.,, t
,, S }

No advance sale will be conduct-
ed for the performances. Tickets
may be purchased at the box of-
fice of the theatre for each show-
ing. Seats for all performances,
including the matinees, will be
priced at fifty cents, and the shows
will begin at 8:15 o'clock in the
evening, and 2:15 o'clock for the
Friday and Saturday matinees.
r ~ ~ /~ITtTi1JI~l

educational system of America,
were declared to be merely a sub-

stitute for the dunce cap and the.; Iludson . . . .. ..LE . .. .. McConnell
whip by Dr. Frederick Rand Rogers, 1 Gembis .... %.. .FB....... Holcomb
New York, in addressing 5,000 Utah 1 Officials: Referee, Eckersall, Chi-
educators here. j cago; Umpire, Hedges, Dartmouth;
Colleges, he said, "worshipped Field Judge, Hackett, West Point;
marks" but he added that an A.B. 'Head Linesman, Gardiner, Illinois.
degree merely indicated the stu- Scores: Touchdown, Fesler, point
dent had agreed with his professors after touchdown, Barratt. Substi-
during his four years at school. tutions, Ohio State, Huston for
Grades make a battle ground of Harn, Hambrich for Larkins, Mc-:
ay ,7 --1- a ,,.1 .i --' C. - .... ..



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