D A I LYOFFIC I AL B ULLEINII Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) r VOL. XL, SATURDAY, October 119, 1 No. 19_. I NOTICES Excuses for Absences: Underclassmen in thea College of Engineer- ing must take the initiative in securing from the Associate D ,an ex- cuses for absences from classes. Eixc o es roust be applied for within rive days after return to classes. Upperclassmen should explain irrecg- ularities of attendance to their instn~uctors. George W. Patter son, Associate Dean, College of Engineering Engineering Research Bulletin N.. 13f.. . The Department of En- gineering Research announces the publication of Bulletin No. 13, "A Practical Method for the Selection of Foundations Based on Funda- mental Research of Soil Meebanics" by W. S. Hlousel. Members of the Faculty may obtain complimentary copies by calling at the Publications Office, Room 1047 East Engineering Building. J. Ril:Yigh Nelson, Cbairmasn of Publications Advisery Group No. 53. Will t1-,, members of the Advisery Group No. 53 come to my office, Room 2216 A ,,e~ll ,1, for consultation aboutc ;cores made in the Freshmein Weeck ce ,,t=1 ?,tions? A. A. Hill THE MT C~ I-l (-~ !T P T ~TU~T~ A ~ OCTOBER 19, 1~29 ._ ... _..,. l~ud51a {1ib xiiimeet Sunday, October 20, i t 2:30 p, ig. at; Lane, All s cet fom i lia a rc requested to be ist The Iondiy Eenngllr~miSecetion ef theFt~utvWtvi l vwill meiet W\4i i :: , Oetbur 2i,