1 t~A ' ~ft^ ;.V: ne v o.rc. r =,1 'rlt -.. , .. IrtESt)AY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1929 - T HE MICH-~iGAN DA I L Y FRESHMEN ON MEMBERSHIP ROLL [1[ 1ORKl Membership requirements in the and method of enrolling will be AIM EAeronautical society have been al- made at a later date. tered this year to enable freshman this year's program, as outlined ttorbecome members of what has by the officers of the club, will in- Forsythe Sees Health Education proven to be one of the most pop- elude several courses of instruction And Personal Health As ular organizations on the campus, through speakers who will attend Important Factors according to the officers of the the regular meetings. Negotiations club. The change was made to are already under way to secure a comply with constant requests from plane for the use of the club mem- URGES STUDENTS TO VISIT tne younger' students for member- bers and in which actual flying in- ship in the society which was orig- struction may be given. For those Introducing the University Health inally to include the older en- interested in phases of aeronautics Service to those students entering gineers. other than flying, a ballooning see- the Universit3y for the first time, At present the Aeronautical so- tion and a glider section of the Dr: Warren E. Forsythe, director, ciety includes on its membership Aeronautical society are maintain- explained in an interview yester- roll, students from all schools and ed. Each of these sections pus- day the part played by the Health colleges on the campus, although sesses equipment necessary to the Service in the life at the Univer- heretofore there have been no ar- practice of that particular branch sity. rangements made for freshman of aeronautics. "The University recognizes that membership. Soon after the actual Michigan's Aeronautical: society the success of a student's college opening of school, arrangements has received much attention course is determined in part by two , will be made to accept applications throughout the country as a pio- phases of health: Personal Health for membership. A definite an- neer in the field which it covers,; and Health Education," said Dr. nouncement of the requirements namely that of introducing avia- Forsythe. First, it is obvious that frank - sickness may interfere with the stuLdent's college work, but it is less well recognized that failures or less successful work may result from J 0_B__ 'C S unrecognized or neglected physical or mental defects," - "Second, the success of the stu- dent's days and his later years of service to society depend also upon O rchestras many maters of education relative to personal and community health." Dr. Forsythe believes students of Michigan are especially fortunateqt in the way provision is made toI r e ( th & G Y care fo rtheir health and sickness. The service has its center at the Health Service 'building east of DIAL 4636 Waterman gymnasium. "Students are urged to visit or call the Health Service for anyI desired medical attention," Dr. For- _-___________=____a ____ sythe stated._ The staff of the Health Service will be active this week in examin- ing enterin gstudents. However, those who wish to have their eyes tested for glasses before, classes commence on Monday are urged to make appointments as soon as pos- A ______eMICHIGAN t tion to members of the younger generation who will not be especial- ly interested in it as a science, but as a common phase of life. The desire to develop areonautics in the mind of the layman has prompted the officers of the club to seek more satisfactory permanent quarters than the club has enjoyed during the. past years of its existence The club will attempt to establish a library, reading rooms and club rooms early this fall so that mem- bers may benefit by them this year. } -I ' L _ S i : > t i t fffi F ,_ On Selecting Your Tailor 4 4 The utmost discrimination is essential in the choice of a tailor. To give complete satisfaction, your clothes must be precisely adapted to your person in fit, and to your personality in cut and material. Such results are only obtainable by the tnrainstaking methods employed by Marquardt. Our expsrt cutters and fitters, guided by the taste and knowledge of what is authentic which we have derived from serving a distinguished clientele, tailor clothes which will fulfill your most exacting re- quirements. Arthur F. Marquardt Here's a Tip! Tfyou walnt your clothes laundered in an expert nian- ner by all means send it to the TROJAN, Years of experience have netted us a reputation for Y so 608 E. Liberty Street Ann Arbor I . , I I guaranteed quality, service, and satisfaction. ' r 9 , 4 I I f 41 1 I It i Just dial 9495 and ask our man to stop; or you can save money by using our 15% Discount System. Cash and Carry Furs and Fur Coatsj Makeup, Repaired, Re- modelled and Relined Prices Reasonable E. L. Greenbaum 448 Spring Street Phone 9625 BEAU E SHOPPE Where your upper classmen go for I lines of a fBeauty vill show Culture. Registering on our appointment book, w good judgment in selecting your Beautician. Our staff of operators are experts. When in need Dial 3083 MICHIGAN BEAUTY SHOPPE Rooms 207-208, Second Floor Michigan Theater Bldg. i ( l? c , ' E { '/"a g The TROJAN LAUNDRY Dial 9495 231 South State Street , ,. READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Want Ads Pay U - U ,Il././1.././.0 a b, Tr -*,A , It you write we have it! I I Michigan Student Headquarters since 1908 TYPEWRITERS: New L.C. Smith and Corona, Under- wood, Remington, Royal portables. Rebuilt and Second Hand typewriters of all makes sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and repaired. Now is the time to get a ty pewriter. Learn to operate it proficiently. You will save time at in making good both in and after up. Easy terms if desired. FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS: nd it will aid enormously college. Priced $25.00 1- Greetings to our Old Friends and Prospective New Ones:- Come in and get acquainted; you will find our Shop complete with new ideas in wearing apparel for the coming season. Our Tailoring department is most attractive with the seasons latest fabrics and the largest showing of fine woolens we have ever secured. The Hat department is full of the new Dobbs shapes for University Men. Our Neckwear "The Best: That's" "RESILLO" the Tie that stays tied and does not wrinkle. Gloves: There is no question but what we show the largest assortment of gloves shown in Michigan. Meyers, Fownes, Luken makes in;every leather and shading. Hosiery: New features in solid color effects self and contrasting clocks. And throughout our entire line you will find we have taken considerable pains in making our selections for your approval. If it rains; be sure to examine our new feature in the ALLIGATOR slicker. Its a winner. Drop in at your convenience. TINKER & COMPANY South State Street at William Street i We have an excellent assortment of standard makes with anational reputation- guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction. Priced $1.00 up. CORRESPONDENCE STATIONERY: A large and choice stock of leading manuf acturers. Priced 5Qc up, GREETING CARDS for all occasions. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLIES to meet all require- mxents. F'A 0. D. NORRILL m I®