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October 19, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-19

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- - a

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.j
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitledj
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor,1
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices:Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
eard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4923; Business, 21214.


Telephone 4925
Editor .....................George C. Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor.......... .. George E. Simons
Sports Editor ........Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ............Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor ........ ..... George Stauter
Music and Drama........William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.... ,...... Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor....--Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors 1
Frank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman

Charles A. Askren
Helen Baret
Lojuise Behymer
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane;
Ledru E. Davis
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Ruth Geddes
iGinevra Ginn
J. Edmund Glavin
Jack Goldsmith
J. B. Hempstead, Jr.
J ames C. Hendley
Richard T. Hurley
Jean H. Levy
Russell E. McCracken
Lester M. May

William Page
Gustav R. Reich
John D. Reindel
Jeannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Stauter
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer
Margaret Thompson
Richard L. Tobin
Beth Valentine
Harold 0. Warren
CharleseS. White
G. Lionel W illens
Lionel G. Willens
J. E. Willoughby
Barbara Wright
Vivian Zimit

The Interfraternity council of
whereas - this - the - resolved-that
fame and the Senate committee on
student affairs having again taken
up their duties, the season is open
for expressions of opinion anent
fraternity rushing, particularly the
deferred variety which we have not!
and are not sure that we want. Cer-
tain proponents of this policy are
adamant in their beliefs that the
freshmen as a class are far too in-
genuous, guileless, and trusting to
meet the city-slicker, high-pressure
fraternity salesman on an any-i
where near equal basis.
There are, however, a surprising j,
number of persons on the campusj
who are hopeful and perhaps evenI
optimistic about the intelligence of
normal high school graduates.
Many go so far as to consider the
freshmen brilliant enough to see
through high-powered rushing, to
see the real individuals of whom
fraternities are composed. These
radicals are usually frowned upon
by men who admit their own su-
perior mentalities. Yet the facts
If some beneficent organization
is going to solve all of the fresh-
man's problems for him during his
college career, tell him what to do
and what not to do, the self-re-
liance he would ordinarily obtain
from independent action is com-
pletely and perhaps forever lost.
When he has graduated from col-
lege and his crutch has been taken
away from him, he will be quite
likely to stumble into a ditch.
Until the present the freshman
has had nothing to say concern-
ing his own ideas of rushing, de-
ferred or otherwise. There is an
evident need for settlement of this
question which has been perennial,
or rather chronic. In view of these
facts, The Daily would appreciate
any communications from the
freshmen on this subject.
Now that one political machine
has installed the varsity cheerlead-
er as senior class president, we sup-
pose the boys who supported the
other machine's ticket will refuse
to cheer.
When Ohio lines up to kick off
this afternoon some one will prob-
ably remark that they have been
dead a long time already.

The following epic was gleaned
from the editorial columns of our
esteemed contemporary, The Pur-
due Exponent.

Music And Drama
TONIGHT: The last per-
formance offered by Play Pro-
duction of A. A. Milne's play
about the consequence of a lit-
erary theft, "The Truth About
Blayds," at the Mendelssohn
Theatre at 8:15 o'clock.
* * *


at the

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager


Department Managers
Advertising...............Hollister Mabl ;y
Advertising ...........Kasper H. Halverson
Advertising ....... ......... Sherwood Upton
Service.......... .George Spater
Circulation.................J. Vernor Davis
Accounts ...............Jack Rose
Publications................George Hamilton
aymon. Campbell Lawrence Lucey
James E. Cartw right Thomas Muir
Robert Crawford George Patterson
Harry B. Culver Charles Sanford
Thomas M. Davis Lee Slayton
Norman Eliezer Robert Sutton
Donald Ewing Roger C. Thorne
James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Robert Williamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboys
Marvin Kobacker

F - m i


That terrific ball game of lasto
Saturday afternoon when Purduen
defeated Michigan mentally, mor- a
ally and physically, has long beenv
over and most of the 20,000 spec-t
tators are reported well on the roade
to recovery, but a Boilermaker fan,t
even now, may find any number ofa
boosters ready to play the gridironp
classic all over again.-
Classes were held as usual yes-c
terday, but there were a few stu-s
dents who could not make them.
If those persons stayed away tot
sleep, they missed out completely
for in each class long before theP
bell rang or roll was even thought
of, the first quarter of the game's
replay was well under way.f
Sleight, Yunevitch, Harmeson,I
Welch-and all the others of Jim-I
my's ball club were given H's for
the day without even being calledf
upon. And an H at Purdue doest
not stand for the same thing thatt
Coach Harry Kipke gave his boys1
last night at Ann Arbor.t
The boys that came back to WestI
Lafayette from all over the MiddleI
West, who have seen Purdue foot-
ball teams work their way up from
fighting with Indiana for the cel-
lar position, were the ones thatE
left the stadium making the mostI
"whoopie." . It is reported that in-,
dustry was at practically a stand-1
still yesterday, while Purdue alum-
ni neglected work to collect their1
bets from Michigan losers. Pur-
due graduates are everywhere, you
Although the two Lafayettes onj
the "banks of the Wabash" seemed]
rather quiet Saturday night, here
is what Albert Holden, sports writer:
for the Chicago Herald-Examiner,
wired back to his paper:I
"Lafayette is burning down to-
night. Students from Purdue have
been marching with torches, the
old bell on the campus has been
ringing for six hours without miss-
ing a peal and aged alumni are
kissing horses at the county court-
house water trough.
The Monon tracks will be torn
up for miles in both directions in
another hour and Coach Jimmy
Phelan has been elected President
of the United States. If the state
militia is ordered out they will be
led down to the Wabash river and
(fed to the sharks by the delirious
It all came about because Pur-
due's football team, that was as
hopelessly beaten as the Athletics,
refused to quit and, coming from
behind with a historic landslide,
rushed over four touchdowns in the
last fifteen minutes to defeat Mich-
igan 30 to 16.
The Big Ten in all its history has
probably seen only two or three
game in thirty years that rivaled
the furious comeback of the Boil-
ermakers and the total collapse of
the Wolverines.
It was a team gone mad and an-
other team gone as helpless as the
Cubs in its stark terror over what
was happening. Michigan didn't
quit. Michigan teams don't quit.-
They simply blew up like a dirigi-
ble that had been hit with twenty
shells at the same instant. If the
collapse had come five minutes
earlier Purdue might have had six-
ty points, for touchdowns were roll-j
ing up after every four or five
* *
It is certainly lucky that the
Purdue Deponent doesn't run a
humor column on the editorial

A Lay Review
by George C. Tille
As a stranger to this column and
one who does not profess anything
more than an inexpert fondness
and an unprofessional interest in
what passes on the stage, my es-
timate of Play Production's latest;
effort will probably be pooh-poohed
by the smart people who can enjoy
a thing and then make it sound
horrible in print. It may be innate
charity or the devastating result
of my critical sense having been
still born.
However-to those happy mortals
to whom the stage is a recreation
and not a stimulus to intellectual
grouches, I can heartily recommend
a trip tonight to the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre. Milne's vehicle
flops a little in the supporting roles,
but Florence Tennant, despite a
head somewhat too mobile on her
charming shoulders, does a beauti-
ful and sensitive interpretation of
the lead. In fact the best shot of
the show comes just before the Act
I curtain when she kneels beside
the collapsing Oliver Blayds, bum
poet, selfish impostor, and good ac-
Robert Wetzel (made up, inci-
dentally, to the queen's taste) has
the difficult role of the nonagen-
erian plagarist who must in a few
brief moments on the stage create
all the background and knit up all
the loose ends of the play. He cre-
ates just the right amount of long-
practiced canniness, long-hidden
need of confessing, and paramount
desire for the public's adulation-
all without overdoing the senility
into which his part might easily
have trapped him.
To conclude: Paradoxically, or
not paradoxically, Mr. Windt's fe-
male roles take better than his
male ones-all in all he is doing
well. Milne's best crack is "That's
what God said after he'd made
"Little Accident," the Floyd-Mit-
chell opus that is booked for an
engagement of one week at the
Shubert-Lafayette theatre, had a
modest start in New York but soon
caught the public fancy and en-
joyed good runs there and in Chi-
cago. Floyd Dell wrote the orig-
inal story calling it "An Unmar-
ried Father." But all that remains
of the Dell story is the bare skele-
ton of the plot. All the question-
able implications of the situation
have been Puritanically removed,
the extraordinary complications of
it being taken not soo seriously.
Thomas Mitchell, long known on
the Eastern stage as an expert far-
ceur, has taken Dell's story and
leaned toward laughs rather than
toward blushes, even managing a
happy ending. The title becomes
less tragic but quite as meaning-
ful, "Little Accident."
In brief, this is the comedy of a
young man who on the eve of his
marriage in a small Illinois town
is called to Chicago by an extra-
ordinary wire informing him that
he is a father. He rushes away,
and having a thoroughly unmodern
affection and respect for the rights
of a new-born infant, rescues his
unexpected baby as it is about to
be sent out for adoption. He tries
nobly to nurse it and in the mean-
while becomes innocently entangled
in another love affair. Then he
finds himself as bewildered as Don
Juan with three women to choose
from. He, of course, makes the

happiest choice possible. The play
is really one of the outstanding
farces of recent years.



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There are always
every stadium who
their escorts how
make a touchdown.

a few girls in
naively ask
many downs

Laura Codling
Bernice Glaser
Anna Goldberg

Alice McCully
Sylvia Miller
Helen E. Musselwhite
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Dorothea Waterman

Night Editor - WALTER WILDS

Evidently there is some virtue in
making decent conduct a matter
of moral pride rather than of dis-
cipline. The Daily has long ad-
vanced this contention, especially
with regard to student conduct,
and we are pleased to see in the
Senate committee's approval of
Saturday night open dances a re-
cognition by the University's ad-
ministration that students are not
wholly irresponsible, morally in-
competent, and socially leprous.
For the past two years it has been
rather insultingly presupposed that
on an emotional occasion like a
football victory-night students are
not in full possession of their
senses of moral values. The over-
whelming majority, normally cool-
headed enough to drink and con-
duct themselves like gentlemen on
Friday night, have been tacitly ma-
ligned as too weak to resist the
conviviality of returning alumni
and the urge to crown Michigan's
gridiron prowess with unbecoming
quantities of liquor. Of course this,
opinion of the college student may I
be correct. We doubt it, however,
and we are grateful for the oppor-
tunity of justifying our doubts to-
It is hardly to be expected that
everything will go off like a Sunday
school. picnic, but there is no rea-
son why any of the dances should
degenerate to that sordid and sog-
gy condition that brought on the
Saturday night ban two years ago.-
An attitude of responsibility on theE
part of a fraternity's leaders, plus
the cooperation of the other mem-
bers in discouraging rowdy guests,
are all that is needed to produce a
respectable and harmonious at-
mosphere of wassail, women, and
music. We hope that the warning
of surveillance sounded by theI
dean's office will have the proper
salutary effect in stimulating this
necessary attitude of responsibility.
It might be remarked by way of
conclusion that this year's round of ,

Though the Ohio game has hard-
ly transpired, empirically, plans arej
already "on foot" for flying to Ur-
bana next week end. We venture
that the automobile regulation will
be violently construed to preclude
the use of airplanes for any but
commuting purposes.
. Class elections, though consum-
ing the energies of a few heelers,
by and large have little effect upon
the general run of students. Minor-
ity rule in this case has not re-
sulted in an aristocracy, but in a
futile gesture of power in controll-
ing a will-'o-the-wisp.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should nut be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
(From a letter printed in the Mich-I
igander, the organ of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Club of Detroit.)
To the editor:
. . . To support a winning team
is a very simple matter, but to get
behind a team that has met with
some adversities is the real test of
loyalty. Remember, every one of
the remaining nine schools in the
Conference is starting out with the
same ambition and desire to win,
and if at any time this year we
should meet with defeat, it should
be borne in mind that without a
doubt the better team on that day
has gone off the field victorious.
It is at this stage when the ham-
mer should be securely locked up
and the cow-bells brought out
loudly acclaiming our faith and
In order to have a successful con-
test, it is necessary to have two
sides. If perchance the winning
one should be our opponents, bear
in mind that they have every rea-
son to expect the glory due them
and every effort should be made to
give them, whether they win or a
lose, all the credit that is theirs.
This, I believe, should also apply
to the supporters of our visiting
teams and if in any way we can
show them that they are welcome,
that we are glad to have them as,



Wishes to Announce That There Are Some
Very Good Seats Left for the



page, because the readers might
have thought the make-up man got "SIGN X. Y. Z."
the two mixed after celebrating the George M. Cohan seems this year
outcome of the game. to have dedicated himself to car-
rying on that most profitable tra-
* * * dition set by "Broadway," "Night-
AND on the assignment sheet club," "Chicago," etc. He already
today we saw: Find out if the In- has one play on Broadway entitled
lander expects to continue publica- "Gambling" in which he is star-
tion, when and why??? ring himself. This week he is
* * * bringing to the Wilson in Detroit
As usualE. Mortimer Shuter another one of the type. "Sign X.
psoual, dE M ortimer, hter, Y. Z." has had a month in Chicago
producer de luxe of operas, has! n se ot oBoda o t
"veiled his latest creation in deep- and is en route to Broadway for its
"veiledhislatest cretin wing tdee real bow. Sam Forrest, a noted
est secrecy, no doubt awaiting the stage director for most of the Co-
proper moment to reveal the as- ;han shows of the last few seasons
tounding facts to an eager, palpi-
tating pubic But if including the late Jeanne Eagel's
expects the public to languish on starring vehicle "Rain," is the au-
street corners waiting for an EX- thor of "Sign X. Y. Z."
TRA to appear with the cast, au- It is a thrilling tale of a girl's
thor and choruses announcements, love for a man that she can not
-_,, ..have because he is a little ahnvo

The First Leclure Will Be Given October 23rd
Collier's Star Writer
Call at 3211 Angell Hall for Season Tickes



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