*:n Urt1 r.A , Oct lvL 1t I ,% THE Ki1CHjC~N DI~iZY ... ........ ............... .. .. LORCH ANNOUNCES COOPER RECEIS' B T S EXHIBITION PLANS JOURNALISMCLUBC FOR COMING YE[AR Committee to Arrange Program I TAKESPLACE OF TProfessor Sunderland to Attend Law DR. S TRESEMANN flflflftflflT f h Meeting of American Bar Asso ciation ivtNrnuiviu inw I Educational Purpose of Exhibits, Bear Directly on Work Given by Professors. for Press Club Convention Named by Cowan. PRAKKEN GIVES REPORT! Special Action Taken by Regents to Keep Associate Profesor of Latin and Greek. HOLDS PRINCETON PH. D. La en ic _te cil th be Dlr Prof Edson R. Sunderland of the for the improvement of judicial aw school will attend the confer- !procedure. ce of bar delegates of the Amer- ta hese ortf the ueo -aking an Bar association in Memphis, power as it has been exercised by enn., next week. the courts of this country and the The committee on judicial coun- function of judicial councils in s and the rule-making power of making this power effective. A e courts, of which he is a mem- large amount of statutory, biblio- r, will make a report upon the graphical and other material has esent status of judicial councils been collected by the committee ider American statutes, and the which will be presented in printed ork which they have been doing form at the meeting in Memphis. T u ' n cBenjamin Dean Meritt, formerly un HOLD ONE A MONTH Journalist club i professor of Greek and w Tconvened for the first time this Latin, has been promoted by spe- year Thursday night in the editor- cial action of the executive com- Present Display Shows Paintings ,ial room of the Journalism depart- mittee of the Regents, to afull A, professorship in that department. From National Society The action was taken in view of of Mural Painters. Sydney Cowan, president, called an offer which was made Dr. Mer- the meeting to order and after pre- itt by another institution. liminary business transactions were Professor Meritt came to Michi- Including the present one, there concluded, read a report from the gan in 1928 as associate professor will be seven art exhibits, one Alumni correspondent, Lawrence A soca ed Press Photo of Greek and Latin from the every months, held in the Archii- Prakken, in which he cited steps American School of Classic Studies t~ural school this year, it was an- Associated Press Photo taken to keep in touch with grad- Julius Curtius, formerly minis- at Athens, Greece, where he was ounced yesteArchite tura scho William L. Cooper, of Saginaw, uates and newspaper men of th ter of economics in the German assistant director. His record pre- Michganwho as een ecenlycabinet, who has been selected as vious to that time includes i- ""The purpose of these exhibits is Michigan, who has been recently Cowan then introduced Prof. the German foreign minister ad structorships at the University of educational," said Professor Lorch, named by President Hoover to a John L. Brumm of the Journalism interim, succeeding the late Dr. Vermont, and at Brown University: "and bears directly on the instruc- post in the Department of Com- department who addressed the Stresemann, who died the first of and an assistant professorship at tion given by the various groups moerce. He will be the new director gathering. He said in the course of the month. Princeton in 1925-26. making upof the bureau of foreign and do- his speech that no one cares for ---- - - ------ Dr. Meritt received an A. B. from lege of Archecture. "And," he con- just one more organization on the Hamilton college in 1920. The fol- tinued, "as the titles of the exhibits mestic commerce. campus but that a press club in Report Shows Poor owing two years he spent at the show, they will be of considerable which the members were all of one .:American School of Classical interest to the entire student body Asher to Speak on mind could not help but extend Eyesight Handicaps Studies. In 1923 he was granted an and the general public. a spirit of helpfulness to all or- A. M. from Princeton and a year The present exhibition, assem- " eCiDiuretics"' ganizations of. the university. He University Students afterward a Ph.D. from the same bled by the National Society of pec Dalso spoke of his reminiscences of institution. Professor Meritt's spe- Mural Painters, shows the work of for Lecture Series the past in which the old Press cial interest in epigraphy, and leading American artists who have club had convened at the Union The reports of the Health Serv- he has particularly devoted him- collaborated with architects in the jand indulged in architecturally ice in reference to defective vision self to a study of certain inscrip- decoration of prominent buildings. Continuing the policy of bring- glorious salads and the like, mdch i among the students are handicap- tions at Athens in regard to the During November there will be,{ng to Ann Arbor eminent men in to the delight of the young ladies ping themselves by failing to rem- growth of the Athenian Empire. on display original drawings of idi tand the chagrin of the gentlemen t . He was born March 31, 1899 at illustrations for the various maga- various fields, the University Lec- of the club. Professor Brumm be_ edy their weak eyesight. Of this Durham, North Carolina, and was zines, such as Life, Vanity Fair, ture Series has secured as speaker lieves that there is a definite need year's entering class of men stu- prepared at the Verson, N. Y. high Scribner's, and many others. Dr. Leon Asher, director of the and a brilliant future for an or-; dents, 30 per cent come to college school. He came to Michigan December will see on exhibit a Physiological institute at Berne, ganization such as the new Jour- wearing glasses, and of this num- through efforts of Prof. Campbell group of original pencil sketches Switzerland. Dr. Asher will speak nalist club and asked the members ber about one-fourth should have Bonner of the Greek and Latin de- by New York artists. at 10 o'clock this morning, at the I present to envelop themselves in partment, who became acquainted The exhibit arranged for 'January atura cice Audtoriu, lec- an "esprit de couer," a real profes- their eyes retested. Of the 70 per with Professor Meritt while study- is a collection of silk and cotton sional interest in the project which cent not wearing glasses about one- ing at the American school at Ath- prints illustrating a w'ide' range) turing on "Specific Diuretics." they are fostering. fifth have. defective vision and jens on a leave of absence. of decorative patterns and fabrics. Technical phases of the lecture will "Newspaper men," he said in should be tested, and supplied with On display during the months of be explained with camera slides. closing, "have told me that they glasses There is besides, a large February will be a collection of Dr. Asher is one of the most emi- would favor graduates of the Uni-ne small bronzes by representative nent living authorities in the phy- versity of Michigan above other ap- number who would be benefitted American sculptors. siological fields of metabolism, plicants for positions on their by such an adjustment since they In March, a traveling exhibit glandular functions, and circula- staffs if they were only acquainted will very likely develop symptoms prepared by American architec- tion. Because of his recent find- with them." as they grow older. tural schools will be shown. This; ings in these fields, he was invited with them. e acomiteII9heHeOtSrvceha be exhibit will feature work in design. to speak before the thirteenth In- Cowan appointed a committee of The Health Service has been These displays are on exhibit ternationalPhysiological congress, three, Richard Watkins, Clelandd doing a tremendous amounthof from 9 until 5 daily in the lower held last August at Boston. Dr Wyllie and Virginia Schoof to plan work in this department and have pijfc n corridor and in the third floor Asher gave the most remarkable ; a surprise program to be present- corrected a great number of cases museum of the Architectural exhibit at the convention by keep- ed before the annual convention of of defective vision among the stu- building. ing a frog's heart beating several the University Press club to be held dents. Their records show that one hours after death. here Nov. 7, 8, and 9. out of every 10 students on the Because of his excellent com- campus have a complete eye re- cific Coast League baseball clubs mand of English and his ability Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. fraetion test once every year. Since attracted a total paid attendance on the rostrum, Dr. Asher appeared Dr. Asher will leave immediately an individual test consumes ap- AT3 in. on Mon- of 1,924,196 during the 1929 season, this summer in lectures at leading for New York, where he will give proximately an hour, the work lday, September the third largest attendance in the universities throughout the coun- his last lecture before leaving for which this report represents is 1882, the league's history. try, including a lecture at the Switzerland. great. Pearl Street Station in -------_-_--------_--_____the City' of'New York Y COME! EAT at MICHIGAN LEAGUE BUILDING Luncheon 11:00 to 2:00 Dinner........ 5:30 to 7:30 CAFETERIA SERVICE DINING ROOM SERVICE Ingall Street and North University Avenue READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS .. gave a perfect and just weight, " just measure shalt thou have" Deuteronomy . ° ' , , ' :. jh l' a...,. .. - ~.ifl the revue it's PEP t ::; 's: " started in commercial operation with a load of 400 lamps, supply- ing current for light- ing to a district nearly one square mile in area. Mr. Edison did "Let The not begin charging - T customers for lighting until the system was working smoothly and satisfactorily in every respect. The first bill for lighting presented to a cus Comer amounted to $50.40 and was col- kcted January 18, 1883. It was based on the reading of an Edison electrolytic meter, one of which was installed on each customer's premises. re The Edison electrolytic meter, or chemical meter as it was called, re- corded the amount of energy consumed by the customer by= measuring the change in weight of two zinc plates. Two strips of zinc were attached to the terminals of a German silver shunt which diverted a fixed portion of the total current used on the premises. The plates were immersed in a solution of zinc sulphate, and when electricity passed through .the meter, zinc was re- moved from the positive plate and transferred to the negative. Both plates were then brought in to be weighed, and the difference in weight in either, since the previous measurement, in- dicated the amount of current that had been used. One plate thus served as a check against the other. The deposit of metal was calculated into "lamp- hours". Due to improvements in the lamp and reductions in rates, a dollar buys 30 times more light today than in the early days. The chemical meter was quite videlv used for some years. Later, Mr. Ed ison greatly simplifled and improved electric metering, and the principle of his dial-indicating meter of the house- hold type ---the first of what are known as the "motor type meters" -is still in use with modifications. WfHEN Mr. Edison had demonstrated the com- mercial possibilities of his system by establish- ing electric light serv- Edison C, ice in New York City, he proceeded to license central station compa- nies in large cities, the parent company accepting a percentage of their capital, securi- ties as payment of license fees under the Edison patents, and contracting also for Be Light", the supply of lamps, apparatus, etc. This left the rest of the United, States and Europe open for the cash sale of plants whenever requested. The modern Edison electric service com- panies in Detroit, Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Chicago and other cities are original Edison licensees. Mr. Edison long ago disposed of his financial in- terests in these .companies, and the present Edison companies are financially independent of each other. In 1884 an "Association of Edison Illuminating Companies" was formed to provide a central organization for the discussion of mutual problems, both technical and commercial, and to provide a focal point for Mr. Edison's expert advice and assistance. For example, in the early days Mr. Edison observed that some of the Edison companies prospered while others did not. He suggested that the Association undertake to devise a uni- form svstem of accounts for analysis in locating the cause of success or failure. The accounting system which evolved from that suggestion is a very useful tool in the management of the various companies, even to the present day. "IT is necessary in recalling the causes which led to the commercial successof the Edison companies to recognize the effect of the establishment among them almost from the beginning of a uniform svstenm of accounts and reports and of arrangements for the confidential dis- tribution and exchange of practical in- formation. The system of accounts, al- though far from complete, served for the making of intelligent comparisons. The correspondence between different com- ..in a cigarette it's ASTE "TRUE MERIT IS LIKE A RIVER; the deeper it is, the less noise it makes." There is nothing sensational about Chester- fields; good tobaccos, blended and cross-blended, the standard Chesterfield method, to taste just tight. But-haven't you noticed howsmokers are shanging to Chesterfield, for that very reason-:- ,TASTE above everythng f CO, N::: - MILD .. rum. yet THEY SATISFYI ht'mic Meter panics and the meetings held for educational pur- poses built up'a commu- nity of i :crest-of per- sonal and technical, not financial- interest-which has been and continues to be very great ... "in its value to the public served by these companies. --_ This is the fifth of a series of historical mementos published by sThe Detcqroit Eison(?, ',r-,-.nv -qm wF