1 t i Ic i qty t F' .y .: r.t s.- °«..+. v ,L a...r EJfvY°i, 1J_ 1.;+.m I: ...........l~ U ~ - -- - ~ .a a A 5 VARSITY SCRIMMAG,ESWIq.t " TE MALUMNI HELP STRICKEN ROCKNE r' SHOW" DETTER FORM HARRIERS F A C E STIFF SCHEDULE OEUrNE CHATTER WISCONSINNW READY z ARSH TT SOUTH BEND, n-Prominent alumni of Notre Dame are rally- ing to Knute Rockney., football coach at the university, to recover from his injury which has forced his absence from the practice field. Dr. John Carroll, New York diagnostician; Dr. Maurice Keady,I and Maurice Byrne came from New SYork to visit Rockne, TheNotro Dame mentor is suffering from ai serious blood congestion in his right leg. His absence from prat- tice at this period of the football season bodes ill for Notre DTame)s I success on the gridiron this fall. 111 1I1rte 1 UI.L UU 1'11L13 Leo Draveling Sustains Slight Injury to Knee on Eve of Ohio State Game. TRUSKOWSKI PLAYS WELL Wolverine gridiron stock which touched the depths during the clos- ing minutes of last Saturday's en- tertainment at Lafayette and has maintained a lowly position ever since has begun to show concrete indications of a distinct rise. A mid season slump, in every. sense of the . word, has hovered over the Michigan football camp since the last minute. larruping which the Boilermaker forces ad- ministered to the men of Kipke. The young Wolverine head coach has adopted the cure of hard work to the feared evils attendant fromI the to be excepted slump. Work Begins to Tell. That this system is beginning to1 bear fruit certainly satisfied those few who were admitted to the secret' practice held on Ferry field yes- After a rather poor showing .against Ypsilanti Wednesday, the Varsity cross-country squad is; working seriously to improve form. Coach Steve Farrell has scheduled a practice race at 10:45 o'clock Saturday. Much depends upon the; individual showings made in this race, for the regular team will be selected accordingly. The next meet will take place October 26, when the Detroit Y. M. C. A. comes to Ann Arbor to run against the Wolverines. On Novem- ber 2, the team goes to Lansing: and on November 9, Ohio State and Illinois come here for a triangular meet. After the Winconsin meet at Madison, November 16, comes theC real test of the season, when the harriers will compete in the Con- ference Championship meet at Co- Si sip in m m ?do Si to By Edward L. Warner. MADISON. Wis., "i .-After Al Holman, much discussed Ohio trying Milo Lubratovii. 2 5 pound, tatty backfield star, will do the Serb tackle, at fullba°- wvith .only gnal calling when the Buckeyes a semblance of succes Coach vade Ann Arbor tomorrow. Hol- Glenn Thistlethwaite oday found an received much publicity last a new backfield combination that onth when certain Iowa officials, promises to gain plen',y o yardage oubtless grieved at their "expul- against Notre Dame a" Soldiers on" from the Big Ten, objected Field Saturday in the :e-_on's first his playing status. 100,000-fan game. --- Tury Oman, the strong, silent It seems Mr. Holman played athletic from the Minne ota Iron two years at Parsons college, range, is likely to see pienty of ac- a small Iowa institution, and tion as running halfback. Oman then went to Ohio State, where has been coming along slowly, but he represented the Buckeyes apparently rarin' to go and may last season. The Iowans take the play away iY Ernie thought Holman was ineligible Lusby and Russ RebhoL. en the under the three-year ruling Badgers and Irish tang' . but the Big Ten officials ruled The other shift brougih Mickey otherwise. 'Bach to blocking hal-back in place of Pacetti. Bach has exhibited a S---- lot of stuff since his eligibility was II[ill UUO UU w~ 1 1 l l 1 1 4 Coach Courtright Takes Squad of Twenty-four to Second Conference Game. INJURIES HAMPER SQUAD After brushing up on blocking and charging and a scrimmage against the Varsity yesterday aft- ernoon, the Junior varsity en- trained last night for Columbus where they will encounter the Ohioi State "B" team Saturday while the! Varsities of the two schools engage in battle in Ann Arbor. Coach Courtwright took 24 Wol- verines on this trip with several of the men bearing slight injuries! which may prevent them from playing an entire game at Colum- bus. Included in the list of men; are five ends, three centers, three tackles, four guards, two quarter- backs, five halfbacks, and two full- backs. The ends are Mosser, Dierberger, Stevens, Justice,. and Hayes; the tackles are Blane, Decker, and Bauer; the guards are Richardson. Parker, Morgan and Benz; and the centers are Shick, Shantz, and O. Parker. In the backfield are Wid- man and Anderson, quarterbacks; Pearlham, Lindsay, Biedenweg, F. Brown, and McBride, halfbacks; Miller and Berkawitz, fullbacks. Corbett's COLLEGIATE SHOP Everybody will be pepped up for the big game Saturday. We all want to look our best-as well as feel our best to help cheer the boys to victory. We will be glad to do our part in helping you to select a fine suit and to be fitted properly. You can look the part and still have money left if you buy your outfit at Tom Corbett's. Two Pants at a One Pant Price II 1711 k711S. i T Last week the Buckeyes won a - i u ei ion over Iwa 7-6wita cleared up last Friday, lucky decision over Iowa, 7-6, with Pacetti, alternating o Holman their best ball carrier. Al- s though outgained by the Hawk- ing effectively. eyes, Ohio triumphed when Marsh blocked Thomas' punt and Larkins fell on the ball for a touchdown, L 'IC~II !with Barratt adding the extra point. and lie and m the field, le the block- i a D. . KIA I[ U U Ujm Candidates for the Varsity fene.-. terday afternoon. More fire, drive, ing teamare requested to report Wesley Fesler, al-American U I Il I UI I U Lii ULfUUI and speed Nwas shown in the long either on Tuesday or Thursday end in his sophQmore year, will practice session which taskmaster afternoons at 4 o'clock to Coach again be ;t the right flank for Lew Fonseca, Cleveland first Kipke drove his proteges through, Johnstone in the Auxiliary gy for the Buckeyes. However ta habeneiecdbthJhnen nteAxlaygym. fi , ~ ls baseman and leading batter of the than has been evidenced by the An interesting schedule is being Yowa biced l : out lash American league for the past sea- Wolverines in a week of play. ~ ... . . week as P'ape rounded his end arranged and it is evident that 44ekasapor the hks eny son, was voted the title of "most' After a long passing practice a Michigan should rank high inas- ( -4 yards for theHawk's only ;valuable player" of the 1929 com- picked freshman team was sent much as there are a number of score. paign by sport writers of each city through an hour dummy scrim- veterans back and the other ma- in the league. This title, however, mage with the Varsity men assum- terial look promising. Although he lost Corey, Coffee, is not the American league's offi- ing the defensive throughout. The An early start has been made Kruskamp, and Kriss through cial selection, that custom being Ohio plays which the first Y()) and with Schutz, Friedman and graduation, Coach Sam Williaman discontinued last year. men used in their efforts to break Madero in the foils; Gordan in the has a set of fast backs in Holman, Fonseca, with 46 votes to his loose from the Wolverine linemen sabre; and Winer in the epee Holcomb, McConnell, and Horn. 'credit, had a lead of 15 over his were completely smothered. event appearing on deck indica- Holcomb is a sophomore. nearest rival, Jimmy Dykes of the Junior Varsity Appears. tions of a good season take on a --Athletics. The next four men were At this juncture Kipke waved still better light. Lazar, captain of There is still an opportunity for bunched closely together, Manush aside the yearling gridders and last year's team is on campus, but those interested in fencing to try taking third with 26 votes, Geh- Coach Courtright led his "B" team it is not known whether or not he out and all are urged to take ad- ringer fourth with 25, Judge fifth (Continued on Page Seven) will participate in this activity, vantage of this. with 24 and Lazzeri with 22. 'rom Corbet 116 East Liberty Street "WE KEEP YOU LOOKING YOUR BEST" 't'he Smartest Styles are nePer exP. ensive at S i 7 { r a @5 4 We put a premium on authentic style,, but we never permit it to be re- flected in our prices. Right now thousands of Milton suits are waiting to show you how com- pletely we've divorced "High Prices" I A from "Advanced Styles." There are either Browns, Tans, Pilgrim Greys, Navy Blues-the newest shades for fall in rich woolens that are the model pride of America's best mills. The "Yale" Model 4 Your Choice of Any SUIT - - - - OVERCOAT T01COAT - TUXEDO i50 price a I The Extra Trousers to Match Any Suit $5.50 $4.50 HATS All Shapes and Shad& $1.95 CAPS All One Price We carry a 'complete stock of dress and work trousers. PETE HARRIS, Manager i .. M I L. i I