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October 18, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-18

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T -T- C C T. 'C' ! K. F 1


Published every morning except Monday'
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches creditedtodit or nt otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
siard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

Telephone 4925


Editor................. George C. Tilley
City Editor..............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor .... .. ,....George E. Simons
Sports Editor........Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor ............Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor..............George Stauter
Music and Drama ........William J. Gorman
Literary Editor ..........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor... .-Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank E. Cooper Robert L. Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr
Henry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman


Charles A. Askren
Helen BarcI
Lo~uise Behymer
Thomas M. Cooley
W. H. Crane
Ledru E. Davis
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Katherine Ferrin
Carl Forsythe
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Ruth Geddes
Ginevra Ginn
J. Edmund Glavin
Jack Goldsmith
D. B. Hempstead, Jr.I
times C. Hendley
ichard T. Hurley
lean H. Levy
Russell E. McCracken
Lester M. May

William Page
Gustav R. Reich
John D. Reindel
Jeannie Roberts
Joe Russell
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William P. Salzarulo
George Stauter
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer
Margaret Thompson
Richard L. Tobin
Beth Valentine
Harold O. Warren
Charles S. White
G. Lionel Willens
Lionel G. Willens
I. E. Willoughby
arbara Wright
Vivian Zimit


Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager


Department Managers
Advertising................Hollister Mabl;y
Advertisin'............Kasper H. Halverson
Advertising ................ Sherwood Upton
Service......................George Spater
Circulation .................J. Vernor Davis
Accounts.......... ..... ....Jack Rose
Publications ................Gedrge Hamilton
Raymond Campbell Lawrence Lucey
James E.rCartwright Thomas Muir
Robert Crawford George Patterson
Harry B. Culver Charles Sanford
Trhomas M. Davis Ibee Slayton
Norman Eliezer Robert Sutton
Donald Ewing Roger C. Thorpe
Tames Hoff er Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Robert Williamson
Charles Kline William R. Worboys
Marvin Kobacker

ful provisions were adopted to in-
sure honest elections. Last Wed-
nesday the council made it a point
of pride to hold an unprotested and
unprotestable election. The ballot
boxes were kept in a public place
until opened for counting by a bi-
partisan board. One lone voice
calling in the wilderness for a re-
count was unanimously voted down.
Best of all the council went on
record as being opposed to seeking
outside aid in settling election
squabbles. At last, it seems, the
council has awakened to a sense of
its responsibilities and decided to
stand on its own two feet. We re-
joice in this decision and look for-
ward to increased respect, increased
prestige, and increased usefulness
for this body which is in theory and
should be in practice a legislative,
judicial, and executive government
for the students.
The reinstatement of Sphinx as
junior honorary society of the lit-
erary school is a move which calls
for a tribute to the perspicacity of
the Senate committee on student
Honor societies must exist at any
large university. The natural ten-
dency of the more progressive and
public-spirited members of any he-
terogeneous group of young persons
to form select cliques among them-
selves is to be recognized as a con-
comitant part of college life.
The traditions which arise with
the long continuance of such an
organization are to be accorded the
respect w'rich always attaches it-
self to old institutions. No less than
the United States Constitution may
be considered to have given ade-
quate proof of its efficiency during
the one hundred and thirty-odd
years of its existence, may a society
with the wealth of traditions which
Sphinx boasts be considered an or-
ganization soundly established and
of value to its members.
Had Sphinx not been reinstated
this year, most of the last group
to have been initiated to member-
ship would have been graduated
from the University with the or-
ganization still suspended, and the
society would have been in grave
danger of simply dying out.
But thanks to the liberality of
the Senate committee, the Univer-
sity has a well-known, thoroughly
established junior honorary society
I for the literary college.
The one condition of the rein-
statement of Sphinx, the clause
providing that no public initiation
to be held this fall, should be no
cause for alarm. There are no
strings tied to this condition, nor
Idoes it signify anything of greater
import than the bare factual stip-
From Mexico-which has always
been popularly conceived as a law-
less country teeming with sporadic
riots, revolutions and massacres-
comes the unexpected news of the
adoption by congress of a penal
code that proposes to end execu-
tions, attempts reconciliation in
pending duels, makes the "unwrit-
ten law" legal, sends habitual
drunkards to sanitariums for cure,
and abolishes the death penalty.
- If President Portes Gil is able
to make complete use of the powers
thus granted him the eyes and ears
of foreign lawmakers - notably
those of our own-should be re-
spectably and expectantly turned

toward the reformed "bad boy" of
the continent. While we experi-
ence no difficulty in the matter of
duels or revolutions we are sadly
in need of some practical means
for checking the social crimes
against which Mexico has taken
the big stick.
Congratulations are in order but
they may prove to be a bit pre-
mature. Mexico, however, deserves
credit for making a more determ-
ined stride in the right direction
than we have.
- 0
Now is the time when a lot of
people on the campus wish they
had talked, acted, and voted dif-
In spite of the whole rhetoric de-
partment, people still continue to
read Edgar Guest.
Several professors on the campus
are wearing spats. Wonder how
many of them are doing it in mem-
ory of their first wives?
And then there is the absent-
minded humorist who wrote about
the professor who wound the clock3
and put the cat out.
According to trainer Bert Mun-
hall, Carnegie Tech has one pound
less than a ton of backfield mater-
ial this year. If there are any coalI
heavers on the team, there will be
n lnt nec -In" -n --- ...-- __

One of the projects included in
the University's million dollar im-
provement program, according to
yesterday's Daily, is the building of
G "tunnels to the women l dormi-
* * *
Advance photo of Willie Waffle,
arrested just as he was about to
take a stroll through one of the
University's proposed tunnels. He
was whistling "I'm Just a Vaga-
bond Lover," and was locked up
without a hearing.
The building program also calls
for the installation of vacuum sys-
tems in the Chemistry and West
Medical buildings. We don't know
the conditions existing in the Chem
Bldg., but we're all for the West
Med. system if it'll vacuum the
ether, chloroform, and formalde-
hyde fumes out of the journalism
classes, and we don't mean may-
be, ether.
* ''
Pep meeting tonight! Be there!
Learn to yell in unison!
A newspaper dispatch from Iowa
City states that the Iowa co-eds
smoke more cigarettes than the
male students, the 800 girls con-
suming 40,000 butts a week. "Now-
adays they buy their cigarettes
openly over the counter," the itam
says, "instead of being secretive
about it." Tissick, tissick-what
utter depravity.
The color of the new student di-
rectory. . ..dWhy the Inlander will
be published. . . . What kind of
tickets we'll get for the Harvard
game. . . . What kind of a game
we'll get for the tickets. . . How
we're going to fill all the space
from here down... .
The color of the new student di-
rectory.. . . The Inlander. . . . What
kind of tickets you'll get for the
Harvard game. .* . What kind of
a game you'll (but this is taking
advantage of your good nature).
* *

In Buffalo, one Thomas Gial-
lelli, twenty years of age, has been
ordered by court to attend college.
He preferred to work during the
day, he said, and have his nights
free, but his mother brought him
into court as a wayward minor and
the judge ordered him back to col-
* * *
The boy is to be admired for
wanting to work we think.
* * *
A prize will be offered, it is said,
for the best decorated fraternity
house during the week end of the
Harvard game. This does not mean
interior decorations we understand,
such as brothers who have passed
out, stiff alumni, etc., etc.
* * *

Laura Codling
Bernice Glaser
Anna Goldberg

O ^
Music And Drama
4 4

Alice McCully
Sylvia Miller
Helen E. Musselwhite
Eleanor Walkinshaw
Dorothea Waterman

TONIGHT: Pay Production
"The Truth About Blayds," A.
A. Milne's drama about the last
of the Victorians, a great char-
latan, in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre beginning sharp-
ly at 8:15 o'clock.
Shubert-Lafayette: A. A. Mil-
ne's thrilling murder play, "The
Perfect Alibi."
Olympia: The Gest-Rein-
hardt production of "The Mir-
Detroit Civic: William A.
Brady's production of John Lei-
cester's "The Spongers."
* * *
Next week the Mendelssohn the-
atre proposes to join the movement
quite active in the last few years
towards the respectabilization of
the movie. Not so long ago there
might have seemed some sort of
fallacy in talking about the movie
seriously. It w3 so consistently
and satisfiedly mediocre and un-
important with its wide appeal
from farmhouse to apartment, so
determined never to get away from
stock situations easily grasped, that
it deserved only sniffs from the in-
The entrance of the talkie in a
blaze of glowing predictions has
worked a change. It has classi-
cized the silent cinema. The in-
telligentsia now sneer at the talkies
and caress the silent screen. Lit-
tle Theatres have been putting up
eager, intelligent heads and there
has been a gradual dissemination
of ideas as to the true scope, aims,
and capacities of the screen. Peo-
ple are now taking the movie ser-
iously and it is quite probable that!
this dose of respect may be the
panacea for its greatest ill-con-
tented mediocrity.
So Miss Loomis' announcement
that the Mendelssohn theatre is
going to attempt a policy of ser-
ious, high-class silent pictures is
more or less welcome. It is essen-
tially an experiment. Foreign pic-
tures, employing the particular ad-
vantages of camera technique care-
fully and intelligently for artistic
effect, will be absolutely new to
Ann Arbor, which doesn't even get
to see the better American pictures.
There will be no attempt at com-
petition with local movie-houses
which have the glamour of garish
architecture and the noise of ex-
pensive organs and do not object to
moderate whistling or sibilation.
This will try to be the theatre in-
time showing art-pictures. The
policy is .sound and interesting and
probably deserves to discover a sat-
isfactory audience willing to sup-
port it. Certainly it will be much
less damaging to campus organiza-
tions from the point of view of
I competition than would a policy of
professional legitimate productions.
Miss Loomis is getting her first
program of pictures, which will run
all next week, from The Film Guild,
the most distinctive organization of
the type in the country. The long
picture is a film version of Knut
Hamsun's amazing epic novel"
"Growth of the Soil," produced
abroad in the true setting under
the personal direction of the au-
thor. The short-subjects are a
film version of one of Poe's mys-
tery tales and a curious cubist film.
Certainly the program is unusual;
and for a while at least, that means

Some few years ago men from
several of the leading state uni-
versities in the Middle West, men
interested in the problem of musi-
cal education, quietly corresponded
and quietly formed the Association
of Musical Executives of State Un-
iversities. The organization, in
spite of its pompous title, was
formed in modesty, each official be- 1
ing quite willing to admit the pos-
sibility of his own little school be-
ing not yet ideal. Annually these
men meet for informal discussion
of their many problems-problems
that sound pedantic and business-
like but which have bearing on the
somewhat large question of the
thriving of the musical art in
This year's meeting is being held
at the University of Kansas the
last two days of this week. The
topics for conference are: Gradu-
ate work, requirements, degrees,
etc.; the ideal four-year course in
Public School Music; the Indepen-
dent School of Music and the State
University. It is curious how es-
pecially relevant these are to the
administration here. The School of
Music, after its recent amalgama-
tion with the University, should
have some interesin nio -a1-~via l

11 __

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Night Editor-Gurney Williams
Michigan's football team is ap-
proaching a crucial moment. Sat-
urday it will attempt to turn from
the losing team it was a week ago
to a winning eleven. The time is
all the more significant because the
Wolverines are seeking revenge for
the defeat which their opponents
of tomorrow, Ohio State, tradition-
ally a bitter rival of the Maize and
Blue,'handed them last year. Mich-
igan can win, it is conceded, if it
is in a hard fighting spirit.
It is a fact, often questioned, but
nevertheless a fact, that a football
team adopts generally the same
morale as the student body. The
victory then rests largely with the
students. Whether or not the un-
dergraduate body is back of the
team with plenty of fire will be
settled at 7 o'clock tonight at the
pep-meeting in Hill auditorium.
Loyal Michigan students will make
the answer decidedly affirmative
for the Wolverines must win over
Ohio State.
Several things that did not hap-
pen when the literary seniors
elected their class officers last Wed-
nesday have gone a long way to
restore our faith in the Student
council. Factional feeling ran high
and the vote was close, but there
was not a suspicion of crookedness,
not a recount, not a petition for
reelection,- and not a single frenz-
ied trip to Dean Bursley's office for
instructions how to proceed.
It was scarcely two years ago
that the council looked on unsee-
ing while the same block of votes,
cast in each class election by the{
same persons, swept the political
puppets of a well-known machine
into power.I
It was scarcely a year ago thatt
ballots changed their names after
being cast, that recounts were
granted in the face of huge ma-
jorities, that an overrighteous Y
stench pervaded the council when1
the chair cried "There never was
a more sincere attempt to hold an






The telephone
T HE BELL SYSTEM has made many
successful experiments in two-way plane
to ground telephone communication. This
new development illustrates how it marches
a pace ahead of the new civilization. It i-
now growing faster than ever before.
New telephone buildings are going up
this year in 200 cities. Many central offices
are changing from manual to dial tele-



phone's. A vast programli. of cable construe
tion is gHIn On.
This is the period of growth, improve-
m n t and adventure in the telephone
industry. Expenditures this year for new
Sant .rnd serviCe improvements will total
more than five hundred and fifty million
dollars--one and one half times the entire
cost of the Panima Canal.


A notion-wide Systemi of intr-c 'nn ting t -prrr

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