PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TT77-arjMAY, 3C T3nTR Ilt, DAILY OFF ICIAL BULLETIN Point System Committee: Due to the difficulty in arranging an Free Press to Donate hour for the Point system meeting, will all the members of the comn-i l lhI'\I H@Schoo mittee please mail me their schedule cards, showing what hour; a re High School Troph filled in the afternoon. lA fl i Ul Ilr* A fl . U Ill Thr uill N o ntit- f (v t tin infp th bll ti~ Pl., iesFROUSSON TO SPEAK AT nri'ii nuiG, InrrTILlr ere we W l De a ni 6C UL Ou r neX mree6 1 ng 1n e ue O le nl. easeI p{ ( [ Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members watch for it.yy TIL Detroit Free Press has an- of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- The elegibility lists which are completed may be handed in at nounced that it will continue its dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) Betsy Barbour House Student office. policy of other years in providing VoXL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929 No. 17 For further information call 21616. Angell, Associate of Columbia University of Michigan wall Membe Dorothy S. Mapel, Chairman Law School, Makes Research plaque trophies for each of the 64 Dis NO EShigh schools of the state that enter Bowling For Women: The bowling alleys at the Women's Athletic of Women's Earnings the elimination debate series in To All Concerned: It has long been an unwritten law n the Building will be open every night from 4-6 beginning Thursday, Octo- February. Campus that advertisements of University publications, University ber 17. Anyone affiliated with the University is privileged to use the FULLER AIDS IN WORK For design, the University of USES events, or of other sorts, should not be set up o the Campus, fastened alleys. Instruction for beginners. There will be a charge of 10 cen;s --- Michigan shield has been used. The to trees, or otherwise displayed out-doors. It is beieved that what~a string. Prof. Robert C. Angell of the base is of American walnut and is S. P. ever advantage may be sered by these advertisements, does not corn- Ruth Hassinger sociology department, has returned 17 inches in height. The medal- States V pensate for the unfavorable appearance of the Campus which they from New York, where, for the past lion, which is nine inches in dia- at 8:00 create. The Buildings and Grounds Department is expected to remove'EVENTS TODAY year, he has been associated with meter, is cast in solid bronze with Geograp any such advertisements or signs at once. Exhibition of Paintings by Edward W. Redfield: 1:30 P. M. to 5:00 the Family Law Research staff of all lettering embossed. club. T Shirley W. Smith P. M. in West Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall. the Columbia Law school. The re- In addition, the Extension Divi- topic "E Exhibition from the National Society of Msral Painters, Ar uii- slts of this study will be published sion will award a large bronze a subjec To Users of Parking Space Adjoining Mason Hall: A considerable tectural Building, daily from nine tofivety oi several volumes entitled, "A Re- 5r0ph wil a r eah large bro sec _______ erh nFmlyLw"trophy cup to each of the two, very far number of automobiles with parking permits are forced to leave this search In Family Law" teams participating in the State;Atpr parking space each day and seek space elsewhere. Quite frequently Candidates for Doctors' Degree in Education will have peiinay Besides general work in the field teampartiipat in AhrSa. A t pt Canddats fr Dctor Dereein ducaionwil hae prlirinaF Championship debate in April. A ig in t some of these cars could be accommodated were it not for space wasted examinations at 2:00 P. M., Room 4000 University High School. of family law, the research staff smaller bronze trophy cup is to beder Prof in parking cars already -there. For the benefit of all concerned the co- mad a special study of married i operation of users of this space is sought to the end of avoiding waste ducation E101 Vocational Guidance will not meet todaywmen's service and earngs, eams. the disc space. If those who park first will park at one of the eastern corners doatwithin and without the household tes. the dGre and i each followincar will park immediately adjacent, using no more English 293 (Bibliography) will hold a preliminary meeting at 1:00 in Now Yorl State In the cour inches in height, and the semi-fi- These o space than is necessary, it is believed that several more cars can be ac-in Room 2209 Angell Hall. ormdtdtaisusually the case when the parking space is "full."j____ Angell and Richard C Fuller, also I alist cups are eight inches. Both. back to of the sociology department, ob- are of bronze, gold lined, grotto spring a Senicr Engineering Class meets at 10:00 A. M. in Room 348 W. En- tained information upon the ac- finish, to which have been applied soi and Notice to all Deans and Department Heads: The Secretary's office gineering Building for class elections. tual adjustments in this field of a sterling silver scroll design. The ants at t will have NO Student Directories for free distribution this year. If your some ajustmerr i edp ndhpnts atWk office needs a directory, please requisition as many as may be required Business Ad. Seniors: Election of officers at 2:00 P. M., Room 206 Working with Professor Angellpermanent possession of the Wcondrte through the purchasing Department. Tappan in this study was Prof. Albert C. schools to whose debaters they are ural Sc Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary 1 Jacobs of Columbia, who graduat- presented. probably Woman's Research Club meet for the election of officers at 7:30 ed from Michigan in 1921, was a October Notice to Freshmen: P. M. in the Museums Building. Rhodes scholar and later became MacDonald Deli hted assisted By special arrangement, a final opportunity will be given on Thurs-_ _ a lecturer at Oxford. As their as- observat day, October 17, to make up examinations missed during Freshman Sigma Gamma Epsilon will meet in Russell Seminary at 7:00 P. M.: sistants they had Nathan P. Fein- at Error of uller Coole Week. Freshmen taking sugh examinations should report in Room 205 _ singer, '29L, of the University of Mason Hall just-above the office of the Registrar as follows: House Presidents meet at five o'clock in the Board of Represnta- Michigan; Oscar Tucker of Colum- '1, Associa-d Press) Fores Those who missed the Thursday morning examination-English- tives room, Michigan League. bia, and Mr. Fuller, who was grad- NEW YORK, Oct. 16.-That slip Will report at 3 p. m. Those who missed the Saturday morning examin~ uated this year from Michigan. of the tongue that caused Hector Talk ation-nMathematics-will report at 4 p. m. Those who missed the Christian Science Society meets at 7:30 to-night in the Upper- --uller, the city's official scroll Friday morning examination-Psychological Examination-will report Room of Lane Hall, writer, to refer to Ramsay Mac-Speak at 5 ptmrCoast Guard to Hold Donald at the New York welcome and in These for all freshmen entering the Launch Probe as "Prime Minister of the United Prof. M University arid will take precedence over all other appointments includ- I Ann Arbor Hockey Club: Any non-student interested in playing Frn hoies wyrk.dBeion tie erpd ckey meet at the Women's Field House, ready to play, at 12 'clock. - States," added a touch of delight- geology g 4 swk "i.A ed s)fulness to the affair, in the opinion feature Ira M. Smith, Registrar --WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.-Coast fe the affarmine o feture COMING EVENTS wuard headquarters announced of the British Premier. meeting Fellowships in Psychology: eRhetoric Placement Examination (Make-Up): All freshmen who ITuesday that an investigation has Mr. MacDonald, in answer to a Science The Wayne County Training School at Northville, Michigan, ofers failed to write the Rhetoric Placement Examination during Freshman been ordered into charges by Rep- letter of apology from Mr. Fuller, Sine a number of Fellowships in Psychology to qualified students who ar W k h d rite the make-up test on Friday, Oct. 18, 4-6, in Room Robert H. Clancy, Republican, of said. recently ready to begin an investigation with a Master's or a Doctor's Thesis 3213 Angell Hall. Michigan, that a coast guard yes- "It was the sort of a slip of the from Ru as an ultimate aim. The investigations will be carried out under the sel fired on the launch of Herbert tongue that everyone of us have igan ma direction of Dr. Hegge. The Fellowships carry full maintenance but no Iota Sigma Pi will meet on Friday evening, October 13, at 7:30, . Lancanshire, of Dtroit, in Lake committed again and again, when of Arts cash stipend. Fellows may be called upon to devote a small part of isecond floor of the Michigan League Building Erie. we found ourselves in stirring con- their time to clinical work in the Training School. ditions, and so far from detracting i Repor Applications should be made to Dr. Thorleif G. hegge, Wayne, Children's Rhythm Classes start Saturday, October 19, at Barbour A Grand Rapids attorney has from the efficient way you per- land in County Training School, Northvile, Miciig:a or department of Psy- Gymnasium. Ages 5-8 years meet at 10 o'clock and '7-10 yrs. meet :t, proposed that a woman be elected formed your duty, it only put a more w chology, University of Michigan. 1I o'clock. city pound keeper, thereby open- touch of delightfulness into the narticipa I ing another vocation to the fair whole affair which enhanced its hunting A A 11 0Ii '.iiv wi iie iiria, c . i,,.uunvn v-., itLUU1 11thIlli r of Weather Bureau to cuss «Exploring the Atmosphere." MT. EVANS DATA Fergusson, of the United Veather Bureau, will speak o'clock tonight betore ii- hy and Geology Journal he address will concern tho :xploring the Atmosphere", t with which the speaker is niliar. esent, Fergusson is work- he geology department un-- . William Hobbs, compiling d writing a book based on overies and observations at enland geological station. bservations were brought the United States last nd this fall by W. S. Carl- Evans Schmeling, assist- he Hobbs observatory. on the publication is being d in room 1054 of the Nat- ience building, and will take the remainder of to complete. Fergusson is in the compilation of the ions by Mary Elizabeth try Club Hears on Asia Travel ing of his travels in Asia, Holland, his native land, . W. Senstius, of the soil department, presented the attraction of the evening's at the Forrestry Club ig in room 2039, Natural building, at 7:30 o'clock ht. Professor Senstius, who came to the department tgers university, is a Mich- n, having won his Master degree here in 1919. ts from the Moors of Scot- dicate that this year sow onmen than ever before ating in the annual grouse season, which was for- nited almost to men. i ;1 Highway Cooperative Course Students: Allstudents wno were en-- rolled in the Highway Cooperative Course during either, or both, of the LAst two summers, please see me at your earliest convenience. R. L. Morrison c ~12gan 'ames Club will meet MondayOt2,at':0f MI 'in the "Cave", fourth floor of the League Building. All old members are urged to be present, and all wives of students are cordially invited to attend this meeting. American Chemical Society: Dr. Irving Langmuir, President of the i Those who wish to sell programs at the Ohio State game report American Chemical Society, will speak in Detroit on October 23. Visi- at the main gate of Ferry Field between 3 and 5 P. M., Frid:-iv Tw'k tors from Ann Arbor are cordially invited. In order that the Detroit hundred new salesmen are needed for the remaining gavoos, Wction may have time to make reservations for the dinner or lecture or both for all who will be present, it is requested that invitations and -turn blanks be obtained from the secretary of the local section o1 MERRILL, LYNCH & Co t , . C. S. L. C. AndlersolME IL LY C :O rmnciMembers To Students and Residents: You are cordially invited to attend New York Stock ExchangeS the econd experimental devotional service sponsored by the Student - Chicago Stock Exchange (LI;stian Association to be held at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. evening, at eight o'clock. Excellent music and a good speaker Cleveland Stock Exchange hlve been procured. Detroit Stock Exchange Ilarley B. Kline, Chairman NewYork Crb Market Grg-ayhe Editorial Staff: There will be a meeting of the entire Accounts Carried on ConservativeMargin (Iitotial Staff of the Gargoygle this afternoon at 4:00 P. M. 201 First Nt' Ca n Phrniv4294 Firs Nat'l Bank Phone 4294 E. Jrm Ellison, Ed itr sI+ 'w . ..r:nW" . . . ..+ .r.." .,. .v- 6 ; 1 s ; 4' ' 1' 4 OKN FOIL YOUR KEADING CLVU Now on Hand--The Latest and Best In FICTICN, BIOGRAPHY, ESSAYS AND TRAVEL Special Discount to Reading Clubs and Libraries--at UIVERSITE 316 State St. a- ., 4 ,.v i "' a , t, y h .'r : D ",++fi r; , t, ,,.. :t i':: f k ,'..., pr , " ':tip rwrvra a r rr +irP'wv r'.wr.Ywvalra/rl/YIN/ YIi/i/.1/ ./"7 YII.i1 fYW/:~iip.YMiW +Y "f~ i/iY t / +~ tl + :ilirilfN D Yr e/ i L7 PIP, ;,._. _,.... , _ _. _,: " j-; t ,, r r t'" 3- . i Jsf Y }w r4r"'i ,f 9 .+.. 4 w; r; ,; a, fr s . , ,. . k . , .4}v'. j,. i . 1.4 , { , : ;'' _, :y;9~' i 'iy i '')) j.y ' Y. 3' i r," i:? ' ":p l.. Y. '' Il a' SENIORS! Make Your Ensian Appointment Now and Avoid the Rush- 40 Years An Early Sitting Will Assure You of a Personal Service and a Fine Portrait of Fine Photography i ,4 R . Studio 319 E. Huron Phone 5541 Sy y, 2f. f i'i ?rr Yi A LAY PRODUCTION Offers the Smart Comedy By A. A. Milne "Tt e TruAb t B1a Tonight, Friday and Saturday Nights Lydia Mendelssohn eater Oct. 16, 17, Box Office Open 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. I All Seats Reserved-Seventy-Five+ ING at the MI HIGAN UN 8& 9 Cents [ON t.. i