TtM- SPA'S ,, ,-Sr, PT' MFFP'l 24, 1929, THE MICHIGAN D A I L Y THF MICI-TICAN DAILY Ill r L vA r K A r F _. _.._.. -4 !,- Last Greek-Letter AL Crat ADVISERS OF WOME LEAGSBOARD OFDRECTORS TAKE (OVER 'Ls,, ,NU.,eaAL IALL RUSHING.DIRECTOR WLO GD ODOTAEOVR;Sorority Installed It DRCO WELCOME In Alpha Delta PI I'The Advisers of Women Mist iI GBi YL Grace Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, .55151 L t IAM-41 ILr V YV >i.n r. . v . . -oil v .. w. r.. .a...a REORGANIZATION Of DEPARTMENT MANAGERS RGANIZATION TO DISPENSI TEMPORARILY WITH SINGLE OFFICIAL RECEPTION IS PLANNED Freshmen Women Are Urged Tc Avail Themselves Of Privileges Of League Launched upon its first year of activity in the new building, several changes are evident both in the plan of organization and in the personnel of the departmental leads of the Michigan League o University Women. Plans have been formulated for Freshman Week ac- tivities and the women..of the class Z '33 will be formally entertained in the new building. The plan of reorganization pro- vides for the managing duties to be carried out by the Board of Direc- tors in co-operation with the "'oman students. There will no longer be a general manager. This arrangement will continue until the bank loan which financed the building fnd is repaid' which will probably be about April 1. At this tUme the bisiness of managing will again be turned back to the man- ager. Board Will Have Control The Board of Directors will carry on the work of putting the League on a financially sound basis, work- ing through its executive cmmit- tee, comprised of Mrs. Max Wink- ler, treasurer; Miss Sarah Whea- don, secretary; Mrs. Arthur Van- denbrg 44iairdn n-Miss-Nell Mc- Kay, vice-chairman; and Mrs. W. D. Henderson, executive secretary. Co-operating with the executive comirittee in every way possible are t'he advisory officials of the League, Miss Alice Lloyd, Dr. Mar- garet Bell, Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. Alexander Ruthven, Mrs. George Patterson and as many of the uni- verity women as are chosen for the Board of Representatives of the Women's League. The executive, committee an- nounces the appointment of Mrs. Grace Hollister as Food Director. Mrs. .ollister, Who has been with' the Women's City Club of Detroit for rune years, his "already started her work of organization in this de- partment. Miss Rose Anderson from the Smead School ini Toledo has been named Assistant Director of 'the Leage. Miss Anderson will be present as hostess to meet and make arrapgements for the guests who come to the, League and will be found at all times in the recep- tion room. New Secretary Is Appointed The position of House Secretary is being filled by k rs. Robert Mans- field,who is well known to many of the students an'alumnae as Nor- ma Bicknell, formerly president of the Women's League and at one time assistant in the Adviser's Of- fices. Mrs. Z. B. Balles, who acted in the capacity of General Manager before the plan of reorganization went into effect,, is no longer with the League. Miss Amy Loomis, who is in charge of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the League Building, is already in Ann -Arbor and is pre- pared to begin her work as director of the dramatic societies on the campus...,, At , 8:30 o'clock Friday evening the members of the League and the advisers of Women will give a re- ception to all freshmen. This will take': place on the entire second floor' of the League building. At five "o'clock on Sunday afternoon there will be a tea for the freshmen women and their friends at which several members of last year's graduating class will preside. The League Building is open at all times in all' of its departments to the students and their friends and both men and women are in- vited to the cafeteria and dining room. Mi s Hollister at the Women's League will provide well balanced meals and special menus for stu- dents at prices that can keep the board bill within that "dollar a day", ideal. SPORTS OFFICIAL GREETS WOME E,,~ d- w-' N Numbering the twenty-second ____.and Miss Beatrice Johnson, whose national sorority on the campus, offices are located in Barbour gym- Phi Gamma Mu, heretofore a local inter-Sorority Group Is Active asj organization, affiliated with Alpha Period of Rushing nasium, have as their function the Delta Pi on September 21. The assisting - of women students in national inspector of Alpha Delta'pens their problems, either personal or Pi, Mrs. Hildreth A. Rider of academic. Springfield, Ohio, was in Ann Ar- NEW-COMERS ADVISED From the Advisers' offices a bor as the installation officer. Michigan woman may obtain a list Alpha Delta Pi claims the dis- of possible residences, a part time tinction of being the oldest secret Beginning during freshman week position, assistance with financial organization for women in the and continuing until October 4, difficulties, or any sort of helpful world, having been founded at Wes- formal rushing by the sororities is information she wishes. leyan Women's College, Macon, Ga. commanding not an inconsidera- T",s Johnson, who has the In- in 1851. Wesleyan college also btt! ts of the foreign students at holds a peculiar position in the amount of attention from the h( wish 1 to invite them to history of women's education, as entering women. Jean Wallace, '30, # call on her at Barbour gymnasium the first woman in the United F president of the Inter-Sorority As- where she will be happy to do all States to be granted a degree re- sociation, announces that the so- she can to familiarize them with ceived it at Wesleyan college. rorities have made careful plans University procedure. Alpha Delta Pi has fifty chapters, to improve this opportunity foI Girls interested in student loans Beta Eta chapter at Michigan be- theisoroitsome ntefesh-are urged to talk with Miss Grace ing the fiftieth. At the present the sorority women and the fresh- Richards. These loans are availa- time the organization holds the men to get acquainted. ble for upperclassmen with good .chairmanship of the national Pan- For the bentfit of the freshmen scholastic standing. Hellenic Congress, a place assumed women Mrs. Homer Heath of High- The Advisers wish to express a in 1913. land Road will be prepared at any most cordial welcome to Michigan Among the guests at the in- time during the rushing period to women, old and new students. stallation of the new chapter was f answer questions regarding sorori- The Advisers of Women the national vice-president, Mrs. ties at Michigan. Information may J. B. Hubbard, of Cambridge, Mas- also be secured from Miss Alice Dear Freshman Women: N AND PHYSICAL S)PIRIT ( MICI " )old. Look to us in the Women's Department of Physical education LaH S faU and the Health Service for any as- sistance we may give you if you are in a physical quandry. - Th little blue "M" book, so much Dr. Margaret Bell, in evidence has been planned to Director of Women's Athletics successfully launch Miss Freshman of the class of 1933 on her career Furriers Hold Annual at the University. Convention In Detroit organizations, new buildings and equipment, friendships! These Attracting fur men from every ideas are the ones stressed, and part of the country, the annual Michigan spirit is evident in every convention of the National Associ- line of the M book. ation of the Fur Industry, which The "oldsters" who edited the will be held today and tomorrow at "M" book hope Michigan spirit will the Statler hotel, will make De- become vital and tangible before troit the center pf interest for the freshman week is brought to a entire fur industry. The annual close, and a habit as the incoming fur show will be held in connection freshmen establish themselves here with the convention. at Michigan. 1' I' II- Waa is the mascot of the Wo- men's Athletic association. Which Freshman group will win him in the series of games which begins tomorrow? And here's a message from the president of the Women's Athletic association: , New Michigan women, welcome to you! Michi'gan's W. A. A. with. its new Field house and its almost; I perfect athletic equipment is eag-I erly awaiting the opportunity of meeting all of you and having you I participate with us in at least one{, of our many activities. To, those of you who are skilled in athletics we offer a great deal of interclass and intramural team play. For those of you'who ha.e I sport.hobbies we offer a number of clubs and 'individual tourniaments, and to you who desire individual training, we boast a ,physical edu- cation faculty whose work with our organization accounts, in no small way, for its strength. Your first five points entitle you Ito membership.. immediately.: Make W. A. A. your first Michigan activ- Dorothy Touff President, W. A.;A. CHEYENNE,- Wyo., '.ept. 22:--C. D. Waggoner, Coloradd bhk"pesi-I dent, will go on trial charged with attempting to defraud New York banks of $500;000. The Thri'll of sachusetts, and the province presi- Lloyd; adviser of women dent, Mrs. A. B. Cummings, of Careful consideration before ac- Cleveland. cepting a bid has been repeatedly The social functions for the urged upon the freshman women week end included a formal initia- during Freshman week. A copy of tion banquet: at the Michigan toge rushing rules has been given League and an installation recep- to each new-comer, bearing this tion and tea at the chapter house. same injunction and also the re- The chapter was hostess at the minder that "the final goal of the tea to its out-of-town guests, the Michigan girl is the same for non- faculty members, and '.he greek- : sorority and sorority undergradu- letter groups on the cumpus. Isa- lates. All are working toward that bel Loshbaugh, presP.zent of the which is noblest and finest in chapter headed the receiving line. Afrerican womanhood." Ai The University provides her young women students with every possible means for the develop- ment of ideally educated, exuber- ant womanhood. Your c,ol11e g e responsibilities mental and moral health, yoUr work, your recreation, are mani- College Lif s reflected in the knowl- .. a ... ._. DIMATTIA.BEAUTY SHOP EDMOND PROCESS permanent waving, OU .with six months service.$1. OUR SPECIALTY, the Diagonal Bob, the latest style in hair cutting. Over Swift's Drug Store DIAL 8878 WillCpro't r , 609 E.WILLIAtIST. P1/ONC~70/4 106 E. WASt1INGTON ST. PJOA'ff6 c . 'ta *' reedy costumed. College 'fashion author= edge that ites for nearly three- you are coo- quarters of a century. 1 a.wm i . Q i T/ Registering Chic on and off the Campus If you're a freshman wondering timnidy whether your clothes will get by, or a senior with a status to maintain you can do no better than ;put yourself in Goodyear's hands satorially speaking. There are literally hundreds of things here to delight the most critical. For Goodyear's are proud of it's reputation for chic clothes that come within the college girl's allowance. 1\ fXi f-' aroue thteenvy f oe' roomate in taffeta, soft satins, supple velvets', crepes and Tulles ... $25.00 to $75.00. To impress the faculty wiih'your demureness .there are canton crepes with youthful col- ars .. crepes printed frock thatwilygrace class-room or a tea party. $16.50 to X449.50. Sheer woolen frocks that give you a chance to demonstrate your aware. ness of the smartest fash. ion. In lovely autumn colors. x$10.50 to $29.50. i $7.50 17.->$7.50 4., Designed by Crealor afAr/isticoora Welcome Frosh! Here are the smartest footwear modes on the campus. The Smartest Array of Syles .. * at Our feature prices 1 - {I $7.50 I i Sport *oats that are grand to slip into when you've only a minute to make a class. Rough tweeds - .smooth fabrics, novelty woolens, furred or utifurred. $25.00 ot $125.00 Shoes that are the last word for smart feet suedes in colors to en- semble your smartest gettup slim, grace- ful slippers of the newest thing in leather $8.50 to $13.50. Hats that are achieve- ments in chic and econ- omy smart, soft looking felts and soleils in autumn colors $5.00 to $15.00. >, ; ,> .,. ,, ,,, pia,.,; ' "~ Jai' o i !50 K G(S TO MATERIALS Brown Suedes r Blue Suedes Black SuedesReptile Leathers Dull Kids > Navy Blue Kids ton KidsrFancy SatinsfPciternts $ 50" Widths AAA to C The most modern service in 'millinery STYLES Regent Pumps > Opera Pumps Mule Pumps >> Gore Pumps Center Buckles - Straps Smart Ties V s Oxfords Hats Made on the Accessories that add just the right touch to your smartest en-. remble hosiery, gloves, costume jewelry, lingerie, foundation1 ,...t ..nalthe little thines that add just the right touch - f ° _ r rr I 1 \ Aft . 0% t