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October 16, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-16

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EDNEMDAY ,O OB!FR -16,' '12






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[ OR COMING C ABRETIMIOne of the pleasantest phases of scholarships were begun. Four PRCnTseHOaUdSEn
Myra Jwork on anese, enrolled in the University by
TO BE ELECTED TOIIAf return to active service in the Uni- the aid of Mr. Barbour. Now, there Schedule Meeting for 5 O'clock
versity she considers to be her are 26 Barbour scholars taking
work with foreign students and es- work in all departments of the Representatives Room
Will Announce Results Thursday pecially the Barbour scholars with University. No restriction is nowj of League.
made as to courses to be followed.
After Count of Ballots whom she worked during the first The only stipulation is that these WILL MEET THURSDAY
by Council. eight years they were on the cam- women go back and work among
Epus. This year she will again ad- their own people.
'PROHIBIT CAMPAIGNING Ivise the foreign women who come IA recent addition to the plan has Any constructive measure, or sug-
on these scholarships. been the creating of Barbour Fel- gestions for changes in the present
Elections of the committee chair- Mr. Levi Barbour, who has given lowships. By this means women house rules will be in order at the
Eeciono the cphommite a ,1 this scholarship fund, began it in who show unusual prmise are en- Board of Representatives meeting
menh for theophomorhe Camre, 1887. While traveling in China he couraged to return for graduate at 5 o'clock tomorrow in the Board
Circus this year, will be held today visited Dr. Tomo Inouyi, one of the work. There are now four of these of Representatives room of the
Ct himasyeartillbetheldwodayfirst foreign women to graduate scholars at Michigan. League. This is the first meeting of
ath a mas mng Bo the women from the Michigan medical school. The Barbour Scholarships are the year and will be an opportunity
of the class in the Board of Repre- Impressed by the work that for- endowed by one of the largest for every house president to pre-
floor of the League. The time of the eign women trained in medicine scholarship funds in the world. sent new ideas for the system of
meeting will be 5 o'clock instead of were doing with their own people, Originally the income from a gift I government or to offer suggestions
4 o'clock as was announced yester- and 'noting the scarcity of upper of $50,000 was used, but since then for the existing system.
4ay. class women so trained, .he offered the income from a 99-year lease on Every University woman has a
The nominations are as follows: to take as his wards two Orientala valuable piece of down-town share in governing herself through
The nminatioaras mloBs:es girls who would be fitted to pursue Detroit property has been added. i the means of her house representa-
for general chairman, Emily Bates, a medical course in the University Mrs. Jordan is anxious to get in tive and is privileged to express her
r;assistant chairman, Kather- of Michigan. Two Japanese came touch with the present Barbouropinions on any tentative plans
ene Ferrin, Marie Wagner, and Em-j the first year, one having to leave scholars and is planning a tea to proposed by the Board of Represen-
ily Francis; finance, Dorothy Bird- Ihowever, on account of illness. The be given at the League building in tatives. Cooperation and interest in]
ily Louise Binance, and Ruth Me- other, Dr. Kameyo Sadakata, took the very near future. At this time the Board is expected in view of the
Intosh. her degree in the literary school and hours will be announced at which i fact that the women are self-gov-
tos m dthen entered the medical school. she will meet the women individu- erning.
Those nominated for publilty Several years later the Barbour ally. A copy of the house rules has
'chairmen are: Jean Levy, Barbara _____ _ ___ _ - - ----- -- ----- been distributed to every approved
Wright, and Margaret Thompson; house on campus and must be ob-
entertainment, Dorothy Felske, Secretary For Women Has Enjorned served until the Board of Repre-
Katherine Sitton, and Bernice Erh- * * ' ____d n___t__Bar__ fRepe-
lich; food, Jane Inch, Marjoie Es- Numerous Fascinating Experiences sentatives announce any changes.
worth, and Dorothy Sample. G
Nominations for the chairmen Joie de vivre, understanding, and Gammack seems often to have hap-:
the decoration committee are: humor fairly bubble in the person- pened on. She told how she and a
Betty Healy, Donna Jones an ality of Miss Ellen Gammack, a new friend had not understood why one L1TU
Ivalita Glascock; waitresses, Betty arrival in Ann Arbor. Miss GaIm- shouldn't ride second-class, so they
Louden, Anne Terherdt, and Esther imack is here at St. Andrew's Epis- tried it. In recounting the affair T
Kiby ad orcstme Sllecopal Church in the capacity of she said, "A horde of black cane TA TO A D
Ensminger, Pauline Notnagle, and secretary to the women students, cutters, hot from the day's work,
Margaret Keeler. doing for them the same type of came swarming on, carrying live. __
The votes will be counted by the 'thing which the Rev. Thomas Har- chickens and roosters by the feet, Saturday will see the beginning1
Judiciary Council of the League and ris does for the men. howling babies, and wicked-looking of another intramural golf tourna-
the results announced Thursday. Miss Gammack is a graduate of knives. ment. It has not yet been decided
Ca innSihCleg.WiesewsaAdvises Vacation.metIthsntytbndcid
Campaigning previous to the meet- Smith College. While she was a A.where the tournament will be
ing today is prohibited; any case of senior there an opportunity for her! From Cuba Miss Gammack went played, but the contestants will t
it being reported will be severely to go to the Madison Avenue Pres- to the church on Madison avenue, meet at the field house at 9 o'clock
dealt with by the Judiciary Coun- byterian Church in New York, as a which she had visited from Smith. Saturday morning and transporta-t
cil. member of a delegation from Smith, "After working for a year in an tion will be provided.
The Sophomore Cabaret was se- offered itself. By going she would Episcopal Mission I was a heretic." Two prizes will be offered; one
lected as the class activity for tne miss playing in a certain basket remarked she With a smile. "Inci- for the best score in 18 holes of
year and will be held-in connection ball game which she was signed up dentally I advise all Episcopalians medal play, and the other for the
with the League Bazaar which will for, and she debated long and to leave the fold for a time. One best score on a "blind hole." This I
be given December 6 and 7. earnestly. Finally she decided that comes back freshened, and with a will be one of the 18 chosen by Miss!
if she went to New York with the newly thought over understanding McCormick, and not to be an-
delegation something for the fu- of the service. One gets to take it so fnounced until the game is over.
ture might turn up. She did become for granted." Katherine McMurray, '31, golf
interested in the work there, and manager of the Women's Athletic
she also met the Harris's at this Her program for four years there association, will answer any in-
HI\I m Works Way to Iceland. side, helping with activities in the quiries about the turnament.
III... J U U After she graduated r smith church during the week, and start-x
cs l i i m she worked her way on a cruise .to ing sm6ll library there. Now she W ant Pay
Iceland and Norway. There she met has followed, the Harrises to Ann]
Orchesis is holding its first mee two friends, and joined them in a Arbor, and she is anxious to be- _--____ _______
ing of the season tonight at the W. bicycle trip through England. "It come acquainted with the students
A. A. building. An innovation is seems to be a habit of mine," re- here. She will welcome. any who
being adopted in inviting all Fresh- marked Miss Gammack. "My broth- care to come to her office on the C O LL EG E
men who are interested in dancing, er and I took a bicycle trip through second floor of Harris Hall. BEAUTY
as well as all others interested in Normandy the summer of my So- U SHOP
the same subject, to attend the phomore year at Smith. McGILL UNIVERSITY "FRESH-j
meeting. "About three weeks after return- ETTES" FIND ANNUAL HAZ- permanent .,$7.50
Plans will be discussed as to the ing from Europe I sailed for Cuba. ING WEEK A FEATURE. an d .
type of dancing which will accupy There I was in an Episcopal Mis- Shampoo and Fger
the greater part of the time this sion school teaching boys and girls 1.00
year. Some Orchesis members are of all ages and colors all kinds of Freshmen women entering Mc- Wave..0
interested primarily in interpretive subjects, and going out among the Gill University, Montreal, find the Shampoo and Marcel $1.00
S" When asked how she
dancing, while some of the mem- families." annual hazing work now in pro-

All students and faculty are SPECIAL PASTRIESCLASSES
cordially invited to a tea to be
given every Wednesday from 3
to 4 o'clock preceding the organ Special attractions in the line of
recital in the lounge on the sec- fancy pasteies will be offered by
o nd floor of the School of Music. at___wllb ffrdb
Mrs. Margaret McCormick of the the Food Shop of the League for Physical Education Credit Given
organ department will preside. the Hallowe'en season. The Food to Those With Uncompleted
The first meeting of Orchesisr Shop is operated in connection Rqieet
will be held at 7:15 Wednesday with the Russian Tea Room on the Requirements
night, October 16, in the W. A. A. first floor, for the purpose of pro- Riding classes are being held at
building. Anyone interested in viding food for women who desire 4 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday,
dancing is invited to attend and .to serve meals there. However, pro- and Monday and Wednesday after-
Slearn the prospective program visions may also be obtained to be jnoons at the Mullison stables -on
I for the year. served in the Cave or the Fountain East Ann street. Donald Hall is the
S The first round of. thed tennisjrooms. instructor, and there are classes for
tn week. Everyone who has en- Cleverly designed pies and cakes beginners as well as for advanced
eek veyonme wo hs e- appropriate to Hallowe'en parties riders. Anyone who is interested in
spenthe tornaeng t ber- will soon be featured in the Food riding should call Betty Healy, '32,
sponsible for seeing that her Shop. Special orders for them, if the W. A. A. riding manager, at
her match is played. desired in large quantities, will be 5718.
Any second-semester freshmen filled as soon"as ordered, or they Twelve hours of riding during
or upper-class women who on eetrwl cei h ie
would like to make posters will may be obtained in smaller quan- one semester will credit the rider
have the opportunity if she will tities impromtu. with 100 W. A. A. points. Second
call Ruth Otto, dial 3193, who is a I The Russian Tea room adjoining semester sophomores and upper-
member of the publicity commit- the Food Shop is fully equipped class women who mave not coin-
tee of W. A. A. with a kitchenette and all its re- pleted their physical education re-
W. A. A. will entertain with a quisites, including an electric per- quirements may get credit in the
party at 3:30 Friday afternoon colator, waffle iron, toaster, and re- riding classes, provided they notify
at the field house for those girls frigerator, and a complete new set Miss McCormick.
who are interested in becoming of attractive dishes. This room, in-; Sixteen persons have joined the
members of the organization. cluding the kitchenette is at the riding classes so far. Two events, a
Old members will be present, an. disposal of any University woman moonlight ride and a breakfast
there will be an orchestra for who cares to use it in entertaing have already been tentatively
dance igbeherorfriends.o
dancing, as well as refreshments, her friends. planned.
This is a splendid opportunity to
meet old friends and to form League Extends Dining-Room Facilities For
new acquaintances, while at the o
same time becoming familiar Accommodation ofGuests in Town For Game
wihte work fW .A
Every arrangement for t.e com- menus, able to be rapidly served,
fort ofarage menefr the com -r being planned for use during
Women Hold Display guests during the coming t1e football season and special
oD Hold Ds k football games is being made by the dinners will be served after the
in Detroit This Week Michigan League. Meals are being games.
______served to men as well as women in The entire building will be open
the ballroom, the main and private to guests during this season. Youn
Convention Hall, Detroit, is this dining rooms, and in the cafeteria. women having parents or guests
week the scene of the Women's In- The League is able to set up places are especially invited to make use
for about 1,200 people and with cus- of the League. Guests, however,
ternational Exposition, which has tomers coming in and out can are not restricted to members.
been drawing large crowds. The serve twice this amount at one
aisles of the hall are lined with The cafeteria counter will be, WANT ADS PAY!
booths designating all the indus- open almost all the time. Special

tries in which the women of Amer-
ica are engaged. Several Indian
women, brought, after a good deal!
of trouble, to comprise one booth,
attracted attention the first day.
A "Parade of the Nations" sym-
bolizing the good will between
women of all nationalities engaged
in industries in the United States
terminated the first evening's pro-
gram of the Exposition.,


Finger Wave
Frederic's Permanent
1110 South University

__ _ -1


Dial 756


- -.a-- -,- -

r ~rE A FFrrrrrrrrrrrr P e w.


818 South State

324 South State

1101 South University



bers would like to work on what liked it she went on to say, I didnt
is popularly known as "pony like teaching so much under the
choruses." conditions, but I loved the rest of it,
The club will meet once a week the contact with the cunning chil-
under the direction of Miss Sylva dren and their families, the work
Adams of the Physical Education in the beautiful little Spanish
department. church, riding horse back through
the-cane fields, and playing tennis
Bobbed hair is still causing trou- every day. You know we didn't have
ble in Switzerland. Swiss women school when it rained."
will neither pay the government Taking a trip on the train inland
tax on shorn locks nor will they re- was one of the numerous out-of-
adopt long hair. the-way experiences which Miss
Special-4 Lbs. (500 Sheets)-75c
Good Quality
1111 South University One Half Block East of Campus

gress a feature of campus life. Each EDITH BIRD
year the sophomore women compile
a set of rules which every first year. Formerly of the
student must learn by heart and Romona Beauty Shop
obey, or she will be forced to pay a I 300 South State
penalty attached. This year each E
infringement requires the payment Open Evenings Dial 22813
of a five cent fee.



--e-r.. -- .._®

Permanent Wav e. ..$5.00
Finger Wave and Shampoo .1.00
Marcel and Shampoo $1.09
Manicure ... ..50
Open Evenings Call 21478
625 E. Liberty Street
Upstairs over Flower Shop

Let Morrill Show
You the Complete
Line of
0. D. Morrill
314 South State



has the College ot
Sheaf'er's Lifetime' pens were discovered by the old
alumni of most American schools, and as then
writing instruments are guaranteed against every-
think except loss for the owner's whole lifetime,
they're probably still in use. The swifter, easier writ-
ink brought by Balance in Sheaffer's Lifetime0 pens
and pencils is a very real help in class and n'akes
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You'll know why Sheaffers outsell all others at 73
of the 119 leading American colleges, and you'll go
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At better stores everywhere
All fountain pens are guaranteed against defects, but SheafFer's Lifetim is
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forever guaranteed against defect in materials and workmanship. Green antd
black Lifetime" pens, $8.75; Ladies', $7.50 and $8.25. Black and pearl De
Luxe, $10.00; Ladies , $8.50 and $9.50. Pencils, $5.00. Golf and Handbag,
Pencil, $3.00. Others lower.
* A recent survey made by a disin-
terested orgnization showed Sheaf.
Per's first in fountain pen sales at 73
of America's 119 foremost seats of
"1earning Documents covering this
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Successor to ink, 50c.
Reils. fr 5c Pac

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ice and Beauty Ai



New Silhouette Dresses
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Sports Wear Skirts
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Sweaters $1.95 to $2.95
Hats in Felts and Velvet
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We have engaged the serv-
ices of Mr. Fabiar, Bobbing
and Finger Waving exeprt,
formerly of several cosmo-
politan shops.



in all Newest Fall


Shades $1.50 to $1.95
S , C 1. * r.



. -


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