PACE TWO THE M.ICH IGAN DAIL.Y WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1929 1 LEAGUE HEAD PRAISESCraa "a entE Lob by Investigation HIGH SCHOOL DEBATES'- .t rVT1UIieni PDflID AmQ &UNION OPERA POSTER COMPETITION E r. RADIC i A [ALtl flU AU'WILL Professor G. E. Densmore Laudis Work Done by High School Debate Group. IN LECTUREPROCRAMi Educational Talks Will be Part j of Adult Instruction on Young Child. With only submittingc ter which w~ and out-of-1 Union Open director of vised a reju the nairt.of TERMINATE FRIDAY AFTERNOON iwas still time to submit pieces be- three days left for the fore the judges meet to decide the of designs for the po-= winner. vill be used for all local First place winner will receive town publicity for the a gold medallion with a suitable de- a, E. Mortimer Shuter. sign on the face and the artist's Mimes activities, ad- name described on the back. The ivenation of interest onj winner of second place is to receive the conlftestants to in-'~ a silver medal, cast from the same ME~MBERSHIP INCREASES "The fact that. throughout. theI comTing winter months over 1,500 high school students will be con- ducting an intensive study of the Amrican jury system assures us that these future citizens of the State of Michigan will be better' equipped to assume the responsi- bilities of citizenship,, stated Prof.j Gal~e; E. Densmore, head of the! Michigam High School Debating League, over station WJR in a talk last night on the activities of the League. Pr~ofessor Densmore outlined the program and past history of the League, sb ewing9 that 1,500 students participated in 650 debates lastI year before audiences of more than 135,000 people, and a larger enrcolL- nt in the League is expected this 4.ssocia ted Press Photo Benator Caraway Iwho is chairman of the Senatej committee that will investigate thef lobbying activities in Washington.? Senator Caraway is a Democrat from Arkansas.- Society Offers Prize IFor Publication Name TO BEGIN NOVEMBER 8 sure that the designs be surbmitted to him by 5 o'clock Friday lter -- In accordance to the plans for-1 noon. Consulttionrs have been heIli mutated at the convention of the duigteps* e ewe State Parent TeachersAsoitn ter and the artists who are vi tl:- at Lansing last May, the Univera- ing on the poster" ideas. The U(, sity of Michigan Extension Service tails of the plot and tfie name 1-4 in co-operation with the Parentj the show have been disclosed to Teachers will commence a seriesthswh aeineeed nte of ectre onth Yong hid a 1contest so that, they may embody; of lctues n te Yong hil atthe theme in the design. Shirtter° five different cities throughout thei will be in his office from 2 toe41 State. The lectures are to begin o'clock each afternoon fromn now on November 8 at Albion, Benton; until the close of the competition Harbor, Iron Mountain, Mount to discuss designs with students] Pleasant, and Traverse City. who are interested, ihe stated yes- These educational talks, are to terday. lBe also stated that there be held for the purpose of giving' - - --_ -- -----__ __ parents a knowledge of the young, child. The expense of the lec- tures is paid by the university Ex- Ex~'ceIlent Food- tension department. P~~ The managing of the programs' has been under the direction of Extension division, who has been Spe lLu -ho in charge of- home education, and -Mrs. J. B. Nicholson, who has taken E very Wee care of parental education. Dr. /1 i~r its store for yci Katherine Green, of the University ;School of Education, formulated! atW fi the list of subjects to be spoken.61 LgIW 1 on at the various lectures. -- i-i liiihe B3OMBAAY, hIdia, Oct. fjiciis in I lie Persian G reported tioday to have pearl wihig501grains at $250,iJ,(JJI,.a gem~ such as to H1U Gi doy 61nce before in one huindred years," die., Posters should be of the width- heightih propoOrtiont of 14~ by 22, and futtrter etai> my be gleaned hroni1 t r; lic in Mimes' the- ,'UtARtTH MILLiON DOLLAR Pt,'Aid4 IS h(jUND IN IIIE tljA' S P N lti%,F BY DIVERS 1 5---Pearl ilf were found a s, valued has been ithe lastc 4 Parts adService- FOR ALL MAKES GEO. WEDEMEYF2R 221 E. Liberty "EXCLUSIVEL.Y RAI 1" Phones 3694 The keyK_ to highest s-ctholI- arship honors is brought nearer when you are aided by ood health. Shredded Whelt -ev ry day-keeps your kit id ot I an your body tit Make .0t IAbi~L All the bran ofthewhole wheatw Easy to dilgest $. -Better Service STU^RANT' Ac Day 50 c For the best name for a new cam- The League was organized in pus publication which will make- 1917 with a membership of 66 high its appearance shortly under the schiools. It now includes 250 private, direction of the Architectural So- parochial and public schools. city, a year's subscription to "Pean- The 64 high schools with the cil Points," a magazine devoted to highest rating are _given wall plaque architecture is being offered. trophies fromb the Detroit Free Contestants may submit any Press. The University presents number of names. In the event of bronze cups to both finalists,, while; a tie, the prize will be awarded to th~e Detroit Free Press Rives' the 1 the person who submitted the name nwmbers of both teami s gold t hs.fist. wa tche1 r !I! f I a tii (Near State) x t'Living Sct i peients STAfRTING TODAY i I ~uL CJ~IThe Talking --,a A- NFunniest ;N IHit! WAnt Ads Pay }All names must b~e in tree lianasU of A. Waranoff, '29A, not later than 5 o'clock Thursday. i i I E i 1 CORNWELL COAL - COKEF Scrkanton, Pocahontas K itucky and West Virginia Coal c: Solvay and Gas Coke This busi tie s has been growin~g ever since it was established. The secret- £ "6giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." W believe it pays-to do SAX RHOMER'S MASTER business in it friendly way. If you CRIMINAL think so too, let's get together. HEATES!DI- ABOLCAL!A loely girl hynotized to work his vengeance! The fear- - ful Oriental laughs at ! the w o r l d 's greatest sleuths! Until love paves the way for his down- CORNWELL COAL - COKE fall! Warner Oland in the most thrilling role OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK the screen has ever Phons, ffic 461-452 Yrd ffic-. 152portrayed! Jean Arthur! Phoe.,Offic 461-452 ar Of le' 552Neil Hamilton! All- talking! - 1 =- { ; i " _JtS4 W/eft meets List 'l9ii Uciaiighneck Rnai e 1 I f 1' LEE MORAN a WILLIAM DESMOND Also Musical Novelty TEDD)Y BROWN TALKING COMEDY GIRL CRAZY "Double Whoopee" Tarantvunt News IBob- Howland At- the Ort'aii From the stage-hit by Ring Lardner and George M. C oh an Next Sunday ELMER'S HERE, FOLKS! And is he' modest? You should hear him! Accorid- ing to Elmer, he's the greatest thing tl).u ever hit this town-and he proves it! ,jvdg e for yourself--SEE and HEAR Ring L.ard- ner's gay braggart with the heart-cif-gold. The smart-crackcing comedy-rom ance frm the "You Know Me, Al !" series. -On the Stage- ROGERIMOF MARCELLE COREENE & COMPANY In their Famous Comedy "IN A PEST HOUSE" All-Talking Laughing Howling Funil-riot! I EAST IS EAST AND WEST IS West but sometimes the twain do meet. Daughter of Boston capitalist leaves private car for meeting with Collins, superintendent of railroad buijdle her father is building. vI. __________ COMING SATURDAY. ______ TRIUMPHANT RETURN "THE COCK EYED WORLD" THE ALL, TALKING RIOT "THE VERY IDEA" From the Famous Stage Comedy :i . c .7 ' wn,,r ,- t- :;.. 'K' " Drink Delicious and Refreshing 1tPJ i Vt r' N TI Where and ref always a soc ment stand ice-cold Coca'4 evety day in th people stop a inu] ,MV E"selves with this 1 ii x IT NOV N'OT ING A' WE Kt 'hexuoralis t re it is imp4 efresh your inormal af da fountain around td tCola ready the year 8r rote, refreshi pure drip WON'T BE. LONG N'. AND TIil- PAUSE T 5 COMING MAY B'E 5O RE TRHC~h- S5 SOME OTMCRS N4OW OF. to avoid situationls )ossible to pause 'self - becausie ould. Fortu- ffairs there'a 1or refresh- he corner y. And million them- 1 f. kof r lolet days of unsh rt e nt "t-rfiia treatment"-make OLD GOLD r ® better and a smoother c igaret f i ...-W :, . ..s.' 0L ) (ROIl) brought abxout a gr-eat change In smoking t~ s t. It gav e smokers a new freedom of enjoyment *-.without any forbidderz limit-, Th~le man vvh:)'used to say "I can't smoke until after ftinch . .. i my throat is sensitive in the morning" novJ lhids that he can "lig ht lip" whenever he pieases. lY his morning OLD GOLD has no more throat- have to stint their smokes, for O4,D COLD )is a3 frfee- of throat- irritants as a glass of spring water. Better tobaccos did it ... naturally good tobaccos extra-prime leaf made irritation-wfree by the violet rays of sunshine . .. not by "artificial treatment." If you like food that is naturally good, instead of food made good by "artificial treatment" . .. you're I x_1