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September 24, 1929 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-09-24

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PAGr PGoun
34t tbtipu .DRM
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all. news dis-
patuhes credited to'it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the posto. .ce at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General,
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.



. li


Telephone 4925

Editor ......,..............George C. Tilley
News Editor..............George E. Simons
Clty Editor .......... ... Pierce Rosenberg
Sports Editor........Edward B. Warner, Jr.
Women's 'Editor ...........,.Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor.............George Stauter
Music and Drama........William J, Gorman
Assistant City Editor..,..-Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors
Frank 'E. Cooper Robert L., Sloss
William C. Gentry Gurney Williams, Jr.
H'ehry J. Merry Walter Wilds
Charles R. Kaufman

Charles A. Askren
Helen Thrc
Samuel 'Beer 1
Louise henymer
Eugene Blumberg
P' uline Bowe
Fank T. Cameron
S. Beach Conger
ThomascM. Cooley
Rpbert Crain
W., H. Crane
Ledru F. Davis
Merle . M. Elsworth
"t erine Ferrin
C rl Forsythe
B riFrankel
Sheldon C. Fullerton
Gin evra Ginn
J. Edmund Glavin
Richard Gillard
rcey Guerry
James C. Hendley
Edna Henley
Richard T. Hurley

Ira W. Levy
Jean H. Levy
Russell E McCracken
L~ester M. 'May
Thelma M. Meyer
Roberta Minter
David M Nichol
William Page
Arthur Reeves
John D. Reindel
Jeannie Roberts
Joseph F. Ruwitch
William. P.. Salzarulo
Virginia Schoof
George Stauter
Margaret Thompson
Richard 'L. Tobin
Beth Valentine
Harold 0. Warren
Charles S. White
Lionel G.- Widlens
J. E. Wilughby
Barbara Wright
Vivian Zimit

Telephone 212148
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Agvertisingm. .......... Hollister Mabley
Advertising....... Kasper H. Halverson
Advertising...... ....Sherwood 'Upton
S.rvicer............... . George Sater
C i'cuation.............. J. Vernor Davis
,Accounts........ .. . Jack Rose
Publications.......George Hamilton

Uoward W. Baldock
Raymond Campbell
James E." Cartwright
Robert Crawford
Harry B. Culver
Robert Davidv-
Thomas M. Davis
,)avid A. Fuss
James Hoffer
Norris Johnson
Cullen Kennedy
Charles Kline
Lawrence >Luce y:

Thomas Muir
Charles Sanford
Lee Slayton
Roger C. Thorpe
Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Bessie V. Egeland
Anna Goldberg
Jean Goldenberg
Lillian Kovinski
Alice McCully
Dorothy Stonehouse
Alice Waterman
Marie Wellstead

regulation newsprint are devoted
to a complete coverage of general
campus news and a digest of world
news furnished by the Associated
Press of which we are a member.
Page 5, edited by the women's staff,
is devoted to news of especial in-
terest to women, and pages 6 and
7 under the gentle direction of the
sports staff carry the news of
Michigan's athletic teams at home
and abroad together with the
"dope" and the extraordinary vo-
cabulary dear to the heart of every
sports writer.
Page 8 carries the Daily Official
Bulletin of the University which
proclaims without rhetorical em-
bellishment all manner of salient
occurences from lectures, organ re-
citals, and disciplinary actions to
organization meetings, room as-
signments for quizzes, and "bolts."
The bulletin is placed there by
the University with the epectation
that every one on the campus will
scan it daily.
Page 4 is The Daily's editorial
page, termed by newspaper men,
journalists, the department of
journalism, and others "the heart
of the newspaper." Here for bet-
ter or for worse we place our in-
terpretation on the University in
its various manifestations, seeing
errors here and triumphs there,
according to our opinions and pre-
judices. Our effort is to be intel-
ligent, rational, perspicacious, more
opinionated than the Ann Arbor
Daily News, a defender of student
rights against administrative en-
croachment and the Washtenaw
We bemoan the disreputable
condition into which campus pol-
itics has fallen, would like to see
the Student council make some-
thing of itself, hold a brief for
modification of the auto ban, stand
behind former President Little's
ideas anent the administration of
this University, and pick quarrels
with the .pompous political party,
Harvardism, and Governor Green.
Also on page 4 is our much-re-
sented Music and Drama column,
critical, and the despair of many
kindly people who hold that any
one who tries, however, a a
ly, should have his mead of print-
ed praise.
Between the 'editorials and the
musical-diamatic r e v i e w s The
* Daily, with no malice aforethought,
starts several wordy conflagrations
in the course of its 180 annual
issues. Along with the rest of the
world we occasionally make errors
! which goad people to answers and
reprisals; sometimes it is the truth
which hurts and calls forth indig-
nant denials. A any rate we are
0 glad to print campus opinions at
variance with our own, and hope
you of the class of 1933 will favor
us with communications when you
feel the urge.
When the second semester rolls
around The Daily will issue a cal
for freshman tryouts. There wil
be an opportunity for some 60 or
70 of you who are newspaper-
minded to have a lot of fun and
practical experience, but of tha
more later.
During the present week abou
half of the incoming freshmen wil
receive a vivid impression of thos
historic campus institutions known
as fraternities through Michigan'
"cut-throat" rushing system, so-
called because almost anythin

goes in the rough and tumble race
to put pledge buttons on the mos
promising rushees. Since las
spring a sub-committee of the
Senate committee on Student Af
fairs has been studying the rush
ing problem from the point of viem
both of the freshman and the
fraternity to determine whether oz
not some system of deferred rush
ing-i.e., rushing at the beginning
of the sophomore year, the secon
semester, or at Thanl. 3giving -
would be more advantageous.
Practically all of the oldest an
most influential fraternities hav
alligned themselves against defer
red rushing for traditional, social
and financial reasons. They hav
existed long and prosperously un
s der the cut-throat system, prefe
e to mold their freshmen from th
start of their collegiate careers
and have built their houses, a
e considerable cost, large enough t
- board a freshman class and it
e many instances to room them.
S On the other hand an apprehen
sion exists in administrative cir
- cles that freshmen are too imma
- ture to know their own minds i3
r the press of freshman week. The
are too apt to be talked off then
- feet by the first fraternity tha
o offers a bid.
Since you are slated to pas

Music an
A Preview of the Forthcoming Dra-
matic Season.
Without much doubt, the dra-
matic season about to be ushered
in should prove one of the most
ambitious and interesting that the
Campus has ever witnessed. The
activities of the various producing
organizations, according to their
schedules, should prevent any dark
houses at either the Mimes or the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Comedy Club, under new officers,
who are experienced and progres-
sive, should take on new life and
produce plays that will eclipse
their artistic masterpiece of last
season, "Granite." According to
their newly elected president, Rob-
ert Adams (also erstwhile pro-
ducer)) four plays of consequence
are to be given. If the fickle god,
Box Office, bestowes his golden fa-
vors upon this deserving group of
sincere enthuasts, a student di-
rected play, which the campus has
had none of since the departure of
Phyllis Loughton, is promised.
The first production, still unan-
nounced, will be under the direc-
tion of Bertha Clayton, one-time
leading woman with Richard Mans-
field. There will be no dearth of
capable and experienced talent at
the Club's command. This season,
Comedy Club stands well to regain
much of its lost patronage.
Play Production has planned the
most "ambitious schedule to be
tried by an campus producing
group. Prof. Valentine Windt has
contracted for eight dates at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theater, besides
contemplating a goodly number of
laboratory performances.
J he Michigan Repertory Players,
a summer subsidiary of Play Pro-
duction, made that organization
strong enough to weather the
stormy seas of theater finance. It
is no doubt due to the financial
success of the summer season of
stock that made Professor Windt
courageous enough to carry the
terrific burden of developing
enough new talent to make his of-
ferings worth admission price. En-
tering the producing field this year
without financial handicaps, the
campus should receive the excep-
tional from Play Production.
, Mimes, unlike former years, wil
' offer their first. production soon
' after the first semester begins, in-
stead of in the second semester
The Union will be used for the pre-
liminary opera rehearsals, elimi-
nating the first semester dar
house, and allowing Mimes to offer
5 the same acting opportunities that
other organizations have had in
the past. A very extensive season
is planned by Mr. Shuter. Man
important successes of unquestion-
l able merit are to be offered. Im-
I portant techniqual changes are t
be made at the Mimes theater, in-
cluding a more complete switch-
board which will practically allow
t the same effects offered by the
larger theaters.
This year's Opera will, according
to those who have read the boo
and heard the music, eclipse al
t previous productions. Rehearsals
1 will begin immediately upon th
e arrival of Mr. Shuter, who is a
present in New York City solvin
s the intricate problems involved ir
the effectual staging of this year'

g opera.
e As offensive as the word may be
t to those who desire a dramatic
t utopia on the campus, competitior
e among the various producing or-
- ganizations for the dollars needed
- to cover production costs, and con-
y sequently their only means of ex-
e istence, will this season produce
r plays of greater worth and plays
- more ably directed and more bril-
g lantly acted that have been seen
don the campus since the era of
ChuckLivingston. Taking the sit
uation as a whole-it has taken or
d theatmosphere of an elimination
e, "Me For You"
If you have a particular weak-
- ness for exceptionally pretty choru
r girls, a seventh row glimpse at the
e hard working young ladies in "Me
, and You" at the Shubert Detroit
t should give a pleasant evening',
o entertainment. For those who are
n not contented to look at attractive
bits of feminine beauty, there ar
Richard Rogers' catchy melodies
- that are sure to be done to deatl
- by the radio stations soon, anc
- they're worth hearing before th
n dynamic speakers makes you pre.
y judiced.
r The cast, a Who's Who of th
t younger musical comedy lights,t
more than acceptable in its inter.
s pretation of Owen Davis' cleve

Ld Drama
Jane Cowl in "Jenny"
To the seasoned theater-goer,
"Jenny," a "brilliant modern com-
edy," is as refreshing and invigor- I
ating as a cool breath of air on a
hot, sweltering August mid-day.
Most important, perhaps more so
than the dramatic sequence, in
"Jenny" is the brilliant interpreta-
tion that Miss Cowl gives her role
as an unconventional but sensible;
actress, also the splendid support
given here by that seasoned vet-
eran Guy Standing, as the unap-
preciated father of a family of uf-
tra-modern light heads.
Not since "Smilin' Through" has
Miss Cowl had a modern vehicle
so universally popular as this new1
romantic comedy. From her chic
frocks to the frank daring of her
love story, Jenny Valentine is a'
character of engaging charm.
It is John Weatherby, convinc-
ingly done by the veteran Stand-
ing, to whom Jenny gives her heart,
a man whose self-made success has
resulted in increasingly selfish de-i
mands from his family for morel
and yet more money. His friv-
olous wife spends all her time with
a flattering Russian prince and a
sycophantic interior decorator.
Spendthrift sons and thrill-seeking
daughters have no interest in him
beyond securing his signature on
a check. Neglected, bewildered,
lonely, he is captivated and then
quite literally captured by Jenny
who commences her romance in a
spirit of disinterested fair play,
only to find that her sympathetic
appreciation of John's character
has become a deeply emotional love.
From the deft comedy of the earlierj
scenes the play proceeds to a third
act in Jenny's cabin in the Cana-
dian woods, then on to the tense
drama of the fourth with its swift,
unexpected denouement.
This romantic comedy by Mar-
gret Ayres Barnes and Edward
Sheldon is one of those light affairs
'that makes the moments alive with
sheer delight. The dialogue, which
in itself is the play, is chock full
of optomistic observations of life,
the type that makes you breathe
deep of the pure night air and
speculate on how good it is to be
It is well worth a trip to Detroit
especially if you are contemplating
a very exclusive hanging.
* * (

I' iiow


12:30 to 2:30
6:00 to 7:30

BEAUTY PARLOR-Open from 8:30 to 6:00
Telephone 22595. Ask for Mrs. Hollister or Miss Ander-
son for reservations for private parties, luncheons, banquets and
Subscibe To The Michigan Daiy


Open in All Departments
to All Students, Members
and their Guests
CAFETERIA-Open during week
Morning 7:30 on
Noon 11:30 to 1:30
Night 5:15 to 7:30
Morning 7:30 on
Noon 12:30 to 2:30
Night 5:30 to 7.:30
MAIN DINNING ROOM-Open during week
Luncheon 12:00 to 1:30
Dinner, 6:00 to. 7:30

HORTLY after the-
,CivilWar, arc.
laips began to bt
used ina few lght
hopscs; even. the.yacht.
Nap0eyn was thus
illuminated. While sat.
is'actaryfor setrcs ah d.
large open -spates, it
Was not suitable for
the illumination of
homes or small, con-
fined interiors.

a path to shine




..-job.' 4:

tr x.;


It is difficult to welcome fresh-
men without degenerating to plati-
tudes. So much has been said on
the subject since 1837-or rather
since 1817 as we must now ac-
custom ourselves to having been
founded-that The Daily's job must
be one of repeating the pithiest of
the past century's helloes. We
therefore extend a cordial right
hand and receive you to the cam-
pus, not with the grudging wor.ds
of courtesy accorded a 'necessary
evil but with the sincere hope that
you will find at Michigan a desire
to give something of yourself to her
manifold activities and help per-
petuate her spirit and traditions.
We are glad to see you here as
you are the means of carryi g on
an institution for which we have
developed a certain fondness, and
our pleasure will be accordingly in-
creased as during the year you find
yourselves in this new erivironment
and at the same time lose your-
selves in the energetic routine of
college. Our pleasure, we assure
you, will also be your pleasure, for
the art of having a good time
in Ann Arbor depends in the last
analysis on finding enough to do to
keep time from hanging heavy.
The degree to . which you keep
busy will also be the measure of
your waning verdancy. It is a part
'of college, training to arrive in a
green condition and gradually
learn the new ropes. There should
be no stigma attached to this
process. The only unpardonable
error is failure within a year to
note the Michigan way of doing
things or assumption that wher
we differ you are always im-
peccable. And here again we urge
you to keep busy, for the contacts
you make at college, besides form.
ing your biggest source of enjoy-
ment and your most prized recol-
lections, will also prove to be your
most valuable teachers.
Now having been duly chauvinis-
tic and didactic, we can return to
our original purpose of congratu-

Major BarbaraI
The New York Guild Acting Com-
pany presents Bernard Shaw's sa-
tiric comedy "Major Barbara" at
the New Wilson all week. Andrew
Undershaft, the leading character
in this brilliant play, is considered
by the Irish dramatist as one of his
favorite creations. Undershaft
serves as a mouthpiece for the un-
conventional ideas that are un-
doubtedly characteristic of Shaw's
A most capable cast is presenting
the Guild's interpretation, includ-
ing among its members Fried a
Inescort, Dudley Digges, Elliot Ca-
bot and others who help to carry
the Guild's flaming torch of artistic
Miss Mable Baruch, on the stage,
Mable Marden, a former student at
the University, is at the present I
time playing in the "Nut Farm"I
with Wallace Ford, at the Corti
Theater in Chicago. Miss Baruch
will be remembered on the campus
for her work here in "You and I."
In addition to acting a bit, she is,
serving as stage manager of the
production. Her early stage ex-
perience was under the direction of
Mr. Fleischman, of the department
of speech, and in the dramatic
school at Carnegie Tech.
Bob Wetzel, after a year of Bo-
hemianelife in Greenwich Village,
plans to return to the local boards
under the management of Bob
Adams. Wetzel will be remembered
for his eccentric character protray-
als for Mimes and Comedy Club..
This summer, Wetzel shone under!
the banner of the Michigan Reper-
tory Players, his work receiving ex-
ceptional press notices from the
disposed Summer editor of this
column. Wetzel's work is always
that of a conscientious artist, a E
finished characterization.
Play Production will have an in-
creased teaching staff this fall, due
to the extraordinary large enroll-
ment. Charles Holden, whose scenic
creations of last season caused
campus-wide praise, will give a
course in stage craft.
The remaining staff is as yet not
officially announced, but those whoIi

"Let Ther

Thomas A. Edison decided that a
system must be developed in which,
unlike the series arc lamp systems,.any
one' lamp could be lighted or turned off
independent-of the others in the system.
It was evident to the young ,iventor,
then thirty years old, that if electric
lighting was to replace the gas jet, the
-oin qua, non must be an electric lamp
economical of current and operating at.
a safe, low voltage.
FOR two years'Mr. Ediscnand his stvtfF
labored through long nights and days-
without much success. Toying one
night with a piece of lampblack mixed
with tar (prepared for use in his tele-
phone traj'smitter) he rolled it between
his thumb and forefinger, and' the
thought struck, him that a spiral made
of it might be made to emit a good
light. The'exp riment was tried, and it
worked but not well enough. The
inventor next; tried the carbonized re-
mains of a piece of'sewing thread. Time
after time he artempted to secure the
thread in a bulb from which he r ext
exhausted the air; each time the fragile
flament would break before the current
was turned on.
On October 16, 1879, tl.e staff decided
that they would make a lamp before
they slept, or die in tle attempt. On
October 19th and 20th several vaiapZ
tions were attempted, all without suc-
cess. On the morning of the 21st, success
crowded the long vigil. The effect was
surprising. The slender carbonzed sew-
ing thread emitted a beautiful light.
"It is', as :though the Almighty had
dedit.. observed Mr. Edison
reverentially. Mr. Edison decided
to'-saise the candle Fower very
high to see how long the illmerit
would survive the strain. A, high
illuminating power was sustained
through forty. hours; then the
soft glow faded and the tiny fila-
ment burned itself our

instructed to carbonize
every material -which
gave the least promise
of -yielding a satisfac-
tory tfilament..,-Flat
inimm and other metals
had alrea y been
tested. Attention was
now .turned to card-
board, tissue paper,
fish line, shavings from
re Be Light" many hundreds' of
woods, lampwick,
plumbago, and an end-
less variety of substances. Mr.Edison re-
fused to commercialize his achievement
until he had improved the filament lamp
to withstand a service of 600 hours..
ONE day, early in 1880, he noticed an
ordinary palii-leaf fan lying on a
laboratory table. He examined it and.
observed that it had a binding rim 'of
bamboo. He instructed his assistants to
carbonize as many hilaments as could be
made from the lung b:mbuo strip.
When these were tried in lamps they
proved to be more successful than
anything prev'iously used. He dis-
patched three botanical expeditions to
scour almost inaccessible portions of'the
world for filament fibers, and, after
6000 experiments costing $40,000, the
spring of 1881 gave birth to the first
incandescent lamp comnerci dlly satis-
factory to Mr. Edison, this lamp endur-
ing a life r st of 1569 hours at 16 candle
After reading the test results on this
lamp Mr. Edison remarked, 'Just wait
a little while and we will make. electric
light so cheap that only the weal'hy
can afford to burn candles." His
yt'ophccy has conic to pass.
.. FoR almost ten years the bamboo fila-
rf:it lam-ps were unexcelled. The year
9 49 saw the adoption of squirted
c.-ruon filaments, greatly reducing the
cost of mailufacture. The well-known
"em' lamps, il which the carbon
E flir ergt was rnetalized, were intro-

hr Firs;
504 Lamp

duced in 1905, these being super-
seded in 1911 by the modern
high-efficiency tunigtrcc filament,
which reduced the current re-
quired per andle pov Y 6
fe cent.
The principleof the electric lamp
'eveloped by Mr. Edison in 18;9
is still in use today with but few
alterations. The shape of the mod-
ern lamp is strikingly like Mr.
Edison's original, although in the
meantime it has assumed divers
other contours.

Je I

H pioneer light of the first
Edison incandescent lamp had
been Iburningscarcely twenty-four
hours, when the entire force in
the laboratory at Menlo Park was



1 '


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