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Campaigningefor Any Nominee i
Forbidden and Will be
Reports from the sophomor
nominating committee, composed
Betty Healy, Dorothy Felske, and
Katherine Ferrin, of the nomina-
tion for committee chairmen of the
Sophomore Cabaret were an-
nounced last night. The results were
as folloWs: For general chairmen-
Emily Bates, Katherine Koch, and
Jeanne Roberts.
Those nominated for assistant
chairmen were: Katherine Ferrin
Marie Wagner, and Emily Francis;
chairman of finance-Dorothy
Birdzell, Louise Breakey, and Ruth
McIntosh; publicity chairmen-
Jean Levy, Barbara Wright, and
Margaret Thompson; entertain-
ment-Dorothy Felske Katherine
Sitton, and Bernice Erhlich; chair-
men of food committee, Jean Inch,
Marporie Elsworth; and Dorothy
Sample; decorations-Betty Healy,
Donna Jones, and Ivalita Glas-
cock; chairmen of committee for
waitresses-Betty Lauden, Anne
Terherdt, and Esther Kirby; and for
costumes-Sallie Ensminger, Paul-
me Notnagle, and Margaret Keller.
To Hold Mass Meeting
A general mass meeting of all
sophomore women will be held at
5 o'clock tomorrow, instead of at 4
O'clock tomorrow as was previously
announced in the Board of Repre-
sentatives room of the League.)
Election of the several committee
chairmen will be made from the
nominations at that time, the votes
will be conducted by the judiciary
council of the League and the re-
sults announced later
Forbid Campaigning
Campaiging for any nominee is
absolutely forbidden and if any
case is reported it will be severely
dealt with and the nominee de-
clared ineligible by the judiciary
council. This ruling must be ad-
hered to strictly; no allowance will
be made for anyone found breaking
The results of the class meeting
last week was the decision that a
Sophomore Cabaret should be ac-
cepted as a class activity this year
to be operated in connection with
the League Bazaar. As soon as com-
mittee appointments are made, ac-
tion will be taken at once toward
putting the plan into effect.
Heavy migration from the Ozark
region to the north is revealed by
all enrollment statistics in St. Louis
Silver A1
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CONCERT," STATES LOUISE HOMER Wednesday at4:00---A mass
~~~- - ------meeting of all sophomore wom-
By Beth Valentine en will be held for the election
"Opera seems to me far more in- of a central committee for the
teresting than the concert," said sophomore cabaret.
Louise Homer, contralto, who sings Wednesday at 4:15-5:00-The
at Hill auditorium tonight, in an University Glee Club will hold
interview yesterday. She continued, a meeting in the Cave of the
E "Under the mask of the character TLeague.
who's role I am singing it is com- Thursday at 7:00-A meeting of
paratively easy to lose some of that the World Fellowshi Commit-
self-consciousness of which the ma- ee is to be held in the Cave
jority of us have far too much. F of the League.
"The to, te opratc sage Friday at 6:30-Dr. Margaret
Then too, the operatic stage Bell and Miss Grace Richards
s builds up a sort of atmosphere of will address the Unitarian
Madame Louise Homer scenery and characters, costumes, Laymen's League in theI
i __and most of all the theme itself, Church parlors on "Social
so there are many things together ,I p r o b l e m s of Universit
e which hold the interest of the au- Women."
'dience.In concert there is just a W
1nstage, bare except for the piano, a MARKSMEN CLUBT
- i IITflAN nil p jconspicuous lack of elaborate cos-
:' NIflh~I ~fl~tuming, and the attention of the WILL BE FORMED
audience is focused solely on the(
artist, which makes singing before
Zeta Tau Alpha defeated Martha so critical a group rather difficult." All women interested in the
- Cook 1-0 in a fast hockey game Madam Homer, aside from the formation of a rifle club will meet
1 opening the intramural tournament assistance which costuming lends at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, and
yesterday afternoon. Kappa Delta to an effective portarayal of a at that time a club will be organizedi
took Helen Newberry down 1-0, and character, believes that clothes oc- under the supervision of Helen
Chi Omega and Sigma Kappa tied cupy perhaps overmuch of wom- Nicol, '32. Practices will be held
, 2-2. en's thoughts. The idea of uni- from 3:30 to 5:30 on Tuesday and
The Zeta Tau Alpha Martha forms as advocated by girls' schools Thursday for beginners, and on
Cook game exhibited unusually fast appeals to her and Madame Homer Wednesday for advanced students.
ihockey for the first game of the is emphatic in her dislike of the Miss Hassinger will be faculty ad-
season, and showed potential pos- new Parisian styles, with their visor for the club, and Captain A.-
ptshmtrailing draperies and costly ma- B. Custis of the R. O. T. C. will
Mildred Cassidy and Mart terials, for the college woman who coach the members.
h ygare must of necessity budget her clothes Attempts will be made to form a
Ohlson are veterans of both class allowance. national team, part of the Nationalt
and intramural hockey and showed , Rifle association, and a team of the
up well as usual yesterday. Eliz- "It isn't," contined Louise Homer, best markesmen will be chosen to
abeth Whitney, Arliene Heilman, "what a woman wears that makes compete with teams from other
are both celebrated stars of the her truly attractive, it is what she universities. W. A. A. points may be
Martha Cook eleven. does with her leisure time, what gained from riflery if 12 practices
Both Helen Newberry and Kappa plays she attends, what concerts are attended during the year.
Delta had several speedy players, she hears, and what books she
Mary Lou Hershey guarding the reads. It is whether or not herPA
'goal especially well for Newberry, conversation and manner are pleas- ns re a or
but both teams were handicapped ing. A full mind filled with agree-
by many new players. This game, able thoughts makes the really fine Archery Tournament
however, was fast for an opener. 'Woman."
Dorothy Felske carried the ball An Intramural archery toura.
Sdown for Kappa Delta severalI ment will be held some time early,
times and made the only score of i Notices "in November, according to Marga-
the game. Florence Chipman !__ret Eaman, '31, archery manager
starred at the Kappa Delta wing The first meeting of Black Quill for the Women's Athletic associa-
post. will be held in room 414, Martha tion. Each house should plan to
The Chi Omega Sigma Kappa iCook building, on Wednesday, Oc- enter three girls in the contet, as
!encounter was the most exciting as ahei onswl eaaddt
it was close throughaout and the Itober 16, at 8 o'clock. It is import- athletiwinswl eaaddt
teams well matched. The first goal 'ant that all members be present. .Definite times for practicing will
was made in the opening half when be announced later In the m -
MargaretSibleyrcarrie NAthhghd n i those who are interested will
'down the field for Marjorie Muff ley grandeur among the patients ofplaesguptthFidHoe
to score. Then in the second half the Chicago Psychopathic Hospital or at Barbour gymnasium. Mis
three goals were made in quick are common to both men and Eamon or Miss Rawlings, of the
succession, first Dorothy Marshick Women, the women, unlike men, Physical Education department
scoring for Sigma Kappa, then seldom show evidence of being will be plesd t n an in
Margaret Sibley for Chi Omega. obessed on the subject of financialsg
Margaret Stahl put the ball across genius. Not one woman at the hos- I quiries pertaining to archery. {
in the last minute of play for Sig- pital believed herself to be a lady --
ma Kappa to tie the score. of great wealth. Religious enthusi-
The next games of the tourna- asts, however, are usually women. Furs and Fur Coats
ment are scheduled for Wednesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Teams will TYPEWRITERS Makeup, Repaired, Re
be notified when they are to play. RIBBONS modelled and Relined
Those with axes to grind should aP Lakes of Prices Reasonable
pourney to northern Ohio, which Typewriters.
supplies four-fifths of the nation's E L Greenbaum
grindstones. Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures.
grin__ne_'_best quality at a moderate price. 448 Spring Street
Half the butter produced in the O. D. MORRILL Phone 9625
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sota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska ----
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- __-.- ___--I
Unlimited Opportunities Offered For
j Rifle Practice, Believes Captain Custis SHDL
-- - x - I ~ ~ U ' I I I I . '
Excellent Facilities of the Range hit him just below the eye. I had
Should Foster Enthusiasm been hunting that bear for five or
and Skill six years, and had never seen him,
though I had often seen his foot- Golf. and Archery Here
Captain Custis, new coach for the prints," relates Captain Custis. In Nremer
women's rifle team, believes that Enthusiastic plans are be..g In November
this sport offers unlimited- oppor- made to advance interest in riflery THREE SCHOOLS TO COME
tunity for women. Since it is one of here. Besides the regular school
those rare sports that requires skill competition, N. R. A. awards are
and not just mere physical strength, being offered. There are three levels Dr. Margaret Bell, director of
women start on an equal footing of attainment to be reached, marks- physical education, has announced
with men. man, sharpshooter, and expert. a Play Day to be held on November
Riflery aims to develop steady Captain Custis hopes that he will 1 and 2 which will be of great in-
ner'-s, an unflinching eye, and have from 50 to 100 girls with terest to all women who enjoy ath-
mni ular co-ordination. "All it whom to work. If that number letics. Battle Creek College, Michi-
need. is a steady nerve," says Cap- come out, he feels certain that he gan State and Michigan State Nor-
tain Custis, who finds that women, can train a good enough team to mal have all accepted invitations
when they become interested, usu- compete honorably with other col- to come here on those dates.
ally equal, and often excel men's leges. "And if I don't have that. Each school will send two hockey
teams."If we succeed only in teach- many people, and only have 10, teams and two participants in ten-
ing women how to handle a gun, why, then, we'll have 10 good shots," I nis, golf and archery. Against these
how to pick it up to see if it is he declares. teams the two highest ranking
loaded in order to prevent acci- Impetus is given to the opening Michigan women's hockey teams
dents, that will be something ac- of the season by the excellent fa- will compete as well as those who
complished. cilities of the range. According to rank highest in golf, tennis and
"One usually finds that in hunt- Captain Custis, it is a good as 90 archery tournaments.
ing big game in Africa, which re- per cent of the N. R. A.. ranges for "This is the biggest thing of the
quires caution, skill, and confidence, men. With a few minor improve- kind we have attempted," Dr. Bell
women excel all men hunters ex- ments that are to be made, the explained, "and I only hope all the
cept professionals. Women seem to range will be a most superior one, women will think it worth while to
be naturally good shooters, once and should foster enthusiasm and compete for the opportunity to play
they have learned to overcome the skill, against these other teams." Any
natural flinching that results from eligible woman who is interested in
knowing that a gun always has Women have registered in every these sports is urged to take part in
some sort of recoil. Why, this sum- professional couse except medicine the Play Day.
mer my wife shot a 600 pound bear. at the University of Missouri.
She met him when she had only The firste prohibition movement
two shots in her gun, and killed Forestry courses will be offered in in Ohio was star'ted in 1773 by a
him with the first shot when she Florida high schools. missionary.
Motion Picture Film
In Natural Colors
"The Romance of Silk"
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 15th and 16th
At 2:30 p. tn., in our Annex
The film, shows the fascinating and educational processes of the great
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free Dressmaking Service Is Offered In Our Fabric Department
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Telephone 4171
All New Fall Stock
Goodyear s
The established feminine mode
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silhouettes and narrow belted natural
wraistlines. Developed in light weight
woolens, flat crepes, transparent velvet
and satin. They are suitable for
campus, tea, dinner and dancing
., '
l,- , .
StunnwIg New Modds In
A t he Feaitured
Felts and velvets
able fabrics of the season
the most desir-
.. . tweed-
like fabrics and tricots with a thread of
gleaming metal
in models that
are high in fashion value. These include
high-brow hats, Dutch caps, turbans (the
little rag of a hat) and hats that are irregu-
larly long at the side and back.
Hats individually moulded to the con-
tours of your face and head by experts