SUNhDAY, OCTOB3ER 1012 "'r-IHE MIC H I CAN DA I L Y, PAGE F THE MTCHTCAN flATT.Y. PAGE ~WE .. , ""' i s A". v S-N-5' F&I I l '1 v..._ _...,..... ... 7 RECBOARD OF DIRECTORS ~~~ mia~ a EPTION TEAS GIVEN FOR NEW ;nrOCV AfI'iFACULTY TO GIVE Senior Hockey Team T ALFrinrn CHAPERONES AND PATRONESSESI" " "'L JOINT PROGRAM Promises Competition 10YUA ROA_- -LUOIJ w Mrs. Davis Cowie entertained the! Alpha Omicron.Pi announces theU members of Alpha Epsilon Iota sor- pledging of Ruth Birdseye, '33. hrity at tea yesterday afternoon. Miss Margaret Roby of Cold- Mrs. Blanche Harley,- chaperone water is a. guest at the Zeta Tau a ;First Series Will Comprise Four of the Chi Omega house, was guest Alpha house this week-end. Games; Second SeriesaWill of honor at a tea given by members Thisy week-end, Miss Katherine e RECEPTION WILL HONOR MRS. I of the sorority Thursday afternoon. ) Scrauder, an alumnae, is a guest at ESTHER MARSH CRAM AND IPink and pale green were used in the Theta Phi Alpha house. NEW PLAN INAUGURATED MRS. MYRA B. JORDAN the decorations for the tea. Miss. P h a e Janet Logie of Grand Rapids is a.Pi Beta.Phi held a dance in honor GUESTS MAY GIVE TALKS guest at the Chi Omega house this of its new pledges last night. The Four games tomorrow afternoon week-end. chaperones for the affair were will mark the opening of the in- Miss Katherine Noble and Mr. and tramural hockey tournament. Kap- Board Ratifies Change in Closing Miss Thelma Chisholm, national Mrs. Otto H lenMy. pa Delta will meet Helen Newberry Hours on Monday Nights for inspector of Kappa Delta, has been pa Gamma will Freshmen Women a house guest of the Ann Arbo Mr. Frederick Hie, leading man of and Kappa Kappa Gamma will op- FresmeWonh est ko Wednesday of the Genevieve Hamper Shakes- pose Delta Gamma at 4 o'clock. Among the plans discussed at the afternoon a tea was given in honor pearean players, and Miss Ruth The Chi Omega vs. Sigma Kappa m ng the plasdiscussd ar t r th of her and a new givnein hon. Banesield, an alumnae who is now and Zeta Tau Alpha vs. Martha meeting of the Board of Directors ad a patroness, Mrs. director of dramatics at North- Cook games are scheduled for 5 of the League yesterday was the By _Davis.eastern high school in Detroit, were o'clock.{ open meeting to be held on e dinner guests at Sigma Kappa The tournament is being conduct- Wednesday evening, November 6 Sororities Entertai house Tuesday night. ed on a new plan this year. w a eced faeetingwPledges aE "Guests at the Alpha Delta Pi Each team will be able to play will take the fortrm of a reception New at Teas house this week-end are Miss Doris at least two games before its honor of Mrs. Esther Marsh Cram.___ Mobley, Wyandotte; Miss Jean elimination instead of one as some-E new woman member of the Board - of Regents, and Mrs. Myra B. Jor- Pledges of five ~of the campus Stewart, Trenton; and Miss Dor- times happened b e f o r e. Doris dan, dean emeritus of women, to sororities have already given teas othy Williams, Three Rivers. Rengenberger, '30, manager of in- whom invitations have been sent. in honor of the newly pledged wom- Martha Cook held its first for- tramural sports, and Albertina# Jane Yarnd, '31, is chairman of en of the various organizations, mal dinner last Monday evening. Maslen, '31, intramural hockey the Social committee which will which is an annual custom that fol- Miss Emilie Sargent of Detroit, a manager, have worked out this! have charge of the reception. lows the rushing season every fall. i member of the board of governors, method. Twice a year the League holds Alpha Omicron Pi started off the was' a guest at the dinner. Girls who expect to play Mondayj an open meeting, once in the fall seriesrTuesday afternoon, using This afternoon the traditional in- are urged to have their heart and and again in the spring. At the dark red and cream in their deco- itiation ceremony will be held for lung certificates ready to present meeting this fall the League hopes rations. the new residents of the dormitory. at the field house. They may call to have the pleasure of hearing The Kappa Delta pledges enter- The initiates will wear informal for them at the health service from short talks from each of the twc tained Thursday afternoon. The gowns in the pastel shade, while, 8to 12 o'clock, or from 1 to 5 guests of honor, Mrs. Cram and house was decorated with the sor- the older members of the associa- o'clock. Mrs. Jordan, and from President ority flower, placed around the tion will dress in formal. The next series of the tourna- Alexander Grant Ruthven. rooms. The same afternoon the Adelia Cheever will also.hold its ment will be played Wednesday Besides the two open meetings of Delta Zeta pledges also held their initiation ceremony this afternoon, afternoon, though the schedule for the League every year, the SocialEtea, using roses and fall flowers with several out-of-town alumnae these games has not been com- committee plans a party for each abuhnd parents present for it. Sixty pleted. The preliminaries will be month to which all University the season. Miss Bernice Hannon, guests are expected. !run off in the next three weeks, so women are invited. The general a guest of the sorority, poured. Miss Dorothy Brackett, an alum- that the finals will be played either{ theme of the League parties this The Pi Beta Phi house was the ne mon or before November 21, when the year will be a round-the-word trip, scene of a tea Wednesday after- e er annual hockey banuet will be held. 'ahprybigavsti oenoon. Pink was the color scheme West Virginia chapter, has been a anulhceIa~e ilb ed ec utrypatybeing a visit in some carried out in the flowers and can- guest at the Alpha Xi Delta house outyalong the way. ti ek r.Sy fGadRp The first League party will be dles. Active members of the local this week. Mrs. Seys of Grand Rap- given October 25 on board the ship Sigma Kappa chapter entertained ids, whose daughter, Florence, "Leagueatania." Some of the coun- their pledges Friday afternoon to recently pledged to Alpha Xi Delta, c tries which will be visited later will acquaint them with the new pledges has also been a house guest during be Spain, Holland, Turkey, ard of the other sororities. It. was a a visit to Ann Arbor this week-end. The Open' ,western tea, withreesmnsi Japan. ~ , h refreshments in Thursday noon the sorority enter- A new ruling regarding closing keeping with the spirit of the af- tained one of its patronesses, Mrs. hours for freshman women has -air B.F. Ohlinger, at luncheon been passed by the Board of Rep-jA resentatives rand, was ratified by houses until 9 o'clock on Monday the Board of"Directors yesterday. nights. The regular hours still are REPARING 300 SOUTH STATE-O The rules states that all freshmen in effect for the other three week l a women may remain out of their nights, however. A makesour equp- MONDAY, ._.."'Y 't'"."1°.V'" . .' ,. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... ..m ent and person - nel are considered S the best in the 'State.The K Ramon Beauty Shop t Yyears' careful ETHEL BIRD-ORMI1R Y OFsT a Y building. Permanent Wave .... $5.00 0. D. MORRILL Open Evenings Finger Wave and Shampoo .$1.00 314 South State St. Phone 6615 Marcel and Shampoo $1.00 ~1--1-1- M anicure . . . . . . . . ...50 __"The forward line of the senior May Strong, Soprano, Assisted b hockey team is unusually strong, a St r n , Sopan o, yAited bybut the backfield looks weak and Daies Frantz, and Guy Maier will require careful coaching," ac- - P'ianist, To Be Heard cording to Dorothy Bloom, '30, man- New Members Will be Entertained ager of the senior class eleven. In With Tea in Cave Roont A concert open to the general fact it may be necessary to switch At First Meeting public will be given at 4:15 o'clock some of the better players of the ic aforward line to the backfield to Sunday afternoon in Hill Audito- make up the deficiency. FRESHMEN TO TRY SOON rium. May A. Strong, soprano, a! Several new players showed up member of the faculty of the at the.practices this week, but more material is needed if we are to Mary Evans, '30, president of the SSchool of Music, will sing. She will work up a backfield threat." 1 University Girls' Glee Club, wishes be accompanied by Dalies Frantz, This year, their last on the cam- to announce that tryouts have been Grad , Guy A. Maier, pianist, and pus, this team is determined to win. als. member of the faculty of the 'Several players have had posts on their class team for four years, tried out thirty-five have been ac- Schro. l of Music, will play. This many others have plae he etd ill be the first of the Faculty Con- mn teshv played three, cepted. .l bthree years. With so much veteran The first meeting will be a tea cert Series. t material and more new players it to be given at 4:15 next Tuesday is evident they have a good chance afternoon in the Cave room of the PONTIAC, Mich. - Negotiations to win the interclass trophy this League. Former members of the are under way to bring the Camden, fallGlee Club who are still eligible as N.J., motorcycle polo team, eastern . . I well as the new girls are asked to champions here for a game with Notice come. The time and place of the the Ponitac uintet. The Pontiac There will be a meeting of regular meetings will be agreed lip- Pan-Hellenic at 4 o'clock .Tues- on. Marjorie McClung, 31, vice- team recently won the Midwestern day, October 15, in the Board of president, is in charge of the affair. championship and the game would Representatives room of the The time of tryouts for the. be for the championship of the League. It is important that all Freshman Girls' Glee Club will be United States. representatives be there. ! announced shortly. They will prob- ably be held next week. i Use Daily Classifieds Office: Press Bldg,. Maynard St. Phone 2-1214 "ORIGINAL' Makes the NEW SILHOUETTE leonming as well as Fshi&nabl' I ng of the T VER TH-E BU'T'TFRFLY )CTOBER 14 I i I F the fine of Beautification fI s. ROMANA BEAUTY SHOP For Appointment Dial 22813 6ull all 11111111111 IIIITI I 91111 1 I I I I I I il Open PveningiS Call 21478 Upstairs over Flower Shop 625 E. Liberty Street I Choral Union Concerts THERE ARE FEW PLEASURES FINER THAN A GROUP OF .- ) - - (. .. .:.: :~ IMPORTANT CHANGES LOUISE HOMER, distinguished and operatic star will inaugurate Union Series of Concerts on American concert this season's Choral FRIENDS 9 r . A CUP JF TEA .. AND THE ATM S PHERE TH A T DRAWS OUT ciG0,o r " . a ' " rr" " r y . r;4 y , 7y \ j l M y5 I / { r . . ." .. ". ." TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 taking the place of Martinelli whose return to America has been delayed on account of illness. IGNACE JAN PADEREWSKI, distinguished pianist will give his Ann Arbor recital on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 11 TALIs Have you the facilities to make this possible in your room? The cost is too slight to be with- out then. deook in N'ack's china department . . . YOU will find there something to your taste. instead of on the date previously announced. postponement has been necessitated on account operation for appendicitis which he underwent time ago. The corrected schedule is as follows: October 15-LOUISE HOMER, Contralto The of an some I r" I October 30-DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA November 19-THE ENGLISH SINGERS of London f December 3-LENER BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET . December 10-CLAUDIA MUZIO, Soprano I i 1i (4 . December 13-IGNACE JAN PADEREWSKI, Pianist . E I /il~ January 16-JASCHA HEIFETZ, Violin January 31-VLADIMIR HOROWITZ, Piano February 12-ELISABETH RETHBERG, Soprano Special Anniversary Price IA Second Floor ( U F