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October 12, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-10-12

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Badger Jayvee Squad Coached
Irv Uteritz, One of Yost's
Great Quarterbacks


Coach Irv Uteritz, one of the
best quarterbacks that Fielding H.
Yost ever developed, will lead his
squad of twenty-two Badger junior'
Varsity gridders this afternoon
into old Ferry Field, where he him-
self once wore the Maize and Blue,
to open the B1t Ten season for'
both his team and for the Wol-
verine "B" squad.
Each team will enter the game,
which is slated to begin at 2:30
with but one trial under their
belts, the Wolverines having been
held to a'0-0 tie at Mt. Pleasant
last week, while the Wisconsin re-
serves rolled up 33 points against
Stevens Point and the smaller
school could not score.
Badger Line is Strong
Something of the stregnth of the
invading line may be gained by the
fact that the Stevens Point team
showed a negative yardage in their
tries at the opposing forward wall.
However in an interview yesterday
afternoon, Coach Uteritz stated
that the Point team was "one of
the weakest he had ever seen."
On the other hand, the Mt. Plea-
sant squad always boasts some of
the best players in the Michiganf
Intercollegiate group, and their
team this year is especially strong,
and although the Michigan coach
does not feel that his players were'
at their best against them, a tie}
game at their hands is no sign of
Invaders Outweigh Wolveshi
As the teams take the field this
afternoon, the invaders will out-
weigh the Wolverines. Although
Coach Kipke took some of the "B"
squad to Lafayette with his "A"
team the odds of winning the game
here appear to be about even.
With the giant Lubratovich, a
veteran, leading the Badger de-
fense and Czerwinski in the back-
field, Coach Uteritz has two of the
best "B" players in the Confer-
ence. Morgan and Bauer on the
line, and Widman and McBride in
the backfield, however, give Coach
Coulbtright four men who will make
a good showing in any competi-
Admission to the game this aft-
ernoon will be by student pass
book, while other tickets may be
purchased at the gate.
Wisconsin Position Michigan
Catlin........RE Justice or Bates

Although the Notre Dame-Navy eral contests in the far west which,
intersectional game leads the grid will play an important part in de-
schedule in the East this after-1 ciding the coming national chai-
noon, there are several others idpion Chief among these are the
which will have a decided bearing games between California and
on the outcome of the present sea- Washington State, Washington and
son. Army swings into action WShentoriaWashmgtand
against Davidson, and while the Southern California, and Stan
two teams did not play last year, vs. niversity o lornia
the service school reigns as the
outstanding favorite to top its op- Last year the Bears defeated
ponent. Washington State 13-3, and today's:
When the Irish met the Navy game promises to be even closer,
last season they managed to sink ;while Stanford won from Southern;
the cadets by one direct hit, 7-0, Branch by a 45-6 count last sea-'
but with most of the Midshipman son.
veterans back in uniform, the Aca- The only game of national im-
demy rooters are hoping for ven- l portance in the south is that be-
geance. tween Georgia and Yale, 'and as
Spartans Play Colgate the ex-Big Ten Three school won I
Michigan State will play against last year by a 21-6 score they willI
an Eastern school, Colgate, and reign 'as the favorite today.
hopes to turn the tables after los-
ing 16-0 last year. Another strong'
eastern team, Dartmouth will meet BOX SCORE
a weaker opponent in Hanover,'
whom the Green defeated undergB
a 37-12 count when they last met. Chicago AB R H PA0
Harvard, which will journey west McMilan, 3b.......4 0 0 1 1
to meet the Wolverines this sea- English, ss.......4 1 0 0 2
son will pit its 'strength against Hornsby, 2b.......4 1 2 2 1
New Hampshire, and if advance Wilson rf. 4 0 1 3 0
dope is correct, the Blue should Ce 3 0 1 3 0
emerge the victors. Stephenson, b ... 3 9 1 4 0
Princeton and Brown will match Taylri, b..........3 0 0 5 2
plays this afternoon for the first Bush, p........... 3 1 0 0 1
time in several years, and as in
the case of Harvard, the Tiger Totals..........31 3 6 27 7
should come out of the game with
Its record still intact. Philadelphia' AB R H PO A
Big Games in West 1Bishop, 2b.........4 0 1 3 4
As in the east, there are sev- Haas, c...........5 0 2 0 0
-Cochrane, c ........3 1 2 12 0
.Simmons, if . .. .. . 3 0 0 0 0
Harriers to Practice Foxx, 1........ 4 0 0 9 0
on Ypsilanti Course Miller, rf..4 0 1 2 0
____s Dykes, 3b. ... 4 0 1 1 0
At 10:45 o'clock this morning the Boley, ss .. .. .. .. ...4 0 2 0 2
Varsity cross country team will Earnshaw, p .......2 0 0 0 2
hold its second practice run of the *Summa ...........1 0 0 0 0
season. The showing made by the----
men today will probably be the de- - Totals ..........34 1 9 27 8
ciding factor in Coach Farrell's se- Chi.a ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3-9-1
lection of the team to run againstP . ..-1
the Michigan State Normal school *Batted for Earnshaw in the 9th.
in the first meet of the season next Errors-English, Dykes
Iweek. Runs batted in-Miller, Hornsby,
On Monday, Benson, Fi.tzgibbons, Cuyler 2
Austin, Wolfe, and Grunow or Au- Two base hits-Hornsby, Stephen-
brey will go to Ypsilanti for a trial son
jog over the regular course there. Three base hit-Wilson
They will get acquainted with the Sacrifice hits-Simmons, Earnshaw
course and will probably compose Struck out-by Earnshaw, 19; by
the team to run there Wednesday Bush 4.
afternoon. Nevertheless, the en- Bases on balls-off Earnshaw, 2;
tire squad will go to Ypsilanti for off Bush, 2
the meet. Wild pitch-Bush

a . _ _ I.

age reasons for wanting to defeat
Wisconsin today in the first grid
battle between the two schools
since 1921.
The record book records 15 bat-
ties between the Badgers and Wild-

cats in the past, eleven of them
resulting in victories for the wear-
ers of the Cardinal and two for
the Purple. On two occasions they
battled to a scoreless tie. North-
western's last win came way back
in 1898 when the Evanston team

EVANSTON, Ill.. Oct. 11-North-
western has more than the aver-



4 -
With eight of the ten Western game. Both teams rehearsed yes-
Conference grid teams swinging terday in a steady drizzle that
into action against each other this showed no signs of abating and
afternoon, the Big Ten season will which caused members of both
be officially inaugurated in a fit- squads to don their rain suits.
ting fashion. Only Illinois and Coach Glenn Thistlethwaite work-
Minnesota, two of the strongest ed his Wisconsin eleven hard to
teams in the group, will play out- perfect a pass defense that can
side schools, Illinois meeting Brad- break up the feared Northwestern
ley while the Gophers clash with attack. Although the drill was not
Vanderbilt. completely successful, the Badgers
In addition to the game at La- should round into form before this
fayette between the Wolverines afternoon.
and Purdue, three other confer- !Oio State also took to the air
ence games are on tap. North- j in effort to develop a powerful
western and Wisconsin will clash punch for their contest with Iowa.
in what is probably the feature of Scrimmage was avoided to prevent
the afternon, with the Iowa-Ohio any injuries to the Buckeye play-
State, and Indiana-Chicago clash- , ers, who will have their hands full
es thrown in for good measure. in disposing of the Hawkeyes. Red
Prospects of a mud battle loom- Oshner, full back candidate, quit
ed for the Wisconsin-Northwestern I

piled up a 47 to 0 margin. That's'
one reason why the 7,000 North-
western adherents will be exercis-'
ing their vocal chords to the limit.
Glenn Thistlethwaite will be the
guiding genius behind the Bad-
gers today. Thistlethwaite, it will
be recalled, was the major domo
Df the gridiron forces at North-
western from 1922 through 1926.
h- ^


. .



"Pest" Welch
Purdue backfield star who two
years ago proved Harvard's Water-
loo will have a chance to display
his wares against Michigan. The
Maize and Blue's ability to stop
Welch should prove one of the de-
ciding factors of today's game.
Iowa and Ohio State
Meet on Grid Today
IOWA CITY, Oct. 11-Geograph-
ical extremes of the Western Con-
ference, Iowa and Ohio State will
initiate their Big Ten schedule
with a football game at Colum-
bus Satprday afternoon.
The western Hawkeyes will play
without Captain Willis Glassgow,
the halfback who gained half of
the team's total distance in the
Buckeye game last fall. The east-
ern Buckeyes are unweakened by
injuries and aided by a stout de-
fense and a lime outweighing the
Iowa forwards nine pounds to the

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1 '
,~ ,,

Roltman ......RT ........ Bauer
BackusR.......RG Benz or Blame
Hansen .......C........ Schantz
Frisch....... L G .....Kaminski,
Molinaro.......LT....... Morgan
Lubratovich .. . L E........Mosser
CzerWinski ,. ... Q..... Widman
Andemon.....RL I McBride or
Gustavel...... LH..... Perleman
Neupert .......F.......... Miller

7 1


TO- lA



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