P'AGE TWO THEI MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,, SEPTEMBER 24,..1923 PADILLA -STATES &IMS' OF MEXICANTEACHING~ (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, Sept. 22-Five points of major importance are listed in the government's program, of public instruction, as outlined by Ezequiel Padilla, secret~ry of ed- ilcation, to the 'National Teachers convention here. Preparation for the work ing classes to resist abuse by big in- dustry, war on religious fanaticism and defense of the freedom of thought doctrine, intensification of physical training and$ development of sports, an offensive against al- coholismi andl concentration on the ;awakening of a spirit of optimism jr., the people are the pillars of the go\,erment's program. Elaborate. Program Of Will Keep Fresbi (Continued from Page 1) published' regularly this week to of- fer the Daily 'Official Bulletin as it does throughout the year, a special bulletin will be published each Imorning to inform advisers and students of any change in the pro- gram which might become neces- sary, and to carry special an- nouncements from various depart- ments of the University. Is Third Program Although the present Freshmar Wieek program is the third of iW kind to. be held at the University tie first being iniaugurated durinp j the admin~stra ion of ,Dr. ClarencE d Cok Little, the idea is just begin- ? fling to emerge from the experi. Imental stages, according to thos( in charge' of the arrangements Several changes have been made iz ["% 0 1 T-1 n" :" ._t Special Events 'I;Transcont -nental imen Busy During Week~ Aviation Service _________ Be gun In Europe, the program over those of the last I ByAsocated1Press) two years, with the hope that each i CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 23 - tchange and addition will tend to- 1j ward greater helpfulness to the The pre-war slogan "Berlin to Bag- 1'student beginning his college ca- dad" has changed to a more mod- e reer. ern "London to Bagdad." ti Freshman Week, as explained by! Direct communications between its founders, is a process of orienta- I the English capital and the city tion which will serve to acquaint lof the Arabian Nights was opened~ the incoming , students with the; when the famous Simpson express various departments and functions! extended its air passenger and ex- of the University, and thereby i press service through Conistanti- a eliminate to a great extent the con- nople to Nusseibine. An automo- ,s fusion which has prevailed during! bile bus service links the latter' rthe opening days of the school town to Mossoul, which, in turn, g year. For the past two years the is connected with the colon "ul city e program has been in charge of o .f Bagdad by a narrow guag e 'rail- - Prof. William A. Frayer, recently, way operating a regular service. -resigned from the history depart---- ;e ment, though this year's director, ested in the idea since its inception s. Professor Bursley, has been inter- at the University. n Subscribe to The fl'ichigan Daily Tro the Newcomers to Ann Arbor WE E X T ENlD TO YOU AN INVITATION OF W EL CO ME WE WILL BE GLAD TO MAKE YOUR ACQUAINTENCE A N D -,,. x : : r . . . ..fi :: ,. ,: , yw ? t' nt' We extend RAGGEDY ANN. BEAUTY SHOP WELCOMES ALL COEDS r( # and invites your patronage 2 For Appointments Call75611110 South University *".Y~l.ll/I.l., l."I., ," lI /r...l "% l.l/ - to our old the class of G'IV YOU ANY FINANCIAL i friends and to I 193 3 a most hearty welcome. Swi'ft's Drug St( Opposite Law Building THE LATES$T IN FINE .;.. COSTUME JEWELRY 0 FOR YOUR WATCH AND OPTICAL -"REPAIRING, Stationery AlarmClocks Laundry Cases Towels Wash Cloths Magazines News Papers Fountain Pens Pencils Pipes Smokers Artii 'Toilet Articles Candy Leather Good: :re, of 101 North Main Street 707 North ;University Avenue ASSISTANCE. Ann Arbor Savings Bnk "y . {. CARL B-AY NICKELS ARCADEr Fountain Service IL _____________________________I A drug store catering to the need s Michigan Students 7Flying, Start - ifNew, School T rm, Parker Dulel ~ the " collegefavorke by4actual.-census *guaranteed Forever Against'Al eet '! :<: W ..ATTENTION! 0 l 0 rrrrrrrrrrrrr. Special QF sale NOW SHOWING WUER'TH THE DOWNTOWN THEATRIE MICHIG-4AN PLAYING' CARDS, --04Limited Quantity-On S(ar le cit WAHR'S SLAT' ER S MACK AND COMPANY FOSTERS QUARRY'S WE AGUJEBUILDING IF 484id upon the 044 . by LEWI ,._ORDO~ . mA dSCM 1.1-iARRIS.>, {Scenario bY. AL .COHN 4 oirected by 'ALAN CROSLAND Parker Duofold Ponts $5 to $10 ?encils to match the PEnS, $3 to $5 11 I leJA--l SINGER" ,11 If you've seen it-see it again - if you haven't seen it -don't miss it. -11 NERA'ARNEP7BROS PRODUCTION - See Hear Frank Dean, University of W~isconsin, feels { fortified against adverse flying conditions f wzhen in his trusty Monocoupe. Likewise he feels fort ified against the stiffest exams when hecgrasps his trusty Parker Duofold Pen. COMPLETE ENTERTAINMENT .. . ,, ...: ,. h . " M T he. Exquisite Broadway Stage Star in one of her cherished roles DATIQ' Christened -Parker Duofold" by Amelia Earkart, the first trai s-A tlantic wvomnan, flyer, this .5-Passenger' Fairchild Monoplane has, in the p t:~9 iotths, gi , #flights to6'-620.0 Parker dealees and college stude~rtd. this fallis'wiflt ontins its tour among the colleges of 4morica. Now numbers of, colleges have their flying clubs .and landin; fields--but the thing that students like:,bestto plot through their studies is the