ESTABLISHED 1890 itJ PIP Ar Dafig MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. No. 12. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1929 EIGHT PAGEt PRICE FIVE CENTS MICHIGAN Demo RELIGIOUS INQU91IY I~u TO BE CONDUCTED P schedule at the Leonard "Bob" M High sch Jump las Evening Services Will from aX Be Feature of bepilote New Plan in the ce that the pr WILL ANSWER PROBLEMS ath ls vented a New Type Convocation Millan p Is Experimental more ac In Nature willle ap ago. Lieu Analysis of the student religious event as mind to ,determine the spiritual of the pa needs of tie undergraduate body is There wi being sought by the Student Chris- of collect tian Association in a series of ex-_ perimental convocations it will conduct during the year. The re- ligious assemblies will be so ar- ranged that problems uncovered atI one convocation may be answered at the following one. The plan, calling for evening services at the Lydia MendelssohnCAMI theatre every two or three Sundays, is separate from the student con- vocations to be held in Hill audito- Every rium certain Sunady mornings, and r will not conflict with them in either Ir purpose or program.. Churches Approve The undertaking of the associa- C tion is in harmony with the Casf churches of Ann Arbor, and con- cause for siderable of the information re- among th ceived will be passed on to these gan in a n ra atin . fnr u in thir re- two class TO FACE PURDUE IN CONFERENCE OPENER onstration to tstrate Safety of STOUT AIR PILOTS arachute Jumping pr parachute jump is I S I[ E I [ J I d for tomorrow afternoon municipal airport, Lieut r S. Flo said last night, facMillan, the Ann Arbor o l, is M -A E hool student who made the st Sunday, will again leap plane which will probably Lack of Illumination ed byFlo. I anR ao o llan will attempt to alight Is Main Reason For enter of the flying field so Complaints crowd may see his landing' range. The strong wind WARMING HAS BEEN GIVEN revailed last Sunday pre .n airport landing, but Mac- lans to guage his distance Circular Form Letter curately tomorrow. This Has Been Sent Out its 248th jump since he be- B ra 'a27'om~ianei~eeheeb sBy Bureau ping from planes two years B gut. Flo is sponsoring the a practical demonstration Prof. R. H. Sherlock of the en- arachute as a safety device. gineering college yesterday an- ll be no admission charge swered the pilots of the Stout Air tion, he stated. Service, Inc., of Dearborn, who have complained that the steel tower, lo- cated on Liberty street, two and-a- half miles west of Ann Arbor, is a menace to night flying. Pilots have asked that a light be placed on top of the structure to warn them of US E Eits presence during the night or while flying in rainy weather. Tower Used in Experiment "The tower under discussion,"I Professor Sherlock explained, "is thing Goes Well part of the equipment being used in an experimental study of the struc- n First Day's ture of wind gusts. Early last June, Balloting after it had been definitely decided -to build the tower, the company which has the contract for carry- cotid abeaexciteme ting the mail betwen Detroit and SconsderableuetemdyenChicago was furnished with infor- e undergraduate body, be- mation which would enable it to ninor way yesterday, when issue a warning to its pilots. The es in the Medical school in ttd Municipal League c SINGLESniChi to Begin ResearchB j of Finance Methods AmNN ONRNDY Uri P .Wolverines Will1. Game ,IResearch in 'the" field of m-unici- pal government is the chief concern at present of the Michigan Munic- ipal league. The body is making a comprehensive study of special city assessments and methods of fi- nancing public improvements. The first project of the research bureau, which is under the direc- tion of Harold D. Smith, director of the Michigan Municipal league, will be an attempt to bring about a uniform counting procedure and method in every phase of municipal work. Mr. Sniith hopes that the research will result in the discov- ery of a uniform plan for the fi- nancial accountings of the various municipalities. ,At present, there is no set plan for the various cities to follow, and consequently little co- herence is found in the form of the financial reporting of members of the league. Te bureau also in- tends to make thorough study of the methods of taxing in the state of Michigan. The commendable work being done by the Michigan Municipal league has been recognized by a representative group of Michigan manufacturers, the Michigan Man- ufacturers' association. ON, WIJR PROGRAM, TO DOWN MACKMEN Athletics Still R a t e As Likely World Champions EARNSHAW FOOLS BRUINS, Guy Bush Hurls Third Contest to Givej Cubs Victoryf By Alan Gould, A. P. Sports Editor SHIBE PARK, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 11.-Just when it looked as though they intended to spend the rest of the series striking out, Rogers Hornsby and Kiki Cuyler suddenly recovered their batting eyes this afternoon and propelled the Chicago Cubs to their first vic- tory in the 1929 World .Series.' Hornsby and Cuyler were tied for the dubious distinction of striking out six times when they came to bat against George Earnshaw, big i i Tr y On Aerial Boilermakers Coach Phelan Plans Attack .With Emphasis Given to Powerful Notre Dame Style of Offense By Edward 1 ,.Warner, Sports ].difor LAFAYETTE, Ind., Oct. i i-Predictions of a game fought in the air are forecast when Michigan's aspiring eleven opens the 1929 Conference season against Purdue's versatile team tomorrow afternoon in the Ross-Ade stadium. With each team possessing a strong offen- sive, the result of the battle is likely to hinge on the defensive powers of the two aggregations. That both coaches are air-minded is evident by reports emanating from the rival camps this week. Coach Harry Kipke has emphasized the aerial game in session after session, while the Boilermakers under Jimmie Phelan have also stressed passing over all other departments. Indications point to a deceptive overhead attack by both teams, employ- ing passes of the forward, lateral, double and triple variety. On the basis of this mode of at- II A T11111 A I A 1Ifl TflI I itack, the Wolverines seem well for- righthander of the A's, in inning of the third gan rapid succession they d damage to account fort margin by which the Cub 1, behind the crafty t Guy Bush and put thems into the battle for the c ship. . a g7rd1Z~V1 .V b 111,1i e sameiniuraauon Wasuranlsmiueu chose their officers. The balloting to the government bureau of light- lations with the student body. The in both cases was comparatively houserhihment utea c icula system has been developed in co- houses which sent out a circular operation with Prof. Stuart A. q form letter to all licensed pilots in Courtis, of the School of Educa- The real battles in the election this district describing the location tion a specialist in the philosohy activity are not scheduled tQ ap- and height of the tower. of education. pear until"the senior Literary class "At the present time there is no Believing that the present status will hold its annual vote Wednes- legal basis for the attempt which of religious services is such that the day afternoon. Active compgigning is being made in some places to basic neds of the students are not for this and other elections, to fol- burden the owners of private prop- being met, the association is en- low closely, has already begun, the erty with the responsibility of pro- deavering to discover religious campus being rife with talk of tecting aviators from collision with problems of the undergraduate caucuses, political machines, and tall structures such as smoke body, and the types of services best broken promises. stacks, church spires, water towers, suited for solving these problems. The senior Medic election re- transmission towers, grain elevators Heaps Will Give Sermon sulted in Charles E. Lemen's be- and tall buildings. The first of the "experimental ing chosen president. He polled 51 Bureau to Regulate Lights devotional services," as the convo- votes against 46 for Charles Hud- "It is unlikely," he stated, "that cations have been termed, will be son and nine for William H. Stew- any legislation will be enacted cur- held at 8 o'clock Sunday evening, I art. Joe Belsley was named presi- tailing property rights in this man- October 20, at the Mendolssohn dent of the sophomore Medic class. ner. It is more probable that some theatre. The Rev. Allison Ray He alone was nominated. governmental agency such as the Heaps, pastor of the First Congre- William E. Jewett became vice- bureau of lighthouses will have its gational church, will give an illus- president of the senior class in a duties and authority so that it may trated address "The One Increasing contest with Sherwood Russell. The proceed to light those objects which Purpose." other officers are James H. Allen, are considered hazards to properly Colorednslides," from A. S. M. secretary, the victor over Ralph M' regulated air commerce. Hutchinson's book of the same Patterson and Edward J. Nook, and name, will be shown. Rev. Heaps William Hulse, treasurer, whose op- "Peace produced the slides himself for ProposenH BPdePark" services of this nature. Students ponents were William H. Meadey attending the assemblies will be and Robert W. King. On Canadian Boundry asked to state problems they wished HaroldWoughter, was elected vAss o iatd Aess) discussed at the future meetings, I vice-president of the sophomore} TORONTO, Canada-A 400-acre and in this way a plan specifically class, winning from Elizabeth B. "peace park" somewhere along the adapted . to the undergraduate Stern, and John L. Rottschaffer international boundary was pro- needs will -be developed. and Lawrence H. Goodman, secre- posed at the convention of the In- tary, when he defeated Samuel J. ternational Association of Garden- Hyman, and Walter Erxleben ers as the best memorial to the Graf Is Practically Windsor Davies became treasurer, peaceful relations that have existed when he was the only one nomi- between the United States and Sure of Poli Flight nated for the position. Canada for more than a century. Associated Pre WAR VETERANS OF LOCAL POST BERLIN. Germany, Oct. 11.-- FLAGTO There is only one chance in a hun-' PRESENT CASE UNION dred that the North Pole flight of the Graf Zeppelin next year will! With money given them by the for a year before he left for France not take place as scheduled, ac- Richard N. Hall post of the Veter- in the First Unit of American Am- cording to Capt. Walter Bruns, see- ans of Foreign Wars plus an addi- bulance field service in June, 1915. retary of the Aero-Arctic Society tional appropriation made by the He was killed when his ambulance which is sponsoring the expedition. Union Board of Directors, the which was evacuating the wounded Despite reports from Friedrich- Union is now erecting iiy the south, in the Vosge Mountains, was struck shafen, that the Graf crew headed lobby a flag display cae in mem- by a German shell. by Dr. Hugo Eckener, had refused ory of Richard N Hall, after whom The post had acquired quite a to participate in the flight, Capt. the post is named. large membership which included Bruns was sure that it would take The display case, which has been most of the students and faculty place. constructed from money formerly who had served in the war, and Capt. Ernst Lehmann, second in used by the post as a loan fund, has with the funds which they ac- command of the Graf, who was the been built under the personal su- quired, they bought a set of colors only one reported willing to under- pervision of Irving K. Pond, de- outstanding for their material and take the Arctic adventure, said signer of the Union and Women's workmanship. These included a later that the possibility of can- I League buildings. The case will United States flag, the colors of cellation of the Polar flight must contain the five flags which for- France, the Red Cross, the Univer- be reckoned with since the major- merly belonged to the post and are sity, and the post. ity of the crew are against it. valued at between $1,200 and $1,500, When the post finally disbanded, a picture of Richard N. Hall,and due to the fact that practically all the original charter of the post. It of the members graduated from the FRESHMAN GYMNASIUM will then be hermetically sealed University, arrangements were Allcls, thlet. and will constitute a permanent made that the flags it owned should All cssnd roups, adtletc memorial to Hall and to the post. be presented to the Union to be dis- squads and required freshman The history of these flags is an played in a case as a permanents phsical tra nig praOctber 14. interesting one. At the end of the memorial to Michigan men who Thebn ntowneriodshave been World War, many young men who had perished in the war. _ Th olw, pros -, had been in the front lines returned The Union was selected as the ii t t 4} , , r l ' 1 i ! I f i psi t t i 1 } Cubs Are Outhi Swinton, Wheeler and The Cubs were outhit 9 Bush was hard pressed m Coller Are Included way but the battling Brui Among Lecturers enough punch in their o rally to check the wild .iConnie Mack's agile yo Valentine BnWindt, instructor l breakling their, strikeou the Speech department, has been the time being and spoil3 added to. the list of speakers whoI will comprise part of theesecondcoming of the America il c champions. Michigan Night radio program to The Athletics still le be broadcast tonight through sta-h commanding margin of t tion WJR, Detroit, it was an- deeding two more vi nounced yesterday by Waldo Abbot, clinch Mack's fourth vi director and announcer of the Mor- pionship. They are still ris hall studio. ites but it is at least a As usual the program will go on instead of a rout. The the air at seven o'clock for one certain to go through hour. Four speakers are scheduled games, scheduled here and two instructors from the School of Music will play several Monday if Charlie Root musical selections on the violin and Grove are in the box. piano. PLAY BY PLAY ACC Coller To Discuss Goitre First Inning Prof. Frederick A. Coller, of the CHICAGO-McMillan s Medical school, will speak on theBihptseouEnis subject of goitre and its treatment. Bishop tossed out Englis Professor Coller is a specialist in by fanned. No runs, hit, this line, and so many requests: PHILADELPHIA-Bisho came in for copies of the talk he jto Grimm. Haas single Ithe box. Cochrane flied to gave over radio several years ago that Professor Abbot has again re- son. Simmons forced H quested him to speak on this vital!lish to Hornsby. No run subject. no errors. Thecsecond speaker will be Val- Second Inning entine B. Windt, who will discuss CHICAGO-Wilson trip the work of Play Production and flag pole in center. Cuyl the opportunities it presents for ed to Boley, Wilson hold dramatic experience. Stephenson rolled to Bish Prof. Roy W. Swinton, of the de- throw to Coachrane got pasrtmentof Engineering Me- the plate. Grimm struck chanics, will consider the problem runs, one hit, no errors. of transportation in the rurall PHILADELPHIA-Foxx school districts. His talk will be Miller flied deep to Cuyl directed principally to rural listen- f singled to left. Boley ers, and will be entitled, "The Con- right, Dykes taking t solidated School Transport Prob- Boley going to second on lem." in. Earnshaw fanned Austria Wheeler's Subject (Continued on Page ithe sixth N il UN IIAM111 I 1satinedl with four good passers in the but in fstarting lineup. Simrall and Gem- id enough bis are both threats, while Roy ts won, 3 to riilfA Hudson can be called on with his woning tof N~l left-handed heaves. Then Joe elves backj ITruskowski can drop back to de- champion- liver one of his long distance ef- t Unfavorable Weather ts.Dahlem, Simrall, and Hud- Unfaorabe Wetherson along with t 6,and Conditions Face the two ends is e Aviatorsare all good re- ins packed ( vatr ceivers ne inning T-h-e veteran d dash of By E. A. McDonnell, A. P. Staff uarterbac ung men, t jinx- for, JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. 11 -w GlenbHarmeson, the home- Forty-one planes demonstrated to- ( f. .. of the Purdue in League today the mettle that entitles them aerial game. His to participate in the National Air accurate pames ad by the Tour of the Edsel Ford Reliability y ... will find good wo to one trophy. receivers in Ca- ctories to raway and Mac- rld chain- Twenty-eight of the craft that kle at the ends big favor- landed at the Municipal Airport o r the o t lie r fight now, here late this afternoon, were con- Gembis Purdue b a c k s. series is' testing ships. The others were of- In Capt. "Pest" Welch, Coach Phe- two more ficial and service machines. The lan possesses a versatile back who tomorrow most unfavorable of flying condi- has starred on Big Ten gridirons the Cubs tions, haze, squalls, low ceiling and for two seasons. His fame as a and Lefty many miles of flooded terrain triple threat has earned the re- whereon a plane could not be set spect of the Wolverines, so he yvll OUNT down with safety, lay between the be intently watched. hop-off of the day's second leg at Purdue Uses Rockne Plays Augusta, Ga., and this port. Not iPurdue is struck out.I one ship faltered aloft and only Like Michigan State,Pudes h. Horns-jone well versed in the Notre Dame style or errorsne mishap, a nose-over in landing, of play under Coach Phelan's tute- p poppedlmarked the day's otherwise perfect lage. An open running game may d through !performance. be used in conjunction with several Stephen- Flying an unfamiliar ship, Henry passes by the :aas, Eng- Poindexter, Curtiss district mana- Boilermakers in >_ s, one hit,' ger at Raleigh, North Carolina, their efforts to bent a blade of his ship's propeller score. With such when his landing wheel bogged in fleet sophomore led to the the soft sand of the landing field backs as Yune hr ground- ere. witch, Purvis,r ing third. He was uninjured. The ship was WhiteyKisseying top, whose a Cessna that Earl Rowland had Ch ari T Wilson at been flyiig in the first 10 until he the ball, Trus- k out. No was stricken ill at Richmond, Vir- Ioraveling in 1 ginia, Thursday morning. Joe Mee- be in for a busy fanned. han, Ironton, Ohio, flew it through afternoon. er. Dykes three fast jumps from there to S i m r all has singled to Augusta, where Poindexter took the b e e n a igned hird and I stick. A borrowed propeller was fit- the punting du- Dahlem the throw ted tonight .and Poindexter will ties against Purdue, although as Dykes proced tomorrow to Macon, Ga., Wheeler may see action later in Seven) and Atlanta. the game. Welch will do the kick- -______;__ ing for the Boilermakers, with CARRIES ON PEACE Pope as a possible understudy. Michigan Good on Defense WITH THREE SPEECHES On defense Michigan appears to have the edge on the Boilermak- P. Staff cussion of the Palestine situation, ers, with a line that has shown and also a group of Socialist lead- real strength in the preliminary 11.-With ers, including Norman Thomas, tilts. Purdue's forward wall is nt gesture, Morris Hillquist and B. C. Vladeck.. composed largely of veterans, but MacDonald Speaking directly to descendents' they were un- is mission of British people at the noon-day: "mimpressive tn missin I ~their game with that bind luncheon, the Prime Minister said theramsasiAg people. it was all nonsense to challenge the Kansas Ag- audiences . such American citizens because in s Lack of polish ica and to a new country they sometimes re- was evidntis s on both member the past. Kas a s pleasing "If any tradition have come to gregation went peace and the shores of America from the thugh for two British Isles," he said, "these tra- touchdowns. A spoke first ditions only go to strengthen the powerful offen- auspices of allegiance to the new." ;h sive was respon- 's and St. "You take from beyond the seas sible for Pur- e English the memories of great struggles for I - due's 26-12 vic- e United democracy, for liberty, for self-de- I tory. n given in termination, for continuity of po- Poe Only one new Policy As- litical policy and evolution, for law man has been substituted in the Deech was anr order" hp. a ai+ r lrn "Vririv-Wlvrnpinp ., x SThe last speaker will be Prof. ---- 1 Benjamin W. Wheeler, of the His MIACDONALD tory department, who has spentf the past year in research inEurope. MISSION and who will discuss the pending turmoil in Austria. By James L. Webb, A. Miss Louise Cuyler, instructor in Ya L e. Theory, School of Music, will ply yWEW YORK,iter..Oct. three violin solos, and Miss Donn' NEW YORK, N. Y.Oct. Esselstyn, instructor in Piano, wifl spoken words and eloque render three piano solos. Miss Prime Minister Ramsay M Maud Okkleberg will play the ac- ri rw ar thd h compnimnt arred or issCuyer. to draw tighter the ties companiment for Miss Cuyler. the British and American Director Abbot states that many To thousands in three cards have been received from in- h g y A terested listeners of last weeks inlthis gateway to Amen countless others in home; program._sides of the Atlantic hi voice carried messages of goodwill. a ~Tet he a, The British statesmans at a luncheon under the a - St. Andrews, St. George r David's societies and th Speaking Union of th States, next at a receptio his honor by the Foreign ,,sociation and his last s